67,638 research outputs found

    Direct images of bundles under Frobenius morphisms

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    Let XX be a smooth projective variety of dimension nn over an algebraically closed field kk with char(k)=p>0{\rm char}(k)=p>0 and F:X→X1F:X\to X_1 be the relative Frobenius morphism. For any vector bundle WW on XX, we prove that instability of F∗WF_*W is bounded by instability of W⊗Tℓ(ΩX1)W\otimes{\rm T}^{\ell}(\Omega^1_X) (0≤ℓ≤n(p−1)0\le \ell\le n(p-1))(Corollary \ref{cor3.8}). When XX is a smooth projective curve of genus g≥2g\ge 2, it implies F∗WF_*W being stable whenever WW is stable.Comment: the final version to appear in Invent. math. (2008

    Direct Investigation of Superparamagnetism in Co Nanoparticle Films

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    A direct probe of superparamagnetism was used to determine the complete anisotropy energy distribution of Co nanoparticle films. The films were composed of self-assembled lattices of uniform Co nanoparticles 3 nm or 5 nm in diameter, and a variable temperature scanning-SQUID microscope was used to measure temperature-induced spontaneous magnetic noise in the samples. Accurate measurements of anisotropy energy distributions of small volume samples will be critical to magnetic optimization of nanoparticle devices and media.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Creation of collective many-body states and single photons from two-dimensional Rydberg lattice gases

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    The creation of collective many-body quantum states from a two-dimensional lattice gas of atoms is studied. Our approach relies on the van-der-Waals interaction that is present between alkali metal atoms when laser excited to high-lying Rydberg s-states. We focus on a regime in which the laser driving is strong compared to the interaction between Rydberg atoms. Here energetically low-lying many-particle states can be calculated approximately from a quadratic Hamiltonian. The potential usefulness of these states as a resource for the creation of deterministic single-photon sources is illustrated. The properties of these photon states are determined from the interplay between the particular geometry of the lattice and the interatomic spacing.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetization Relaxation and Collective Spin Excitations in Correlated Double--Exchange Ferromagnets

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    We study spin relaxation and dynamics of collective spin excitations in correlated double--exchange ferromagnets. For this, we introduce an expansion of the Green's functions equations of motion that treats non--perturbativerly all correlations between a given number of spin and charge excitations and becomes exact within a sub--space of states. Our method treats relaxation beyond Fermi's Golden Rule while recovering previous variational results for the spin--wave dispersion. We find that the momentum dependence of the spin--wave dephasing rate changes qualitatively due to the on--site Coulomb interaction, in a way that resembles experiment, and depends on its interplay with the magnetic exchange interaction and itinerant spin lifetime. We show that the collective spin relaxation and its dependence on the carrier concentration depends sensitively on three--body correlations between a spin excitation and a Fermi sea electron and hole. The above spin dynamics can be controlled via the itinerant carrier population.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Oscillatory pairing of fermions in spin-split traps

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    As a means of realizing oscillatory pairing between fermions, we study superfluid pairing between two fermion "spin" species that are confined to adjustable spin-dependent trapping potentials. Focusing on the one-dimensional limit, we find that with increasing separation between the spin-dependent traps the fermions exhibit distinct phases, including a fully paired phase, a spin-imbalanced phase with oscillatory pairing, and an unpaired fully spin-polarized phase. We obtain the phase diagram of fermions in such a spin-split trap and discuss signatures of these phases in cold-atom experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    A simulation study of two major events in the heliosphere during the present sunspot cycle

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    The two major disturbances in the heliosphere during the present sunspot cycle, the event of June to August, 1982, and the event of April to June, 1978, are simulated by the method developed by Hakamada and Akasofu (1982). Specifically, an attempt was made to simulate the effects of six major flares from three active regions in June and July, 1982, and April and May, 1978. A comparison of the results with the solar wind observations at Pioneer 12 (approximately 0.8 au), ISEE-3 (approximately 1 au), Pioneer 11 (approximately 7 to 13 au) and Pioneer 10 (approximately 16 to 28 au) suggests that some major flares occurred behind the disk of the sun during the two periods. The method provides qualitatively some information as to how such a series of intense solar flares can greatly disturb both the inner and outer heliospheres. A long lasting effect on cosmic rays is discussed in conjunction with the disturbed heliosphere

    The Structure on Invariant Measures of C1C^1 generic diffeomorphisms

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    Let Λ\Lambda be an isolated non-trival transitive set of a C1C^1 generic diffeomorphism f\in\Diff(M). We show that the space of invariant measures supported on Λ\Lambda coincides with the space of accumulation measures of time averages on one orbit. Moreover, the set of points having this property is residual in Λ\Lambda (which implies the set of irregular+^+ points is also residual in Λ\Lambda). As an application, we show that the non-uniform hyperbolicity of irregular+^+ points in Λ\Lambda with totally 0 measure (resp., the non-uniform hyperbolicity of a generic subset in Λ\Lambda) determines the uniform hyperbolicity of Λ\Lambda

    Andreev transport in two-dimensional normal-superconducting systems in strong magnetic fields

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    The conductance in two-dimensional (2D) normal-superconducting (NS) systems is analyzed in the limit of strong magnetic fields when the transport is mediated by the electron-hole states bound to the sample edges and NS interface, i.e., in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect regime.The Andreev-type process of the conversion of the quasiparticle current into the superflow is shown to be strongly affected by the mixing of the edge states localized at the NS and insulating boundaries. The magnetoconductance in 2D NS structures is calculated for both quadratic and Dirac-like normal state spectra. Assuming a random scattering of the edge modes we analyze both the average value and fluctuations of conductance for an arbitrary number of conducting channels.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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