1,264 research outputs found

    La irregularidad lógica y lo a priori constitutivo

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    Lo que llamaré ‘la objeción lógica irregular’ es una línea de ataque en contra del principio común y convincente  de que nuestra justificación de las verdades lógicas se fundamenta en la comprensión de sus conceptos  constituyentes. Esta objeción busca socavar la posibilidad de cualquier conexión constitutiva profunda, en la  epistemología de la lógica (y también más allá), entre la comprensión y la justificación. Mi tesis es que, si bien la objeción lógica irregular no llega a demostrar que este principio tradicional debe ser rechazado, no obstante,  sirve para reforzar algunos refinamientos importantes.What I will call ‘the deviant logician objection’ is one line of attack against the common and compelling tenet  that our justification for logical truths is grounded in our understanding of their constituent concepts. This  objection seeks to undermine the possibility of any deep constitutive connection, in the epistemology of logic  (and also beyond), between understanding and justification. My thesis is that while the deviant logician  objection falls short of proving that this traditional tenet must be rejected, nonetheless it serves to bolster some important refinements

    Our merchant marine problem

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Boston Universit

    Analysis of the criticisms of bookkeeping in the high schools.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Research on Teaching

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    A Sucessful Academic Upgrading Programme Follow-up Over Five Semesters

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    This paper describes a programme which attempted to upgrade prospects of students entering Memorial University of Newfoundland Regional College in Corner Brook in September of 1976. The elements of the programme are described and results are presented which compare the academic performance of marginal students who parti- cipated in the programme with that of those marginal students who did not. The students were followed up for over a further four academic semesters and their academic results were compared at the end of each semester. The results demonstrate that except for a brief drop at the end of the second semester, the results of the students who participated in the programme were clearly superior to that of those in the com- parison groups for each of the other semesters. The factors associated with these differ- ences and their implications for further academic upgrading programmes are discussed.Cet article décrit un programme qui a comme but de revaloriser les perspectives d'avenir des étudiants admis à l'University Memorial de Newfoundland à Corner Brook en septem-bre 1976. Une comparaison du fonctionnement académique des étudiants marginaux qui ont participé à ce programme avec les étudiants qui n 'ont pas participé est présentée. Les étudiants ont été suivis pendant quatre semestres académiques et leurs résultats ont été comparés à la fin de chaque semestre. Les résultats démontrent, avec une seule exception d'une légère baisse à la fin du deuxième semestre, que ceux qui ont participé au programme avaient un fonctionnement académique supérieur à ceux des autres groupes de l'échantillonnage. Les facteurs associés à ces différences et les implications pour d'autres programmes similaires sont discutés

    The Lost Chord

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    Aquatic Macrophytes of Two Small Northwest Arkansas Reservoirs

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    Lake Fayetteville and Lake Wedington are small reservoirs of about the same size and age that are located in northwestern Arkansas. We collected macrophytes from eleven transects around each reservoir in the autumn of 1993. Justicia (waterwillow), Typha (cat-tail), Scirpus (bulrush), Potamogeton (pondweed), and Zannichellia (horned pondweed) occur in both reservoirs. Justicia occurs most commonly in both reservoirs. The macrophytes of Lake Wedington are organized in a characteristic zonation pattern with bands from shore toward open water of emergent, floating-leaved, then submersed macrophytes. Macrophyte zonation was not as evident in Lake Fayetteville because of the low occurrence of floating leaved and submersed macrophytes in1993. Early studies of Lake Wedington found that the dominant macrophytes were Cyperus, Echinochloa, Lotus, and Sagittaria, all of which were absent during this study. Potamogeton, Scirpus, and Typha were also found to be dominant during 1952 studies, but occurred in lesser amounts in the current study. Previous studies (1956, 1967, 1977) on Lake Fayetteville stated that Sagittaria and Nelumbo were dominant macrophytes, but we found none in1993. Juncus, Potamogeton, Scirpus, and Typha were common in the early studies but occurred infrequently in our collections. Macrophyte composition in Lake Fayetteville in 1993 was attributable to an herbicide application that occurred in spring, 1992. As for the changes in Lake Wedington, we assume that the Justicia has out-competed those macrophytes that were in the reservoir in1952, or that normal lake ontogeny during the intervening 40 years has altered habitat conditions to now favor Justicia

    A Wand\u27ring Minstrel

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