10 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this study are (1) To examine and analyze the partial impact of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance at the Main Branch Office of Social Security ( BPJS) Surakarta. (2) To examine and analyze the impact of employee engagement mediation on the impact of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance at the main branch office of Social Security (BPJS)Surakarta. This research was conducted in Surakarta, by taking the subject of employees at the Social Security (BPJS) Surakarta Main Branch which consists of several District Operational Service Offices (KLOK Kantor PelayananOperasionalKabupaten), namely KLOK Karanganyar, KLOK Sragen, KLOK Wonogiri and KLOK Sukoharjo. The results of the study found that the direct impact and indirect impact indicate that both pathways are effective, so that the Talent Management and Knowledge Management variables need to be maintained. The direct impact of Talent Management is greater than the indirect impact, while the direct impact of Knowledge Management is smaller than the indirect impact. There are positive and significant direct and indirect impacts between Talent Management and Knowledge Management on employee performance, so that employee attachment mediation as a mediating variable is partial mediation. Keywords: Talent Management, Knowledge Management, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Path Analysis

    Pengembangan Olahraga ‘Panco Air’ Sebagai Model Edukatif untuk Meningkatkan Kegiatan Jasmani Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Pendidikan jasmani dan  olahraga ialah bagian yang integral berasal sistem pendidikan yang bersifat menyeluruh. Mata pelajaran ini merupakan bagian penting buat mempertinggi kegiatan jasmani siswa di sekolah. Namun, pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah tidak cukup mampu memberikan efek kebugaran bagi peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu, diharapkan olahraga yang menarik serta mampu menaikkan aktivitas jasmani peserta didik di sekolah, salah satunya olahraga Panco Air. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan memakai perpaduan antara beberapa metode penelitian, yakni metode penelitian deskriptif, eksperimen, dan sejarah (pengalaman di masa kecil). Penelitian dilakukan di tahun 2021 hingga 2022. Sampel penelitian ini ialah siswa Sekolah Dasar yang tinggal di Pondok Yayasan Amal Bakti Sujono Taruno, Baki, Sukoharjo. Proses pengembangan olahraga ini juga melibatkan dosen dan  mahasiswa jurusan FKIP POK UTP. Olahraga Panco Air ialah suatu olahraga yang diangkat dari permainan rakyat. Pembuatan alat Tumpuan olahraga ini membutuhkan proses yang relatif panjang serta kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak. Sementara itu, Pembuatan aturan Permainan bisa dilakukan dengan baik sesudah melakukan uji coba latihan pancoair bersama mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa olahraga Panco Air sangat efektif dalam menaikkan kegiatan jasmani, khususnya siswa SD

    Peningkatan Ekonomi Keluarga Paguyuban Penjual Makanan Ringan Di Waduk Gajah Mungkur Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu UMKM masyarakat yang berada di sekitar Waduk Gajah Mungkur untuk memaksimalkan produk yang dimiliki, produk-produk yang dijual merupakan panganan lokal khas daerah tersebut, seperti keripik tempe benguk, keripik tempe, pisang dan lain sebagainya. Pandemi yang sudah berlangsung dari awal tahun 2020 tidak hanya berimbas terhadap operasional dari Waduk Gajah Mungkur itu sendiri tapi juga berimbas kepada penjaja makanan ringan yang biasa berkeliling waduk. Meskipun sekarang Waduk Gajah Mungkur dibuka kembali tetapi tempat wisata ini belum beroperasi 100%, sehingga dari segi jumlah pengunjung sendiri belum maksimal. UMKM ini sedang terpuruk dan membutuhkan solusi agar bisa bertahan dalam kondisi seperti sekarang. Solusi yang diberikan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan bagaimana memaksimalkan produk tersebut agar nilai jualnya bisa naik. Langkah pertama yang akan dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi variasi produk yang dijual. Langkah kedua kami akan mendampingi UMKM untuk bagaimana menghitung harga pokok produksi, mendesain kemasan yang menarik. Langkah ketiga kami akan membantu bagaimana agar bisa membantu memaksimalkan proses produksi. Langkah keempat kami akan membantu pendampingan agar masyarakat bisa menjadi berdikari dan memiliki usaha yang stabil, sehingga dapat menopang kebutuhan sehari-hari

    Peningkatan Kewirausahaan Masyarakat Melalui Sosialisasi Pengembangan Potensi Sumberdaya Peternak Kambing Mustafa Farm Sukoharjo

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    Kegiatan wirausaha menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menopang perekonomian nasional. Dalam proses meningkatkan perekonomian pada masyarakat tentu yang pertama dilakukan adalah mengetahui potensi wilayah daerah. Mustafa Farm merupakan peternakan kambing yang terletak di Desa Pandean Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang mempunyai banyak potensi. Pengembangan wirausaha sosial pada masyarakat setempat dapat dimulai dengan mengembangkan keterampilan tersebut melalui sebuah program sosialisasi pengembangan potensi sumberdaya dalam hal ini peternak kambing Mustafa Farm bertepatan di Desa Pandean. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bukan hanya sebagai wadah untuk mengembangkan keterampilan tetapi juga bertujuan agar supaya berdampak kepada peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. Pada proses pencapaian tujuan tersebut, Team melakukan persiapan dan menentukan pkegiatan yang prioritas berdasarkan potensi dan kondisi masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Setelah menentukan prioritas kegiatan, selanjutnya melakukan sosialisasi dilapangan dan loka karya. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat meningkatkan produksi peternak kambing, meningkatkan semangat berwirausaha peternak agar supaya lebih sensitive terhadap peluang pasar, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peternak dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan potensi peternakan yang dimiliki terutama dalam hal manajemen peternakan dengan memanfaatkan  potensi sumber daya local yang ada sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produksi secara optimal dan berkelanjutan


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    A good organization is an organization that seeks to improve its human resource capabilities, because it is a main factor for improving performance. The important things that need to be considered include; Safe, profitable and satisfactory working conditions also contribute to increasing employee motivation on work. In addition, work content is also no less important to measure employee performance.Original work content is the contents of the work or task given to employees and it is one of the supporting factors that provide smoothness of work motivation. The purpose of this study were to: (1) analyze and explain the effect of working conditions and work content on the discipline and employee performance (2) knowing and analyzing the mediation effect of discipline in the influence of work conditions and work content on employee performance. This research was conducted at the employees of the former Surakarta Residency Office of Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri and Sragen, which are usually sacrificed (Subo Suko Wono Sraten or Solo Raya), each of which has 25 employees, so that the total total is 125 employees. Then each region was taken by 15 employees as respondents. The Path analysis is used to test the relationship between independent variables with the dependent variable mediated by the mediation variable. The results of the study found that (1) there is a positive influence and significant work conditions and work content on the discipline and employee performance (2) there is a direct influence that is better than working conditions and work content on employee performance than must be mediated by discipline. Keywords: working conditions, job content, discipline, performance, and path analysis


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    Viva Pet Shop Sukoharjo through social media to promote a product and form a community or a group online with consumers who like the brand-brand food products of animals that are used to develop a community or a group online that allows the occurrence of a social interaction electronically that encourage the occurrence of electronic word of mouth. Electronic word of mouth is positive or negative statements made by potential customers, customers ' actual and former customers about a product or company through the internet. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a simultaneous influence of brand image, Word of Mouth (e-WOM), and the perception of price on consumer purchase decisions in a Pet Shop Sukoharjo. This research is quantitative descriptive using multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis test. Data collection using a questionnaire. The results of this study stated that there is the influence of the interaction between store image, Word of Mouth, and the perception of price on consumer purchase decisions in a Pet Shop. &nbsp


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    Managing Viva Pet Shop in Sukoharjo Regency realizes that the business provides equipment and everything related to pets, it's very similar to a business that supplies children and toddlers. The emotions of the customer are key there, so sometimes the prices are not so major consideration. Available products, quality of service, the building, the location, and also to determine consumer satisfaction pet shop. So in the purchase of the product for a beloved pet, the consumer will have a lot of consideration to determine the pet shop that he would visit to buy the needs of the pet. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence on retail sales mi to the satisfaction of the consumer at the Pet Shop Sukoharjo. This research is quantitative descriptive using descriptive statistical analysis, the classical assumption, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing. Data collection using a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 5 points. The results of this study stated that there is an influence in retail sales mi to the satisfaction of the consumer at the Pet Shop Sukoharjo

    The relationship between perceived value, attitude and behaviour towards purchasing organic products (Case Study in Indonesia)

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    Purpose: This research work attempts to review the effect of determinants like perceived uniqueness and perceived healthiness as well as attitude amongst the consumers on their purchase intention of organic food, which subsequently results in the actual purchase. Design/Method/Approach (only for empirical papers): Quantitative approaches and explanatory research are used in this study. This research data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed across a sample of consumers living in Indonesia. Online survey was used and conducted in November 2022 in Indonesia to measure this research. The sample, which was collected through online survey using Google Form, consisted 780 participants and was representative of gender, age, and region. Actually 800 participants were contacted to participate in the survey, but only 780 participants responded to the online survey. Findings: The first objective of this study was to test the ability of the extended VAB model to explain the consumption of organic food products by Indonesian consumers. The results show a good fit of the data. The third hypothesis has been confirmed, because attitudes are closely related to organic food consumption. Organic food products were considered and perceived as something that unique and natural; therefore, they created a favorable attitude on the part of the respondents. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the existence literature on organic food products especially about variables used in this study. In addition, in this study, consumers' perception of organic food products as unique, natural, healthy and sustainable was positively related to their overall attitudes. Practical Implications: Given the high production costs and limited quantities of organic food products, marketers should present and promote (through packaging and stories) organic food products as have a unique quality and should emphasize their natural character. Originality/Value: This paper providing a comprehensive overview and linking the literature on organic food consumption to the Values Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, including the role of perceived uniqueness and healthiness. The proposed integration of perceived uniqueness and healthiness in an organic food consumption model leads to interesting hypotheses and recommendations for policy makers, researchers and stakeholders involved in the organic food market. Research Limitations/Future Research: this study provides a good indication regarding consumers’ attitudes, perceived naturalness, and perceived uniqueness of seaweed food products. However, as only 55% of the respondents had consumed seaweed food products, the attitude and beliefs of 45% of the respondents were not based on actual experience, but on expectations and beliefs. We believe consumers’ attitudes and beliefs may differ after trying seaweed. Therefore, it would be interesting to study eventual variations in attitudes and beliefs before and after trying organic food products.   JEL Сlassіfіcatіon: D11, m31, Q1

    The relationship between perceived value, attitude and behaviour towards purchasing organic products (Case Study in Indonesia)

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    Purpose: This research work attempts to review the effect of determinants like perceived uniqueness and perceived healthiness as well as attitude amongst the consumers on their purchase intention of organic food, which subsequently results in the actual purchase. Design/Method/Approach (only for empirical papers): Quantitative approaches and explanatory research are used in this study. This research data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed across a sample of consumers living in Indonesia. Online survey was used and conducted in November 2022 in Indonesia to measure this research. The sample, which was collected through online survey using Google Form, consisted 780 participants and was representative of gender, age, and region. Actually 800 participants were contacted to participate in the survey, but only 780 participants responded to the online survey. Findings: The first objective of this study was to test the ability of the extended VAB model to explain the consumption of organic food products by Indonesian consumers. The results show a good fit of the data. The third hypothesis has been confirmed, because attitudes are closely related to organic food consumption. Organic food products were considered and perceived as something that unique and natural; therefore, they created a favorable attitude on the part of the respondents. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the existence literature on organic food products especially about variables used in this study. In addition, in this study, consumers' perception of organic food products as unique, natural, healthy and sustainable was positively related to their overall attitudes. Practical Implications: Given the high production costs and limited quantities of organic food products, marketers should present and promote (through packaging and stories) organic food products as have a unique quality and should emphasize their natural character. Originality/Value: This paper providing a comprehensive overview and linking the literature on organic food consumption to the Values Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, including the role of perceived uniqueness and healthiness. The proposed integration of perceived uniqueness and healthiness in an organic food consumption model leads to interesting hypotheses and recommendations for policy makers, researchers and stakeholders involved in the organic food market. Research Limitations/Future Research: this study provides a good indication regarding consumers’ attitudes, perceived naturalness, and perceived uniqueness of seaweed food products. However, as only 55% of the respondents had consumed seaweed food products, the attitude and beliefs of 45% of the respondents were not based on actual experience, but on expectations and beliefs. We believe consumers’ attitudes and beliefs may differ after trying seaweed. Therefore, it would be interesting to study eventual variations in attitudes and beliefs before and after trying organic food products.   JEL Сlassіfіcatіon: D11, m31, Q1

    Взаємозв’язок між сприйняттям цінності, ставленням та поведінкою щодо купівлі органічних продуктів (на прикладі Індонезії)

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    Purpose: This research work attempts to review the effect of determinants like perceived uniqueness and perceived healthiness as well as attitude amongst the consumers towards their purchase intention of organic food, which subsequently results in the actual purchase. Design/Method/Approach: Quantitative approaches and explanatory research are used in this study. This research data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed across a sample of consumers living in Indonesia. An online survey was used and conducted in November 2022 in Indonesia to measure this research. The sample, which was collected through the online survey using Google Form, consisted of 780 participants and was representative of gender, age, and region. Actually 800 participants were contacted to participate in the survey, but only 780 participants responded to the online survey. Findings: The first objective of this study was to test the ability of the extended Value Attitude Behaviour (VAB) model to explain the consumption of organic food products by Indonesian consumers. The results show a good fit of the data. The third hypothesis was confirmed because attitudes are closely related to organic food consumption. Organic food products were considered and perceived as something unique and natural; therefore, they provided a favorable attitude among the part of the respondents. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to existing literature on organic food products especially about variables used in this study. In addition, in this study, consumers' perception of organic food products as unique, natural, healthy and sustainable was positively related to their overall attitudes. Practical Implications: Given the high production costs and limited quantities of organic food products, marketers should present and promote (through packaging and stores) organic food products as the ones of unique quality and should emphasize their natural character. Originality/Value: This paper provides a comprehensive overview and links the literature on organic food consumption to Value Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, including the role of perceived uniqueness and healthiness. The proposed integration of perceived uniqueness and healthiness in an organic food consumption model leads to interesting hypotheses and recommendations for policy makers, researchers and stakeholders involved in the organic food market. Research Limitations/Future Research: This study provides a good indication regarding consumers’ attitudes, perceived naturalness, and perceived uniqueness of organic food products. However, as only 55% of the respondents had consumed organic food products, the attitude and beliefs of 45% of the respondents were not based on actual experience, but on expectations and beliefs. We believe consumers’ attitudes and beliefs may differ after trying organic food. Therefore, it would be interesting to study eventual variations in attitudes and beliefs before and after trying organic food products.Мета роботи: У цій дослідницькій статті зроблено спробу проаналізувати вплив таких детермінант, як сприйняття унікальності та здорового способу життя, а також ставлення споживачів до органічних продуктів харчування на їхній намір придбати органічну продукцію, що згодом призводить до фактичної купівлі. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: У цьому дослідженні використовуються кількісні підходи та пояснювальні дослідження. Дані дослідження були зібрані за допомогою анкети, поширеної серед вибірки споживачів, які проживають в Індонезії. Для вимірювання цього дослідження було використано онлайн-опитування, проведене в листопаді 2022 року в Індонезії. Вибірка, яка була зібрана за допомогою онлайн-опитування за допомогою Google Form, складалася з 780 учасників і була репрезентативною за статтю, віком та регіоном. Насправді з 800 учасниками зв'язалися для участі в опитуванні, але лише 780 учасників відповіли на онлайн-опитування. Результати дослідження: Першою метою цього дослідження було перевірити здатність розширеної моделі VAB пояснити споживання органічних продуктів харчування індонезійськими споживачами. Результати показали хорошу відповідність даних. Третя гіпотеза підтвердилася, оскільки ставлення тісно пов'язане зі споживанням органічних продуктів харчування. Органічні харчові продукти розглядалися і сприймалися як щось унікальне і природне, тому вони забезпечили сприятливе ставлення серед частини респондентів. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Дослідження доповнює існуючу літературу про органічні харчові продукти, особливо щодо змінних, які використовувалися в цьому дослідженні. Крім того, в цьому дослідженні було виявлено, що сприйняття споживачами органічних продуктів харчування як унікальних, натуральних, здорових і стійких позитивно пов'язане з їхнім загальним ставленням до них. Практична цінність дослідження: Враховуючи високу вартість виробництва та обмежену кількість органічних продуктів харчування, маркетологи повинні представляти та просувати (через упаковку та магазини) органічні продукти харчування як такі, що мають унікальну якість, та підкреслювати їхній натуральний характер. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Ця стаття надає всебічний огляд і пов'язує літературу про споживання органічних продуктів харчування з теорією цінності та теорією запланованої поведінки, включаючи роль сприйнятої унікальності та корисності для здоров'я. Запропонована інтеграція сприйнятої унікальності та корисності в модель споживання органічних продуктів харчування призводить до цікавих гіпотез та рекомендацій для політиків, дослідників та зацікавлених сторін, залучених до ринку органічних продуктів харчування. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Це дослідження дає хороші дані щодо ставлення споживачів, сприйняття натуральності та унікальності органічних харчових продуктів. Однак, оскільки лише 55% респондентів споживали органічні харчові продукти, ставлення та переконання 45% респондентів ґрунтуються не на фактичному досвіді, а на очікуваннях та віруваннях. Ми вважаємо, що ставлення та переконання споживачів можуть змінюватися після того, як вони спробують органічну їжу. Тому було б цікаво дослідити можливі зміни у ставленні та переконаннях до і після того, як вони спробували органічні харчові продукти