6,077 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Melalui Teknik Menyusun Kalimat Siswa Kelas IV Semester Ganjil Sdn Puncu 2

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah peningkatan kemampuan menulis karangan narasi melalui teknik menyusun kalimat siswa kelas IV semester ganjil SDN Puncu 2 Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini mengambil mata pelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia Pokok Bahasan menulis. Objek penelitiannya kelas IV dengan jumlah murid 24 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk menjaring data penelitian ini adalah tes menulis berdasarkan teknik yang telah disediakan. Notulen atau catatan observasi digunakan untuk mencatat kerjasama siswa dalam diskusi dan partisipasi siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan tiga siklus maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) Pada awal test siklus pertama kemampuan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Puncu 2 Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri dalam menulis karangan narasi hasilnya tergolong cukup. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata siswa 61,50 dan pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 77,17. sedangkan pada siklus ketiga meningkat menjadi 85. (2) Ada peningkatan ketrampilan menulis karangan narasi melalui teknik menyusun kalimat dalam kelas IV SD Negeri Puncu 2 Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kedir

    Benchmark of machine learning methods for classification of a Sentinel-2 image

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    Thanks to mainly ESA and USGS, a large bulk of free images of the Earth is readily available nowadays. One of the main goals of remote sensing is to label images according to a set of semantic categories, i.e. image classification. This is a very challenging issue since land cover of a specific class may present a large spatial and spectral variability and objects may appear at different scales and orientations. In this study, we report the results of benchmarking 9 machine learning algorithms tested for accuracy and speed in training and classification of land-cover classes in a Sentinel-2 dataset. The following machine learning methods (MLM) have been tested: linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbour, random forests, support vector machines, multi layered perceptron, multi layered perceptron ensemble, ctree, boosting, logarithmic regression. The validation is carried out using a control dataset which consists of an independent classification in 11 land-cover classes of an area about 60 km2, obtained by manual visual interpretation of high resolution images (20 cm ground sampling distance) by experts. In this study five out of the eleven classes are used since the others have too few samples (pixels) for testing and validating subsets. The classes used are the following: (i) urban (ii) sowable areas (iii) water (iv) tree plantations (v) grasslands. Validation is carried out using three different approaches: (i) using pixels from the training dataset (train), (ii) using pixels from the training dataset and applying cross-validation with the k-fold method (kfold) and (iii) using all pixels from the control dataset. Five accuracy indices are calculated for the comparison between the values predicted with each model and control values over three sets of data: the training dataset (train), the whole control dataset (full) and with k-fold cross-validation (kfold) with ten folds. Results from validation of predictions of the whole dataset (full) show the random forests method with the highest values; kappa index ranging from 0.55 to 0.42 respectively with the most and least number pixels for training. The two neural networks (multi layered perceptron and its ensemble) and the support vector machines - with default radial basis function kernel - methods follow closely with comparable performanc

    Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults

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    In the relatively young field of fault-tolerant cryptography, the main research effort has focused exclusively on the protection of the data path of cryptographic circuits. To date, however, we have not found any work that aims at protecting the control logic of these circuits against fault attacks, which thus remains the proverbial Achilles’ heel. Motivated by a hypothetical yet realistic fault analysis attack that, in principle, could be mounted against any modular exponentiation engine, even one with appropriate data path protection, we set out to close this remaining gap. In this paper, we present guidelines for the design of multifault-resilient sequential control logic based on standard Error-Detecting Codes (EDCs) with large minimum distance. We introduce a metric that measures the effectiveness of the error detection technique in terms of the effort the attacker has to make in relation to the area overhead spent in implementing the EDC. Our comparison shows that the proposed EDC-based technique provides superior performance when compared against regular N-modular redundancy techniques. Furthermore, our technique scales well and does not affect the critical path delay


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    ABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir diserahkan kepada Panitia Komisi Ujian untuk mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemen pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala KOMITMEN DAN KINERJA ORGANISASI KANTOR KESYAHBANDARAN DAN OTORITAS PELABUHAN MALAHAYATI BANDA ACEHOleh SUNARNIM : 1409200020158Konsentrasi : Manajemen UmumPembimbing Pertama : Prof. Dr. Nasir, SE, MBAPembimbing Kedua : Dr. Muslim A. Djalil, SE, MBATujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan keadaan menganalisis iklim organisasi, pengembangan karir komitmen organisasi dan kinerja organisasi (2) menganalisis pengaruh iklim organisasi dan pengembangan karir baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap komitmen organisasi pegawai, (3) menganalisis pengaruh iklim organisasi dan pengembangan karir baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap kinerja organisasi (4) menganalisis pengaruh komitmen organsiasi pegawai terhadap kinerja organisasi (5) menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung iklim organisasi terhadap kinerja organisasi melalui komitmen organisasi pegawai, (6) menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja organisasi melalui komitmen organisasi pegawai. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Malahayati Banda Aceh. Adapun yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah iklim organisasi dan pengembangan karir terhadap komitmen organisasi, kinerja pegawai, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 130 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan, program kesejahteraan, komitmen anggota dan kinerja anggota Polresta Banda Aceh sudah berjalan dengan baik. Hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh iklim organisasi, pengembangan karir baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap komitmen organisasi pegawai, terdapat pengaruh iklim organisasi, pengembangan karir baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap kinerja organisasi, terdapat pengaruh komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja organisasi dan terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung iklim organisasi, pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja organisasi melalui komitmen organisasi pegawaiKata Kunci: Iklim Organisasi, Pengembangan Karir, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Kinerja Organisasi ABSTRACTAbstract of Final Paper Submitted to The Examination Committee in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management on Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala UniversityCOMMITMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIZATION OF KESYAHBANDARAN OFFICE AND PORT AUTHORITY MALAHAYATI BANDA ACEHBySUNARS/N : 1409200020158Specialization : General ManagementSupervisor : Prof. Dr. Nasir, SE, MBACo-Supervisor : Dr. Muslim A. Djalil, SE, MBAThe purpose of this research is to: (1) describe the condition of analyzing organizational climate, career development of organizational commitment and organizational performance (2) to analyze the influence of organizational climate and career development either simultaneously or partially to organizational commitment of employees; (3) career development both simultaneously and partially on organizational performance (4) analyze the influence of organizational commitment of employees to organizational performance (5) analyze the indirect effect of organizational climate on organizational performance through employee organizational commitment, (6) analyze the indirect influence of career development on organizational performance through employees' organizational commitment. This research was conducted at Kesyahbandaran Office and Port Authority of Malahayati Banda Aceh. As for the object of this research is organizational climate and career development towards organizational commitment, employee performance, with the number of respondents as many as 130 people. The results show that the leadership, welfare program, member commitment and performance of Bandra Aceh Police members have been running well. The research also proved that there are organizational climate influences, career development both simultaneously and partially to the organizational commitment of employees, there are organizational climate influences, career development both simultaneously and partially to organizational performance, there is influence of organizational commitment to organizational performance and there is indirect influence organizational climate, career development towards organizational performance through organizational commitment of employees.Keywords : Organizational Climate, Career Development, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Performanc

    A versatile Montgomery multiplier architecture with characteristic three support

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    We present a novel unified core design which is extended to realize Montgomery multiplication in the fields GF(2n), GF(3m), and GF(p). Our unified design supports RSA and elliptic curve schemes, as well as the identity-based encryption which requires a pairing computation on an elliptic curve. The architecture is pipelined and is highly scalable. The unified core utilizes the redundant signed digit representation to reduce the critical path delay. While the carry-save representation used in classical unified architectures is only good for addition and multiplication operations, the redundant signed digit representation also facilitates efficient computation of comparison and subtraction operations besides addition and multiplication. Thus, there is no need for a transformation between the redundant and the non-redundant representations of field elements, which would be required in the classical unified architectures to realize the subtraction and comparison operations. We also quantify the benefits of the unified architectures in terms of area and critical path delay. We provide detailed implementation results. The metric shows that the new unified architecture provides an improvement over a hypothetical non-unified architecture of at least 24.88%, while the improvement over a classical unified architecture is at least 32.07%

    A Weberian Critique of Weber: Re-Evaluation of Sabri F. Ülgener’s Studies on Socio-Economic Structure of Turkey

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    Efforts to understand the transformation that has been experienced in Turkey for two centuries in the areas of politics, economics and intellect indispensably lead us to Sabri F. Ülgener. His unique approach in examining socio-economic changes, his different methodology and concepts that are developed by him; his researches stemming from economics and expanding through law and literature are referred as important initiations for understanding the differentiation in world-view (zihniyet) through huge historical changes. Ülgener, actually investigated the process of modernization in historical manner from a theoretical approach. In this manner, his analysis on world-view is a valuable contribution in offering explanations for current modern transformations after Ottoman society. As it is indicated in many studies abou him, Ülgener is one of the exceptional thinkers who can use the data that were collected through many fields like economic, sociology, history and literature in his researches. In this article, theoretical framework of Ülgener’s analysis on world-view is to be examined in a critical view of point

    Strategi Meningkatkan Semangat Kerja Melaui Perbaikan Motivasi dan Penempatan Pegawai

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    Functional groups in general position has the ability, skills, professionalism and dedication of the nature of high despite salary / wages and incomes do not differ from the structural position. Besides functional groups in general office located in remote places in the district / district / village in Lampung province with minimum facilities. Based on observations, obtained information that describes the motivation of employees is not in line with expectations due to staffing not liking. On the other hand felt the symptoms of declining employee morale within the office of the Directorate General of Taxes Bengkulu and Lampung. Two main factors are tested as factors that affect employee morale and motivation of staff placement. Motivational factors of work and staffing partially and simultaneously provide a significant impact on morale. The two independent variables are simultaneously able to explain 58.8% variation of the accuracy of employee morale factor. Likewise partially, both motivational factors and work placement employees have a strong relationship and significant employee morale.Kelompok jabatan fungsional secara umum memiliki kemampuan, keterampilan sifat profesionalisme dan dedikasi yang tinggi walaupun gaji/upah dan penghasilan tidak berbeda dari kelompok jabatan struktural. Disamping itu kelompok jabatan fungsional pada umumnya berkedudukan di tempat terpencil di Kabupaten/Kecamatan/Desa di Propinsi Lampung dengan fasilitas yang minim. Berdasarkan pengamatan, diperoleh keterangan yang menggambarkan motivasi pegawai masih belum sesuai dengan harapan yang disebabkan penempatan pegawai belum sesuai dengan keinginan. Di lain pihak dirasakan adanya gejala menurunnya semangat kerja pegawai di lingkungan Kanwil Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Bengkulu dan Lampung. Dua faktor utama diuji sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja pegawai yaitu motivasi kerja dan penempatan pegawai. Faktor motivasi kerja dan penempatan pegawai secara parsial dan simultan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap semangat kerja. Kedua variabel bebas tersebut secara simultan mampu menjelaskan 58,8% variasi ketepatan faktor semangat kerja pegawai. Begitupun secara parsial, baik faktor motivasi kerja maupun penempatan pegawai memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan terhadap semangat kerja pegawai.