
Pengaruh Pembenaman Residu Tanaman Penutup Tanah Kacang-kacangan Dan Mulsa Jerami Terhadap Hasil Cabai Merah Dan Kesuburan Tanah Andisol


. Sumarni, N. and R. Rosliani. 2009. The Effect of Buried Leguminosae Cover Crops and RiceStraw Mulch Residues in the Soil on the Yield of Hot Pepper and Fertility of Andisol Soil. This experiment wasconducted at Experimental Garden of Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute from November 2004 until March2005. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of leguminosae cover crops and rice straw mulchresidues which were buried in the soil on yield of hot pepper and fertility of Andisol soil-Lembang. A randomized blockdesign with 3 replications was used in this experiment. The treatments were 9 buried cover crop residues, consistedof peanut, red bean, and rice straw mulch, and 1 treatment of stable manure as a control. Peanut cover crops withplanting distance of 50 x 30 cm were replanted in all experimental plots (except control). Hot pepper var. Hot Beautywas used in this experiment with planting distance of 60 x 50 cm. The results showed that the buried residues of peanutcrops, red bean crops, rice straw mulch, and stable manure application did not significantly affect the growth and yieldof hot pepper, and fertility of Andisol soil. Peanut cover crops residue 7 t/ha + rice straw mulch residue 5 t/ha, withreplanted peanut crop as cover crops was the best treatment to maintain fertility of Andisol soil and yield of hot pepper

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