140 research outputs found

    Tubular Shell Infestations in Some Mississippian Spirilophous Brachiopods

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    A brachiopod shell bed from the Lower Carboniferous (Serpukhovian) in Guizhou Province of southern China is reported as representing an in situ preserved brachiopod community. The community is characterized by yielding more than 80% complete and articulated specimens preserved in life position and poor size sorting. A new spiriferide species, Weiningia ziyunensis n. sp., is described in the community, which contains the other eight species belonging to six genera. Morphology and preservation analysis of Weiningia ziyunensis n. sp. suggests that it lived in dense clusters attached to living and dead shells and stabilizing its position with thickened posterior shell. Size-frequency distribution and survivorship curve are applied to the population dynamics investigation of this species. Large number of juvenile shells accompanied by high mortality reflects that many juvenile individuals suffered from the limited life space and turbid environment generated by dense clusters. The same high adult mortality is the result of more pressure from neighbors that lead to shell malformation and eventually low feeding and cleaning efficiency, whereas the low senior mortality is attributed to their abilities to cope with these problems. Members of the community show great difference in numeric frequency, with Weiningia ziyunensis n. sp. being one of the dominant species that was characterized by crowded life strategy. By living in dense clusters on Striatifera striata (Fischer de Waldheim, 1837) or other shell fragments, Weiningia ziyunensis n. sp. could resist the water current and gradually expand its population

    Serine 129 Phosphorylation of α-Synuclein Cross-Links with Tissue Transglutaminase to Form Lewy Body-Like Inclusion Bodies

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    Intraneuronal depositions of α-synuclein have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinsons's disease (PD). Previous reports have identified the crosslinking between α-synuclein and tTG (tissue transglutaminase) in both PD patients and the cellular model. However, no researches have been conducted to further investigate their interaction in physiological conditions. To address this question, we generated the SH-SY5Y cell line which stably expressed the wild-type or mutant (Ser129Ala) α-synuclein. After the treatment with okadaic acid, α-synuclein started forming aggregates upon the activation of tTG. Coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed a decreased interaction of the mutant α-synuclein S129A with tTG compared with the wild-type α-synuclein. Cells expressing the wild-type α-synuclein showed increased eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies that resembled Lewy bodies compared with the mutant. Double immunofluorescence staining confirmed the colocalization of the phosphorylated α-synuclein and the tTG in the cells. The S129A mutant demonstrated a lesser degree of colocalization than the wild type

    The potential of epigallocatechin gallate in the chemoprevention and therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the most notorious malignancies globally, has a high fatality and poor prognosis. Though remarkable breakthroughs have been made in the therapeutic strategies recently, the overall survival of HCC remains unsatisfactory. Consequently, the therapy of HCC remains a great challenge. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a natural polyphenol extracted from the leaves of the tea bush, has been extensively investigated for its antitumor effects. In this review, we summarize the previous literature to elucidate the roles of EGCG in the chemoprophylaxis and therapy of HCC. Accumulating evidence has confirmed EGCG prevents and inhibits the hepatic tumorigenesis and progression through multiple biological mechanisms, mainly involving hepatitis virus infection, oxidative stress, proliferation, invasion, migration, angiogenesis, apoptosis, autophagy, and tumor metabolism. Furthermore, EGCG enhances the efficacy and sensitivity of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and targeted therapy in HCC. In conclusion, preclinical studies have confirmed the potential of EGCG for chemoprevention and therapy of HCC under multifarious experimental models and conditions. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need to explore the safety and efficacy of EGCG in the clinical practice of HCC

    Penciptaan Komunikasi Visual Perancangan Program Edutainment “Seri Aktivitas Alam: Gunung Meletus”

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    This research is the continuation of previous research. The research is included in the creation of visual communication solutions on how a process of visual communication strategy can contribute a persuasive invitation. Research aims to expose the solution in the realm of visual communication. The research applied qualitative method. It began with the development of communicators becoming a mascot, continued on the delivery of messages through the comics, and invited children as audience target for design experience with game and gimmick. Result of the research is the visual design, as well as including the process of visual communication creation. As a conclusion, creating a visual communication solution could be carried out by the same method, similar matching scope, as well as the contents adjusted with new needs

    The crosstalk among the physical tumor microenvironment and the effects of glucose deprivation on tumors in the past decade

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    The occurrence and progression of tumors are inseparable from glucose metabolism. With the development of tumors, the volume increases gradually and the nutritional supply of tumors cannot be fully guaranteed. The tumor microenvironment changes and glucose deficiency becomes the common stress environment of tumors. Here, we discuss the mutual influences between glucose deprivation and other features of the tumor microenvironment, such as hypoxia, immune escape, low pH, and oxidative stress. In the face of a series of stress responses brought by glucose deficiency, different types of tumors have different coping mechanisms. We summarize the tumor studies on glucose deficiency in the last decade and review the genes and pathways that determine the fate of tumors under harsh conditions. It turns out that most of these genes help tumor cells survive in glucose-deprivation conditions. The development of related inhibitors may bring new opportunities for the treatment of tumors
