54 research outputs found

    Structure and mechanism of the type I-G CRISPR effector

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (REF: BB/S000313/1 to MFW), Medical Research Council (REF: MR/S021647/1 to RS) and the China Scholarship Council (REF: 202008060345 to QS).Type I CRISPR systems are the most common CRISPR type found in bacteria. They use a multisubunit effector, guided by crRNA, to detect and bind dsDNA targets, forming an R-loop and recruiting the Cas3 enzyme to facilitate target DNA destruction, thus providing immunity against mobile genetic elements. Subtypes have been classified into families A-G, with type I-G being the least well understood. Here, we report the composition, structure and function of the type I-G Cascade CRISPR effector from Thioalkalivibrio sulfidiphilus, revealing key new molecular details. The unique Csb2 subunit processes pre-crRNA, remaining bound to the 3′ end of the mature crRNA, and seven Cas7 subunits form the backbone of the effector. Cas3 associates stably with the effector complex via the Cas8g subunit and is important for target DNA recognition. Structural analysis by cryo-Electron Microscopy reveals a strikingly curved backbone conformation with Cas8g spanning the belly of the structure. These biochemical and structural insights shed new light on the diversity of type I systems and open the way to applications in genome engineering.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Efficient and Rapid Analysis of Polysomes and Ribosomal Subunits in Cells and Tissues Using Ribo Mega-SEC

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    Polysome profile analysis is a popular method for separating polysomes and ribosomal subunits and is typically achieved using a sucrose density gradient (SDG). This has remained the gold standard method since ribosomes were first discovered; however, this method is time-consuming and requires multiple steps from making the gradient and long ultracentrifugation to collecting and analyzing the fractions. Each of these steps in the SDG workflow can introduce potential technical variation that affects the reproducibility of gradient profiles between samples. To address these limitations, we have developed a flexible, alternative approach for analyzing polysomes and ribosomal subunits based on size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), termed ‘Ribo Mega-SEC.’ In comparison with the SDG method, Ribo Mega-SEC involves a single step using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (uHPLC). The entire workflow, from injecting the lysate to collecting the fractions, can be performed in as little as 15 min, with high reproducibility. By varying the pore size of the SEC column, polysomes and ribosomal subunits can be separated using extracts from either human or mouse cultured cell lines or from tissue samples, Drosophila embryos, or budding yeast. The resulting separated fractions are suitable for analysis using a wide range of subsequent analytical techniques including mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics, RNA-Seq, electron microscopy (EM), and multiple biochemical assays

    The Ndc80 complex targets Bod1 to human mitotic kinetochores

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    Regulation of protein phosphatase activity by endogenous protein inhibitors is an important mechanism to control protein phosphorylation in cells. We recently identified Biorientation defective 1 (Bod1) as a small protein inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A containing the B56 regulatory subunit (PP2A-B56). This phosphatase controls the amount of phosphorylation of several kinetochore proteins and thus the establishment of load-bearing chromosome-spindle attachments in time for accurate separation of sister chromatids in mitosis. Like PP2A-B56, Bod1 directly localizes to mitotic kinetochores and is required for correct segregation of mitotic chromosomes. In this report, we have probed the spatio-temporal regulation of Bod1 during mitotic progression. Kinetochore localization of Bod1 increases from nuclear envelope breakdown until metaphase. Phosphorylation of Bod1 at threonine 95 (T95), which increases Bod1's binding to and inhibition of PP2A-B56, peaks in prometaphase when PP2A-B56 localization to kinetochores is highest. We demonstrate here that kinetochore targeting of Bod1 depends on the outer kinetochore protein Ndc80 and not PP2A-B56. Crucially, Bod1 depletion functionally affects Ndc80 phosphorylation at the N-terminal serine 55 (S55), as well as a number of other phosphorylation sites within the outer kinetochore, including Knl1 at serine 24 and 60 (S24, S60), and threonine T943 and T1155 (T943, T1155). Therefore, Ndc80 recruits a phosphatase inhibitor to kinetochores which directly feeds forward to regulate Ndc80, and Knl1 phosphorylation, including sites that mediate the attachment of microtubules to kinetochores

    Disruption of the autoinhibited state primes the E3 ligase parkin for activation and catalysis

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    The PARK2 gene is mutated in 50% of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (ARJP) cases. It encodes parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase of the RBR family. Parkin exists in an autoinhibited state that is activated by phosphorylation of its N‐terminal ubiquitin‐like (Ubl) domain and binding of phosphoubiquitin. We describe the 1.8 Å crystal structure of human parkin in its fully inhibited state and identify the key interfaces to maintain parkin inhibition. We identify the phosphoubiquitin‐binding interface, provide a model for the phosphoubiquitin–parkin complex and show how phosphorylation of the Ubl domain primes parkin for optimal phosphoubiquitin binding. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the addition of phosphoubiquitin leads to displacement of the Ubl domain through loss of structure, unveiling a ubiquitin‐binding site used by the E2~Ub conjugate, thus leading to active parkin. We find the role of the Ubl domain is to prevent parkin activity in the absence of the phosphorylation signals, and propose a model for parkin inhibition, optimization for phosphoubiquitin recruitment, release of inhibition by the Ubl domain and engagement with an E2~Ub conjugate. Taken together, this model provides a mechanistic framework for activating parkin

    RNA polymerase II promotes the organization of chromatin following DNA replication

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    Understanding how chromatin organisation is duplicated on the two daughter strands is a central question in epigenetics. In mammals, following the passage of the replisome, nucleosomes lose their defined positioning and transcription contributes to their re-organisation. However, whether transcription plays a greater role in the organization of chromatin following DNA replication remains unclear. Here we analysed protein re-association with newly replicated DNA upon inhibition of transcription using iPOND coupled to quantitative mass spectrometry. We show that nucleosome assembly and the re-establishment of most histone modifications are uncoupled from transcription. However, RNAPII acts to promote the re-association of hundreds of proteins with newly replicated chromatin via pathways that are not observed in steady-state chromatin. These include ATP-dependent remodellers, transcription factors and histone methyltransferases. We also identify a set of DNA repair factors that may handle transcription-replication conflicts during normal transcription in human non-transformed cells. Our study reveals that transcription plays a greater role in the organization of chromatin post-replication than previously anticipated.</p

    A non-canonical scaffold-type E3 ligase complex mediates protein UFMylation

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    Protein UFMylation, i.e., post‐translational modification with ubiquitin‐fold modifier 1 (UFM1), is essential for cellular and endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis. Despite its biological importance, we have a poor understanding of how UFM1 is conjugated onto substrates. Here, we use a rebuilding approach to define the minimal requirements of protein UFMylation. We find that the reported cognate E3 ligase UFL1 is inactive on its own and instead requires the adaptor protein UFBP1 to form an active E3 ligase complex. Structure predictions suggest the UFL1/UFBP1 complex to be made up of winged helix (WH) domain repeats. We show that UFL1/UFBP1 utilizes a scaffold‐type E3 ligase mechanism that activates the UFM1‐conjugating E2 enzyme, UFC1, for aminolysis. Further, we characterize a second adaptor protein CDK5RAP3 that binds to and forms an integral part of the ligase complex. Unexpectedly, we find that CDK5RAP3 inhibits UFL1/UFBP1 ligase activity in vitro. Results from reconstituting ribosome UFMylation suggest that CDK5RAP3 functions as a substrate adaptor that directs UFMylation to the ribosomal protein RPL26. In summary, our reconstitution approach reveals the biochemical basis of UFMylation and regulatory principles of this atypical E3 ligase complex

    The histone chaperone Vps75 forms multiple oligomeric assemblies capable of mediating exchange between histone H3–H4 tetramers and Asf1–H3–H4 complexes

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    Wellcome Trust [094090, 097945, 099149]; Medical Research Council [G1100021]. Funding for open access charge: Wellcome Trust.Vps75 is a histone chaperone that has been historically characterized as homodimer by X-ray crystallography. In this study, we present a crystal structure containing two related tetrameric forms of Vps75 within the crystal lattice. We show Vps75 associates with histones in multiple oligomers. In the presence of equimolar H3-H4 and Vps75, the major species is a reconfigured Vps75 tetramer bound to a histone H3-H4 tetramer. However, in the presence of excess histones, a Vps75 dimer bound to a histone H3-H4 tetramer predominates. We show the Vps75-H3-H4 interaction is compatible with the histone chaperone Asf1 and deduce a structural model of the Vps75-Asf1-H3-H4 (VAH) co-chaperone complex using the Pulsed Electron-electron Double Resonance (PELDOR) technique and cross-linking MS/MS distance restraints. The model provides a molecular basis for the involvement of both Vps75 and Asf1 in Rtt109 catalysed histone H3 K9 acetylation. In the absence of Asf1 this model can be used to generate a complex consisting of a reconfigured Vps75 tetramer bound to a H3-H4 tetramer. This provides a structural explanation for many of the complexes detected biochemically and illustrates the ability of Vps75 to interact with dimeric or tetrameric H3-H4 using the same interaction surface.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Parkin–phosphoubiquitin complex reveals cryptic ubiquitin-binding site required for RBR ligase activity

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    RING-between-RING (RBR) E3 ligases are a class of ubiquitin ligases distinct from RING or HECT E3 ligases. An important RBR ligase is Parkin, mutations in which lead to early-onset hereditary Parkinsonism. Parkin and other RBR ligases share a catalytic RBR module but are usually autoinhibited and activated via distinct mechanisms. Recent insights into Parkin regulation predict large, unknown conformational changes during Parkin activation. However, current data on active RBR ligases reflect the absence of regulatory domains. Therefore, it remains unclear how individual RBR ligases are activated, and whether they share a common mechanism. We now report the crystal structure of a human Parkin–phosphoubiquitin complex, which shows that phosphoubiquitin binding induces movement in the 'in-between RING' (IBR) domain to reveal a cryptic ubiquitin-binding site. Mutation of this site negatively affects Parkin's activity. Furthermore, ubiquitin binding promotes cooperation between Parkin molecules, which suggests a role for interdomain association in the RBR ligase mechanism

    The DNA-binding domain of the Chd1 chromatin-remodelling enzyme contains SANT and SLIDE domains

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    The ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling enzyme Chd1 is a 168-kDa protein consisting of a double chromodomain, Snf2-related ATPase domain, and a C-terminal DNA-binding domain. Here, we show the DNA-binding domain is required for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chd1 to bind and remodel nucleosomes. The crystal structure of this domain reveals the presence of structural homology to SANT and SLIDE domains previously identified in ISWI remodelling enzymes. The presence of these domains in ISWI and Chd1 chromatin-remodelling enzymes may provide a means of efficiently harnessing the action of the Snf2-related ATPase domain for the purpose of nucleosome spacing and provide an explanation for partial redundancy between these proteins. Site directed mutagenesis was used to identify residues important for DNA binding and generate a model describing the interaction of this domain with DNA. Through inclusion of Chd1 sequences in homology searches SLIDE domains were identified in CHD6–9 proteins. Point mutations to conserved amino acids within the human CHD7 SLIDE domain have been identified in patients with CHARGE syndrome