71 research outputs found

    Elderly women's experiences of support when living with congestive heart failure

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    Heart failure is a chronic syndrome that has physiological, psychological and social effects. The aim of the study was to illuminate the meanings of support as experienced by elderly women with chronic heart failure. Narrative interviews were conducted with five elderly women with chronic heart failure. A phenomenological hermeneutic method of interpretation was used. The meanings of support were experienced by the women out of two perspectives, that is, when support is present and when there is a lack of support. The findings were revealed in two themes: “Feeling confident means support” and “Feeling abandoned”. The women do not wish to be a burden. They want to be independent as much as possible to defend their dignity. An important support to the women is that they are understood and confirmed in their illness. Supportive relations are most valuable, that is, a relationship that supports the women's independence. If there is no supportive relationship, they feel like a burden to others and they feel lonely; this loneliness creates suffering and counteracts wellbeing and health

    Support to Women Entrepreneurs - of Many Kinds and for Many Reasons

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    “Entrepreneurship “ has a positive connotation. The concept of “entrepreneurship” is, however, hard to define, and consequently the  “ hunt for Entrepreneurs” takes place in a haze (Berglund, 2007).  There is no  consensus in research on what constitutes entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Examples of different points of view, include whether or not entrepreneurship is a process or if it is connected to an individual or maybe a collective rather than to one person (Steyart & Landström, 2011).   Often, in practice as well as in research, small firm owners and the self-employed are equated with entrepreneurship and consequently, small, new firms are supposed to be more innovative than big, old ones (Blackburn & Kovalainen, 2008). In practice, we know that far from all small firms and small firm owners are entrepreneurial in the established research-definitions of the concept, and that on the other hand, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship can be found in all kinds of organizations (Hjorth, 2012; Kovalainen & Sundin,  2012). In this article the terms entrepreneurs and small-firm-owners/self-employed/owner-managers will be used  as synonyms, as that is how they are used in the empirical material

    Les hommes font toujours l’affaire ! Ségrégation sexuelle et processus de hiérarchisation : l’exemple du commerce

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    This article is based on the studies stemming from the Swedish White paper "Men are always in business !" which deals with the gendered division of power and economic resources. It concerns the retail trade sector and highlights the way in which the enterprise culture influences the relations between women and men in this sector, whether this through strategies for change or in the implementation of equal opportunities measures. We see in particular that while management policy always plays a key role in the process of segregation and hierarchization, decision-making power is relatively spread out among the different levels of the enterprise, and that more or less space is left to individual initiative.Cet article s’appuie sur l’étude Les hommes font toujours l 'affaire ! qui émane du Livre blanc suédois. Il concerne le secteur du commerce de détail et met en lumière la façon dont la culture d’entreprise influe sur les rapports entre hommes et femmes dans ce secteur, que ce soit au travers des stratégies de changement, ou dans l’application de mesures d’égalité. On y voit notamment que si la politique de la direction joue toujours un rôle clé dans le processus de ségrégation et de hiérarchisation, le pouvoir de décision est relativement dispersé aux divers échelons de l’entreprise, et qu’un espace plus ou moins large est laissé aux stratégies individuelles.Sundin Elisabeth. Les hommes font toujours l’affaire ! Ségrégation sexuelle et processus de hiérarchisation : l’exemple du commerce. In: Cahiers du Genre, N°27, 2000. Suède : l'égalité des sexes en question. pp. 95-124

    Care in SMEs : the hidden social entrepreneurship

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    Intraprenörskapets förändrade betingelser

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    kapitlets viktigaste, och oroande, budskap är att den offentliga sektorns omvandling så som den nu genomförs inspirerad av New Public Management minskar entreprenöriella personers och processers möjligheter att verka. Vägen till den slutsatsen går över introduktion av, och diskussioner om, entreprenörskap och intraprenörskap. Det sistnämnda, det inomorganisatoriska entreprenörskapet, är starkt kontextbundet vilket medför att den offentliga sektorns särdrag måste presenteras för att få förståelse för individernas handlingar. New Public Management i sin svenska ”tappning” föregår sedan en genomgång av forskningsresultat av vad sentida omorganisationer inom offentlig sektor inneburit för olika personalkategorier; ledare och chefer, professionella och de längst ned i organisationerna. Exempel från kommunal, landsting och statlig verksamhet elaboreras i en spekulativ avslutning på temat ”vad skulle exempelentreprenörerna kunnat göra om dagens styr- och kontrollsystem tillämpats då de handlade”? Slutsatsen är inte en utan flera kontext- och individberoende men sammantaget negativa om det är entreprenörskap inom offentlig sektor som önskas