8 research outputs found

    Development of qualitative GC MS method for simultaneous identification of PM-CCM a modified illicit drugs preparation and its modern-day application in drug-facilitated crimes

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    Prescriptions for psychoactive substances such as Pregabalin, Methamphetamine, Caffeine, Clonazepam and Mirtazapine (PM-CCM) are common in the treatment of a variety of disorders. Indeed, the PM-CCM has been used in different therapeutic areas, including insomnia, anxiety, seizure disorders, etc. Unfortunately, these psychoactive substances are present in the illegal street market, leading to a lot of drug abuse among some addicted users, road insecurity and suicide. Hence, it has become essential to validate and develop a rapid and effective method to analyze the PM-CCM, a modified illicit drug, for drug abuse in the forensic sciences. A simple, rapid, specific and sensitive Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS) method has been developed for the identification of Pregabalin, Methamphetamine, Caffeine, Clonazepam and Mirtazapine (PM-CCM) in forensic exhibits. At room temperature, the sample was ultrasonicated for 5 minutes before being extracted with methanol. A highly precise auto-injector is used to inject a very small quantity of samples for analysis. Helium is used as a carrier gas with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The separation of PM-CCM was performed on SH-RXi-5 MS, ID.25 mm, film thickness. 25 µm, length of 30 m column. The constituents of PM-CCM were identified by the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z ratio) of fragments of the parent compound by comparing them with the NIST-17 MS Library. Separation and identification of PM-CCM were achieved within a 15-minute run. The proposed method has been successfully used for the routine analysis of PM-CCM in complex illicit drug preparations and in forensic exhibits as well. The application of above discussed qualitative analysis method and screening of PM-CCM, modified illicit drug samples demonstrates the potential and applicability of the technique to the fast chemical profiling of illicit samples. &nbsp

    Application and utility of alternative methods in isolation of pure cells from forensic biological mixtures in modern-day: a review

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    Development of genetic profiles from the biological mixtures has remained challenging, although modern-day technologies may help forensic scientists to attain a reliable genetic profile in the identification of the accused. In the case of rape, vaginal swab exhibits usually contain epithelial cells of victims and sperm cells of accused, such samples are more challenging when there is more than one contributor. In such cases, separation of distinct cells from a mixture that includes blood cells, epithelial cells and sperm cells for their single genetic profile is important. In the last ten decades several new techniques were developed and invented for the separation of single cell from the biological mixture that includes differential lysis, laser micro-dissection, cell sorting (FACS), sieve-based filtration, (vi) micro-fluidic devices or immunomagnetic beads cell separation of fresh samples, and the magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS). Out of them, some techniques have been commonly applied for cell separation in forensic biology. Each technique has its own limitation. Some recent studies showed, magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS), laser capture microdissection (LCM), DEPArray technology and fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) has proved to be effective in separation of single cell from cell mixtures. Therefore, in this review we have evaluated these four alternative methods and their potential application in the modern-day over the others for the separation of a single cell from the mixture. In this review we also discuss the advantage of these methods and their modern–day applicability and acceptance in the forensic world

    Xpert MTB/RIF assay can be used on archived gastric aspirate and induced sputum samples for sensitive diagnosis of paediatric tuberculosis

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) in children is neglected, mainly due to lack of sensitive diagnostic tools. Recently Xpert MTB/RIF assay has revolutionized the diagnostic field, but its usefulness in pediatric TB has not been reported from India and no report is available on its use on long term archived samples. Methods: We recruited 130 pediatric patients with probable intrathoracic tuberculosis and their gastric aspirate (GA) and induced sputum (IS) samples on 2 consecutive days were collected between January 2009 and December 2012. All samples (n = 520) were subjected to smear examination, BACTEC-MGIT culture and in-house multiplex PCR. An aliquot of each sample was stored at −80 °C and tested in Xpert MTB/RIF assay in 2013. Results: Sample wise and patient wise detection rate of smear microscopy was 4.4 % and 10 %, while for BACTEC-MGIT culture this rate was 24.4 % and 46.9 %, respectively. Of the 130 day 1 GA samples, 31.5 % and 27.7 % day 2 GA samples were culture positive. Only 17.7 % GA samples were positive on both days. Of the 130 IS samples collected on day 1 and day 2, 15.4 % and 23.1 % samples were culture positive. A combination of GA and IS yielded best results. Combining both GA and IS, the overall sensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF on smear and culture positive samples was 95.6 %. In smear negative and culture positive samples its sensitivity was 62.5 %. The duration of sample storage impacted the Xpert MTB/RIF test performance (p = 0.0001). In smear positive samples stored for 650–849 days, its sensitivity was 85.7 % and 77.1 % for IS and GA samples which dropped to 33.3 % and 50 %, respectively, if stored for more than 1050 days. Discussion: Confirmatory diagnosis of tuberculosis particularly in children is a medical challenge. No laboratory or radiological test can reach to a satisfactory level of diagnostic sensitivity. However, in this study we foundthat combination of multiple samples and multiple diagnostic tests can give much better yield, though notoptimum. In present study, combination of 2 gastric aspirates (GA) and 2 induced sputum (IS) samples collected on two consecutive days, and tested on three diagnostic methods yielded a significantly high detection rate. Despite long term storage, the overall sensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF on smear and -culture positive samples remained very high. But after storing these samples under subfreezing conditions thesensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF decreased significantly. This is expected because even if the sample is smear and culture positive, the count of surviving mycobacteria goes down, after several years this count can reach to a undetectable level. Conclusion: This report shows that smear and culture positive samples stored at subfreezing conditions for several years can be used in the Xpert MTB/RIF assay, while maintaining appreciable diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity

    Pre-clinical pharmacology: An important aspect in homoeopathic research

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    Background: Before the 20th century, research in Homeopathy was limited either for its proving in healthy human volunteers or to its clinical verification/clinical efficacy in diseased individuals. However, in recent years, there has been an increased trend in the number of pre-clinical studies aimed to evaluate the pharmacological activity produced by homeopathic medicines. The objective of this review is to make a systemic compilation of results of experimental pharmacological findings of homeopathic medicines, both in vitro and in animal models, and to present the same in a summarised form. Methods: Articles published up to March 2017 having information of in vitro and in vivo studies using homeopathic medicines were collected from the PubMed database, review articles, scientific reports, research articles, thesis, online information extracted from Medline, etc. to compile this review. The articles from the most common therapeutic areas such as antimicrobial effect, central nervous system disorders, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, anticancer, wound healing, antiasthmatic and liver toxicity and other therapeutic areas such as diabetes and malaria were included in this review. Results: This review article not only provides the scientific approaches applied in Homeopathy research but also provides evidence-based information on pharmacological effects of dilutions/potencies as well as mother tincture of different homeopathic drugs. This review article also reveals the use of improved methodology, molecular techniques and analytical part adopted in recently published research articles to understand the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines. Conclusion: Homeopathy has substantial scope in pre-clinical research where therapeutic and biological effects of homeopathic medicines with proper mechanism of action can be traced out with the use of modern molecular techniques in in vivo and in vitro experiments

    Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (ICAMCS-2022)

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    It is a great privilege for us to present the abstract book of ICAMCS-2022 to the authors and the delegates of the event. We hope that you will find it useful, valuable, aspiring, and inspiring. This book is a record of abstracts of the keynote talks, invited talks, and papers presented by the participants, which indicates the progress and state of development in research at the time of writing the research article. It is an invaluable asset to all researchers. The book provides a permanent record of this asset. Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational SciencesConference Acronym: ICAMCS-2022Conference Date: 12-14 October 2022Conference Organizers: DIT University, Dehradun, IndiaConference Mode: Online (Virtual