676 research outputs found

    Postoperative Care and Complications After Thoracic Surgery

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    Advanced Shift Register Design Using PSDRM Reversible Logic

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    Reversible logic is one of the most important issues at the moment, with the different areas like low power CMOS devices, quantum computing, nanotechnology, cryptography, optical computing, DNA Computing, digital signal processing (DSP) etc. This can be achieved using reversible logic. The main purpose for designing reversible logic is to minimize cost and throughput. Reversible logic considered as a computing model in which there is one-to-one scaling between their input and output. Power distribution is considered as one of the most important aspects while designing circuit. Reversible logic has become an encouraging technology in low power circuit design. That's because back logic uses only very less power, thus resulting in reduced power dissipation. In this report, we proposed a new reversible gate, and with the help of this gate we have designed our asserted D flip-flop by using the two reversible gates i.e. by using Fredkin and Feynman Gate. The proposed design is better in terms of the average power consumed, number of gates and garbage output than existing. In Shift Register, we introduce a reversible D flip-flop by using FRG and FG gate in the place of existing D flip-flop which used Sayem Gate. The asserted design consumes less energy compare to traditional circuitry. Here we use Pseudo expressions (PSDRM). By using this technology there is an improvement in the factors, such as number of transistors, garbage output, quantum cost and power

    Novel applications of data mining methodologies to incident databases

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    Incident databases provide an excellent opportunity to study the repeated situations of incidents in the process industry. The databases give an insight into the situation which led to an incident, and if studied properly can help monitor the process, equipment and chemical involved more closely, and reduce the number of incidents in the future. This study examined a subset of incidents from National Response CenterÂs Incident database, focusing mainly on fixed facility incidents in Harris County, Texas from 1990 to 2002. Data mining has been used in the financial and marketing arena for many decades to analyze and find patterns in large amounts of data. Realizing the limited capabilities of traditional methods of statistics, more robust techniques of data mining were applied to the subset of data and interesting patterns of chemical involved, equipment failed, component involved, etc. were found. Further, patterns obtained by data mining on the subset of data were used in modifying probabilities of failure of equipment and developing a decision support system

    Usporedna procjena različitih postupaka lančane reakcije polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju za dokaz gena F i N virusa kuge malih preživača u kliničkim uzorcima.

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    In the present study the diagnostic value of different sets of F and N gene based primers currently used for diagnosis of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were assessed by comparing it with Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA). A total of five primer pairs, consisting of two pairs (F1/F2 and Fb1/Fb2) amplifying two different regions of F gene and three pairs amplifying different regions of N gene (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev and N1/N2) were compared on 10 clinical samples (4 blood, 4 nasal swabs and 2 tissue samples) collected from animals suspected for PPR. The primer sets NP3/NP4 detected highest number of positive samples 6 out of 10 followed by N1/N2 (5/10). Both F-gene based primers (F1/ F2 and Fb1/Fb2) detected 3 out of 10 samples as positive. Whereas the primer pair pprn_fr2/pprn_rev did not yield the desired amplicon in any of the samples tested. The maximum sensitivity and specififi city of 100% was observed by NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR whereas, 0% sensitivity was recorded by pprn_fr2/pprn_rev which fail to detect any positive sample. The overall agreement of 100% with kappa value 1.00 was highest between S-ELISA and NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR suggesting an almost perfect agreement, followed by N1/N2, having kappa value of 0.800, suggesting a substantial agreement. Results thus obtained in the present study, suggest that F-gene primers based RT-PCR can be easily replaced by highly sensitive and specific N-gene primers based RT-PCR for detection of PPR virus nucleic acid.Istražena je dijagnostička vrijednost različitih početnica za gene F i N koje se sada rabe za dijagnosticiranje kuge malih preživača lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju u usporedbi sa sendvič imunoenzimnim testom (S-ELISA). Testirano je ukupno pet parova početnica: dva para (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) specifična za različita područja gena F i tri para specifična za različita područja gena N (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev i N1/N2). Njihova vrijednost bila je uspoređena pretragom 10 kliničkih uzoraka (četiri uzorka krvi, četiri uzorka nosnog obriska i dva uzorka tkiva) uzetih od životinja pod sumnjom na kugu malih preživača. Uporabom početnica NP3/NP4 dokazan je najveći broj pozitivnih uzoraka (6/10), a potom početnicom N1/N2 (5/10). Objema početnicama za gen F (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) dokazana su tri pozitivna uzorka (3/10). Par početnice pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nije dao željeni umnožak (amplikon) ni u jednom pretraženom uzorku. Osjetljivost i specifičnost od 100% dokazana je za početnice NP3 i NP4, dok pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nisu pokazale nikakvu reakciju te njihovom upotrebom nije dokazan nijedan pozitivan uzorak. Podudarnost od 100% s kappa vrijednošću 1,00 bila je najveća između S-ELISA-e te RT-lančane reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica NP3 i NP4 što govori o posvemašnjoj podudarnosti, dok je na drugom mjestu po podudarnosti bila početnica N1/N2 s kappa vrijednošću od 0,800. Rezultati pokazuju da se RT-lančana reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica za gen F može zamijeniti vrlo osjetljivom i specifičnom reakcijom uz upotrebu početnica za gen N za dokazivanje nukleinske kiseline virusa kuge malih preživača

    Traditional usage of medicinal plants in humans and animals health care and their chemical constituents from hills and valleys of Jammu province, Western Himalaya

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    In this work, a systematic attempt to explore the ethnobotanical research on native plants of Jammu province located in Western Himalaya and their phytochemical constituents is presented. The village people use locally available plants to cure frequently occurring diseases in their communities and as a tonic to maintain their health. These plants are also responsible for animal health. The main aim of this research was to establish the botanical knowledge on usages of herbal plants through systematic documentation and identification of the species involved, ecological aspects and how they were used in the biological form. During the investigation, the authors explored the entire territory examining 17 different communities. In total, 226 species of plants categorized in 73 families used by the native inhabitants as plants used in their day-to-day life for health care were observed. Scientific names, localized vernacular name, parts used, mode of usages and reported chemical constituents of particular species are reported in this report. The study indicates the existence of a very strong tie between the local people and these particular plants. While studying, the authors found peculiar uses, species, parts used and recipes, which could be very helpful in developing new formulation for human and animal health care

    Traditional usage of medicinal plants in humans and animals health care and their chemical constituents from hills and valleys of Jammu province, Western Himalaya

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    84-100In this work, a systematic attempt to explore the ethnobotanical research on native plants of Jammu province located in Western Himalaya and their phytochemical constituents is presented. The village people use locally available plants to cure frequently occurring diseases in their communities and as a tonic to maintain their health. These plants are also responsible for animal health. The main aim of this research was to establish the botanical knowledge on usages of herbal plants through systematic documentation and identification of the species involved, ecological aspects and how they were used in the biological form. During the investigation, the authors explored the entire territory examining 17 different communities. In total, 226 species of plants categorized in 73 families used by the native inhabitants as plants used in their day-to-day life for health care were observed. Scientific names, localized vernacular name, parts used, mode of usages and reported chemical constituents of particular species are reported in this report. The study indicates the existence of a very strong tie between the local people and these particular plants. While studying, the authors found peculiar uses, species, parts used and recipes, which could be very helpful in developing new formulation for human and animal health care

    Usporedna procjena različitih postupaka lančane reakcije polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju za dokaz gena F i N virusa kuge malih preživača u kliničkim uzorcima.

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    In the present study the diagnostic value of different sets of F and N gene based primers currently used for diagnosis of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were assessed by comparing it with Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA). A total of five primer pairs, consisting of two pairs (F1/F2 and Fb1/Fb2) amplifying two different regions of F gene and three pairs amplifying different regions of N gene (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev and N1/N2) were compared on 10 clinical samples (4 blood, 4 nasal swabs and 2 tissue samples) collected from animals suspected for PPR. The primer sets NP3/NP4 detected highest number of positive samples 6 out of 10 followed by N1/N2 (5/10). Both F-gene based primers (F1/ F2 and Fb1/Fb2) detected 3 out of 10 samples as positive. Whereas the primer pair pprn_fr2/pprn_rev did not yield the desired amplicon in any of the samples tested. The maximum sensitivity and specififi city of 100% was observed by NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR whereas, 0% sensitivity was recorded by pprn_fr2/pprn_rev which fail to detect any positive sample. The overall agreement of 100% with kappa value 1.00 was highest between S-ELISA and NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR suggesting an almost perfect agreement, followed by N1/N2, having kappa value of 0.800, suggesting a substantial agreement. Results thus obtained in the present study, suggest that F-gene primers based RT-PCR can be easily replaced by highly sensitive and specific N-gene primers based RT-PCR for detection of PPR virus nucleic acid.Istražena je dijagnostička vrijednost različitih početnica za gene F i N koje se sada rabe za dijagnosticiranje kuge malih preživača lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju u usporedbi sa sendvič imunoenzimnim testom (S-ELISA). Testirano je ukupno pet parova početnica: dva para (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) specifična za različita područja gena F i tri para specifična za različita područja gena N (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev i N1/N2). Njihova vrijednost bila je uspoređena pretragom 10 kliničkih uzoraka (četiri uzorka krvi, četiri uzorka nosnog obriska i dva uzorka tkiva) uzetih od životinja pod sumnjom na kugu malih preživača. Uporabom početnica NP3/NP4 dokazan je najveći broj pozitivnih uzoraka (6/10), a potom početnicom N1/N2 (5/10). Objema početnicama za gen F (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) dokazana su tri pozitivna uzorka (3/10). Par početnice pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nije dao željeni umnožak (amplikon) ni u jednom pretraženom uzorku. Osjetljivost i specifičnost od 100% dokazana je za početnice NP3 i NP4, dok pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nisu pokazale nikakvu reakciju te njihovom upotrebom nije dokazan nijedan pozitivan uzorak. Podudarnost od 100% s kappa vrijednošću 1,00 bila je najveća između S-ELISA-e te RT-lančane reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica NP3 i NP4 što govori o posvemašnjoj podudarnosti, dok je na drugom mjestu po podudarnosti bila početnica N1/N2 s kappa vrijednošću od 0,800. Rezultati pokazuju da se RT-lančana reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica za gen F može zamijeniti vrlo osjetljivom i specifičnom reakcijom uz upotrebu početnica za gen N za dokazivanje nukleinske kiseline virusa kuge malih preživača