16 research outputs found
Minat untuk bercocok tanam pada masyarakat urban semakin meningkat. Hal tersebut juga didorong dengan berkurangnya luas lahan pertanian yang semakin berkurang tiap tahun di daerah perkotaan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan teknologi untuk melakukan penanaman namun tidak menggunakan tanah dan cocok dengan masyarakat urban yang sering memanfaatkan teknologi. Akuaponik ada sebagai salah satu solusi untuk memecahkan masalah untuk menanam tanaman tanpa menggunakan tanah. Dengan memanfaatkan tekologi yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat urban, dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat urban maka dibuatlah sistem aquaponik berbasis IoT. Untuk mengetahui apakah sistem akuaponik sudah berjalan baik maka dilakukan pengujian pada sistem akuaponik, sistem monitoring dan sistem controlling. Pada sistem akuaponik dilakukan pengujian dengan melakukan penanaman pada sayuran, pada monitoring dilakukan pengetesan data yang masuk, dan pada monitoring dilakukan pengetesan pada output yang dilakukan. Hasil dari pengujian sistem adalah sistem sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik karena seluruh hasil dari pengetesan menyatakan berhasil. Setelah sistem dapat berjalan dengan baik maka dicari sebuah metode yang dapat mengukur perbedaan hasil kualitas pada air yang digunakan pada sebelum diterapkannya sistem otomatis dengan kualitas air setelah diterapkan sistem otomatis, yaitu menggunakan metode logika fuzzy. Hasil dari pengolahan logika fuzzy dengan pengambilan sebanyak 20 sampel kondisi air pada sebelum diterapkan sistem otomatis adalah seluruh sampel menyatakan kondisi buruk, kemudian diambil 20 sampel pada kondisi air setelah diterapkannya sistem otomatis, seluruh hasil dari sampel menyatakan kondisi baik
Daya Terima Masyarakat Terhadap Keberadaan Perusahaan Dengan Pendekatan (Social License To Operate) Di Desa Tani Baru Kecamatan Anggana
Research on Community Acceptance of the Company's Existence weaving the SLO instrument developed by Thomson and Boutilier (2011), the research uses a two-stage qualitative approach, the first uses a benchmark of SLO perception value then the findings are confirmed to key stakeholders. The results showed that SLO is at Acceptance/high tolerance, i.e. that the company has crossed the threshold of legitimacy to operate. High acceptance/tolerance is a temporary willingness to tolerate the company's operations, thus the company's operating environment is not stable with the potential for turmoil that can be disruptive.Research on Community Acceptance of the Company's Existence weaving the SLO instrument developed by Thomson and Boutilier (2011), the research uses a two-stage qualitative approach, the first uses a benchmark of SLO perception value then the findings are confirmed to key stakeholders. The results showed that SLO is at Acceptance/high tolerance, i.e. that the company has crossed the threshold of legitimacy to operate. High acceptance/tolerance is a temporary willingness to tolerate the company's operations, thus the company's operating environment is not stable with the potential for turmoil that can be disruptive
Reformulation of Business Strategies for Increasing Sales of TIN Product Stabilizer at PT Timah Industri
PT. Timah Industri (PT TI) is a subsidiary of PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk which exploit comparative advantage of its parent company as the second largest tin producer in the world. With these advantages PT TI entered the downstream PVC stabilizer tin base. Starting from the difficulty of selling their products and then raised the question in inventory management. PT TI should immediately take strategic steps to save the tin chemical business continues to lose money from time to time. From the results of an exploratory study on the issue of business acquired four main issues, namely: on the product and marketing, material, financial and managerial. Then advised there are three (3) basic strategies that can be selected as the main basic approaches for achieving the strategic objectives of PT TI market development, product development strategy and strategic alliance strategies. This new formulation of business strategies to use PT TI Business Model Canvas in 2013 and used as the basis for the application of Diamond Strategy until the end of 2015 which includes a focus on the core business, forming strategic alliances, developing a network of distribution channels and financial restructuring in the hope that the business of PT TI can continue to survive and thrive, and sustained in the future
Studi ilmiah tentang litotipe, petrografi organik, dan komposisi kimia telah dilakukan pada tujuh sampel batubara yang berasal dari dua formasi berbeda yaitu Formasi Pulubalang dan Formasi Balikpapan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis perbedaan karakter batubara pada kedua formasi tersebut yang ditinjau dari komposisi material organik, lingkungan pengendapan, tingkat kematangan, dan komposisi kimianya. Batubara pada kedua formasi secara makroskopis menunjukkan perbedaan kilap dan hadirnya lapisan pengotor di dalam tubuh batubara. Batubara Formasi Pulubalang memiliki kilap yang lebih cerah dan sedikit sekali hadir lapisan pengotor jika dibandingkan terhadap batubara Formasi Balikpapan. Perbedaan tersebut juga sangat jelas terlihat dari hasil pengukuran reflektan vitrinit dan nilai kalor yang membuktikan bahwa Formasi Pulubalang memiliki peringkat (rank) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Formasi Balikpapan. Berdasarkan komposisi maseralnya, batubara Formasi Pulubalang diindikasikan terbentuk pada zona telmatik, lingkungan pengendapan lower delta plain, dan stadia wet forest swamp. Adapun batubara pada Formasi Balikpapan terbentuk pada zona telmatik, lingkungan upper delta plain, dan stadia wet forest swamp. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil analisis komposisi kimia menunjukkan bahwa batubara Formasi Pulubalang memiliki nilai abu yang lebih rendah dan nilai sulfur yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Formasi Balikpapan. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa batubara Formasi Pulubalang selama proses pembentukannya masih dipengaruhi oleh air laut dan sedikit dipengaruhi material pengotor dari lingkungan darat. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa batubara pada kedua formasi memiliki karakter yang berbeda ditinjau dari pendekatan ilmiah yang telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dapat berguna sebagai data pendukung untuk penelitian selanjutnya di dalam mengidentifikasi potensi gas hidrokarbon di daerah ini
At present, the application of the Omnibus Law or “Omnibus Law” has become the political will of the President because it has been officially presented before the Plenary Session of the MPR-RI at the inauguration ceremony of President Joko Widodo on October 20, 2019 ago. However, the omnibus law policy is only for 2 bills, namely the bills related to Job Creation and bills related to Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. However, the mention of the two Laws in the President’s official speech can be considered only as an example or as a “pilot project”. The problem in this paper is how is the omnibus law in the process of simplifying legislation in Indonesia? To overcome the tendency towards less productive national legislation, several changes in national legislation and policies are needed. First, the legislative mechanism can be made simpler, including the format of the law can be arranged to be simpler. Second, each law has an equal position with other laws. Therefore, to ensure that there is integration in every agenda for the formation of laws, the practice of ‘omnibus law’ as a custom formed in the ‘common law’ system since 1937 can be applied in Indonesia, even though Indonesia adheres to the tradition of ‘civil law’ syste
Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat (Skm) Manfaat Pemberian Laptop Untuk 1 Rt Di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Tahun 2020
This study aims to determine the level of performance and level of satisfaction of Neighbourhood (RT) services in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Respondents in this research are the people or residents who have done management or who have received public services to the Head of the RT in the Tenggarong sub-district, as many as 207 respondents. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the cumulative achievement of the IKM measurement results was 74.99. This means that in general the implementation of the program of providing 1 (one) Laptop 1 (one) Neighbourhood (RT) in Tenggarong District by the Population and Civil Registration Service of Kutai Kartanegara Regency according to Permen PAN RB No. 14 of 2017 is classified as unfavorable. Of all the elements and service areas according to Permen PAN RB No. 14 of 2017 in the unfavorable category has a range of values (65.00 - 76.60), which can be described as follows: Service Procedure (76.33), Service Time (72.28), Product service specifications (74.28), Executive Competence (73,31), Complaint
Handling Services (73,13), Infrastructure (74.11).
Keywords: Service Quality, Community Satisfactio
Kajian Kebutuhan Pasca Bencana (Bidang Rehabilitasi Dan Rekonstruksi) Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara (Kajian Di Desa Tuana Tuha Kenohan)
This research was conducted through a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) which included assessing the consequences of disasters, disaster impacts, and post-disaster recovery needs. The research method used in this study is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach, which aims to explain a phenomenon that uses numbers and describes the characteristics of the subject being studied or researched so as to get a picture of a certain event. Damage to infrastructure that occurred in the disaster located in Tuana Tuha Village, Kenohan District due to erosion caused physical losses to the land transportation sub-sector, water resources sub-sector, clean water and lighting sub-sector. Given the damage to roads and bridges that connect several sub-districts in the Sungai Belayan area in Kuti Kartanegara Regency, it has an impact on economic, educational, social, cultural and other aspects, from the results of this study, it is appropriate for the Government to pay attention and accommodate proposals in the form of funds. , procurement of materials or repairs, relocation areas and other relevant recommendations from the results of the post-disaster Needs study that occurred in the Keliran hamlet, Tuana Tuha Village, Kenohan sub-district which was affected by the disaster
Penanganan Anak Rawan Pendidikan di Daerah Terpencil
This study was an effort to seek a solution in handling the uneducated children in the context of nine-year compulsory education. It was carried out in Hargobelah, Nganjuk, East Java. Data were collected from the uneducated children, parents and formal or informal leaders by questionnaire, interview, group discussion, and documentary study. Quantitative-percentage technique was applied to analyze the data. The main solution suggested was that the children should be involved in a job training program with financial incentives and, at the same time, be participated in Package A/B program