637 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Manajerial

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    Continuous improvement paradigm looks that organizational ability to process improvement which use for producing products or services for customers become determinant of organizational per¬formance, es¬pecially when entering in business competition area. To fulfill research purpose, primary data applied in this research.These data analyzed by SEM approach through AMOS application pro¬gram. Population in this re¬search is 51 manufacture com¬pany as client one of public accountant in Sura¬baya. As respondents are manag¬ers of 51 manufacture com¬pany above, in list noted about 145 persons. Respon¬dent are met when doing job in office respectively during research periode. Result of this research indi¬cates that : a) there is significant nega¬tive impact of TQM on managerial performance, but not sig¬nificant, b) there is positive impact of performance measure¬ment system on managerial performance, but not sig-nificant, and c) there is significant impact of re¬ward system on managerial performance. Dis¬cussion, im¬plication and limitation of this research will be ex-plained under consideration following

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Madrasah Di Provinsi Jambi: Studi Multi Kasus Pada Man Olak Kemang Kota Jambi, Man Pulau Temiang Kabupaten Tebo, Dan Man 2 Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    The objective of this study was to find out why the transformational headmaster can instill islamic school culture, the role of transformational leadership and the success of transformational leadership role in instilling islamic shool culture in province of Jambi. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive ap-proach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documenta-tion. Analysis of the data using the model of Miles and Huberman. Research re-sult; Principals have a muslim personality as Prophet, know the needs of his staff, build his staff confidence, building a shared commitment to make the shift to-wards change for the better, creative, productive and innovative, exemplary and courage to face challenges, sensitive to complaints and suggestions of staff, deli-beration and spirit of motivation. Principal transformational leadership roles are as Direction Setter, Agent of Change, Spokesperson, Coach, support-getter, suc-ces-guarantor and path-finder

    FORMING COMMUNITY CULTURE IN ADVANCING EDUCATION Study Of The Community Ideology Guards Community (KPIB) In Higher Education

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    This paper describes how the roles and functions of various community cultures that exist in universities in advancing Islamic education. Because the learning process is not only in the lecture bench. If that happens then the education process will run static not developing. With the culture of the communities in the tertiary institutions increasing the motivation and enthusiasm of learning of students in this case Islamic education. One of the communities that we highlighted, we studied is the role and function of the National Ideology Guards Community or abbreviated as KPIB, one of the Communities that gets recommendations from the Government in its formation in each tertiary institution through the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation (Permenristekdikti) No. 55 of 2018, concerning the Development of the Nation's Ideology in Student Activities in the campus environment. It turns out that after conducting observation and interviews as a form of data collection techniques, it can be seen and observed that the formation of communities can increase learning activities in tertiary institutions; 1. Students can explore more creative activities through community forums, 2. Students and lecturers can interact in discussions with more developed and in-depth studies, 3. Provide independence to students in managing various activities that support activities, 4 Promote extracurricular activities in the campus environment, 5. Development of campus communities becomes a means of publication for the campus in introducing more campus to the national and international level and 6. KPIB as a place for student activities in developing national studies, increasing the values of nationalism and patriotism

    Meningkatkan Kompensasi, Kepuasan Kerja dan Motivasi untuk Mengurangi Labor Turnover Intention

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    One of important aspect in organization is maintain existence of employee and push down turnover intention.Turnover intention is the result of the exit of some employees and entrance of others to the work organization. Turnover intention refers to the movement into and out of an organization by the work force. Turnover intention maybe define as any permanent departure beyond the organizational boundaries. Negative effect existence of turnover intention is the increasing of expense of recruitment. Other effect which more important is communications that's more and more ugly and organizational performance trouble. Base on reasoning of turnover intention problem this research purposed to analyses of relation between compensation, job satisfaction, motivation, and labor turnover intention.Base on research purpose, primary data be applied in this research. Research population are employee of several company in Surabaya which consist of 450 employee. From 450 employees, as much 150 employee be created as sample, by using random sampling technique. This amount have been compatible with general agreement which can be analyzed by using SEM.Result of the research indicates that there are significant influence from : compensation to job satisfaction, compensation to negative motivation, motivation to negative labor turnover intention, job satisfaction to motivation. There are two relationship which not significant, those are from : compensation to labor turnover intention, and job satisfaction to labor turnover intention. This result can be concluded that labor turnover intention can be reduced through : increasing compensation so job satisfaction will go up, then motivation also go up, and finaly labor turnover intention go down

    The Challenges And Risk Of Development Vocational Education In Indonesia

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    The quality of human resources (human resources) really depended on good and bad points of the educational agency that prepared him. By paying attention to this link, then the urgency of the quality educational agency had finally become the key strategy in order to gains the height of the quality of human resources. Vocational education that was quality became one of the most important answers for the Indonesian nation towards the demand of the globalisation. The quality of the graduate of Vocational Education that was high, required the adoption action and the adaptation of all the requirements for the work institution/the industry, furthermore reconciled the international standard of manpower, as well as filled the current legislation regulation. Vocational education aimed at increasing intelligence, knowledge, the identity, the noble moral, as well as participants’s skills educated to live independent and followed education further in accordance with the program Vocational education (Permendiknas No. 22 Th. 2006). There were two spectra of the territory that became the aim of Vocational Education, that is preparing participants educated to the world of the work and at the same time the academic world. Therefore, then the Vocational educational curriculum became more complex both planning and his implementation. In the Vocational educational curriculum the achievement was in two spectra of the territory, that his achievement through the application of the curriculum comprehensively. This curriculum it was hoped guaranteed fully the achievement from the aim of Vocational Education. Therefore, in his fact of Vocational Education needed the operational fund that was far more bigger than that was needed by middle education the public

    Membangun Brand Loyalty Melalui Brand Trust Dan Customer Satisfaction

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    Business competition by the company getting fighter in the long run, these conditions require the management to be more careful in determining the competitive strategy, in order to win on competition. Thus will be able to create high customer loyalty towards the products offered. The firm make a brand for their product, Consumer will be able to prefer the brands, it's depend on atribut of the product and then take satisfaction. The aim of this research to analyze Brand Trust and Customer Satisfaction influence to Brand loyalty.Variable in this research are Brand Trust, Merk Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction. Variable measured by Interval Scale and primary data used in this research. Purposive sampling have been taken to identify the sample, there was customer who had bought twice and 18 years old. Data analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The result of this research show that, Brand Trust have positif influence to Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction have positif influence to Brand Loyalty


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    Basically all of the organization or company always reduce rate of the employee turnover intention, primary which a voluntary, expert, and senior. The height of the employee turnover intention from the organization or company as cost dissipation to be compare it’s benefit. Voluntary turnover, in general, much occur on high performance employee, so that inflict a financial loss for company or organization. Most of employee which voluntary turnover can specified as avoidable voluntary turnover and unavoidable voluntary turnover. Avoidable voluntary turnover can spring like salary, job condition, and superior. Similarly, unavoidable voluntary turnover can spring such as the career path change and family. This research aim to analyze relationships of organizational support, job involvement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Base on research purpose, primary data applied in this research. Research population are employee from 3 big EMKL company in Surabaya which consist of 556 employee. From all of the population they are 150 employee be created as sample. As respondent the employee are met when they are finished lunch and in relaxation, during research period. Only 126 units data which can be analyzed by using SEM. Result of the research indicates that there are significant influence from : job involvement to job satisfaction, job involvement to organizational commitment, job satisfaction to organizational commitment, organizational commitment to turnover intention, job satisfaction to turnover intention. There are two relationship which not significant, those from organizational support to job satisfaction and organizational support to organizational commitment. This result can concluded that turnover intention can reduce through : a) job involvement to increase job satisfaction and to increase organizational commitment, and finally to reduce turnover intention, b) job involvement to increase organizational commitment, and finally to reduce turnover intention. Keyword : Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intentio

    Beyond the Overall Economic Downturn: Evidence on Sector-Specific Effects of Violent Conflict from Indonesia

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    This paper analyses the impact of violent conflict on economic growth using micro-level data from Indonesia. We compile a panel dataset at district level for the period 2002-2008, and disentangle the overall negative economic effect of violent conflict into its sectoral components. Our results reveal substantial differences across sectors, with the most detrimental impact evident in manufacturing industries and the service sectors. Further, the short-run impacts on growth appear to be only temporal, and some evidence for the 'phoenix effect' in the early post-conflict period is found. The construction sector, in particular, recovers soon once conflict ends, while manufacturing industries and the finance sector appear especially reliant on a lasting peace. A series of alternative specifications confirm the main findings of the analysis.Violent conflict, economic growth, Indonesia


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