260 research outputs found

    Influence of Impedance Interaction & Comparability on Spectral Aggregation (2-150 kHz) in DC Grids

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    The reported higher levels of conducted emissions in DC grids in the 2-150 kHz range are caused by the spectral aggregations resulting from the converter's switching harmonics. The dominant influence for these spectral aggregates is the impedance correlation between the DC-link capacitor and the converters. This paper analyses the impedance interaction & comparability between the DC-link and the DC/DC converters at the point of common coupling in the DC grid. Simulations with four DC-link capacitors and forty parallel DC/DC converters are conducted, with full (non-linear) and equivalent-source (linear) models for comparison. The dB/JV values for the first spectral aggregate decrease as the augmenting DC-side impedance becomes comparable with the smaller DC-link impedance, lowering the electromagnetic interference in the DC grid. This understanding may provide insights into the DC-link capacitor design from an electromagnetic compatibility perspective, and towards developing a framework for DC power quality standards in the 2-150 kHz range

    Modulation of long-term potentiation following microdoses of LSD captured by thalamo-cortical modelling in a randomised, controlled trial

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    This is the final version. Available from BMC via the DOI in this record. Data availability: The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Code for the TCM model is available here: https://github.com/alexandershaw4/LTP_code.Background Microdosing psychedelics is a phenomenon with claimed cognitive benefts that are relatively untested clinically. Pre-clinically, psychedelics have demonstrated enhancing efects on neuroplasticity, which cannot be measured directly in humans, but may be indexed by non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) paradigms. This study used a visual long-term potentiation (LTP) EEG paradigm to test the efects of microdosed lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on neural plasticity, both acutely while on the drug and cumulatively after microdosing every third day for six weeks. Healthy adult males (n=80) completed the visual LTP paradigm at baseline, 2.5 h following a dose of 10 µg of LSD or inactive placebo, and 6 weeks later after taking 14 repeated microdoses. Visually induced LTP was used as indirect index of neural plasticity. Surface level event-related potential (ERPs) based analyses are presented alongside dynamic causal modelling of the source localised data using a generative thalamocortical model (TCM) of visual cortex to elucidate underlying synaptic circuitry. Results Event-related potential (ERP) analyses of N1b and P2 components did not show evidence of changes in visually induced LTP by LSD either acutely or after 6 weeks of regular dosing. However modelling the complete timecourse of the ERP with the TCM demonstrated changes in laminar connectivity in primary visual cortex. This primarily included changes to self-gain and inhibitory input parameters acutely. Layer 2/3 to layer 5 excitatory connectivity was also diferent between LSD and placebo groups. After regular dosing only excitatory input from layer 2/3 into layer 5 and inhibitory input into layer 4 were diferent between groups. Conclusions Without modulation of the ERPs it is difcult to relate the fndings to other studies visually inducing LTP. It also indicates the classic peak analysis may not be sensitive enough to demonstrate evidence for changes in LTP plasticity in humans at such low doses. The TCM provides a more sensitive approach to assessing changes to plasticity as diferences in plasticity mediated laminar connectivity were found between the LSD and placebo groups.Health Research Council of New ZealandMindBio Therapeutics Ltd

    Neurophysiological evidence that frontoparietal connectivity and GABA-A receptor changes underpin the antidepressant response to ketamine

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer nature via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data underlying this article cannot be shared publicly as it was not part of the original ethics application to do so. The data will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding author.Revealing the acute cortical pharmacodynamics of an antidepressant dose of ketamine in humans with depression is key to determining the specific mechanism(s) of action for alleviating symptoms. While the downstream effects are characterised by increases in plasticity and reductions in depressive symptoms—it is the acute response in the brain that triggers this cascade of events. Computational modelling of cortical interlaminar and cortico-cortical connectivity and receptor dynamics provide the opportunity to interrogate this question using human electroencephalography (EEG) data recorded during a ketamine infusion. Here, resting-state EEG was recorded in a group of 30 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) at baseline and during a 0.44 mg/kg ketamine dose comprising a bolus and infusion. Fronto-parietal connectivity was assessed using dynamic causal modelling to fit a thalamocortical model to hierarchically connected nodes in the medial prefrontal cortex and superior parietal lobule. We found a significant increase in parietal-to-frontal AMPA-mediated connectivity and a significant decrease in the frontal GABA time constant. Both parameter changes were correlated across participants with the antidepressant response to ketamine. Changes to the NMDA receptor time constant and inhibitory intraneuronal input into superficial pyramidal cells did not survive correction for multiple comparisons and were not correlated with the antidepressant response. These results provide evidence that the antidepressant effects of ketamine may be mediated by acute fronto-parietal connectivity and GABA receptor dynamics. Furthermore, it supports the large body of literature suggesting the acute mechanism underlying ketamine’s antidepressant properties is related to GABA-A and AMPA receptors rather than NMDA receptor antagonism.Health Research Council of New ZealandWellcome Trus

    Autobiographical memory and hierarchical search strategies in depressed and non-depressed participants

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    Background: There is a growing body of literature showing individuals with depression and other trauma-related disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder) recall more overgeneral and less specific autobiographical memories compared to normal participants. Although the mechanisms underlying overgeneral memory are quite clear, the search strategy operated within the autobiographical knowledge base, at time of recollection, requires further exploration. The current study aimed to examine the hierarchical search sequence used to recall autobiographical memories in depressed and non-depressed participants, with a view to determining whether depressed participants exhibited truncated search strategies. Methods: Thirteen depressed and an equal number of non-depressed participants retrieved 15 memories each, in response to 15 commonly used cue words. Participants reported the first memory that entered in their mind. All memory descriptions were recorded and later transcribed verbatim for content analysis.Results: Depressed participants retrieved autobiographical memories faster, produced shorter memory descriptions and were less likely to recall positive memories than non-depressed participants. Non-depressed participants were more likely to commence retrieval by accessing lifetime period knowledge followed by general event and event specific knowledge, whereas depressed participants showed a tendency to terminate retrieval at the general event level. Conclusions: It is concluded that depressed participants do adhere to the same hierarchical search strategy as non-depressed participants when retrieving specific autobiographical memories, but that they terminate their search early, resulting in overgeneral memories

    Obesity and diabetes mellitus association in rural community of Katana, South Kivu, in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo : Bukavu Observ Cohort study results

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    Background: Factual data exploring the relationship between obesity and diabetes mellitus prevalence from rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa remain scattered and are unreliable. To address this scarceness, this work reports population study data describing the relationship between the obesity and the diabetes mellitus in the general population of the rural area of Katana (South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Methods: A cohort of three thousand, nine hundred, and sixty-two (3962) adults (>15 years old) were followed between 2012 and 2015 (or 4105 person-years during the observation period), and data were collected using the locally adjusted World Health Organization's (WHO) STEPwise approach to Surveillance (STEPS) methodology. The hazard ratio for progression of obesity was calculated. The association between diabetes mellitus and obesity was analyzed with logistic regression. Results: The diabetes mellitus prevalence was 2.8 % versus 3.5 % for obese participants and 7.2 % for those with metabolic syndrome, respectively. Within the diabetes group, 26.9 % had above-normal waist circumference and only 9.8 % were obese. During the median follow-up period of 2 years, the incidence of obesity was 535/100,000 person-years. During the follow-up, the prevalence of abdominal obesity significantly increased by 23 % (p < 0.0001), whereas the increased prevalence of general obesity (7.8 %) was not significant (p = 0.53). Finally, diabetes mellitus was independently associated with age, waist circumference, and blood pressure but not body mass index. Conclusion: This study confirms an association between diabetes mellitus and abdominal obesity but not with general obesity. On the other hand, the rapid increase in abdominal obesity prevalence in this rural area population within the follow-up period calls for the urgent promoting of preventive lifestyle measures

    The effectiveness of modern cardiac rehabilitation : A systematic review of recent observational studies in non-attenders versus attenders

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    BACKGROUND: The beneficial effects of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) have been challenged in recent years and there is now a need to investigate whether current CR programmes, delivered in the context of modern cardiology, still benefit patients. METHODS: A systematic review of non-randomised controlled studies was conducted. Electronic searches of Medline, Embase, CINAHL, science citation index (web of science), CIRRIE and Open Grey were undertaken. Non-randomised studies investigating the effects of CR were included when recruitment occurred from the year 2000 onwards in accordance with significant CR guidance changes from the late 1990's. Adult patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were included. Non-English articles were considered. Two reviewers independently screened articles according to pre-defined selection criteria as reported in the PROSPERO database (CRD42015024021). RESULTS: Out of 2,656 articles, 8 studies involving 9,836 AMI patients were included. Studies were conducted in 6 countries. CR was found to reduce the risk of all-cause and cardiac-related mortality and improve Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) significantly in at least one domain. The benefits of CR in terms of recurrent MI were inconsistent and no significant effects were found regarding re-vascularisation or re-hospitalisation following AMI. CONCLUSION: Recent observational evidence draws different conclusions to the most current reviews of trial data with respect to total mortality and re-hospitalisation, questioning the representativeness of historic data in the modern cardiological era. Future work should seek to clarify which patient and service level factors determine the likelihood of achieving improved all-cause and cardiac mortality and reduced hospital re-admissions

    Guillain-Barré syndrome: a century of progress

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    In 1916, Guillain, Barré and Strohl reported on two cases of acute flaccid paralysis with high cerebrospinal fluid protein levels and normal cell counts — novel findings that identified the disease we now know as Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). 100 years on, we have made great progress with the clinical and pathological characterization of GBS. Early clinicopathological and animal studies indicated that GBS was an immune-mediated demyelinating disorder, and that severe GBS could result in secondary axonal injury; the current treatments of plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin, which were developed in the 1980s, are based on this premise. Subsequent work has, however, shown that primary axonal injury can be the underlying disease. The association of Campylobacter jejuni strains has led to confirmation that anti-ganglioside antibodies are pathogenic and that axonal GBS involves an antibody and complement-mediated disruption of nodes of Ranvier, neuromuscular junctions and other neuronal and glial membranes. Now, ongoing clinical trials of the complement inhibitor eculizumab are the first targeted immunotherapy in GBS

    A prospective investigation of rumination and executive control in predicting overgeneral autobiographical memory in adolescence

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    The CaR-FA-X model (Williams et al., 2007), or capture and rumination (CaR), functional avoidance (FA) and impaired executive control (X), is a model of overgeneral autobiographical memory. Two mechanisms of the model, rumination and executive control were examined in isolation and in interaction to investigate overgeneral autobiographical memory over time. Method: Across two time points, six months apart, a total of 149 adolescents (13-16 years) completed a minimal instruction autobiographical memory test, a measure of executive control with emotional and non-emotional stimuli, and measures of brooding rumination and reflective pondering. Results: It was found that executive control for emotional information was negatively associated with OGM, but only when reflective pondering levels were high. Conclusion: In the context of higher levels of reflective pondering, greater switch costs (i.e. lower executive control) when processing emotional information predict a decrease in OGM over time

    Importance of Achromatic Contrast in Short-Range Fruit Foraging of Primates

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    Trichromatic primates have a ‘red-green’ chromatic channel in addition to luminance and ‘blue-yellow’ channels. It has been argued that the red-green channel evolved in primates as an adaptation for detecting reddish or yellowish objects, such as ripe fruits, against a background of foliage. However, foraging advantages to trichromatic primates remain unverified by behavioral observation of primates in their natural habitats. New World monkeys (platyrrhines) are an excellent model for this evaluation because of the highly polymorphic nature of their color vision due to allelic variation of the L-M opsin gene on the X chromosome. In this study we carried out field observations of a group of wild, frugivorous black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi frontatus, Gray 1842, Platyrrhini), consisting of both dichromats (n = 12) and trichromats (n = 9) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We determined the color vision types of individuals in this group by genotyping their L-M opsin and measured foraging efficiency of each individual for fruits located at a grasping distance. Contrary to the predicted advantage for trichromats, there was no significant difference between dichromats and trichromats in foraging efficiency and we found that the luminance contrast was the main determinant of the variation of foraging efficiency among red-green, blue-yellow and luminance contrasts. Our results suggest that luminance contrast can serve as an important cue in short-range foraging attempts despite other sensory cues that could be available. Additionally, the advantage of red-green color vision in primates may not be as salient as previously thought and needs to be evaluated in further field observations

    Use of neuroleptics in a general hospital

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    BACKGROUND: This study investigates the clinical use of neuroleptics within a general hospital in acutely ill medical or surgical patients and its relation with dementia three months after admission compared with control subjects. METHODS: Cases were defined as every adult patient to whom a neuroleptic medication was prescribed during their hospitalization in our Hospital from February 1(st), to June 30(th), 1998. A control matched by age and sex was randomly selected among patients who had been admitted in the same period, in the same department, and had not received neuroleptics drugs (205 cases and 200 controls). Demographic, clinical and complementary data were compared between cases and controls. Crude odds ratios estimating the risk of dementia in non previously demented subjects compared with the risk in non-demented control subjects were calculated. RESULTS: 205 of 2665 patients (7.7%) received a neuroleptic drug. The mean age was 80.0 ± 13.6 years and 52% were females. They were older and stayed longer than the rest of the population. Only 11% received a psychological evaluation before the prescription. Fifty two percent were agitated while 40% had no reason justifying the use of neuroleptic drug. Three months after neuroleptic use 27% of the surviving cases and 2.6% of the surviving controls who were judged non-demented at admission were identified as demented. CONCLUSIONS: The most common reason for neuroleptic treatment was to manage agitation symptomatically in hospitalised patients. Organic mental syndromes were rarely investigated, and mental status exams were generally absent. Most of neuroleptic recipients had either recognised or unrecognised dementia
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