2 research outputs found

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Tempe (suatu Kasus di Kelurahan Panglayungan Kecamatan Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya)

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    Untuk mengetahui : (1) Saluran pemasaran tempe di Kelurahan Panglayungan Kecamatan Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya, (2) Besarnya biaya, marjin dan keuntungan pemasaran tempe di Kelurahan Panglayungan Kecamatan Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya, (3) Besarnya bagian harga yang diterima perajin tempe di Kelurahan Panglayungan Kecamatan Cipedes Kota Tasikmalaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survai. Responden yang diambil sebanyak 30 orang yang merupakan 30 persen dari seluruh perajin tempe dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 101 orang, sedangkan sampel untuk lembaga pemasaran diambil dengan cara (Snowball Sampling) terhadap 4 orang pedagang pengecer.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :1) Terdapat satu saluran pemasaran tempe yaitu : Perajin- Pedagang Pengecer- Konsumen2) Biaya pemasaran untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar Rp 84,50,- per buah. Marjin pemasaran untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar Rp 300,- per buah.Keuntungan pemasaran untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar Rp 215,50,- per buah.3).Bagian harga yang diterima perajin dari harga yang dibayarkan oleh konsumen sebesar 80 persen

    The light subunit of mushroom Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase:Its biological characteristics and implications

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    The light subunit of mushroom Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase (LSMT) is a protein of unknown function that was discovered serendipitously during the elucidation of the crystal structure of the enzyme. The protein is non-immunogenic and can penetrate the intestinal epithelial cell barrier, and thus, similar to its structural homologue HA-33 from Clostridium botulinum, may be potentially absorbable by the intestine. LSMT also shares high structural homology with the ricin-B-like lectin from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis (CNL), which has been shown to display biological activity against leukemic cancer cells and dendritic cells. Therefore, we evaluated the biological activity of LSMT. An in vitro assay suggested that LSMT presentation to most of the cancer cell lines studied has a negligible effect on their proliferation. However, inhibition of cell growth and a slight stimulation of cell proliferation were observed with breast cancer and macrophage cells, respectively. LSMT appeared to be relatively resistant against proteolysis by trypsin and papain, but not bromelain. Challenges with gastric and intestinal juice suggested that the protein is resistant to gastrointestinal tract conditions. This is the first report on the biological characteristics and implication of LSMT. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved