102 research outputs found

    Peran Perguruan Tinggi Mewujudkan Dinamika Kedamaian dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat

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    In any civilization, peacefulness or non-violence culture could be the ultimate end of human life. It contains human right principles to be achieved by community, civics, and nation. Albeit, in reality, the situation achieved is diametrically in the opposite to what expected where competition, contravention and social conflict arises very sharply unless a constructive conflict management is applied. The potentiality of social conflict to occur may be reduced to a tolerable rate when constructive dialogues can be built. The dialogues should be able to facilitate the development of convergence communication and the actualization of equality principles. Higher education processes will be one the most important institutions that could bring the actualization of the principles of peacefulness into reality. This could be true when education could assure the effectiveness of value transformation processes throughout generations. The role of high education institutions to make non-violence culture to become apparent is essential. The dynamic life in a peaceful culture can only be realized when a situation of welfare, equality and well expression of communication behavior are well maintained in the community life

    The Leadership Role of Farmer Groups and Effectiveness of the Farmers Empowerment

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    Ketidakberdayaan petani disebabkan karena petani tidak cukup mampu untuk menggunakan peralatan produksi secara optimal. Ketidakberdayaan juga disebabkan oleh kurang kompetensinya petani dalam memasarkan produk pertaniannya. Melalui kelompok tani, pemerintah telah melakukan proses pengajaran yang potensial dan pemberdayaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup petani. Dalam proses pemberdayaan kelompok tani ini, membutuhkan peran pemimpin untuk mendorong aktivitas pemberdayaan. Pemimpin memiliki peran yang penting untuk mempengaruhi dan memotivasi petani untuk mencapai tujuannya secara bersama-sama melalui kelompok tani. Tujuan penelitian ini. yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kepemimpinan dengan proses pemberdayaan kelompok tani, menganalisis hubungan antara proses pemberdayaan dengan tingkat pemberdayaan, juga menganalisis hubungan antara faktor pribadi dan faktor lingkungan dengan proses pemberdayaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey yang didukung pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada narasumber. Hasil penelitian ini diolah menggunakan Rank Spearman dan Chi-Square. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kelompok Tani Bina Sejahtera di Desa Situ Udik, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Bogor dan Kelompok Tani Hurip di Desa Cikarawang, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan positif nyata antara kepemimpinan dengan proses pemberdayaan, sementara proses pemberdayaan tidak berhubungan positif nyata dengan tingkat pemberdayaan. Beberapa faktor pribadi menunjukkan hubungan positif nyata dengan tingkat pemberdayaan

    Peran Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Kelembagaan Ketahanan Pangan Masyarakat ; Kasus Lumbung Pangan di Ciamis, Jawa Barat

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    The rice barn have important role in the farmer food security, especially at period of shortage before harvest.Nevertheless, a lot of the rice barn have still social function. To supported the community food security, the role ofrice barn must be changed to economics oriented. The objective of this research are (1) to study some factors thatinfluence communication models, (2) to study correlations of communication models and supporting factors tobehavior change at members and board of rice barn, and (3) correalations of behavior change to accelaration ofrice barn. This research was conduct in three sub-district on Ciamis District, West Java. The result indicated thatindividual characteristic and external variables were significant related to communication models. The supportingvariables and communication models were significant related to the behavior change of the member and board of therice barn. The better of trust, transparancy and participation in the rice barn management were related to theaccelerated function of the rice barn food security

    Factors Related to the Leather Craftsmen's Self-sufficiency in the Districts of Sidoardjo and Magetan, East Java

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    This research was intended to identify factors related to the leather craftsmen's self sufficiency in the districts of Sidoarjo and Magetan, in East Java. A descriptive survey research was accomplished amongst 260 craftsmen in the two districts in April 2005 through February 2006. The collected data were analyzed by using the Descriptive Statistics, the One Way Anova and the Structural Equation Modeling procedures. The findings pointed out that most of the observed craftsmen's entrepreneurial as well as their self-sufficiency behaviors were low. Furthermore, their self-sufficiency behaviors were related to their personal characteristics, business supports, and business environment

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Proses Belajar dan Tingkat Kecakapan Hidup Remaja (Kasus Pengrajin Sandal Desa Cikaret Kecamatan Bogor Selatan)

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    The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the relationship between learning process, adolescence characteristics, family roles, and environment, (2) to study the relationship between the youths\u27 life skill level and their learning process. The research took place at Cikaret Village, South Bogor Sub-District. Sixty 60 respondents were involved. Data was gathered on September-November 2005, by interview and observation. Quantitative data were analyzed by Spearman-Rank correlation procedure. In this research, the youth\u27s life skills were correlated to their characteristic, to their family role, to their environment and learning process. Some important results of this research are: ( 1) the life skills were correlated with the learning process within the conditions of learning and the experimental learning, ( 2) the learning process of the adolescence were related to the family role, the environment role and the adolescence\u27s characteristics, and ( 3) improvement of the quality of the adolescence\u27s life skills were needed together with effort to increase their quality of life, including their family, environment and learning process

    Peran Kelompok Tani dalam Ketahanan Pangan Rumahtangga Petani (Desa Banjarsari dan Desa Tanjungsari, Kecamatan Sukaresik, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Propinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat keamanan pangan rumah tangga petani yang telahterwujud, menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi keamanan pangan rumah tangga petani dan mengidentifikasiperan kelompok tani dalam rumah tangga untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan petani. Pendekatan penelitiandengan survai, responden penelitian adalah 60 kepala keluarga anggota petani dan Kelompok Tani Tanjungsaridari Desa Banjarsari, Kecamatan Sukaresik, Kabupaten tasikmalaya, provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitianmenggunakan metode statistik dengan kuantitatif dan kualitatif spearman korelasi untuk memeriksa variabelperingkat. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani ketersediaan pangan rumah tangga sudah cukupmemadai tetapi masih belum stabil ketika musim menghadapi kelaparan, panen kekeringan atau tak lamasebelum.Perlu meningkatkan peran kelompok tani untuk mencapai keamanan pangan rumah tangga petani.Kunci: ketahanan pangan, rumah tangga petani, kelompok tani

    Strategi Inovasi Sosial Pengembangan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia Nelayan

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    From generation to generation fisherman has been making a live for himself and family mainly by extracting coastal and marine resources. There are a number of program development designed to promote fisherman quality of life. However, there is still little progress in fisherman living quality. As the consequences, their ability to suffice their own and family needs also low. The objectives of this research are.- (1) to explain and analyze, condition of fisherman resources quality based on competence, ability to fulfill consumer\u27s need, income, and ability to suffice their own and their family need; and (2) to formulized effective fisherman resource quality enhancement strategy. Research has shown that: (1) low qualiy of fisherman resource, reflected on: low competence, low ability to fulfill needs, low income, low ability to suffice their own and their family needs for living; (2) Fisherman resource quality enhancement strategy divided on: (a) internal strategy, by applying social inovation through continuous non formal education (extension,) and (b) external strategy by increasing environment supports for fisherman effort according to their need

    Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove di Kabupaten Pangkep Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Mangrove forest is one natural resource which essential for the life of living creatures that lives on its surrounding. The existence of mangrove forests has become an integral part of the lives of coastal communities; hence the existence of mangrove forests should be maintained and preserved. Mangrove forest sustainability cannot be separated from the behavior of the people who live around that forest. The objective of this research was (1) to examine the behavior of the coastal communities conserving mangrove forests, (2) to examine the factors related to coastal communities\u27 behavior in managing and conserving mangrove forest. The populations were the 100 heads of fisherman households taken from Tekolabbua and Pundata Baji Village of Pangkep District. This research was correlational research. This data was analyzed using Spearman Rank correlation by using SPSS programming. The result shows that the behavior of coastal communities in the preservation Pangkep mangrove forests is in the middle level. Factors related to this are behavior is the intensity of extension activities and environmental support
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