8,261 research outputs found

    Ligand Binding Site Detection b Local Structure Alignment and Its Performance Complementarity

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    Accurate determination of potential ligand binding sites (BS) is a key step for protein function characterization and structure-based drug design. Despite promising results of template-based BS prediction methods using global structure alignment (GSA), there is a room to improve the performance by properly incorporating local structure alignment (LSA) because BS are local structures and often similar for proteins with dissimilar global folds. We present a template-based ligand BS prediction method using G-LoSA, our LSA tool. A large benchmark set validation shows that G-LoSA predicts drug-like ligands’ positions in single-chain protein targets more precisely than TM-align, a GSA-based method, while the overall success rate of TM-align is better. G-LoSA is particularly efficient for accurate detection of local structures conserved across proteins with diverse global topologies. Recognizing the performance complementarity of G-LoSA to TM-align and a non-template geometry-based method, fpocket, a robust consensus scoring method, CMCS-BSP (Complementary Methods and Consensus Scoring for ligand Binding Site Prediction), is developed and shows improvement on prediction accuracy. The G-LoSA source code is freely available at http://im.bioinformatics.ku.edu/GLoSA

    Identification of Ligand Templates using Local Structure Alignment for Structure-based Drug Design

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    With a rapid increase in the number of high-resolution protein-ligand structures, the known protein-ligand structures can be used to gain insight into ligand-binding modes in a target protein. Based on the fact that the structurally similar binding sites share information about their ligands, we have developed a local structure alignment tool, G-LoSA (Graph-based Local Structure Alignment). In G-LoSA, the known protein-ligand binding-site structure library is searched to detect binding-site structures with similar geometry and physicochemical properties to a query binding-site structure regardless of sequence continuity and protein fold. Then, the ligands in the identified complexes are used as templates (i.e., template ligands) to predict/design a ligand for the target protein. The performance of G-LoSA is validated against 76 benchmark targets from the Astex diverse set. Using the currently available protein-ligand structure library, G-LoSA is able to identify a single template ligand (from a non-homologous protein complex) that is highly similar to the target ligand in more than half of the benchmark targets. In addition, our benchmark analyses show that an assembly of structural fragments from multiple template ligands with partial similarity to the target ligand can be used to design novel ligand structures specific to the target protein. This study clearly indicates that a template-based ligand modeling has potential for de novo ligand design and can be a complementary approach to the receptor structure based methods

    Preparation of Functionalized Nanofibers and Their Applications

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    Effects of N-glycosylation on protein conformation and dynamics: Protein Data Bank analysis and molecular dynamics simulation study

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    N-linked glycosylation is one of the most important, chemically complex, and ubiquitous post-translational modifications in all eukaryotes. The N-glycans that are covalently linked to proteins are involved in numerous biological processes. There is considerable interest in developments of general approaches to predict the structural consequences of site-specific glycosylation and to understand how these effects can be exploited in protein design with advantageous properties. In this study, the impacts of N-glycans on protein structure and dynamics are systematically investigated using an integrated computational approach of the Protein Data Bank structure analysis and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of glycosylated and deglycosylated proteins. Our study reveals that N-glycosylation does not induce significant changes in protein structure, but decreases protein dynamics, likely leading to an increase in protein stability. Overall, these results suggest not only a common role of glycosylation in proteins, but also a need for certain proteins to be properly glycosylated to gain their intrinsic dynamic properties.This work was supported by NIH U54GM087519 and XSEDE MCB070009. We gratefully acknowledge Sunhwan Jo for helping us to use Glycan Reader. Anton computer time was provided by the National Center for Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems (MMBioS) through Grant P41GM103712-S1 from the National Institutes of Health and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). The Anton machine at PSC was generously made available by D.E. Shaw Research

    Ability of γδ T cells to modulate the Foxp3 T cell response is dependent on adenosine.

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    Whether γδ T cells inhibit or enhance the Foxp3 T cell response depends upon their activation status. The critical enhancing effector in the supernatant is adenosine. Activated γδ T cells express adenosine receptors at high levels, which enables them to deprive Foxp3+ T cells of adenosine, and to inhibit their expansion. Meanwhile, cell-free supernatants of γδ T cell cultures enhance Foxp3 T cell expansion. Thus, inhibition and enhancement by γδ T cells of Foxp3 T cell response are a reflection of the balance between adenosine production and absorption by γδ T cells. Non-activated γδ T cells produce adenosine but bind little, and thus enhance the Foxp3 T cell response. Activated γδ T cells express high density of adenosine receptors and have a greatly increased ability to bind adenosine. Extracellular adenosine metabolism and expression of adenosine receptor A2ARs by γδ T cells played a major role in the outcome of γδ and Foxp3 T cell interactions. A better understanding of the functional conversion of γδ T cells could lead to γδ T cell-targeted immunotherapies for related diseases

    AAD-2004, a potent spin trapping molecule and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 inhibitor, shows safety and efficacy in a mouse model of ALS

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    While free radicals and inflammation constitute major routes of neuronal injury occurring in neurodegenerative diseases, neither antioxidants nor nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have shown significant efficacy in human clinical trials. To explore the possibility that concurrent blockade of free radicals and PGE2-mediated inflammation might constitute a safe and effective therapeutic approach to certain neurodegenerative diseases, we have developed 2-hydroxy-5-[2-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-ethylaminobezoic acid (AAD-2004) as a derivative of aspirin. AAD-2004 completely removed free radicals at 50 nM as a potent spin trapping molecule and inhibited microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) with an IC50 of 230 nM. Oral administration of AAD-2004 blocked free radical formation, PGE2 formation, and microglial activation in the spinal motor neurons of SOD1G93A mice. As a consequence, AAD-2004 reduced autophagosome formation, axonopathy, and motor neuron degeneration, improving motor function and increasing life span. In these assays, AAD-2004 was superior to ibuprofen or riluzole. Gastric bleeding was not induced by AAD-2004 even at a dose 400-fold higher than that required to obtain maximal therapeutic efficacy in SOD1G93A mice. Targeting both mPGES-1 and free radicals may be a promising approach to reduce neurodegeneration in ALS and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases
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