6 research outputs found

    Techniques Of Translating English Figurative Expressions In ‘Colours’ Magazine By Garuda Indonesia Into Indonesian

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    The article is aimed to find out the Techniques of Translating English Figurative Expression in ‘Colours’ Magazine by Garuda Indonesia into Indonesian. There are three problems are discussed in this study, namely (1) types of figurative expressions found in the English version of ‘Colours’ magazine and their translation’s equivalence into Indonesian and (2) kinds of translation techniques applied in translating the English figurative expression into Indonesian, This research belongs to qualitative research and the data used in this study were taken from the ‘Colours’ magazine by Garuda Indonesia. The main theory which is applied in this study is taken from the theory of Molina & Albir (2002) in their book entitled Translation Techniques Revisited; A Dynamic and Functionalist Approach. Another theory applied is taken from the theory of McArthur (1992) in his book entitled The Oxford Companion on The English Language. Other supporting theories which are used to support this study are the theory of Larson (1998) in her book entitled Meaning-Based Translation and some other books considered relevant to the topic. The result showed that there are eleven kinds of English figurative expressions found in the data. They are antithesis, euphemism, hyperbole, idioms, irony, metaphor, metonimy, personification, pleonasm, simile and synecdoche. In translating techniques, the translator applied ten translating techniques, they are; adaptation, borrowing, compensation, description, established equivalent, linguistic comprehension, literal technique, modulation, reduction and transposition. In translating a figurative expression from SL into TL, some of the results showed that an English figurative expression is translated into Indonesian figurative translation but some of them can not maintain its figurativeness in Indonesian, therefore the English figurative expression is translated into Indonesian non-figuratively. Keywords: Techniques of Translating, English Figurative Expression, Colours Magazi

    Borrowing in the Translation of Culturally Bound Expression

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    Translation is not only a linguistic transfer and transfer of meaning but also a cultural transfer. Although theoretically equivalence can be attained due to the universal nature of language and cultural convergence but the facts show that a language is used by speakers who often have very different culture from other speakers of language so that in the translation process it is difficult to find a synonymous equivalent especially culturally bound expression. This study tries to identify and describe the phenomena of translating culturally bound expression from Indonesian into English as a result of the translation ideology and strategy exercised by the translator. This is a descriptive translation study focusing on objective aspect of the product using unidirectional parallel bilingual corpora based on text-based theory and translator-based theory. The findings show that based on the study of Indonesian fiction with Balinese culture setting translated into English there is an effort to translate the cultural meaning with the strategy of borrowing


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    Pelatihan berbicara (speaking) dalam bahasa Inggris membutuhkan metode khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penerapan metode crossword puzzle terhadap hasil pelatihan berbicara bahasa Inggris bagi karyawan LPD (Lembaga Perkreditan Rakyat) di desa Guwang, Kabupaten Gianyar. Karyawan LPD tentu saja harus mempraktekkan cara berbicara yang tepat dan benar terutamanya  dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan teknologi dan informasi setiap harinya. Dengan menguasai istilah-istilah teknologi dan informasi untuk bidang perbankan dan keuangan dianggap dapat meningkatkan kesadaran diri mereka sebagai karyawan LPD di era masyarakat 5.0 ini. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif model studi kasus dengan menggunakan desain pra-eksperimental dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan melakukan wawancara awal mengenai istilah-istilah teknologi informasi kepada 20 orang karyawan. Dengan demikian sampel penelitian adalah karyawan LPD di Desa Pekraman Guwang, Gianyar, yang terdiri dari beberapa tingkat pendidikan seperti SMA, SMK, Diploma dan Universitas. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar teka-teki silang yang terdiri dari 20 kosakata yang berhubungan dengan istilah keuangan dan teknologi informasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data dengan model interaktif (Interactive Mode of Analysis). Tahapan dalam analisis data adalah Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data dan Penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode crossword puzzle berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan minat penguasaan bahasa Inggris secara aktif dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri karyawan. Hasil analisis data terdapat 11 orang (55%) yang hanya mendapatkan kosakata di bawah 10 buah (Kelompok A). Yang berhasil mendapatkan kosakata 10 sampai 15 sebanyak 6 (30%) orang (Kelompok. B), sisanya 3 orang (15%) mendapatkan hasil di atas 15 (Kelompok. C).


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    This study aims to find out how optimal the application of the crossword puzzle method is to the results of English vocabulary mastery training for LPD (Lembaga Perkreditan Rakyat) employees in Guwang village, Gianyar Regency. LPD employee naturally deal with vocabularies about banking and finance, but they also equipped with technology and information things daily. By mastering information and technology terms for banking and finance fields is considered improving their self-awareness as an LPD employee in this society 5.0. The type of the research is a qualitative case study model using a pre-experimental design by distributing questionnaires and conducting initial interviews regarding information technology terms to 20 employees. Thus the research sample is the LPD employees at the Guwang Pekraman village, Gianyar, which consists of some level of education such as senior high school, vocational school, diploma and university. The research instrument was a crossword puzzle sheet consist of 20 vocabularies related to financial and information technology terms in English. While the research data were analyzed using data analysis techniques with interactive models (Interactive Mode of Analysis). The stages in data analysis are Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Drawing conclusions. Based on the hypothesis testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the use of the crossword puzzle method has an effect on increasing interest in mastering English actively and increasing the self-confidence of employees. The results of the data analysis are 11 people (55%) who only get vocabulary under 10 pieces (Group. A). Those who managed to get a vocabulary of 10 to 15 were as many as 6 (30%) people (Group. B), the remaining 3 people (15%) got results if they were above 15 (Group. C)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, 1) bentuk verbal bullying yang mengemuka di media sosial, 2) penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa pada kasus verbal bullying yang mengemuka di media sosial, dan 3) dampak verbal bullying yang mengemuka di media sosial. Dalam mencapai tujuan ini, peneliti menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa  (1) bentuk perilaku verbal bullying yang mengemuka di media sosial dinyatakan dalam bentuk menyindir, menghina, dan mengancam, (2) bentuk penyimpangan verbal bullying ditinjau dari prinsip kesantunan berbahasa menyalahi maksim kebijaksanaan, kesimpatian, pemufakatan (kecocokan), dan penghargaan, (3) Dampak verbal bullying yang mengemuka di media sosial dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu dampak positif, seperti bisa menjadi motivator positif, keinginan kuat untuk berbenah, berani menghadapi tantangan hidup, namun, dampak negatifnya jauh lebih berat, seperti, kehilangan kepercayan diri, disfungsi sosial, penyalahgunaan masa depan, percobaan bunuh diri, dan menjadi pelaku verbal bullying.  Kata kunci : verbal bullying, prinsip kesantunan berbahas


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    It has been researched in some studies and related theories confirming that using picture in teaching English vocabulary was very effective. Especially for young learner in elementary school which has Bahasa Indonesia as their main language, the vocabulary problem used to occurred in spelling, pronunciation, grammatical use, and meaning. Those language aspects become main obstacle for them. This research explores the implementation of English vocabulary and to find out the score improvement in using picture in learning process. The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of picture in improving students’ vocabulary. The research is conducted in Santo Yoseph 1 elementary school Denpasar in the class of 3B .It was conducted in two cycles to twenty-seven participants. Instruments used were tests, questionnaires, and observation. Results showed that an initial vocabulary mastery was 75.6 points, and increased to 86.08 in the final cycle of the study. In the same way, the questionnaire results in the second cycle revealed that although the students still found English learning (85.50) and memorizing vocabulary (70.37%) difficult, their interest in learning it increased (59.26% from 29.63%). Finally, the observation results of the second cycle also showed the improvement of both students’ and teacher’s teaching and learning atmosphere as well as interest. However, a further study and learning policy are worthy to assure the application of the pictorial aids facilitating the attractive and motivating learning atmosphere in the future. Keywords: Secondary student, vocabulary, pictorial aidPada beberapa penelitian dan teori terkait menegaskan bahwa penggunaan gambar dalam pengajaran kosa kata bahasa Inggris sangat efektif. Khusus untuk pelajar pemula di sekolah dasar yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa utama mereka, masalah kosa kata biasanya terjadi pada ejaan, pengucapan, penggunaan tata bahasa, dan makna. Aspek bahasa tersebut menjadi kendala utama bagi mereka. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penerapan kosa kata bahasa Inggris dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan skor dalam penggunaan gambar pada proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan gambar dalam meningkatkan kosa kata siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Santo Yoseph 1 Denpasar pada kelas 3B yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus terhadap dua puluh tujuh peserta. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes, angket, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian awal menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan kosakata sebesar 75,6 poin, dan meningkat menjadi 86,08 pada siklus akhir penelitian. Dengan cara yang sama, hasil angket pada siklus kedua mengungkapkan bahwa meskipun siswa masih menganggap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (85,50) dan sulit menghafal kosa kata (70,37%), minat mereka untuk mempelajarinya meningkat menjadi 59,26% dari 29,63%. Terakhir, hasil observasi siklus kedua juga menunjukkan adanya peningkatan suasana belajar mengajar serta minat siswa dan guru. Namun, studi lebih lanjut dan kebijakan pembelajaran layak untuk memastikan penerapan alat bantu gambar guna memfasilitasi suasana belajar agar menarik dan memotivasi siswa di masa depan. Kata kunci: Siswa sekolah dasar , kosakata, alat bantu bergambar