411 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic Activity of Titanate Nanotube Powders in a Hybrid Pollution Control System

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    The photocatalytic activity on decomposition of Rhodamine B (RB) of titanate nanotubes (TNTs) synthesized by alkali hydrothermal treatment method was evaluated using a microwave/UV/photocatalyst hybrid system. The effects of each element technique as well as the synergy effects on decomposition of organic material were investigated. When TNTs were ion-exchanged with HCl, Na+ content was reduced from 8.36 wt% to 0.03 wt%, whereas the TNTs calcined at 723 K was phase-transformed into anatase structure. The RB decomposition rate increased with TNTs dosage as well as with microwave intensity. Effect of addition of auxiliary oxidants on photocatalytic decomposition of RB was also investigated. When ozone was added, the decomposition rate increased with the amount of ozone added. When H2O2 was used as the auxiliary oxidant, however, addition of H2O2 exceeding a threshold amount caused reduction of decomposition rate. A synergy effect was observed when H2O2 addition was combined with microwave-assisted photocatalysis

    Effect of Total Leaf Numbers on the Growth and Fruit Quality in Muskmelon Plants Showing Leaf Yellowing Symptoms

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of total leaf numbers on the growth, net formation of fruits, and occurrence of leaf yellowing symptoms (LYS) in muskmelon plants. The growth and development of LYS on muskmelon plants having 25, 30, and 35 fully expanded leaves on the vine were compared to those of the control plant having 20 leaves. Plant height, leaf area, root fresh weight, and root dry weight increased as the number of leaves increased. Plants with 35 leaves showed the greatest plant growth. Net photosynthetic rate was positively related to increasing leaf numbers with plants having over 25 leaves showing the greatest photosynthetic rates. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in chlorophyll content and root activity among treatments with different leaf numbers. The ratio of LYS infection was also greater in plants having 25-30 leaves, than in those having leaf numbers. Plants with different leaf numbers and LYS infection showed a variation in fruit quality, although LYS did not significantly affect fruit quality except net index. The plants having 20 leaves that showed LYS developed fruits that had significantly smaller flesh (mesocarp) thickness than, the plants having greater numbers of leaves. The higher sugar contents of fruits were found in the plants having 35 leaves whether they showed LYS (12.1°Bx) or not (12.5°Bx). Therefore, leaving more than 25 healthy leaves per plant was recommended for minimizing damage from LYS.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2015-01/104/0000027607/11ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A075898DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:(이희주)effect_of_total_leaf_numbers_on_the_growth_and_fruit_quality_in_muskmelon_plants_showing_leaf_yell··.pdfDEPT_NM:식물생산과학부CONFIRM:

    Little Response of Cerebral Metastasis from Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Any Treatments

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    Objective : We retrospectively evaluated the survival outcome of patients with brain metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods : Between 1991 and 2007, a total of 20 patients were diagnosed as having brain metastasis from HCC. The mean age of the patients was 55 +/- 13 years, and 17(85.0%) were men. Seventeen (85.0%) patients had already extracranial metastases. The median time from diagnosis of HCC to brain metastasis was 18.5 months. Fourteen (70.0%) patients had stroke-like presentation due to intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Ten (50.0%) patients had single or solitary brain metastasis. Among a total of 34 brain lesions, 31 (91.2%) lesions had the hemorrhagic components. Results : The median survival time was 8 weeks (95% Cl, 5.08-10.92), and the actuarial survival rates were 85.0%, 45.0%, 22.5%, and 8.4% at 4, 12, 24, and 54 weeks. Age < 60 years, treatment of the primary and/or extracranial lesions, and recurrent ICH were the possible prognostic factors (p = 0.044, p < 0.001, and p = 0.111, respectively). The median progression-free survival (PFS) time was 3 months (95% Cl, 0.95-5.05). Conclusion : The overall survival of the patients with brain metastasis from HCC was very poor with median survival time being only 8 weeks. However, the younger patients less than 60 years and/or no extracranial metastases seem to be a positive prognostic factor.Choi HJ, 2009, J NEURO-ONCOL, V91, P307, DOI 10.1007/s11060-008-9713-3Kim SR, 2006, WORLD J GASTROENTERO, V12, P6727Seinfeld J, 2006, J NEURO-ONCOL, V76, P93, DOI 10.1007/s11060-005-4175-3Cho DC, 2005, J CLIN NEUROSCI, V12, P699, DOI 10.1016/j.jocn.2004.08.026Chang L, 2004, SURG NEUROL, V62, P172, DOI 10.1016/j.surneu.2003.10.002Del Ben M, 2003, J EXP CLIN CANC RES, V22, P641El-Serag HB, 2002, J CLIN GASTROENTEROL, V35, pS72SALVATI M, 2002, J NEUROSURG SCI, V46, P77McIver JI, 2001, NEUROSURGERY, V49, P447Hayashi K, 2000, SURG NEUROL, V53, P379El-Serag HB, 1999, NEW ENGL J MED, V340, P745Peres MFP, 1998, ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT, V56, P658Deuffic S, 1998, LANCET, V351, P214Kim M, 1998, J NEURO-ONCOL, V36, P85TaylorRobinson SD, 1997, LANCET, V350, P1142Gaspar L, 1997, INT J RADIAT ONCOL, V37, P745LUCEY MR, 1997, LIVER TRANSPLANT SUR, V3, P628Murakami K, 1996, NEURORADIOLOGY, V38, pS31PATCHELL RA, 1990, NEW ENGL J MED, V322, P494OTSUKA S, 1987, NEUROL MED CHIR TOKY, V27, P654OKEN MM, 1982, AM J CLIN ONCOL-CANC, V5, P649PUGH RNH, 1973, BRIT J SURG, V60, P646

    Front Matter

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    This file contains cover for Volume II, Issue II, Editorial Board, Acknowledgements

    Funding structures for Build-to-Suit developments in Brazil: advantages and risks

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    Empreendimentos build-to-suit são aqueles em que o locador desenvolve um imóvel sob medida para o locatário, que o ocupará pelo prazo previsto em contrato. Dadas as peculiaridades desse tipo de contrato no contexto do real estate, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar as diferentes origens de recursos (fontes de funding) e a forma como eles são empregados (estruturas de funding) para desenvolver os empreendimentos, e discutir as vantagens e riscos dessas estruturas de funding do ponto de vista do empreendedor, que também é o locador. De forma a desenvolver este estudo e formatar as estruturas de funding apresentadas, parte-se de uma revisão das\ud práticas atuais do mercado imobiliário brasileiro (através de notícias veiculadas\ud na mídia e de prospectos de negócios realizados), da literatura brasileira sobre o tema e do conhecimento gerado no Grupo de Real Estate da Escola Politécnica da USP. De maneira a verificar a validade legal das soluções, é realizada uma checagem com\ud base na legislação brasileira e nas normas da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.\ud Considera-se fontes de funding aquelas tratadas (1) como equity: capital próprio do empreendedor, capital de parceiros (e sócios) no empreendimento na forma de dinheiro ou imóveis (notadamente, o terreno onde será construído o empreendimento), ou investimento de Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII); e (2) como dívida: financiamento bancário, securitização dos recebíveis de aluguéis com CRI ou debêntures. As estruturas de funding apresentadas serão combinações dessas fontes. A análise evidencia que estruturas com financiamento por securitização e emissão de CRI são as mais adequadas de forma geral para os negócios, assim como o investimento completo por FII para negócios de maior porte e nos quais o FII é proprietário direto do empreendimento. \ud Palavras-chave: real estate, build-to-suit, locação, funding, project financeBuild-to-suit real estate assets are tailor made developments for the tenant purposes, who occupies and operates the property for the duration agreed. Given the peculiarities of these contracts and the specificities of the property, this article aims at analyzing the sources of capital and how these funds are mixed and structured for the developments. The article discusses the risks and benefits of each of these funding\ud structures assuming the role of developer. In order to do this study and establish the funding structures shown, the research starts with a review of the current practices in Brazilian real estate market (based on press releases and prospects of deals), of local research papers, and will use the knowledge created at the Real Estate Research Group at Escola Politécnica at Universidade de São Paulo. Since it’s necessary to validate\ud the solutions proposed, Brazilian laws and Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) norms\ud are reviewed. Funding sources considered will be treated as (1) equity: developers own funds, partnership (via capital or real state – mainly land – investment), or Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (Brazilian investment structure comparable to REITs); or as (2) debt: banks traditional credit lines, securitization of receivables with CRI emissions\ud , and debt bond emissions. The funding structures presented are mixes of these sources. The analysis shows that the structures best suited for this purpose are those with debt by securitization with CRI emissions, along with the complete investment by a FII but only with large emissions and having the FII as the sole owner of the real estate. \ud Keywords: real estate, build-to-suit, rent, funding, project financ

    Differences in perspectives of pediatricians on advance care planning: a cross-sectional survey

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    Background The increase in the number of pediatric patients with complex health conditions necessitates the application of advance care planning for children. Earlier, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment was taboo in the medical society in South Korea due to the history of such practice being punishable by law, and physicians tended to pursue aggressive treatment. With changes in public opinion on end-of-life care, the Korean government enacted a new law that protect human dignity by respecting patients self-determination and facilitating advance care planning. However, little is known about current state of advance care planning for pediatric patients. The study aimed to assess perceptions regarding advance care planning among South Korean pediatricians and clarify any differences in perception among pediatric subspecialties. Methods This study was an observational cross-sectional survey that used a web-based self-report questionnaire. Participants comprised of pediatricians currently caring for children with life-limiting conditions in 2018. Results Of the 96 respondents, 89 were included in the analysis. In a hypothetical patient scenario, more hemato-oncologists and intensivists than neonatologists and neurologists preferred to provide comfort care than aggressive treatment. While 72.2% of hemato-oncologists reported that they usually or always discuss advance care plans with parents during treatment, more than half of other pediatricians reported that they seldom do so. Furthermore, 65% of respondents said that they never discuss advance care planning with adolescent patients. Moreover, there were no notable differences among subspecialties. The most prevalent answers to factors impeding advance care planning were lack of systemic support after performing advance care planning (82.0%) and uncertain legal responsibilities (70.8%). Conclusions The pediatricians differed in their experiences and attitudes toward advance care planning based on their subspecialty. Consequently, institutional support and education should be provided to physicians so that they can include children and families in discussions on prognosis.The authors disclose receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: this work was supported by the Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy, awarded by the 2018 Bioethics Policy Research Program and partially by the National Cancer Center (No. 1932570–1). The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the funders. The funders had no influence on the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript