10 research outputs found

    Using Streptomyces Xylanase to Produce Xylooligosacharide From Corncob

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    Streptomyces 234P-16 and SKK1-8 are xylanase-producing bacteria. Corncob xylan were extracted using acidified method. Crude enzymes (produced by centrifuging the culture) were used to hydrolyze xylan from 2 varieties of corncob. Crude extract activity was measured by using DNS (Dinitrosalisilic Acid) method. Xylanase from strain 234P-16 has the highest activity if cultivated in 1% Hawaii xylan, whereas strain SKK1-8 on 1.5% Bisma xylan. SKK1-8 xylanase can hydrolize corncob xylan (1% Hawaii or 1.5% Bisma xylan) within 4 hours and produce xylooligosacharide with polymerization degree of 4.76 and 6.37, respectively

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisikokimia Pati Garut (Maranta Arundinaceae)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sifat fisikokimia pati garut. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu tahap ekstraksi pati garut dan karakterisasi pati garut. Metode ekstraksi basah menghasilkan rendemen 15,69% pati garut. Pati garut mengandung kadar pati, amilosa, amilopektin, gula pereduksi, pati resisten dan daya cerna pati masing-masing sebesar 98,10%; 24,64%, 75,36%, 4,94%, 2,12% dan 84,35%. Analisis proksimat pati garut mengandung air 11,48%, abu 0,34%, lemak 0,68% dan protein 0,24%. Profil gel permeation chromatography (GPC) dengan menggunakan Toyopearl HW-65S diperoleh 2 fraksi. Distribusi panjang rantai amilopektin diukur dengan fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis (FACE) menunjukkan empat rentang derajat polimerisasi ( DP), yaitu DP 6-8. 9-12, 13-24 and 25-30. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) mempelihatkan bahwa granula pati garut berbentuk oval. Pengujian Rapid Visco Analysis (RVA) menunjukkan pati garut memiliki profil gelatinisasi pati tipe A begitu pula hasil X-ray diffraction pati garut mempunyai kristalin tipe A

    The Effectiveness of Physical and Alkali Hydrothermal Pretreatment in Improving Enzyme Susceptibility of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse

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    Sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) obtained after juice extraction is a potential feedstock for fermentable sugars production that can be further fermented to different kinds of products, such as ethanol or lactic acid. The proper particle size resulted from phsyical pretreatment and different pretreatment processes including water, alkali, hydrothermal, and alkali hydrothermal for improving enzyme susceptibility of SSB have been investigated. After grinding to particle sizes of 420 ?m the sweet sorghum bagasse was washed to eliminate residual soluble sugars present in the bagasse. Dosages of cellulase enzyme used in saccharification were 60 and 100 FPU/g substrate, respectively. The results showed that SSB with particle sizes of 250-420 ?m had the highest cellulose (38.33%) and hemicellulose content (31.80%). Although the yield of reducing sugar of 250-420 ?m size particles was lower than that of smaller particle (<250 ?m), the former was more economical in the energy consumption for milling process. The yields of reducing sugar obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of alkali hydrothermal pretreated sweet sorghum bagasse were 1.5 and 0.5 times higher than that from untreated sweet sorghum bagasse at enzyme loading of 100 and 60 FPU/g substrate, respectively. Furthermore, alkali hydrothermal pretreatment was able to remove as much as 85% of lignin. Morphological analysis using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) showed that samples treated with alkali hydrothermal have more pores and distorted bundles than that of untreated sweet sorghum bagasse. Meanwhile, XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis showed that pretreated samples had a higher crystallinity and smaller crystallite size than untreated sweet sorghum bagasse, which might be due to removal of amorphous lignin components

    Antibreast Cancer Activity of Nanopropolis Indonesia on Induced Mammary Gland Tumor by Dmba in Virgin Sprague-dawley Rats

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nanopropolis to cure cancer induced on rat mammary tumor using 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). After the first tumors appearance, twenty eight rats were divided into seven groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 served as recipient of nanopropolis dosages 8, 32 and 56 µg/mL treatments; Group 4 served asrecipient of propolis dosage of 233 µg/mL treatment; Group 5 served asrecipient of doxorubicin treatment; Group 6 served as recipient of DMBA treatment and Group 7 as normal group (control). The effect of nanopropolis dosage of 32 µg/mL and propolis dosage of 233 µg/mL were similar in reducing tumor size, healing the wounds caused by the tumor and eliminating cancer cells. It turns out that there is a relationship between particle size absorbent materials. The study suggested that nanopropolis with small concentration was very effective to treatrat mammary gland tumors and breast cancers

    Characterization of Chemical and Physical Properties of Hydroxypropylated and Cross-linked Arrowroot (Marantha Arundinacea) Starch

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    The modern food industry and a variety of food products require tolerant starch as raw material for processing in a broad range of techniques, from preparation to storage and distribution. Dual modification of arrowroot starch using hydroxypropylation and cross-linking was carried out to overcome the lack of native arrowroot starch in food processing application. The modifications applied were: combined propylene oxide (8%, 10%, and 12%); sodium tri meta phosphate/STMP (1%, 2%, and 3%); and sodium tri poly phosphate/STPP (4%, 5%, and 6%). These modifications significantly affected the composition of the amylose and amylopectin and the amount of phosphorus in the granules. Higher amounts of phosphate salt gave a higher phosphorus content, which increased the degree of substitution (DS) and the degree of cross-link. Arrowroot starch that was modified using a concentration of 8-10% propylene oxide and 1-2% STMP : 3-5% STPP produced a starch with &lt; 0.4% phosphorus content. A higher concentration of propylene oxide provided a higher degree of hydroxypropyl. The changed physical properties of the modified granular arrowroot starch were examined through SEM testing, and its changed crystalline patterns through X-ray diffraction measurements. Especially, provision of a high concentration of propylene oxide (12%) combined with 3% STMP : 6% STPP affected the granular morphology and the crystallinity

    Pembuatan Resin Fenolik dari Destilat Cairan Kulit Biji Mete sebagai Bahan Baku Vernis

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    Destilat cairan kulit biji mete (CNSL) merupakan cairan yang diperoleh dari hasil destilasi CNSL dengan komponen utamanya kardanol. Salah satu pemanfaatan destilat CNSL yang prospektif yaitu sebagai sumber fenol dalam pembuatan resin fenolik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi proses pembuatan resin fenolik dari destilat CNSL yang sesuai sebagai bahan baku vernis, baik untuk pemakaian di dalam (interior) maupun di luar (eksterior). Tahapan penelitian, yaitu 1) karakterisasi destilat CNSL dan 2) pembuatan resin fenolik dari destilat CNSL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terbaik pembuatan resin fenolik dari destilat CNSL dicapai pada nisbah mol formaldehida terhadap destilat CNSL 0,9:1 dengan pH 3. Reaksi metilolasi pada suhu 100oC memerlukan waktu yang relatif lama, yaitu 9,0 jam. Meningkatnya suhu reaksi dari 100 menjadi 120oC mempercepat waktu reaksi metilolasi dari 9,0 jam menjadi 4,0 jam. Reaksi metilolasi destilat CNSL (kardanol kasar) dengan formaldehida memenuhi pola reaksi ordo kedua. Konstanta laju reaksi metilolasi (k) meningkat secara eksponensial dengan semakin tingginya suhu reaksi sesuai dengan persamaan k=116.104.360,02 e–7.230,7 (1/T). Suhu reaksi metilolasi tidak berpengaruh nyata pada karakteristik dan sifat film resin yang dihasilkan. Lapisan film resin memiliki waktu kering yang cukup singkat, yaitu waktu kering sentuh 3,0 jam dan kering keras 6,0 jam. Secara umum, karakteristik dan sifat lapisan film resin yang dihasilkan cukup baik kecuali daya lekat dalam media besi dan daya lenturnya. Resin yang dihasilkan sudah memadai untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku vernis kayu untuk pemakaian di dalam (interior) karena kekerasan lapisan film yang tinggi. Sebagai bahan baku vernis kayu untuk pemakaian di luar (eksterior) masih perlu perbaikan dalam sifat daya lenturnya.Production of Phenolic Resin From Cashew Nut Shell Liquid Distillate as Raw Material for VarnishCNSL distillate is a liquid which is obtained from CNSL distillation with cardanol as the main component. One of prospective utilization of CNSL distillate that is as a source of phenol in phenolic resin production. The objective of this research was to get the best process condition of phenolic resin production from CNSL distillate as raw material for interior and exterior varnish. The stages of experiment, were: 1) characterization of CNSL distillate and 2) phenolic resin production from CNSL distillate. The optimal condition in phenolic resin production was achieved at mole ratio of formaldehyde to CNSL distillate 0,9: I and pH 3. Methylolation reaction at 100°C needed 9.0 hours to be completed. The increasing of methylolation reaction temperature from 100 to ] 20°C was able to reduce reaction lime from 9.0 hours to 4.0 hours. Methylolation reaction formaldehyde with CNSL distillate (crude cardanal) fulfilled second order reaction pattern. Constant of reaction rate (k) increased exponentially with increasing the temperature according to equation ke I 16.104.360,02e-7230.7(IIT). Temperature of methylolation reaction did not effect to the characteristic and properties of resin film. Resin film has short dry time i.e. touch-dry 3.0 hours and hard-dry 6.0 hours. Generally, characteristic and resin film properties show very good result except the adhesion on steel and its flexibility. Based on the properties of its film, phenolic resin produced has been fulfilled for using as raw material in interior wood varnish because of good hardness properties. While for exterior wood varnish, the improvement on its flexibility properties is still needed