192 research outputs found

    Response of Beet Root Tubers to Gypsum, P Levels, Boron and Iron Sulphate in Salt-Affected Soils

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    A field-experiment was conducted in salt-affected soils of Dodda Seebi tank command area of Tumkur district, Karnataka during rabi season of 2007 to study effect of gypsum, P level, borax and iron sulphate on beet root tuber yield and nutrient uptake. Treatments included two main-plot treatments, viz., M0: Control (without gypsum) and M1: gypsum application @ 9.0 t ha-1 and eight sub-plot treatments, viz., S1: Phosphorus @ 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, S2: Phosphorus @ 150 kg P2O5 ha-1, S3: S1 + Borax @ 5 kg ha-1, S4: S2 + Borax @ 5 kg ha-1, S5: S1 + FeSO5 @ 25 kg ha-1, S6: S2 + FeSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1, S7: S3 + FeSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 and S8: S4 + FeSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1. Recommended N and K were applied to all treatments. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Beet root, a salt-tolerant crop, was sown for testing its performance in salt-affected soils. Significantly higher tuber yield of 12.70 t ha-1 was realized when the crop received gypsum @ 9.0 t ha-1 compared to control (7.73 t ha-1), besides higher nutrient uptake by the tubers. Among the nutrients, application of P at higher level (150 kg P2O5 ha-1) plus recommended NK along with borax and iron sulphate realized higher tuber yield (15.72 t ha-1) as well as nutrients uptake by tubers. Crop that received gypsum in combination with P at a higher level plus recommended NK, along with borax and iron sulphate, resulted in highest tuber yield (19.72 t ha-1) and nutrient uptake

    Genetic divergence in betelvine (Piper betle L.)

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    Genetic divergence was assessed in a population of 51 genotypes of betelvine (Piper betle) for seven characters using Mahalanobis D2 technique. The genotypes were grouped into six clusters. The clustering pattern of the genotype was random and did not follow geographical origin, indicating that geographical isolation may not be the only factor causing genetic diversity. Leaf area contributed maximum towards genetic diversity in betelvine. Cluster analysis revealed wide genetic distance between Cluster V and Cluster VI followed by Cluster IV and Cluster VI, and Cluster III and Cluster V. Thus, selections of parents from the clusters with high inter and intra cluster distance will help to obtain substantial heterosis in respect of economic traits during hybridization programme. &nbsp


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    Wireless sensor structures (WSNs) are more and more body deployed in freedom-critical applications. Because of their instinctive resource-constrained characteristics, they are ready to different insurance hurts, and an enraged hole hurt is a type of besiege that badly affects data assortment. To achieve that challenge, a keen uncovers ion-based care and protection routing proposal picked Active Trust is planned for WSNs. The most essential vicissitude of Active Trust is full avoids spotted holes over the enthusiastic production of offinding transmits to hurriedly disclose and procure nodal protection and thus progress the data line confidence. More essentially, the period and transport of finding lines require in the Active Trust scenario, whatever can amply use the potential in non-hotspots to start as many uncover ion lines as desired to produce the desired insurance and strength adaptability. Both sweeping imaginative search and developmental results imply that the show of the Active Trust blueprint is correct than that of preceding studies. Active Trust can kind of boost the data road prosperity feasibility and ingenuity in contrast to hostile hole besieges and can correct chain lifetime


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    A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method employing acid-dye technique was developed for the estimation of etoricoxib in pharmaceutical dosage form. The proposed method is based on the formation of ion-pair complex of etoricoxib with an acid dye, which is extracted into chloroform and the absorbance measured at the λmax of the complex. The λmax of the ion-pair complex was found to be 414nm. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 10-80 µg/ml .The proposed method is statistically validated and found to be useful for the routine determination of etoricoxib in tablets. Keywords: Etoricoxib, Spectrophotometry, Charge transfer complex, Tablets, Validation

    Ankyloglossia, rare anomaly of tongue in adults: A case study

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    Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is poorly defined and involves a short, thick, fibrosed, or fixed lingual frenulum. Ankyloglossia has been reported to cause feeding difficulties, dysarthria, dyspnea, and social or mechanical problems. Ankyloglossia occurs in 1.7% of all neonates. As age advances, frenulum grows in length and normal function is established. Frenulectomy is recommended if it persists. We have also come across with the case of Tongue Tie in one of our patient. He is 19 years in age pursuing his graduation. He has got tongue tie which is persisting since birth.A. S. Ankur, B. Pradeep, N. Satyanarayana, K. Ruchi, K.Varun, K. Neha, P. Sunitha, N.Redd

    Ethanol production from xylose by pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124 in a stirred tank bioreactor

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    The ethanol production by Pichia stipitis was evaluated in a stirred tank bioreactor using semidefined medium containing xylose (90.0 g/l) as the main carbon source. Experimental assays were performed according to a 22 full factorial design to evaluate the influence of aeration (0.25 to 0.75 vvm) and agitation (150 to 250 rpm) conditions on ethanol production. In the studied range of values, the agitation increase and aeration decrease favored ethanol production, which was maximum (26.7 g/l) using 250 rpm and 0.25 vvm, conditions that gave a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa value) of 4.9 h-1. Under these conditions, the ethanol yield factor, ethanol productivity, and the process efficiency were 0.32 g/g, 0.32 g/l.h, and 63%, respectively. These results are promising and contribute to the development of a suitable process for ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis.The authors gratefully acknowledge Santander, Fapesp, Capes, and CNPq (Brazil)

    Transcriptomic and biochemical investigations support the role of rootstock-scion interaction in grapevine berry quality

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    Background In viticulture, rootstock genotype plays a critical role to improve scion physiology, berry quality and to adapt grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.) to different environmental conditions. This study aimed at investigating the effect of two different rootstocks (1103 Paulsen - P - and Mgt 101-14 - M) in comparison with not grafted plants - NGC - on transcriptome (RNA-seq and small RNA-seq) and chemical composition of berry skin inPinot noir, and exploring the influence of rootstock-scion interaction on grape quality. Berry samples, collected at veraison and maturity, were investigated at transcriptional and biochemical levels to depict the impact of rootstock on berry maturation. Results RNA- and miRNA-seq analyses highlighted that, at veraison, the transcriptomes of the berry skin are extremely similar, while variations associated with the different rootstocks become evident at maturity, suggesting a greater diversification at transcriptional level towards the end of the ripening process. In the experimental design, resembling standard agronomic growth conditions, the vines grafted on the two different rootstocks do not show a high degree of diversity. In general, the few genes differentially expressed at veraison were linked to photosynthesis, putatively because of a ripening delay in not grafted vines, while at maturity the differentially expressed genes were mainly involved in the synthesis and transport of phenylpropanoids (e.g. flavonoids), cell wall loosening, and stress response. These results were supported by some differences in berry phenolic composition detected between grafted and not grafted plants, in particular in resveratrol derivatives accumulation. Conclusions Transcriptomic and biochemical data demonstrate a stronger impact of 1103 Paulsen rootstock than Mgt 101-14 or not grafted plants on ripening processes related to the secondary metabolite accumulations in berry skin tissue. Interestingly, theMYB14gene, involved in the feedback regulation of resveratrol biosynthesis was up-regulated in 1103 Paulsen thus supporting a putative greater accumulation of stilbenes in mature berries

    A Framework For Detecting Noncoding Rare-Variant associations of Large-Scale Whole-Genome Sequencing Studies

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    Large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies have enabled analysis of noncoding rare-variant (RV) associations with complex human diseases and traits. Variant-set analysis is a powerful approach to study RV association. However, existing methods have limited ability in analyzing the noncoding genome. We propose a computationally efficient and robust noncoding RV association detection framework, STAARpipeline, to automatically annotate a whole-genome sequencing study and perform flexible noncoding RV association analysis, including gene-centric analysis and fixed window-based and dynamic window-based non-gene-centric analysis by incorporating variant functional annotations. In gene-centric analysis, STAARpipeline uses STAAR to group noncoding variants based on functional categories of genes and incorporate multiple functional annotations. In non-gene-centric analysis, STAARpipeline uses SCANG-STAAR to incorporate dynamic window sizes and multiple functional annotations. We apply STAARpipeline to identify noncoding RV sets associated with four lipid traits in 21,015 discovery samples from the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program and replicate several of them in an additional 9,123 toPMed samples. We also analyze five non-lipid toPMed traits

    CEO Profile and Earnings Quality

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    This paper introduces the PSCORE, which aggregates nine personal characteristics of chief executive officers (CEOs), to signal the quality of earnings. The PSCORE is a composite score based on publicly available data on CEOs. The study reports strong positive relationships between the PSCORE and two different proxies for earnings quality, (i) discretionary accruals and (ii) financial statement errors, measured by deviations of the first digits of figures reported in financial statements from those expected by Benford’s Law. Further analyses indicate that the relationships between the PSCORE and the proxies for earnings quality become more pronounced when CEOs have high equity-based compensation incentives. The findings have some implications for practitioners
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