228 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we propose a new method for planning and optimizing the trajectory of warehouse robots using an improved algorithm. The paper reflects algorithms for planning the trajectory of collisionless movement of a warehouse mobile robot and describing the functioning of the system.In this paper, we propose a new method for planning and optimizing the trajectory of warehouse robots using an improved algorithm. The paper reflects algorithms for planning the trajectory of collisionless movement of a warehouse mobile robot and describing the functioning of the system


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    Negligence in the use of human labor in demining dangerous areas can result in great human casualties. If we consider that we live in a modern information society, we can say that before the reconstruction and rehabilitation work in these areas, there is a need to apply information and communication technologies in the field of mine clearance to minimize human labor, hazards and losses. The scientific work presents the development of UAVs used for geo-detection of explosive surface mines by computer vision. The proposed integrated unmanned aerial vehicles will enable the acquisition of danger zones by spectral mapping and aim to clear explosives 100% and as soon as possible. In order to save time, it is important to identify the areas beyond the mine operations as well as detecting the mined areas. The proposed equipment will allow obtaining a map of the boundaries of dangerous areas. This will allow mines to be detected in larger areas and with minimal risks in the shortest possible time.Negligence in the use of human labor in demining dangerous areas can result in great human casualties. If we consider that we live in a modern information society, we can say that before the reconstruction and rehabilitation work in these areas, there is a need to apply information and communication technologies in the field of mine clearance to minimize human labor, hazards and losses. The scientific work presents the development of UAVs used for geo-detection of explosive surface mines by computer vision. The proposed integrated unmanned aerial vehicles will enable the acquisition of danger zones by spectral mapping and aim to clear explosives 100% and as soon as possible. In order to save time, it is important to identify the areas beyond the mine operations as well as detecting the mined areas. The proposed equipment will allow obtaining a map of the boundaries of dangerous areas. This will allow mines to be detected in larger areas and with minimal risks in the shortest possible time


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    Convective drying of products is one of the most common ways of drying. The development of such equipment - a fairly promising direction. Technological features of the process allows to preserve the original properties of the product. In addition, the task of producing new qualities in the finished product. you need the appropriate equipment to achieve these goals. Further drying is considered from the standpoint of the most simple and economical process for the preservation of medicinal raw materials, which ensures the safety of almost all the biologically active substances. If the drying process is considered from the technological point of view, a process of removing the liquid, which is in the medicinal material. The freshly harvested raw drug usually contain 70-90% moisture, and dried in - about 10-15%. The drying process and performance drying units morphological features depend on raw material, its initial moisture content, the total surface of the material being dried, as well as humidity, temperature and coolant flow rate. This article describes methods of convective drying of medicinal plants - in drying removal of moisture from the surface due to the diffusion of moisture from the inside of the material to the surface. These two processes need to be in strict compliance, otherwise possible drying, warping the material surface and the deterioration of its quality. We consider different methods of drying of vegetable raw materials. Shows staged authors technology for each herb. As medicinal plant raw material mainly used in the pharmaceutical and medicine in dried form. It is only used in certain types of fresh state after collection.Convective drying of products is one of the most common ways of drying. The development of such equipment - a fairly promising direction. Technological features of the process allows to preserve the original properties of the product. In addition, the task of producing new qualities in the finished product. you need the appropriate equipment to achieve these goals. Further drying is considered from the standpoint of the most simple and economical process for the preservation of medicinal raw materials, which ensures the safety of almost all the biologically active substances. If the drying process is considered from the technological point of view, a process of removing the liquid, which is in the medicinal material. The freshly harvested raw drug usually contain 70-90% moisture, and dried in - about 10-15%. The drying process and performance drying units morphological features depend on raw material, its initial moisture content, the total surface of the material being dried, as well as humidity, temperature and coolant flow rate. This article describes methods of convective drying of medicinal plants - in drying removal of moisture from the surface due to the diffusion of moisture from the inside of the material to the surface. These two processes need to be in strict compliance, otherwise possible drying, warping the material surface and the deterioration of its quality. We consider different methods of drying of vegetable raw materials. Shows staged authors technology for each herb. As medicinal plant raw material mainly used in the pharmaceutical and medicine in dried form. It is only used in certain types of fresh state after collection

    Что нового в статистическую практику привносит пересмотренный «Кодекс норм европейской статистики»?

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    This article considers the main changes in the European Statistics Code of Practice (Code of Practice) made in 2017; it addresses noticeable processes of transformation of legal frameworks and practices in some countries of the former USSR. There is also a brief analysis of the new opportunities that bring the introduction of this standard.The paper presents most relevant revisions and additions to the Code of Practice, made in 2017 by the European Statistical System Committee, the main differences of the new version of the Quality Declaration of the European Statistical System. The paper addresses the feasibility of practical implementation of some standards of the revised document as well as information about the processes of transformation of the legal basis and practices in some countries of the former USSR.The author concludes that the Code of Practice may serve as a basis for national statistical services to establish quality policy while aligning this international standard with national conditions can be beneficial for the development of legal framework for the official statistics.Автор рассматривает основные изменения в «Кодексе норм европейской статистики» (КНЕС), принятые в 2017 г., описывает процессы трансформации правовых основ организации официальной статистики в отдельных странах бывших республиках СССР, а также анализирует новые возможности, которые предоставляет внедрение данного стандарта в статистическую практику.В статье проанализированы наиболее значимые корректировки и дополнения принципов КНЕС, внесенные в 2017 г. Комитетом Европейской статистической системы, а также основные отличия новой редакции «Декларации Европейской статистической системы о качестве», размещенной в данном стандарте. Рассмотрены возможности практической реализации некоторых новых положений КНЕС, а также систематизирована информация о процессах изменения правовых основ организации статистической деятельности на постсоветском пространстве.Автор делает вывод о том, что КНЕС можно использовать как основу для разработки национальными статистическими службами политики в области качества, а адаптация данного международного стандарта к национальным условиям может быть полезна для развития правовых основ официальной статистики

    О роли Общей системы метаданных в развитии статистики Азербайджана

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    The author establishes the importance of the Common Metadata Framework adapted to Azerbaijani conditions and the possibility of using this experience by the statistical agencies when creating national  statistical metadata systems. The article formulates proposals for  upgrading the structure of the Common Metadata Framework with  regard to its practical applications. It is the author’s opinion that  conclusions and proposals made in this system research can be used to  revise the Common Metadata Framework and to develop state programs  aimed at improving statistical practice and metadata  development strategy within the national statistical systems.Автором обосновываются значение адаптированной к практическим условиям Азербайджанской Республики Общей системы метаданных и возможности использования этого опыта  статистическими службами при создании национальных статистических систем метаданных. В  статье формулируются предложения по модернизации структуры Общей системы метаданных с  учетом возможностей ее реализации на практике. По мнению автора, выводы и предложения,  сделанные в процессе системного исследования, могут быть использованы как для  актуализации Общей системы метаданных, так и для разработки государственных программ  совершенствования официальной статистики и стратегии развития метаданных в  национальных статистических системах


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    Nonlinear process when the moisture has a stationary position from the point of the analytical research is needed for theoretical and applied problems. In this paper we investigate the distribution of the heat provided stationary moisture where heat distribution has a pattern differs from the linear interaction between moisture and heat. Permanence moisture sampling is the result of a relatively steady drying mode. In the drying chamber we have a closed volume, it is particularly noticeable for the vacuum chambers, and therefore there is almost stationary process between stable heating and evaporation. Obtained linear problem of parabolic type to accomplish this task with the appropriate boundary conditions, we can apply for the interval (0, l), separation of variables. The solution for linear and non-linear interaction of moisture and temperature in the case of stationary moisture have a predetermined temperature field as a result of solution of the nonlinear system that is needed to assess the effect of non-linearity which clearly identifies with a solution.Nonlinear process when the moisture has a stationary position from the point of the analytical research is needed for theoretical and applied problems. In this paper we investigate the distribution of the heat provided stationary moisture where heat distribution has a pattern differs from the linear interaction between moisture and heat. Permanence moisture sampling is the result of a relatively steady drying mode. In the drying chamber we have a closed volume, it is particularly noticeable for the vacuum chambers, and therefore there is almost stationary process between stable heating and evaporation. Obtained linear problem of parabolic type to accomplish this task with the appropriate boundary conditions, we can apply for the interval (0, l), separation of variables. The solution for linear and non-linear interaction of moisture and temperature in the case of stationary moisture have a predetermined temperature field as a result of solution of the nonlinear system that is needed to assess the effect of non-linearity which clearly identifies with a solution

    Globular cluster population of the HST frontier fields galaxy J07173724+3744224

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    We present the first measurement of the globular cluster population surrounding the elliptical galaxy J07173724+3744224 (z=0.1546). This galaxy is located in the foreground in the field-of-view of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Frontier Fields observations of galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 (z=0.5458). Based on deep HST ACS F435W, F606W, and F814W images, we find a total globular cluster population of N_tot = 3441 +/- 1416. Applying the appropriate extinction correction and filter transformation from ACS F814W to the Johnson V-band, we determine that the host galaxy has an absolute magnitude of M_V = -22.2. The specific frequency was found to be S_N = 4.5 +/- 1.8. The radial profile of the globular cluster system was best fit using a powerlaw of the form σR0.6\sigma\sim R^{-0.6}, with the globular cluster population found to be more extended than the halo light of the host galaxy (σhaloR1.7\sigma_{halo}\sim R^{-1.7}). The F435W-F814W colour distribution suggests a bimodal population, with red globular clusters 1-3x more abundant than blue clusters. These results are consistent with the host elliptical galaxy J07173724+3744224 having formed its red metal-rich GCs in situ, with the blue metal-poor globular clusters accreted from low-mass galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, revised following peer-review, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    It is the chain growth specific reaction rate that was determined for the process of methyl methacrylate mass radical polymerization within the temperature range of 40–900 С in quasi-steady approximation by means of Monte Carlo method. The theoretical model of radical polymerization was developed taking the gel effect into account. Computer software was developed that enables to imitate radical polymerization process taking gel effect into account within the minimum run time. The programme was tested on asymptotic examples as well as was applied for methyl methacrylate mass radical polymerization. The programme makes it possible to calculate monomer conversion, molecular mass variation, molecular-mass distribution, etc

    Small business development and resource use in Russian regions

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    Relevance. The living standards in any country largely depend on how developed is this country’s business sector. The latter, in its turn, relies on the availability and efficient use of resources. The problem that arises in this respect and that this study seeks to address is how to measure the resource potential available for the development of small businesses in order to choose the optimal strategy of stimulating this sector for this or that region.Research objective. The aim of this research is to study resources available to small businesses and their use in Russian regions.Data and methods. The set of indicators used in our analysis helps us measure the activity of small businesses in Russian federal districts. The key elements of the assessment are based on the official statistics and include the following: average labor productivity of small businesses, the unit turnover per small enterprise, the number of small firms per 10,000 people. Each of these indicators was analyzed by using the methods of mathematical statistics according to the three criteria: stability (S); average values (M); and the variability of the results (V), which characterizes interregional differentiation within a federal district/country.Results. The article proposes a system of indicators for diagnosing small business development based on the concentration and performance of small-sized enterprises. The quantitative results of such analysis can be used for choosing strategies of small business development.Conclusion. There was a significant decline in entrepreneurial activity during the post-crisis period of 2017-2018 in Russia, which could be explained by the impact of foreign sanctions and the difficult economic situation in the country (inflation, a sharp rise in the price of resources, difficulties in communication with international partners, and the difficulty or even impossibility to adopt efficient technologies in a short time). As our analysis has shown, some of the Russian territories still have underutilized resource potential that can be used for stimulating small business development