206 research outputs found
Pengaruh malnutrisi terhadap respons imunitas
Keyword : imunitas, Pengaruh malnutris
ABSTRAKSITujuan reformasi birokrasi adalah menciptakan birokrasi pemerintah yang profesional dengan karakteristik, integrasi, kinerja tinggi, KKN gratis dan bersih, mampu melayani masyarakat, netral, sejahtera, berdedikasi, dan menjunjung nilai-nilai dasar dan kode etik aparatur negara. . Hambatan dan tantangan yang harus diselesaikan termasuk biaya politik yang tinggi dalam pilkada. Sepanjang 2010-2017 setidaknya ada 215 kepala daerah yang menjadi tersangka dalam kasus-kasus korupsi yang ditangani oleh penegak hukum.Untuk mewujudkan peningkatan kualitas dan akses layanan yang dapat disediakan oleh pemerintah melalui pemerintah di provinsi, kabupaten dan kota, layanan yang diberikan tidak hanya berorientasi pada layanan untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada masyarakat, tetapi layanan dasar. Layanan dasar yang harus dipenuhi oleh pemerintah daerah terdiri dari 6 layanan dasar. Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Pekerjaan Umum, Sosial, Perdamaian, Ketertiban, dan Perlindungan Masyarakat.Semakin dominan pemerintah daerah sebagai ujung tombak dalam penyediaan kualitas pelayanan publik menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang tidak ringan sebagai akibat dari persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh calon Kepala Daerah Balon tidak lagi dilihat dari kompetensi. Kondisi ini merupakan harapan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan layanan berkualitas seolah-olah seperti asap di gantungan.Keberhasilan pencapaian target Standar Pelayanan Minimal Kabupaten / Kota membutuhkan dukungan dan perhatian dari semua pihak, disamping dukungan dari Pemerintah Pusat juga dari aparatur di Pemerintah Kabupaten / Kota, pemangku kepentingan, dan masyarakat sebagai pengguna jasa Kabupaten / Kota. Untuk mengatasi masalah terkait: Masih kurangnya pemahaman perangkat regional terhadap Standar Layanan Minimum. Hal ini berdampak pada tidak sepenuhnya program dan kegiatan dalam kerangka pencapaian SPM dapat terkandung dalam dokumen Perencanaan Pemerintah Daerah dan Perangkat Daerah. Implementasi SPM perlu didukung oleh Pemerintah Daerah baik dalam hal kebijakan (peraturan / peraturan) dan dukungan anggaran terutama untuk koordinasi dan pelaporan (penyediaan data). Biaya Pemilu Kepala Distrik yang mahal berdampak pada sulitnya mendapatkan dukungan kebijakan dan pemenuhan layanan publik sesuai dengan SPM. Oleh karena itu di masa depan perlu mengintegrasikan program dan kegiatan dalam dokumen perencanaan daerah sesuai dengan pedoman pelaksanaan / pedoman teknis tentang implementasi dan pencapaian SPM yang ditetapkan oleh masing-masing Kementerian. Kebutuhan untuk pemahaman lokal tentang Standar Layanan Minimum, di setiap perangkat regional. Tingginya biaya pemilihan kepala daerah menjadi perhatian serius untuk memperkuat komitmen semua tingkat pemerintah daerah untuk melaksanakan pembangunan daerah berdasarkan pada pemenuhan layanan dasar untuk semua komunitas kabupaten / kota. Meningkatkan kapasitas aparatur dalam pelaksanaan dan pencapaian Standar Pelayanan Minimal.Kata kunci: Layanan Publik, Layanan Dasar, Standar Pelayanan Minimum. ABSTRACTThe goal of bureaucratic reform is to create a professional government bureaucracy with characteristics, integration, high performance, free and clean KKN, able to serve the public, neutral, prosperous, dedicated, and uphold the basic values and code of ethics of the state apparatus. Obstacles and challenges to be solved include the high political costs in pilkada. Throughout 2010-2017 there are at least 215 regional heads became suspects in cases of corruption handled by law enforcement.        To realize the improvement of the quality and access of services that can be provided by the government through the government in the provinces, districts and municipalities, the services provided are not only service oriented to give satisfaction to society, but the basic services. Basic services that must be met by the local government consists of 6 basic services. Education, Health, Public Works, Social Affairs, Peace, Public Order and Community Protection. The more dominant the local government as the spearhead in the provision of quality public services facing a variety of challenges that are not light as a result of the requirements that must be met by candidates Balloon Regional Head no longer seen from the competency This condition is the hope of society to get quality services as though like smoke in a hanger.   Successful achievement of target Minimum Service Standard of Regency / City requires support and attention from all parties, besides support from Central Government also from apparatus in Regency / Municipal Government, stakeholders, and community as service user of Regency / City. To solve related problems: Still lack of understanding of regional devices against Minimum Service Standards. This impacts on not fully programs and activities in the framework of the achievement of MSS can be contained in the documents of Local Government Planning and Regional Devices. Implementation of MSS needs to be supported by Local Government both in terms of policies (regulations / regulations) and budget support mainly for coordination and reporting (provision of data). Expensive District head Election Costs have an impact on the difficulty of obtaining policy support and fulfillment of public services according to MSS. Therefore in the future it is necessary to integrate programs and activities in regional planning documents in accordance with the implementation guidelines / technical guidelines on the implementation and achievement of MSS established by each Ministry. The need for local area understanding of Minimum Service Standards, in each regional device. The high cost of local head elections is a serious concern to strengthen the commitment of all levels of local government to implement regional development based on the fulfillment of basic services for all district / city communities. Increase the capacity of the apparatus in the implementation and achievement of Minimum Service Standards.          Keywords: Public Service, Basic Service, Minimum Service Standard
REDESAIN OF THE LOW GAS FILLING SYSTEM FOR GAMMA AND X-RAY DETECTOR.The purpose of the redesign is to determine of the appropriate system for gas filling up to 0.2 mmHg by pressure. Method of this design is recite of the filling system in that system has been fate, and if possible is to determine for redesign the filling system, where the gas filling can filled by pressure closed to the design. Four methods can be carried out for the gas filling redesign. The first method is change the standard operation and added some of the detector tubes. The second method is to install a reservoir gas and valve on the piping systems. Addition of the closed manometer and valve is the third methods. The last methods is added the closed manometer, gas reservoir, and valve. Results of this studied shows that the first method will be found the filling pressure about 2 mmHg if at least 30 detectors must be filled. The second methods shows that 0.2mmHg filling pressure will be reached if the 2 liters reservoir gas volume must be added on the piping system. Furthermore, the 0,2mmHg filling pressure will be reached if the piping volume valve and closed manometer about 30cc, where this methods is called the third methods. The last methods is added the closed manometer and reservoir gas on the gas filling system, so the gas can be easy to put in order 0,2mmHg filling pressure. The conclusion of these methods is that four methods can be used for the low gas filling if the volume V1 as early filling is one per thousand by volume V2 as last gas filling process. REDESAIN SISTEM PENGISIAN DETEKTOR GEIGER-MULLER DENGAN ISIAN GAS TEKANAN RENDAH. Tujuan redisain ini adalah untuk menentukan sistem yang tepat untuk pengisian gas dengan tekanan 0,2mmHg. Metoda redisain adalah dengan menghitung volume sistem pengisian yang sudah ada, dan mengubah standar operasi pengisian, dan kemudian menetapkan kemungkinan untuk melakukan redisain sistem pengisian tersebut, agar diperoleh tekanan gas yang diinginkan. Dari hasil pengkajian ini diperoleh empat kemungkinan untuk melakukan redisain yaitu mengubah operasi standar dan menambah jumlah detektor yang diisi, menambah reservoir gas dan menambah valve, menambah manometer tertutup dan valve, menambah manometer tertutup reservoir gas dan valve. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dengan metoda pertama akan diperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg, jika detektor yang diisi paling tidak sekitar 30 buah. Dengan metoda kedua, untuk memperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg diperlukan penambahan reservoir gas dengan volume 2 liter. Metoda ketiga dengan membuat volume diantara valve dan manometer tertutup sebesar 30 cc, diperoleh tekanan pengisian gas sekitar 0,2mmHg. Sedangkan metoda keempat adalah menambah manometer tertutup dan reservoir gas pada saluran pengisian gas, sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengatur tekanan pengisian ruang sekitar manometer tertutup tersebut untuk memperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg. Berdasar pada hasil rancangan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keempat metoda dapat digunakan untuk pengisian gas tekanan rendah, dengan syarat bahwa volume pengisian awal V1 harus seperseribu volume akhir pengisian V2.
REDESAIN OF THE LOW GAS FILLING SYSTEM FOR GAMMA AND X-RAY DETECTOR.The purpose of the redesign is to determine of the appropriate system for gas filling up to 0.2 mmHg by pressure. Method of this design is recite of the filling system in that system has been fate, and if possible is to determine for redesign the filling system, where the gas filling can filled by pressure closed to the design. Four methods can be carried out for the gas filling redesign. The first method is change the standard operation and added some of the detector tubes. The second method is to install a reservoir gas and valve on the piping systems. Addition of the closed manometer and valve is the third methods. The last methods is added the closed manometer, gas reservoir, and valve. Results of this studied shows that the first method will be found the filling pressure about 2 mmHg if at least 30 detectors must be filled. The second methods shows that 0.2mmHg filling pressure will be reached if the 2 liters reservoir gas volume must be added on the piping system. Furthermore, the 0,2mmHg filling pressure will be reached if the piping volume valve and closed manometer about 30cc, where this methods is called the third methods. The last methods is added the closed manometer and reservoir gas on the gas filling system, so the gas can be easy to put in order 0,2mmHg filling pressure. The conclusion of these methods is that four methods can be used for the low gas filling if the volume V1 as early filling is one per thousand by volume V2 as last gas filling process. REDESAIN SISTEM PENGISIAN DETEKTOR GEIGER-MULLER DENGAN ISIAN GAS TEKANAN RENDAH. Tujuan redisain ini adalah untuk menentukan sistem yang tepat untuk pengisian gas dengan tekanan 0,2mmHg. Metoda redisain adalah dengan menghitung volume sistem pengisian yang sudah ada, dan mengubah standar operasi pengisian, dan kemudian menetapkan kemungkinan untuk melakukan redisain sistem pengisian tersebut, agar diperoleh tekanan gas yang diinginkan. Dari hasil pengkajian ini diperoleh empat kemungkinan untuk melakukan redisain yaitu mengubah operasi standar dan menambah jumlah detektor yang diisi, menambah reservoir gas dan menambah valve, menambah manometer tertutup dan valve, menambah manometer tertutup reservoir gas dan valve. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dengan metoda pertama akan diperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg, jika detektor yang diisi paling tidak sekitar 30 buah. Dengan metoda kedua, untuk memperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg diperlukan penambahan reservoir gas dengan volume 2 liter. Metoda ketiga dengan membuat volume diantara valve dan manometer tertutup sebesar 30 cc, diperoleh tekanan pengisian gas sekitar 0,2mmHg. Sedangkan metoda keempat adalah menambah manometer tertutup dan reservoir gas pada saluran pengisian gas, sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengatur tekanan pengisian ruang sekitar manometer tertutup tersebut untuk memperoleh tekanan pengisian 0,2mmHg. Berdasar pada hasil rancangan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keempat metoda dapat digunakan untuk pengisian gas tekanan rendah, dengan syarat bahwa volume pengisian awal V1 harus seperseribu volume akhir pengisian V2.
Mathematical Understanding and Proving Abilities: Experiment With Undergraduate Student By Using Modified Moore Learning Approach
This paper reports findings of  a  post test experimental control group design conducted to investigate the role of modified Moore learning approach  on improving students’ mathematical understanding and proving abilities. Subject of study were 56 undergradute students of one state university in Bandung, who took advanced abstract algebra course. Instrument of study were a set test of mathematical understanding ability, a set test of mathematical proving ability, and a set of students’ opinion scale on modified Moore learning approach. Data were analyzed by using two path ANOVA. The study found that proof construction process was more difficult than mathematical understanding  task  for all students, and students still posed some difficulties on constructing mathematical proof task.  The study also found there were not differences  between students’  abilities on mathematical understanding and on proving abilities of  the both classes, and both abilities were classified as mediocre. However, in modified Moore learning approach class there were more students who got above average grades on mathematical understanding than those of conventional class. Moreover, students performed positive  opinion toward  modified Moore learning approach. They  were  active in questioning and solving problems, and in explaining their works in front of class as well, while students of conventional teaching prefered to listen to lecturer’s explanation. The study also found that there was no interaction between learning approach and students’ prior mathematics ability on mathematical understanding and proving abilities,  but  there were  quite strong  association between students’ mathematical understanding and proving abilities.Keywords:  modified Moore learning approach, mathematical understanding ability, mathematical proving ability. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.2.2.751.231-25
High Level Mathematical Thinking : Experiments with High School and Under Graduate Students using Various Approaches and Strategies
High Level M athematical Thinking : Experiments with High School and Under Graduate Students using Various Approaches and Strategie
The Role of Problem Solving Approach on Student’s Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability and Disposition
This study was a pre test-post test experimental control group design having a goal to analyze the role of prior mathematics ability (PMA) and Problem Solving Approach (PSA) on student’s mathematical critical thinking ability (MCTA) and disposition (MCTD). The study involved 65  eleventh grade students, a prior mathematics ability (PMA), a MCTA test, a MCTD scale. The study found that PMA and PSA took roles on obtaining student’s MCTA and MCTD, those were the higher student’s PMA the study found the higher students MCTA and MCTD. Beside that, on MCTA and its N Gain, entirely and with low and medium PMA students getting treatment with PSA attained better grades than the grades of students taught by conventional teaching (CT); and for entirely and with medium and high PMA, student recieving treatment with PSA obtained higher grades on MCTA and MCTD than student taught by CT and those grades were at good grade level. The other findings, there was no association between MCTA and MCTD, and no interaction between PAM and teaching approaches toward MCTA and on MCTD and student learn actively during PSAÂ
The Role of Metaphorical Thinking on Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Self Confidence
This research is a pretest-posttest experimental control group design having a goal to investigate the role of metaphorical thinking approach (MTA) toward students’ mathematical reasoning ability (MRA) and self-confidence (MSC). The research involves 64 eighth grade students of a Junior High School in Garut Indonesia, an MRA test, and an MSC scale. The findings of this research were: students getting treatment with MTA reached MRA at a moderate grade level, and students taught by problem based learning (PBL) learning obtained MRA at a low grade level. However, there were no different grades on students’ MSC in both teaching approaches, and those grades were at a moderate level. Students in both teaching approaches encountered difficulties in solving MRA tasks such as on analogical reasoning about determine the value of the function, solving two linear variable equations, and writing down mathematical models involved in a calculation. Besides that, there was an association between MRA and MSC, students posed positive opinions toward implementation of MTA, and they performed active learning during MTA lessons
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