23 research outputs found
Perbaikan Pembungaan Dan Pembijian Beberapa Varietas Bawang Merah Dengan Pemberian Naungan Plastik Transparan Dan Aplikasi Asam Gibberelat
The main problem in producing true shallotseed (TSS) as source of healthy seed in Indonesia is low flowering and seed set of shallots. The experiment was conducted atExperimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI), Lembang (1,250 m asl.) from May to November2010. Objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of varieties, gibberellic acid, and transparent plastic shelter on flowering andtrue seed forming of shallots. A split plot design with three replications was used in this experiment. Main plots were three shallotvarieties i.e. Allium ascalonicum cv. Maja, Bima, and Kuning. Subplots were four combinations of gibberellic acid and transparentplastic sheltering i.e. (1) no sheltering and gibberellic acid applying; (2) no sheltering and applying 200 ppm gibberellic acid; (3)transparent plastic sheltering and no gibberellic acid application, and (4) transparent plastic sheltering and application of 200 ppmgibberellic acid. Before planting, mother bulb seed were vernalized in 10oC for 3 weeks. The results showed that there was interactionbetween variety, gibberellic acid, and transparent plastic sheltering on percentage of shallots plant number which produced flower.The highest percentage of shallots plant number producing flower up to 54.06% was obtained on A. ascalonicum cv. Bima withoutapplication of transparent plastic sheltering and gibberellic acid. The highest yield of TSS, viz. 16.11 kg/ha for Maja and 13.07 kg/ha for Bima was determined on application of transparent plastic sheltering and 200 ppm gibberellic acid. The flowers of Kuningvariety did not produce TSS because the flowers were attacked by fungi diseases. The quantity and quality of TSS yield were stilllow due to unsupporting weather for the flowering and seedling of shallots optimally
Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk N Dan Varietas Terhadap PH Tanah, N-Total Tanah, Serapan N, Dan Hasil Umbi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Pada Tanah Entisols-Brebes Jawa Tengah
Brebes merupakan sentra bawang merah di Jawa Tengah dengan jenis tanah Alluvial yang mempunyai kadar bahan organik dan N-total tergolong sangat rendah. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan ialah dengan menambahkan bahan organik dan pupuk N dengan dosis yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh varietas bawang merah dan dosis pemberian pupuk N terhadap pH tanah, N-total tanah, serapan N, dan hasil dua varietas tanaman bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) pada tanah Entisols Brebes, Jawa Tengah. Percobaan dilakukan di Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang, Jawa Barat (1.250 m dpl.) dari Bulan November 2011 sampai dengan Januari 2012. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah petak terbagi dengan tiga kali ulangan. Petak utama ialah varietas, terdiri atas varietas Bangkok dan Kuning. Anak petak ialah dosis pupuk N, terdiri atas lima taraf yaitu 0, 45, 90, 135, dan 180 kg/ha. Hasil percoban menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk N dan varietas bawang merah berinteraksi memengaruhi penurunan pH tanah, tetapi tidak demikian halnya dalam meningkatkan N-total tanah, serapan N tanaman, dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Secara mandiri varietas dan dosis pupuk N memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap peningkatan N-total tanah, tetapi tidak terhadap serapan N hasil tanaman bawang merah. Tidak didapat dosis optimum pupuk N untuk varietas Bangkok maupun varietas Kuning. Implikasi penelitian ini bahwa pupuk N dalam dosis yang cukup diperlukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanah Entisols dan tanaman bawang merah
Pengaruh Naungan Plastik Transparan, Kerapatan Tanaman, Dan Dosis N Terhadap Produksi Umbi Bibit Asal Biji Bawang Merah
. Sumarni, N. and R. Rosliani. 2010. The Effect of Transparent Plastic Shelter, Plant Density, and N Dosages on Shallots Seed Production from True Shallots Seed (TSS). Shallots can be cultivated by using bulb seed or TSS. Planting materials from TSS could produce mini bulb seeds which finally gave healthier shallots plant with high quality of bulb yield than that of from bulbs (conventional method). Several factors affected the yield of mini bulb shallots seed, among other thing are plant density, N fertilization, and the application of transparent plastic shading. The objective of this experiment was to find out the effect of plastic shelter, plant density, and N dosage to produce shallot bulb seeds from TSS. The research was carried out at the Experimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute Lembang (1,250 m asl.) on Andisol type soil from October 2005 to February 2006. The treatments were set up in a factorial randomized block design with three replications. The treatments comprised of three factors. The first factor was application of transparent plastic shelter with three levels, viz. (1) transparent plastic shelter from the beginning of seeds sowing (direct seeded) up to harvest the shallots seed, (2) transparent plastic shelter from the beginning of direct seeded up to six weeks, and (3) without shelter (control). The second factor was the plant density comprised of three levels, viz : 4, 6, and 8 g/m2 of TSS. The third factor was the dosages of N fertilizer with two levels, viz : 45 and 90 kg N/ha. The results showed that the application of transparent plastic shelter and plant density significantly affected the plant growth and shallots seed yield. Application of N fertilizer of 45 to 90 kg N/ha did not significantly affect plant growth and shallots seed yield eventually. The highest yield of shallots seed, viz. 2.54 kg/m2 was gained from the application of transparent plastic shelter from the beginning of sowing untill harvest with plant density of 8 g/m2 of TSS and 45 kg N/ha, with more than 70% bulb size for consumption (>5 g/bulb), and the rest 17 to 20% bulb size for seed (3 to 5 g/bulb). No mini bulb shallots seed (<2 g/bulb) was produced. This technique was quite promising and potential for increasing yield and bulb quality of shallots seed
Studi Bedengan Kompos Permanen Pada Budidaya Mentimun Di Lahan Kering
. Sumarni, N. and Y. Hilman. 2008. Permanent Composting Bed for Cucumber Cultivations on Dryland.The problem of cucumber cultivation in dryland is the lack of water and nutrient availability. One of the efforts to overcome this problem was the utilization of permanent composting bed. The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of the use of permanent composting bed on the growth and yield of cucumber in dryland. A randomized block design with 6 replications and 4 treatments of permanent composting beds with different organic waste was used. Cucumber plants were planted at 1 month after composting process took place. Results of the experiment indicated that the use of permanent composting bed without NPK was unsuitable for growing cucumber. The conventional cultivation using regular soil bed with stable manure and NPK fertilizer was still the best method, with highest yield of cucumber (15.485 t/ha with land efficiency of 80%). Vegetable cultivation on permanent composting bed was applicable in the areas with inadequate stable manure and water supply
Kebutuhan Pupuk Npk Optimum Bawang Bombay di Dataran Tinggi
Tanaman bawang Bombay membutuhkan ketersediaan unsur hara NPK di dalam tanah dalam jumlah yang cukup dan berimbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk NPK yang optimum untuk 2 kultivar bawang Bombay introduksi di dataran tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran Lembang, 1.250 m dpl dengan jenis tanah andisol. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan petak terpisah dengan 3 ulangan. Kultivar bawang bombay asal Australia yaitu E-515 dan Z-512 ditempatkan sebagai petak utama, sedangkan 14 kombinasi dosis N-P2O5-K2O ditempatkan sebagai anak petak. Kisaran dosis pupuk N, P, dan K adalah 75-375 kg/ha N, 75-375 kg/ha P2O5 dan 75-375 kg/ha K2O. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil umbi bawang bombay kultivar E-515 dan Z-512 mempunyai respons yang tidak berbeda terhadap dosis pupuk N, P, dan K. Dosis pupuk N, P, dan K yang optimum untuk kedua kultivar bawang bombay introduksi adalah 137 kg/ha N, 160 kg/ha P2O5, dan 195 kg/ha K2O. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk dan hasil tanaman bawang bombay.Onion plants need balance of NPK nutrient supply in soil. This experiment was conducted at Experimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute Lembang, 1,250 m asl with andisol soil type, to find out the optimum dosage of NPK fertilizer application for 2 introduced onion cultivars in highland. A split plot design with 3 replications was used. Two introduced onion cultivars from Australia (E-515 and Z-512) were assigned to main plot, and 14 combination of NPK dosages were assigned to subplot. The range of N, P, K dosages were 75-375 kg/ha N, 75-375 kg/ha P2O5 and 75-375 kg/ha K2O. The results revealed that both onion cultivars No. E-515 and No. Z-512 did not give different respons to NPK fertilization, expressed in the vegetative growth and bulb yield. The optimum dosage of NPK for both cultivars was 137 kg/ha N, 160 kg/ha P2O5 and 195 kg/ha K2O. The results can be applied to increase the efficiency of NPK fertilization on the introduced short-day onion
Pengaruh Pembenaman Residu Tanaman Penutup Tanah Kacang-kacangan Dan Mulsa Jerami Terhadap Hasil Cabai Merah Dan Kesuburan Tanah Andisol
. Sumarni, N. and R. Rosliani. 2009. The Effect of Buried Leguminosae Cover Crops and RiceStraw Mulch Residues in the Soil on the Yield of Hot Pepper and Fertility of Andisol Soil. This experiment wasconducted at Experimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute from November 2004 until March2005. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of leguminosae cover crops and rice straw mulchresidues which were buried in the soil on yield of hot pepper and fertility of Andisol soil-Lembang. A randomized blockdesign with 3 replications was used in this experiment. The treatments were 9 buried cover crop residues, consistedof peanut, red bean, and rice straw mulch, and 1 treatment of stable manure as a control. Peanut cover crops withplanting distance of 50 x 30 cm were replanted in all experimental plots (except control). Hot pepper var. Hot Beautywas used in this experiment with planting distance of 60 x 50 cm. The results showed that the buried residues of peanutcrops, red bean crops, rice straw mulch, and stable manure application did not significantly affect the growth and yieldof hot pepper, and fertility of Andisol soil. Peanut cover crops residue 7 t/ha + rice straw mulch residue 5 t/ha, withreplanted peanut crop as cover crops was the best treatment to maintain fertility of Andisol soil and yield of hot pepper
Optimasi Pupuk Dalam Usahatani LEISA Bawang Merah Di Dataran Rendah
Usahatani bawang merah telah dianggap menggunakan input bahan kimia sintetik terlalu tinggi, sehingga perlu dicari teknologi alternatif yang lebih ramah lingkungan dengan mengganti sebagian input kimia sintetik dengan bahan alami, seperti bahan organik. Untuk itu, diadakan kegiatan penelitian di Desa Kemukten, Kecamatan Kersana dari bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2003 menggunakan bawang merah varietas bangkok warso yang ditanam dengan jarak 17x17 cm. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan macam pupuk organik dan dosis pupuk NPK untuk meningkatkan hasil sayuran dalam USAhatani Leisa di dataran rendah. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuannya adalah kombinasi jenis pupuk organik (Oo = tanpa pupuk organik, O1= kompos ampas tebu dan O2 = bokasi jerami) dengan dosis pupuk NPK (Po = 0 kg/ha; P1 = 375 kg/ha; P2 = 750 kg/ha; P3 = 1.125 kg/ha, dan P4 = 1.500 kg/ha). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pada tanaman yang tidak diberi bahan organik, penggunaan pupuk NPK (15-15-15) kadar 375 kg/ha sudah meningkatkan bobot basah dan bobot kering bawang merah secara nyata. Pada tanaman yang diberi bahan organik ampas tebu, pemupukan NPK (15-15-15) dosis 375 kg/ha sudah memberikan kenaikan hasil bawang merah baik bobot basah maupun bobot kering secara nyata. Sedang penggunaan bahan organik bokasi jerami dengan pupuk NPK (15-15-15) dosis 375 kg/ha hanya meningkatkan bobot basah hasil bawang merah secara nyata.Optimization of vegetable production input in lowland under LEISA system. Production of shallot has been considered to use high chemical synthetic input, so there is a need to look for an alternative technology which is more environmentally safe by replacing some chemicals input with natural product such as organic matters. The experiment has been conducted in Kemukten, Kersana, Brebes from June up to September 2003 by using shallot variety bangkok warso that was planted at planting distance of 17x17 cm. The objective of this experiment was to find out kind of organic manure and dosage of NPK to increase yield of shallot under LEI SA system. The experimental arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were the combination between kind of organic matters without organic matter, sugarcane waste, and fermented rice straw) with dosages of NPK (0 kg/ha; 375 kg/ha; 750 kg/ha; 1,125 kg/ha; and 1,500 kg/ha). The results showed that shallot plantation without organic matters combined with 375 kg/ha NPK (15-15-15) could improve fresh and dry crops weight significantly. The application of sugarcane waste in combination with 375 kg/ha NPK (15-15-15), significantly increased fresh and dry weight of the harvested crops, while application of fermented rice straw organic matters in combination with 375 kg/ha NPK (15-15-15) just improved the yield in term of fresh crops weight significantly