1,727 research outputs found

    Hilbert von Neumann modules

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    We introduce a way of regarding Hilbert von Neumann modules as spaces of operators between Hilbert space, not unlike [Skei], but in an apparently much simpler manner and involving far less machinery. We verify that our definition is equivalent to that of [Skei], by verifying the `Riesz lemma' or what is called `self-duality' in [Skei]. An advantage with our approach is that we can totally side-step the need to go through CC^*-modules and avoid the two stages of completion - first in norm, then in the strong operator topology - involved in the former approach. We establish the analogue of the Stinespring dilation theorem for Hilbert von Neumann bimodules, and we develop our version of `internal tensor products' which we refer to as Connes fusion for obvious reasons. In our discussion of examples, we examine the bimodules arising from automorphisms of von Neumann algebras, verify that fusion of bimodules corresponds to composition of automorphisms in this case, and that the isomorphism class of such a bimodule depends only on the inner conjugacy class of the automorphism. We also relate Jones' basic construction to the Stinespring dilation associated to the conditional expectation onto a finite-index inclusion (by invoking the uniqueness assertion regarding the latter).Comment: 20 page

    A unified model of variable amplitude metal fatigue

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    Усталость алюминиевых сплавов представляет собой процесс роста трещины с первого цикла нагружения, начиная с усталостным отделением вторичных частиц от матрицы. Этот процесс обладает стадийностью, связанной с механизмом местного микроскопического разрушения, приводящего к удлинению трещины. Идентифицированы пять явно отличающихся между собой механизмов. Некоторые из них очень чувствительны последовательности нагружения. Данная работа посвящена описанию разных механизмов удлинения трещины, характеристик их действия и определению интервалов степени удлинения трещины. Циклическое скольжение и пластическая деформация играют незначительную роль в определении долговечности. Наиболее опасную роль в ограничении долговечности играет хрупкое разрушение поверхности кончика трещины в связи с поверхностной химии, которой в свою очередь контролируют местные остаточные напряжения. Последнее также служит основным научным обоснованием эффекта среднего (или остаточного) напряжения в усталости. В будущих исследовательских работах, наибольшую актуальность представляют количественная оценка доли отдельных механизмов удлинения трещины и аналитическое моделирование самой работы механизмов, а также влияния на них предыстории нагружения. При этом, следует иметь в виду, что по мимо характеристики движущей силы трещины, особое внимание следует обращать на изменяемое сопротивления самого материала

    The Effect of Trading Option Type Claims on the Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets (A Preliminary Report)

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    Recent theories in economics claim that markets solve not only the classical allocation problem of getting buyers and sellers together efficiently but that markets can also perform another function. Namely, markets can aggregate and disseminate information. By watching the price of a stock, "outsiders" can infer what insiders know. This is a variant of the rational expectations hypothesis. If a group of insiders are competing for securities in the market, someone outside the firm can learn almost anything about the company by simply watching the economic consequences of the behavior of these people. This incredible idea is that markets themselves can serve to aggregate and disseminate information that no one in particular has an interest in allowing other people to know. Our original research was based on the assumption that this idea is bananas. In this talk I will provide you with some brief impressions of what we have observed


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    Objective: The present paper describes the development and evaluation of a Novel Finasteride (FSD) nanogel topical delivery for the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. Nano-based topical formulation was chosen to enhance the solubility, permeability, biocompatibility of drug and to overcome the problems associated with the oral delivery of finasteride. Methods: Various trails batches were prepared by using probe sonication method. Based on stability studies and particle size, NP4 trail was optimized which exhibited a spherical shape with a mean diameter of 113.80±0.72, the polydispersity of 0.28±0.01, zeta potential of-25.2 mV, drug entrapment efficiency of 92.67±0.47 %, and drug loading of 6.15±0.02 %. Storage stability studies demonstrated that the particle size and entrapment efficiency were not changed during 3 mo both at 4 °C and room temperature. Finasteride (FSD) NLCs were characterized for particle size by scanning electron microscope (SEM), chemical state by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), physical stability by centrifugation and thermodynamic stability by Freeze-thaw method. These prepared nanoparticles were transformed into topical nanogel and further evaluated. Results: Among the different trails, C2 trail of NLC gel has shown excellent gelling capacity, clear appearance, good viscosity characteristics and was selected for further evaluation studies. Batches of topical nanogel were characterized through pH, homogeneity, spreadability, viscosity, drug content and in vitro drug release study. Based on pH (6.5-6.8), drug content (91.25±0.9%), spreadability (6.7 cm/sec), C2 batch was subjected to In vitro skin occlusivity study, in-vitro release study and In vitro heamolysis study. Conclusion: The percent cumulative drug release for Finasteride (FSD) gel was found to be 758.52±1.49 µg at 24 h which is quite higher than plain gel and Finasteride (FSD) gel showed maximum occlusiveness and excellent spreadability and found to be stable. In conclusion, prepared Finasteride (FSD) Nanogel could be used with promising potential for the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

    Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets with Insider Information: An Application of Rational-Expectations Models

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    The study reports on the applicability of competing models of market information integration and dissemination in explaining the behavior of simple laboratory, one-period security markets. Returns to the security depended upon a randomly chosen state of nature. Some agents (insiders), whose identity was unknown to other agents, knew the state before the markets opened. With replication of market conditions a model based upon rational expectations principles is relatively accurate. Prices adjusted immediately to near rational expectations prices; profits of insiders were virtually indistinguishable from noninsiders; and efficiency levels converged to near 100 percent

    Development of GIS- and GPS-Based Intelligent Network-Level Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation System

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    A user-friendly road maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) system has been developed to find cost effective strategies for maintaining road networks in a serviceable condition. Pavement condition data and spatial road network data were collected using a GPS palmtop, segregated and arranged spatially on a GIS platform. The M&R toolbox, developed in GIS software TransCAD macros (computer program), performs various modules which provide prioritization of maintenance of each link in the network using a priority index approach, suitable rehabilitation strategies, link-wise budget requirements, effect of available budget on vehicle operating cost and road roughness. Furthermore, additional lane requirements based on volume and capacity ratio and its design were also considered. The developed M&R system was implemented for a small part of road network in Mumbai (Bombay) metropolitan area in India. It was identified that the enhanced M&R system, developed in this study, is effective in day-to-day road maintenance and helpful in the decision making process for planning and scheduling of road M&R work