8 research outputs found
PENGARUH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, FIRM SIZE, DAN INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2017-2021)
AbstractIn early 2020, Indonesia and almost all countries in the world experienced the Covid-19 pandemic which affected the economies of countries in the world, and Indonesia was no exception and this had an impact on the performance of companies in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the effect of corporate social responsibility, firm size, and intellectual capital on financial performance in industrial sector companies listed on the IDX in 2017 – 2021. 50 industrial sector companies as the population in this study and sampling using the purposive sampling method. Based on the criteria obtained by 13 companies with a period of five years, so that the sample is obtained 65 data. This study used descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that corporate social responsibility had no significant effect on financial performance, company size had a significant positive effect, and intellectual capital had no significant effect on financial performance.Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Firm Size; Intellectual Capital; Financial Performanc
The research on novel Perahu Kertas by Dewi Lestari, is a research using Genetic Strukturalisme approach. This research aims to determine the intrinsic and extrinsik elements of the novel. The method using qualitive descriptive. The focus of the research are (1) the structure of Perahu Kertas novel that creates its meaning as a whole, (2) social life of the author Dewi Lestari associated with the novel, (3) Indonesian historical bacground or social events conditioned the birth of this novel. The result showed that loving problem, morality, social, education, and profession of the themes of this novel Perahu Kertas. As someone who is konwledgeable, its write gives an understanding about humanity and morality values to people. According to sociological view of Dewi Lestari in this novel and the background of history behind the emergence of Perahu Kertas , a novel by Dewi Lestari
Determination Sunscreen Potential of Grapeseed Oil (Vitis Vinifera) in Cream Preparation with Combination of Oxybenzone and Octyl Methoxycinammate by in Vitro Method
Grapeseed oil is usually used in cosmetic industry, as anti dandruff, anti microba, antioxidant and sunscreen. The main compound of grapeseed oil is flavonoid, such as proantocyanidine and alfa tocopherol which can protect skin from the impact of ultraviolet radiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of adding grapeseed oil to increase the effectiveness of sunscreen preparations containing the combination of oxybenzone and octyl methoxycinamate by measuring the SPF (Sun Protecting Factor) value as its parameter. The preparation was made in 5 formulas such as F1 (blank), F2 (2% oxybenzone and 5% octyl methoxycinammate), F3 (1% GSO), F4 (5% GSO), F5 (10% GSO) combine with 2% oxybenzone and 5% octyl methoxycinammate in each formulas. Evaluations conducted on cream homogeneity, pH, and determining the SPF value of the preparations in vitro method by using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. Then, value of SPF will be tested in One Way Anova and continued with Post Hoc Tukey. The evaluation results showed that all samples were homogen, in range 6.87 – 6.93 pH, and the average SPF value from each formula were: F1 9.23; F2 22.32; F3 26.16; F4 26.95; and F5 27.44. F1 can be used optimally as sunscreen with maximal protection category while F2, F3, F4, F5 were in ultra protection category.
From the result of statistic tests, there was a significant difference on the SPF value between F1 and F2, while in F3, F4, and F5 there is no significant difference on value. In conclusion, the addition of grapeseed oil can increase the SPF value but not significantly between each formula combined with oxybenzone and octyl methoxycinammate in cream preparations
Peran guru dalam mengembangakan sikap akhlakul karimah pada anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui metode pembiasaan di roudlatul athfal muslimat NU 10 sribudaya kec. way seputih lampung tengah tahun pelajaran 2018/2019
xiii, 74 hlm. : 29x20 cm
Pedagogik adalah ilmu tentang cara mendidik anak. Neuroscience adalah ilmu tentang anatomi dan fungsi saraf yang meliputi saraf pisat maupun saraf tepi. Neuropedagogik mencoba menyinergikan antara kajian pendidikan dengan kajian tentang otak sebagai bagian dari sistem saraf manusia. Neuropedagogik atau neuroeducation adalah kajian tentang cara mendidik yang didasarkan kepada teori otak. Buku ini mengupas tema-tema seputar neuroscience, neuropsikologi, cara kerja otak dan bagaimana implikasinya terhadao strategi belajar mengajar. Buku ini menyajikan 10 bahasan pembahasan (!) neuropsychology dan dampaknya terhadap pembelajaran, (2) educational neuroscience, (3) struktur dan fungsi otak, (4) brain specialization and learning, (5) learning and memory (6) attenton dan emotion (7) executive functioning (8) bagaimana otak berkembang dan bekerja? (9) bagaimana memaksimalkan fungsi otak? (10) kesulitan belajar sebagai akibat hambatan neurologis yaitu anak dyslexia dan dyscalculia. Kajian tentang topik-topik ini akan sangat bermanfaat terutama bagi guru dan orang tua dalam memberikan berbagai pilihan metode untuk membelajarkan anak secara tepat perkembangan ota
Pendidikan Inklusi untuk ABK
Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak-anak yang membutuhkan cara atau layanan pembelajaran khusus, yang berbeda dari anak-anak pada umumnya. Anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus di antaranya mencakup hambatan penglihatan, hambatan intelektual. hambatan pendengaran , hambatan intelektual, hambatan fisik-motorik, anak dengan kesulitan belajar, autistism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dan juga anak-anak dengan kemampuan intelektual di atas rata-rata (gifted & talented). saat ini banyak di antara mereka yang mengikuti pendidikan di sekolah -sekolah umum (regular school) di samping yang bersekolah di sekolah khusus. Buku ini menyajika bahasan secara ringkasan dan padat tentang hakikat dari masing-masing jenis anak tersebut dan bagaimana strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk merek