271 research outputs found
Studi Atas Pemanfaatan Blockchain Bagi Internet Of Things (IoT)
Ekosistem Internet of Things (IoT) berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan diperkirakan akan menghubungkan 5-20 miliar perangkat pada tahun 2020. Data yang dihimpun dari perangkat ini akan mencapai jumlah yang sangat besar. Saat ini, ekosistem IoT pada umumnya menggunakan model sistem terpusat. Model tersebut memiliki beberapa kelemahan, seperti biaya pemeliharaan yang relatif tinggi, Sistem terdistribusi dapat menjadi alternatif solusi. Blockchain, teknologi ledger terditribusi, memungkinkan transaksi peer-to-peer tanpa perlu adanya perantara pihak ketiga yang terpercaya. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi pengintegrasian Blockchain ke dalam ekosistem IoT. Hasil penelitian berupa model dan use-case pemanfaatan Blockchain dalam IoT
Pemanfaatan Metode Saw Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran
Students who are in junior high school should have been able to read children stories appreciative. However, based on the results of research that has been done, appreciative children\u27s story reading skills in students is still low due to the model applied learning teachers have not been effective. This study is a follow-up that aims to identify effective learning model that can be used by teachers in teaching reading children stories appreciative. The learning model studied is a model of Group Investigation (GI) and Jurisprudential Inquiry (JI) to utilize the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method for support decision. The criteria on which the decision is motivation and student learning outcomes. Based on the analysis of data using SAW method, it is known that an effective learning model applied to teachers in teaching reading children\u27s stories are appreciative GI learning model. Siswa yang duduk di bangku SMP selayaknya telah mampu membaca apresiatif cerita anak. Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, keterampilan membaca apresiatif cerita anak pada siswa masih rendah dikarenakan model pembelajaran yang diterapkan guru belum efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pembelajaran efektif yang dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca apresiatif cerita anak. Model pembelajaran yang diteliti adalah model Group Investigation (GI) dan Jurisprudential Inquiry (JI) dengan memanfaatkan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) sebagai pendukung keputusan. Adapun kriteria yang menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan adalah motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan metode SAW, dapat diketahui bahwa model pembelajaran yang efektif diterapkan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca apresiatif cerita anak adalah model pembelajaran GI
Analysis of airborne Doppler lidar, Doppler radar and tall tower measurements of atmospheric flows in quiescent and stormy weather
The first experiment to combine airborne Doppler Lidar and ground-based dual Doppler Radar measurements of wind to detail the lower tropospheric flows in quiescent and stormy weather was conducted in central Oklahoma during four days in June-July 1981. Data from these unique remote sensing instruments, coupled with data from conventional in-situ facilities, i.e., 500-m meteorological tower, rawinsonde, and surface based sensors, were analyzed to enhance understanding of wind, waves and turbulence. The purposes of the study were to: (1) compare winds mapped by ground-based dual Doppler radars, airborne Doppler lidar, and anemometers on a tower; (2) compare measured atmospheric boundary layer flow with flows predicted by theoretical models; (3) investigate the kinematic structure of air mass boundaries that precede the development of severe storms; and (4) study the kinematic structure of thunderstorm phenomena (downdrafts, gust fronts, etc.) that produce wind shear and turbulence hazardous to aircraft operations. The report consists of three parts: Part 1, Intercomparison of Wind Data from Airborne Lidar, Ground-Based Radars and Instrumented 444 m Tower; Part 2, The Structure of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer as Revealed by Lidar and Doppler Radars; and Part 3, Doppler Lidar Observations in Thunderstorm Environments
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