328 research outputs found


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    Business of the millennium development goals (MDGs) one of them is to reducing infant mortality rate ( AKB ) to 23 per 1,000 of live births in the year 2015. The babies in Indonesia hopely can birth safe and healthy, living one through childbirth operation seksio sesaria. Seksio sesaria is one factor cause of the accident transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). The purpose to know the relation of the act of seksio sesaria against the incident transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) in rsud wates 2013. A method of observational analytic, research design kohort prospective. The location of research in rsud wates. The sample with purposive of sampling. Respondent a new baby born with the act of seksio sesaria and born spontaneous. Time research the 29th juli-16 august 2013. The number of subjects according to criteria as many as 40 the subjects. Divided into two groups, namely the group exposure to (birth with sectio secarea) and a group not exposed to (birth with normaly) each as much as 20 the subjects. Test hypotheses using chi-square. A kind of scale nominal. Result: there are relations between the act of sectioio secarea against the incident transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) with p-value 0,00, and coefficients contingency 0,646 category level is strong, and known the act of seksio sesaria risky 3,2 times to the occurrence of TTN compared with the birth of spontaneous. Conclusions: there is a relationship the act of seksio sesaria against the incident transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) and birth in sectio secarea risky 3,2 times to the occurrence of TTN

    Hubungan Status Gizi dan Berat Lahir dengan Perkembangan Anak Usia 30-35 Bulan

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    Prevalensi balita kurang gizi secara nasional minimal 10%, sedangkan di DIY masih 10,28%. Angka gizi buruk di Kota Yogyakarta mengalami kenaikan dari tahun 2010 (1,01%) ke tahun 2011 (1,35%) dan penurunan prevalensi BBLR dari tahun 2010 (5,51%) ke tahun 2012 (4,92%). Status gizi buruk tertinggi ketiga terdapat di Puskesmas Mantrijeron sebesar 1,87% dan diikuti tingginya prevalensi BBLR sebesar 6,42%. Hasil survey awal ditemukan 0,8% anak mengalami gangguan perkembangan dan sebagian memiliki riwayat berat lahir tidak normal. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan berat lahir dengan perkembangan anak usia 30-35 bulan. Metode penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan crossectional. Populasi sebanyak 75 ibu dari anak usia 30-35 bulan. Sampel 42 subjek diambil dengan teknik sampling accidental. Pelaksanaan di Posyandu. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square. Jenis skala nominal. Hasil: 40 subjek (95,2%) memiliki status gizi normal dengan berat lahir normal sebanyak 38 subjek (90,5%) dan perkembangan sesuai umur sebanyak 37 subjek (88,1%). Mayoritas subjek yang memiliki status gizi dan berat lahir normal memiliki perkembangan sesuai umur. Tidak ada hubungan status gizi dengan perkembangan anak dengan ρ-value 0,60. Ada hubungan berat lahir dengan perkembangan anak dengan ρ-value 0,01 dan koefisien kontingensi 0,36 kategori tingkat keeratan rendah. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan berat lahir dengan perkembangan anak dan tidak ada hubungan status gizi dengan perkembangan anak usia 30-35 bulan di wilayah Puskesmas Mantrijeron tahun 2013

    Penguatan Kapasitas Guru Pada Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Daerah 3T (Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar)

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    Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia melalui implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Implementasi ini memerlukan kesiapan dan kapasitas guru dalam mengembangkan keterampilan siswa sesuai dengan kebutuhan zaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penguatan kapasitas guru pada implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di daerah 3T(Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar), khususnya di Desa Jerol, Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus tunggal. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 6 guru Sekolah Dasar di Jerol. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguatan kapasitas guru dalam implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penguatan kapasitas guru dapat dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional, mentoring, dan kolaborasi antara guru dengan sesama guru dan pengambil kebijakan pendidikan. Kesimpulannya, penguatan kapasitas guru dalam implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas pendidikan yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan dukungan yang memadai dari pengambil kebijakan pendidikan untuk memfasilitasi pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional, mentoring, dan kolaborasi antara guru

    Factors related to HbA1c in the first trimester of pregnancy

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    The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the world is 16.2% of live births associated with hyperglycemia in pregnancy, and 7.4% are caused by type 1 or 2 diabetes which is detected for the first-time during pregnancy. The prevalence of GDM in Indonesia reaches 3.6% and the highest rate is found in the Special Province of Yogyakarta (2.6%). One of the risk factors for GDM is excess nutrition which is influenced by daily intake. This study aims to determine the relationship between nutritional intake and body mass index (BMI) with HbA1c levels in first-trimester pregnant women. This study used a cross-sectional design. A simple random sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria was employed, involving 47 pregnant women as subjects. Nutritional intake was measured with the semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). The nutritional status of pregnant women is measured by BMI. HbA1c was measured by the turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (TINIA) method. Analysis of research data using the Pearson product-moment correlation test and rank Spearman. The results of this study stated that there was a relationship between nutritional intake and BMI with HbA1c levels. Diagnosis of GDM and appropriate intervention can reduce the risk of complications of diabetes mellitus (DM)

    Studi Fenomenologi: Mempersiapkan Menarche Autis

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    Autis memiliki sistem reproduksi yang sama dengan perempuan lainnya dan memiliki risiko pelecehan seksual lebih besar dibanding dengan perempuan normal. Keluarga merupakan orang terdekat yang berpotensi untuk memberikan pendidikan seksual mengenai menarche, namun autis banyak yang menghabiskan waktunya di sekolah dibandingkan dirumah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat persepsi sekolah luar biasa di daerah Yogyakarta mengenai pendidikan persiapan menarche di sekolah. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologi melalui wawancara terhadap guru SLB yang memiliki siswa autis di Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SLB tidak memiliki mata pelajaran khusus mengenai pendidikan seksual khususnya persiapan menarche namun mata pelajaran Bina Diri dapat digunakan sebagai sarana guru memberikan pendidikan seksual pada autis. Metode pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan adalah metode imitasi dimana siswa meniru apa yang diajarkan seperti menggunakan, melepas dan membuat pembalut. Dengan pemberian pendidikan seksual sejak dini pada autis, anak akan lebih siap menghadapi menarche baik saat dirumah maupun di luar rumah

    The Influence of Jawa Post Publication and Group Involvement Towards Public Participation in Surabaya Green and Clean (SGC) Program

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    Environmental development in Surabaya is carried out through various programs inviting the public to participate in them. “Surabaya Green and Clean” is one of the programs. It involves the public and Jawa Post, a national newspaper, as a means to spread information. The study aims at testing the influence of publication and group involvement towards public participation in the program. Based on the hypothesis testing, it is concluded that publishing news about “Surabaya Green and Clean” in Jawa Post and group involvement have significant influence towards public participation in “Surabaya Green and Clean” Program


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    PENGARUH INISIASI MENYUSU DINI TERHADAPJUMLAH PERDARAHAN PASCA PERSALINANSumarah,Mohammad Hakimi, Shinta PrawitasariABSTRACTBackground: Mortality and morbidity among women during pregnancy and labour are a major problem in poorand developing countries including Indonesia. The prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage is between 2-11% outof all childbirth. Postpartum hemorrhage is the main cause of maternal mortality (28%). Maternal mortalitymainly occurs within the first 4 hours after childbirth. Uterus contraction after childbirth greatly minimizes therisk of hemorrhage. Early breastfeeding initiation stimulates the back of hypofiche gland to produce oxytoxinthat ignites womb muscle contraction so that the risk for the prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage can beminimized.Objective: To identify the impact of early breastfeeding initiation to the amount of postpartum hemorrhage.Method: The study was observational with prospective cohort design. Subject of the study were normal partummothers at Sleman Hospital taken using non probability with consecutive sampling technique (62 samples). Dataanalysis used univariate with frequency distribution and percentage, bivariate with independent t-test andmultivariate with linear regression.Result and Discussion: Average amount of blood in postpartum mothers that practised early breastfeedinginitiation (EBI) was lower than those without EBI. The average amount of hemorrhage in mothers that practiceEBI was 77,26 + 33,6 cc, and in mothers that did not practiced EB was 115,4 +31,0 cc. Average difference in theamount of hemorrhage in the two groups was -38,1 cc. This difference was statistically significant with p0,05).Conclusion: EBI affected the amount of postpartum hemorrhage. Average amount of postpartum hemorrhage inmothers that practiced practised EBI was 38,1 cc less than in those that did not practise EBI.Keywords: postpartum, early breastfeeding initiation, skin to skin contactABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Mortalitas dan morbiditas pada wanita selama kehamilan dan persalinan adalah masalah besardi negara-negara miskin dan berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Prevalensi perdarahan postpartum adalah 2-11%dari semua persalinan. Perdarahan postpartum merupakan penyebab utama kematian ibu (28%). Kematian ibuterutama terjadi dalam 4 jam pertama setelah melahirkan. Kontraksi rahim setelah melahirkan sangatmeminimalkan risiko perdarahan. Inisiasi menyusui dini merangsang bagian belakang kelenjar hypofiche untukmenghasilkan oxytoxin yangmemicu kontraksi otot rahimsehingga resiko untuk prevalensi perdarahan postpartumdapat diminimalkan.Tujuan: Untuk mengidentifikasi dampak dari inisiasi menyusui dini terhadap jumlah perdarahan postpartum.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan rancangan kohort prospektif. Subyek penelitian adalahibu yang melahirkan normal di Rumah Sakit Sleman diambil menggunakan non probability dengan teknikpengambilan sampel berturut-turut (62 sampel). Analisis data yang digunakan univariat dengan distribusi frekuensidan persentase, bivariat dengan t-test independen dan multivariat dengan regresi linier.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Jumlah rata-rata darah pada ibu pasca melahirkan yang dilakukan tindakan inisiasimenyusui dini (IMD) lebih rendah dibandingkan mereka yang tidak dilakukan IMD. Jumlah rata-rata perdarahanpada ibu yang berlatih IMD adalah 77,26 + 33,6 cc, dan pada ibu yang tidak melakukan IMD adalah 115,4 + 31,0cc. Rata-rata perbedaan jumlah perdarahan pada kedua kelompok adalah -38,1 cc. Perbedaan ini secara statistiksignifikan dengan p 0,05.Kesimpulan: IMD mempengaruhi jumlah perdarahan postpartum. Jumlah rata-rata perdarahan postpartum padaibu yang dilakukan IMD adalah 38,1cc lebih sedikit dibanding mereka yang tidak berlatih IMD.Kata kunci: postpartum, inisiasi menyusui dini, kontak kulit dengan kul


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    This study aims to determineathe relationshipabetween parentalasupportaand learning motivationain distance learning. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Kamal 06. The hypothesisaof this researchais that thereais a positive relationship between parental support and learning motivation in distance learning in class V students at SD Negeri Kamal 06. The research subjects are students of SD Negeri Kamal 06 class V totaling 67 students. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Theameasuring instrument used is aaparental support scale and a learning motivation scale. The data analysis technique uses product moment correlation analysis.The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between parental support and learning motivation in distance learning in fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kamal 06 with a value of r = 0.543 ; p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Theaconclusion in this studyais that there is aasignificant positive relationship betweenaparental support and learning motivation in distance learning in fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kamal 06. The effective contribution of the parental support variable to student learning motivation is 29.5% as indicated by the coefficient of determination. (r2) of 0,295, this means that there are 70.5% of other factors that affect student learning motivation

    Analysis of the K-Means Algorithm for Clustering School Participation Rates in Central Java

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    One indication of the development of educational services in Indonesia is the School Enrollment Rate (SER). Higher the rate of enrolment, the better a location offers access to training. The dataset source was collected from the Central Java Statistical Agency website. The analysis object is the percentage of SERs for ages 7-12 years, 13-15 years, and 16-18 years in the Central Java region during 2017-2019. In the Central Java province, the aim of which is the third largest province after West Java and East Java, was to analyze the level of school participation as mapped. The created research product is a mapping of locations in the District and City areas in the form of clusters. The solution is the clustering algorithm k-means. In this study, there were two groups: high (C1) and low. The clusters were separated into (C2). Cluster-mapping studies results for the years 7-12 were, that in a high cluster, 24 provinces (cluster 0) and 11 provinces (cluster 1) were in a lower cluster, whereas the 13-15-year-old cluster mapping results from 23 provinces (cluster 0) and 12 provinces (cluster 1) and the 16-18-year-old cluster mapping results from 15 provinces. Final centroid value is the basis for the determination of the clusters where the final centroid value for a cluster aged 7-12 years were high (cluster 0) {99.81, 99.87, 99.75} and low (cluster 1) {99.73, 99.43, 99.25}, whereas the final centroid value of a cluster aged 13-15 years was high (cluster 0). For all age categories, the mapping findings reveal a good proportion, that is, over 50% in the top class. In particular, 24 provinces (57%) were in the low cluster of the 16-18-year age group. Research results information can provide a macro-image of the level of SER development in recent years. Keywords: K-Means, algorithm, clusterin