40 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Butiran Filler Kayu Sengon terhadap Karakteristik Papan Partikel yang Berpenguat Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Limbah kelapa sawit di Banten terutama Pandeglang dan Lebak belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal hingga hari ini. Sedangkan di sisi yang lain, limbah ini dapat menjadi persoalan lingkungan. Dalam artikel ini akan menampilkan pemanfaatan serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit sebagai penguat komposit papan partikel. Komposisi dan persentase material penyusun papan partikel adalah serat 15%, resin epoxy 15%, lem PVAc 20%, dan serbuk kayu 50%. Proses pencetakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode cold press single punch dengan tekanan 30 bar. Karakteristik papan partikel yang diamati adalah kerapatan, kekerasan, kuat impak, batas elastisitas, pengembangan tebal serta pengamatan struktur mikro. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa papan partikel dengan besar butiran filler 18 mesh menghasilkan nilai terbaik dengan nilai batas elastisitas dan nilai kuat impak tertinggi yaitu sebesar 1157.86 N/mm² dan 8.601 kj/m². Sedangkan untuk pengembangan tebal dan densitasnya didapat nilai masing-masing sebesar 2.42% dan 0.871 gr/cm

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Siswa Kelas V

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    Research The effect this research to get imformasi that clear, objektif and accurate about demonstration method purpose in IPA\u27S learning on student brazes VI SDN Paloh, meanwhile benefit of this research which is gets to give benefit to learn, student and divides school. Method that is utilized is deskriftif\u27s method whereas research form that is utilized is survey studies with Actions Observational type braze. Performance indicator that is analyzed is physical activity, mental and emotional. With acquired observational end product which is physical activity base line11.11% to III. cycles as big as 16,67% worked up as big as 5,56% by tall categories. Meanwhile mental activity from base line 1,39% to III. cycles as big as 7,49% worked up as big as 6.1% by tall categories. Be emotional activity from 0% to III. cycles as big as 16,67% worked up as big as 16,67%dengan tall categories

    Temporal change detection of land use/land cover using GIS and remote sensing techniques in South Ghor Regions, Al-Karak, Jordan

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    This study examines the spatial and temporal changes of land use and land cover in South Ghor, Jordan. Satellite images for the years 1972, 1989, 1999 and 2016 were used for LULC supervised classification techniques, four LULC classes were decided: built-up areas, pastures and bare land, agricultural land and water bodies. For the accuracy of assessment classifications, matrix error and KAPPA analysis have been used in this paper. The analysis detected by supervised classification techniques show that agricultural land and built-up land have increased, while barren land and water bodies have decreased. It is predicted that the study would significantly contribute to better policy making, sustainable development and developing useful change detection planes for the south ghor regions and similar regions of the country.Keywords: land use/land cover change; change detection; classification; remote sensing; GI

    Pola Penyakit Transmigran Jawa dan Transmigran Lokal di Daerah Hiperendemis Malaria Armopasp2, Kecamatan Bonggo, Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua, Tahun 1996-1999

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    Diversity, distribution and conservation status of mangrove species in Pulias Bay, Indonesia

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    As an ecosystem, the mangrove ecosystem serves various purposes. The objectives of this study are to (1) identify the community structure of the important value index; and (2) evaluate the importance of the mangrove species diversity index in Pulias Bay in Ogodeide District, Tolitoli Regency. The study was conducted in 2021 using a quantitative descriptive methodology and survey method. The number of discovered species will be used to establish the species composition. The structure of the mangrove communities is being evaluated by calculating the relative density (RD) and frequency (FR). The data is tabulated to calculate the Important Value Index (IVI) value according to the Shannon-Wiener formula. There were 18 different species of mangroves discovered, including Rhizophora apiculata, Rh. mucronata, Rh. stylosa, Bruguiera parviflora, B. gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, C. decandra, Sonneratia alba, S. caseolaris, S. ovata, Avicennia lanata, Xylocarpus moluccensis, Acrostichum aureum, Nypa fruticans, and Pemphis acidula. The Rhizophoraceae family predominated at each observation station, according to the findings of the vegetation analysis. Meanwhile the most rarely found species of mangrove were Acrostichum aureum, Sonneratia casiolaris, and Xylocarpus moluccensis, each with two specimens. The community structure reveals that X. moluccensis has the lowest IVI value of 12.7%, while Rhizophora mucronata has an IVI value of 101.3%. The mangrove Diversity Index (H') has a value of 2.48 and meets the standards for moderate diversity. Physical and chemical parameter measurements often indicate that the four stations or sites where the data was collected have similar conditions. Interestingly, we also found Avicennia lanata, a mangrove species that falls under the Vulnerable category. The collected information can be used to manage the mangrove forest in Pulias Bay in the Ogodeide Sub-District of the Tolitoli Regency and serve as a database for efforts to conserve mangroves and mitigate the effects of global warming

    Calming the waters: initiatives for Asia Pacific maritime cooperation

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    This monograph includes the discussion papers presented at the First Meeting of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Maritime Cooperation Working Group held in Kuala Lumpur 2-3 June 1995. The establishment of a Working Group on Maritime Cooperation by CSCAP, as part of its initial work programme, is a reflection of the importance of the maritime environment in the security deliberations of Asia Pacific countries. The Asia Pacific region is distinctively maritime in nature. The sea, and issues to do with the sea, are an important part of international relations in the region, both between regional countries themselves, and between these countries and the rest of the world. The importance of maritime cooperation in the Asia Pacific region flows from the nature and complexity of the regional geographical environment, and the propensity for illegal activities and disputes to occur at sea. Maritime cooperation will contribute to regional stability by easing tension and reducing the risks of conflict while helping to promote a stable maritime regime in the region with the free and uninterrupted flow of seaborne trade, and nations able to pursue their maritime interests and manage their marine resources in an ecologically sustainable manner in accordance with agreed principles of international law. The CSCAP Maritime Co-operation Working Group has adopted a broad view of security, which encompasses a range of small 's' security issues, such as maritime safety, resources conservation, coastal zone management and unlawful activities at sea (such as drug smuggling, illegal population movements and piracy),as well as more conventional maritime security issues. A comprehensive approach to security was explicit in the Group's first meeting programme, which included sessions on shipping, marine science, and the marine environment. The papers in this volume provide a comprehensive review of the main maritime security concerns in the region

    Employability Skill Development of Mechanical Engineering Students Through Project Based Learning in Vocational High School in South Sulawesi

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    Abstract: Embedding employability skills in learning requires a learning model that allows effective in improving employability skills of students Learning model that if able to meet these expectations is project based learning. This study aims to determine the contribution of project based learning to employability skills of students of SMK Package Engineering Skills Engineering in South Sulawesi. This research uses quantitative approach with non experimental design with sample size 325 students. Data collection uses questionnaires to obtain data on project-based learning implementation and employability skills. The data of the research were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and regression analysis which previously conducted normality and linearity test. Based on the results of the research is known that the implementation of project based learning model contributes to the development of employability skill students of machining engineering SMK 59.8%

    Effects of predator exposure on baseline and stress‐induced glucocorticoid hormone concentrations in pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus

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    We compared baseline and maximal cortisol concentrations between predator exposure and prey blood samples in pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, captured using a standardised fishing event underneath osprey Pandion haliaetus nests and away from osprey nests. We did not detect differences in cortisol or glucose between sites. These findings suggest that predictable sources of predation risk may not confer stress-related costs in teleosts