62 research outputs found

    Conformational Dynamics between B- and Z-DNA probed via single-molecule FRET

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    Single-Molecule Three-Color FRET with Both Negligible Spectral Overlap and Long Observation Time

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    Full understanding of complex biological interactions frequently requires multi-color detection capability in doing single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. Existing single-molecule three-color FRET techniques, however, suffer from severe photobleaching of Alexa 488, or its alternative dyes, and have been limitedly used for kinetics studies. In this work, we developed a single-molecule three-color FRET technique based on the Cy3-Cy5-Cy7 dye trio, thus providing enhanced observation time and improved data quality. Because the absorption spectra of three fluorophores are well separated, real-time monitoring of three FRET efficiencies was possible by incorporating the alternating laser excitation (ALEX) technique both in confocal microscopy and in total-internal-reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy

    Dynamic competition of DsrA and rpoS fragments for the proximal binding site of Hfq as a means for efficient annealing

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    Hfq is a key regulator involved in multiple aspects of stress tolerance and virulence of bacteria. There has been an intriguing question as to how this RNA chaperone achieves two completely opposite functions—annealing and unwinding—for different RNA substrates. To address this question, we studied the Hfq-mediated interaction of fragments of a non-coding RNA, DsrA, with its mRNA target rpoS by using single-molecule fluorescence techniques. These experiments permitted us to observe the mechanistic steps of Hfq-mediated RNA annealing/unwinding at the single-molecule level, for the first time. Our real-time observations reveal that, even if the ring-shaped Hfq displays multiple binding sites for its interaction with RNA, the regulatory RNA and the mRNA compete for the same binding site. The competition makes the RNA-Hfq interaction dynamic and, surprisingly, increases the overall annealing efficiency by properly aligning the two RNAs. We furthermore reveal that when Hfq specifically binds to only one of the two RNAs, the unwinding process dominates over the annealing process, thus shedding a new light on the substrate selectivity for annealing or unwinding. Finally, our results demonstrate for the first time that a single Hfq hexamer is sufficient to facilitate sRNA–mRNA annealing

    Spectroscopic observation of RNA chaperone activities of Hfq in post-transcriptional regulation by a small non-coding RNA

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    Hfq protein is vital for the function of many non-coding small (s)RNAs in bacteria but the mechanism by which Hfq facilitates the function of sRNA is still debated. We developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay to probe how Hfq modulates the interaction between a sRNA, DsrA, and its regulatory target mRNA, rpoS. The relevant RNA fragments were labelled so that changes in intra- and intermolecular RNA structures can be monitored in real time. Our data show that Hfq promotes the strand exchange reaction in which the internal structure of rpoS is replaced by pairing with DsrA such that the Shine-Dalgarno sequence of the mRNA becomes exposed. Hfq appears to carry out strand exchange by inducing rapid association of DsrA and a premelted rpoS and by aiding in the slow disruption of the rpoS secondary structure. Unexpectedly, Hfq also disrupts a preformed complex between rpoS and DsrA. While it may not be a frequent event in vivo, this melting activity may have implications in the reversal of sRNA-based regulation. Overall, our data suggests that Hfq not only promotes strand exchange by binding rapidly to both DsrA and rpoS but also possesses RNA chaperoning properties that facilitates dynamic RNA–RNA interactions

    Accelerated FRET-PAINT microscopy

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    Abstract Recent development of FRET-PAINT microscopy significantly improved the imaging speed of DNA-PAINT, the previously reported super-resolution fluorescence microscopy with no photobleaching problem. Here we try to achieve the ultimate speed limit of FRET-PAINT by optimizing the camera speed, dissociation rate of DNA probes, and bleed-through of the donor signal to the acceptor channel, and further increase the imaging speed of FRET-PAINT by 8-fold. Super-resolution imaging of COS-7 microtubules shows that high-quality 40-nm resolution images can be obtained in just tens of seconds