246 research outputs found

    A Peridynamics-Based Micromechanical Modeling Approach for Random Heterogeneous Structural Materials

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    This paper presents a peridynamics-based micromechanical analysis framework that can efficiently handle material failure for random heterogeneous structural materials. In contrast to conventional continuum-based approaches, this method can handle discontinuities such as fracture without requiring supplemental mathematical relations. The framework presented here generates representative unit cells based on microstructural information on the material and assigns distinct material behavior to the constituent phases in the random heterogenous microstructures. The framework incorporates spontaneous failure initiation/propagation based on the critical stretch criterion in peridynamics and predicts effective constitutive response of the material. The current framework is applied to a metallic particulate-reinforced cementitious composite. The simulated mechanical responses show excellent match with experimental observations signifying efficacy of the peridynamics-based micromechanical framework for heterogenous composites. Thus, the multiscale peridynamics-based framework can efficiently facilitate microstructure guided material design for a large class of inclusion-modified random heterogenous materials

    Dynamics of confined water and its interplay with alkali cations in sodium aluminosilicate hydrate gel: insights from reactive force field molecular dynamics

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    This paper presents the dynamics of confined water and its interplay with alkali cations in disordered sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gel using reactive force field molecular dynamics. N-A-S-H gel is the primary binding phase in geopolymers formed via alkaline activation of fly ash. Despite attractive mechanical properties, geopolymers suffer from durability issues, particularly the alkali leaching problem which has motivated this study. Here, the dynamics of confined water and the mobility of alkali cations in N-A-S-H is evaluated by obtaining the evolution of mean squared displacements and Van Hove correlation function. To evaluate the influence of the composition of N-A-S-H on the water dynamics and diffusion of alkali cations, atomistic structures of N-A-S-H with Si/Al ratio ranging from 1 to 3 are constructed. It is observed that the diffusion of confined water and sodium is significantly influenced by the Si/Al ratio. The confined water molecules in N-A-S-H exhibit a multistage dynamic behavior where they can be classified as mobile and immobile water molecules. While the mobility of water molecules gets progressively restricted with an increase in Si/Al ratio, the diffusion coefficient of sodium also decreases as the Si/Al ratio increases. The diffusion coefficient of water molecules in the N-A-S-H structure exhibits a lower value than those of the calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) structure. This is mainly due to the random disordered structure of N-A-S-H as compared to the layered C-S-H structure. To further evaluate the influence of water content in N-A-S-H, atomistic structures of N-A-S-H with water contents ranging from 5–20% are constructed. Qn distribution of the structures indicates significant depolymerization of N-A-S-H structure with increasing water content. Increased conversion of Si–O–Na network to Si–O–H and Na–OH components with an increase in water content helps explain the alkali-leaching issue in fly ash-based geopolymers observed macroscopically. Overall, the results in this study can be used as a starting point towards multiscale simulation-based design and development of durable geopolymers

    Fracture Toughness of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Gels: Evaluations Using Nanoindentation Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    This paper presents the fracture toughness of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gel formed through alkaline activation of fly ash. While the fracture toughness of N-A-S-H is obtained experimentally from nanoindentation experiment implementing the principle of conservation of energy, the numerical investigation is performed via reactive force field molecular dynamics. A statistically significant number of indentations are performed on geopolymer paste yielding frequency distribution of Young’s modulus. Four distinct peaks are observed in the frequency distribution plot from which the peak corresponding to N-A-S-H was separated using statistical deconvolution technique. The young’s modulus of N-A-S-H, thus obtained from statistical deconvolution shows excellent match with the values reported in the literature, thus confirming successful identification of indentations corresponding to N-A-S-H. From the load-penetration depth responses of N-A-S-H, fracture toughness was obtained following the principle of conservation of energy. The experimental fracture toughness shows good correlation with the simulated fracture toughness of N-A-S-H, obtained from reactive force field molecular dynamics. The fracture toughness of N-A-S-H presented in this paper paves the way for multiscale simulation-based design of tougher geopolymer binders

    Exploring the role of low-density neutrophils during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by infection with the bacteriu

    Elucidating the Costitutive Relationship of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate Gel Using High Throughput Reactive Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning

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    Prediction of material behavior using machine learning (ML) requires consistent, accurate, and, representative large data for training. However, such consistent and reliable experimental datasets are not always available for materials. To address this challenge, we synergistically integrate ML with high-throughput reactive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate the constitutive relationship of calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) gel—the primary binding phase in concrete formed via the hydration of ordinary Portland cement. Specifically, a highly consistent dataset on the nine elastic constants of more than 300 compositions of C–S–H gel is developed using high-throughput reactive simulations. From a comparative analysis of various ML algorithms including neural networks (NN) and Gaussian process (GP), we observe that NN provides excellent predictions. To interpret the predicted results from NN, we employ SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), which reveals that the influence of silicate network on all the elastic constants of C–S–H is significantly higher than that of water and CaO content. Additionally, the water content is found to have a more prominent influence on the shear components than the normal components along the direction of the interlayer spaces within C–S–H. This result suggests that the in-plane elastic response is controlled by water molecules whereas the transverse response is mainly governed by the silicate network. Overall, by seamlessly integrating MD simulations with ML, this paper can be used as a starting point toward accelerated optimization of C–S–H nanostructures to design efficient cementitious binders with targeted properties

    Fracture toughness of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (NASH) gels: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations

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    This paper evaluates the fracture toughness of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gel formed through alkaline activation of fly ash via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The short- and medium-range order of the constructed N-A-S-H structures shows good correlation with the experimental observations, signifying the viability of the N-A-S-H structures. The simulated fracture toughness values of N-A-S-H (0.4–0.45 MPa m0.5) appear to be of the same order as the available experimental values for fly ash-based geopolymer mortars and concretes. These results suggest the efficacy of the MD simulation toward obtaining a realistic fracture toughness of N-A-S-H, which is otherwise very challenging to obtain experimentally, and no direct experimental fracture toughness values are yet available. To further assess the fracture behavior of N-A-S-H, the number of chemical bonds formed/broken during elongation and their relative sensitivity to crack growth are evaluated. Overall, the fracture toughness of N-A-S-H presented in this paper paves the way for a multiscale simulation-based design of tougher geopolymers

    Elucidating the constitutive relationship of calcium–silicate–hydrate gel using high throughput reactive molecular simulations and machine learning

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    Prediction of material behavior using machine learning (ML) requires consistent, accurate, and, representative large data for training. However, such consistent and reliable experimental datasets are not always available for materials. To address this challenge, we synergistically integrate ML with high-throughput reactive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate the constitutive relationship of calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) gel—the primary binding phase in concrete formed via the hydration of ordinary portland cement. Specifically, a highly consistent dataset on the nine elastic constants of more than 300 compositions of C–S–H gel is developed using high-throughput reactive simulations. From a comparative analysis of various ML algorithms including neural networks (NN) and Gaussian process (GP), we observe that NN provides excellent predictions. To interpret the predicted results from NN, we employ SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), which reveals that the influence of silicate network on all the elastic constants of C–S–H is significantly higher than that of water and CaO content. Additionally, the water content is found to have a more prominent influence on the shear components than the normal components along the direction of the interlayer spaces within C–S–H. This result suggests that the in-plane elastic response is controlled by water molecules whereas the transverse response is mainly governed by the silicate network. Overall, by seamlessly integrating MD simulations with ML, this paper can be used as a starting point toward accelerated optimization of C–S–H nanostructures to design efficient cementitious binders with targeted properties

    Elucidating the Auxetic Behavior of Cementitious Cellular Composites Using Finite Element Analysis and Interpretable Machine Learning

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    With the advent of 3D printing, auxetic cellular cementitious composites (ACCCs) have recently garnered signiïŹcant attention owing to their unique mechanical performance. To enable seamless performance prediction of the ACCCs, interpretable machine learning (ML)-based approaches can provide efïŹcient means. However, the prediction of Poisson’s ratio using such ML approaches requires large and consistent datasets which is not readily available for ACCCs. To address this challenge, this paper synergistically integrates a ïŹnite element analysis (FEA)-based framework with ML to predict the Poisson’s ratios. In particular, the FEA-based approach is used to generate a dataset containing 850 combinations of different mesoscale architectural void features. The dataset is leveraged to develop an ML-based prediction tool using a feed-forward multilayer perceptron-based neural network (NN) approach which shows excellent prediction efïŹcacy. To shed light on the relative inïŹ‚uence of the design parameters on the auxetic behavior of the ACCCs, Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) is employed, which establishes the volume fraction of voids as the most inïŹ‚uential parameter in inducing auxetic behavior. Overall, this paper develops an efïŹcient approach to evaluate geometry-dependent auxetic behaviors for cementitious materials which can be used as a starting point toward the design and development of auxetic behavior in cementitious composites

    Model Perancangan Konseptual Armada Supply Vessel untuk Mendukung Operasi Rig dan Offshore Platform (Studi Kasus : Wilayah Lepas Pantai Utara Jawa Timur)

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    Operasi supply vessel saat ini kurang efisien dikarenakan masing-masing operator yang melakukan kegiatan di wilayah utara lepas pantai Jawa Timur mengoperasikan supply vessel yang berbeda. Hal ini mengakibatkan meningkatnya jumlah roundtrip dan jumlah supply vessel yang beroperasi. Sehingga kapasitas dan pola operasi supply vessel perlu dihitung ulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kapasitas dan pola operasi supply vessel. Kapasitas diperoleh dengan menganalisis secara langsung jenis dan besar kebutuhan masing-masing rig dan offshore platform. Pola operasi yang digunakan adalah untuk melayani tujuh rig dan offshore platform dan melalui dua pilihan shorebase, yaitu shorebase Lamongan dan shorebase Gresik. Shorebase dipilih berdasarkan biaya operasi kapal yang minimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supply vessel yang mempunyai biaya operasional yang minimum adalah platform supply vessel dengan kapasitas dan pola operasi untuk dua tujuan dalam satu kali berlayar dengan shorebase kombinasi Lamongan-Gresik. Sedangkan untuk crew supply vessel hal tersebut dicapai untuk satu tujuan dalam satu kali berlayar dengan shorebase Lamongan

    Model Perancangan Konseptual Armada Supply Vessel untuk Mendukung Operasi Rig dan Offshore Platform (Studi Kasus : Wilayah Lepas Pantai Utara Jawa Timur)

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    Operasi supply vessel saat ini kurang efisien dikarenakan masing-masing operator yang melakukan kegiatan di wilayah utara lepas pantai Jawa Timur mengoperasikan supply vessel yang berbeda. Hal ini mengakibatkan meningkatnya jumlah roundtrip dan jumlah supply vessel yang beroperasi. Sehingga kapasitas dan pola operasi supply vessel perlu dihitung ulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kapasitas dan pola operasi supply vessel. Kapasitas diperoleh dengan menganalisis secara langsung jenis dan besar kebutuhan masing-masing rig dan offshore platform. Pola operasi yang digunakan adalah untuk melayani tujuh rig dan offshore platform dan melalui dua pilihan shorebase, yaitu shorebase Lamongan dan shorebase Gresik. Shorebase dipilih berdasarkan biaya operasi kapal yang minimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supply vessel yang mempunyai biaya operasional yang minimum adalah platform supply vessel dengan kapasitas dan pola operasi untuk dua tujuan dalam satu kali berlayar dengan shorebase kombinasi Lamongan-Gresik. Sedangkan untuk crew supply vessel hal tersebut dicapai untuk satu tujuan dalam satu kali berlayar dengan shorebase Lamongan
