1,262 research outputs found

    Land Grant Application- Sullivan, Barnabus (Wiscasset)

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    Land grant application submitted to the Maine Land Office on behalf of Barnabus Sullivan for service in the Revolutionary War, by their widow Catherine.https://digitalmaine.com/revolutionary_war_me_land_office/1875/thumbnail.jp

    Monitoring the Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance of a Subsurface Gravel Wetland

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    Managing stormwater is a crucial task for many communities that are required to mitigate the harmful effects of pollution from urban runoff. Subsurface gravel wetlands are an emerging type of green infrastructure that can be used to manage stormwater through the capture and slow release of runoff. These wetland systems are unique to other types of green infrastructure in that they have a distinct fully saturated gravel layer below an occasionally saturated soil layer. While there is substantial literature on the performance of different types of green infrastructure, such as bioretention, bioswales, and permeable pavements, there is a lack of monitoring studies on the performance of subsurface gravel wetlands. To fill this gap, the flow and water quality in a subsurface gravel wetland in Oshkosh, Wisconsin were monitored. To do so, the influent and effluent flow rates were captured, and water quality samples were collected at the influent, effluent, and an observation well and tested for total suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chloride, and E. coli. Nine storm events were captured over the summer of 2021 and results indicated that the wetland had a median volume reduction of 73.7% and a median peak flow reduction of 89%. The average and median total suspended solids concentration reduced by the wetland was 49% and 37.5%. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations increased on average by 20.8% and 0.22%, respectively. However, these results were influenced by several influent concentrations that were below the concentration levels that are generally irreducible by green infrastructure. In cases where influent concentrations were above irreducible levels, total phosphorus reduction was 45.3% (influent ≥ 0.25 mg/L) and total nitrogen reduction was 38% (influent ≥ 2.5 mg/L). Results for E. coli were inconclusive due to minimal quantifiable results. Chloride concentrations in the inlet and outlet decreased over time, indicating the salt from winter was flushed from the system in late spring and early summer. Overall, this study shows that the subsurface gravel wetland generally performed similarly to other types of green infrastructure and could be a good management practice to mitigate the harmful effects of stormwater runoff

    Family tree manager

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    Many people are interested in learning about their family history. Discovering who has come before us can help us learn more about who we are, and possibly why we are the way we are. Over the years, more and more people have turned to software products to help them build and manage their family tree information. These products allow users to easily enter and retrieve the information, as well as provide graphical representations without the arduous task of drawing by hand. In addition, some manufacturers have made agreements with genealogy search services, and integrated the process of searching for relatives into the software. A user can initiate a search for a family member at the same time he is entering information into the GUI. While this is certainly an important advancement, it appears that it has come at the expense of advancements in the user interface. The display of genealogy data is not a simple problem. Family tree information lends itself most to a sort of tree structure, but one in which there can be any number of levels, any number of elements per level, and any number of children per element. Making matters more difficult is the fact that a user really needs some way to visualize the structure and the content of the tree simultaneously. The main focus of this project is to develop a genealogy software product implemented in Java that makes use of a graphics toolkit to create a graphical view of family tree data that allows the user to visualize the content and structure of his family tree at the same time. This graphics toolkit will need to support user selection of graphical objects, panning, zooming, and animatio

    The Bottles of Northrop & Lyman, A Canadian Drug Firm

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    Medicine bottles embossed with the name of the Northrop & Lyman Company are often excavated on late nineteenth-century Canadian sites. Despite the success that can be inferred from the number of marked bottles in archaeological and other collections, little is known of this company. It appears to have been in business from 1854 to about 1980, beginning as a retail drugstore serving a local market and becoming a large pharmaceutical firm with a national and international reputation. The company was at one time one of the biggest dealers in patent medicines in Canada. This study is an initial examination of Northrop & Lyman bottles, with company history, marketing, and product advertising included as background and context for the containers. It is hoped that more Northrop & Lyman containers, glass bottles, and bottles in other materials will be recognized as a result of this research. Résumé Les fouilles sur les sites de la fin du XIXe siècle au Canada ont souvent livré des flacons de médicaments frappés du nom de la Northrop & Lyman Company. On sait très peu de choses sur cette entreprise, même si l'on peut en déduire la réussite par le nombre de flacons portant sa marque qui se retrouvent dans les collections archéologiques et autres. Elle semble avoir été en activité de 1854 à 1980 environ, comme pharmacie desservant le marché local d'abord, puis comme grande société pharmaceutique réputée sur le plan national et international. Elle fut, à une certaine époque, l'un des plus gros fournisseurs de médicaments brevetés dans le Dominion. La présente étude constitue un premier examen des bouteilles de la Northrop & Lyman; l'histoire de l'entreprise, ses méthodes de commercialisation et la publicité consacrée au produit servent de contexte et de cadre de référence. Il est à espérer que cette étude permettra de reconnaître d'autres contenants, flacons en verre ou en autres matières, de la Northrop & Lyman

    차원 축소를 이용한 편향적 문맥에서의 단어 클러스터링

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 인문대학 언어학과, 2020. 8. 신효필.편향성(Bias)은 어떤 사물, 사람 혹은 그룹 등에서 한쪽에 불균형적으로 주어지는 가중치라고 정의할 수 있다. 최근에는 기계학습에서의 편향성 문제와, 자연언어처리에서 이러한 편향성을 완화하고자 하는 연구에 대한 관심이 늘고 있다. 본 연구의 목표는 언어에 존재하는 편향성을 확인하고 워드 임베딩에서 그 편향성이 어떻게 표현되고 있는지 살펴보는 것이다. 본 연구에서 사용하는 데이터는 Wikipedia Neutrality Corpus(WNC)이고 이에 대한 워드 임베딩으로는 Pryzant et al.(2019)의 편향성을 제거하는 모듈러 모델(modular model)을 이용하였다. 또한 K-means Clustering을 이용하여 편향성 정보를 포함한 v 벡터를 추가하기 전과 후의 워드 임베딩을 시각화하였고, 클러스터링(Clustering) 성능의 개선을 위해 주성분분석(Principal Component Analysis/PCA)을 사용하였다. 본 연구에서는 워드 임베딩에서 언어적 특징에 따라 클러스터링 되는 것과 같이 편향성을 갖는 단어들 역시 편향성의 유형(인식론적 편향성, 프레이밍에 따른 편향성, 인구학적 편향성 등)에 따라서 클러스터링 된다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 워드 임베딩이 모듈러 모델의 고유한 v 벡터와 결합할 경우 다양한 언어 정보를 포함하게 되므로, 이러한 연구는 편향성을 인식하고 제거하는 task뿐만 아니라 문맥(context) 정보를 이해하는 데에도 도움이 될 것이다.Bias can be defined as disproportionate weight in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another. Recently, the issue of bias in machine learning and how to de-bias natural language processing has been a topic of increasing interest. This research examines bias in language, the effect of context on biased-judgements, and the clustering of biased- and neutral-judged words taken from biased contexts. The data for this study comes from the Wikipedia Neutrality Corpus (WNC) and its representation as word embeddings is from the bias neutralizing modular model by Pryzant et al. (2019). Visualization of the embeddings is done using K-means clustering to compare before and after the addition of the v vector, which holds bias information. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is also used in an attempt to boost performance of clustering. This study finds that because the word embeddings cluster according linguistic features, the biased words also cluster according to bias type: epistemological bias, framing bias, and demographic bias. It also presents evidence that the word embeddings after being combined with the unique v vector from the modular model contain discrete linguistic information that helps not only in the task of detecting and neutralizing bias, but also recognizing context.1. Introduction 1 1.1. What is Bias? 1 1.2. De-biasing Techniques 7 1.3. Purpose and Significance of this Study 11 2. Background Information 13 2.1. Previous Research 13 2.2. Wikipedia Neutrality Corpus 18 2.3. Modular Model 20 2.4. Methodology 24 2.2.1. Clustering 25 2.2.2. Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm 28 3. Experiment 35 4. Results 43 4.1. Clustering of Entire Data Set 43 4.1.1. Most Frequently Biased-Judged Words 52 4.1.2. Cosine Similarity 58 4.2. Clustering of Small Random Sample 66 4.3. Significance of Results 69 5. Conclusion 71 References 73 Appendix 80 Abstract in Korean 83Maste

    Are Kosher Food Laws Constitutionally Kosher?

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    An evaluation of workbook exercises for developing oral recall in grade three

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1948. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Becoming Psychotherapists: Experiences of Novice Trainees in a Beginning Graduate Class

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    The authors investigated the experiences related to becoming psychotherapists for 5 counseling psychology doctoral trainees in their first prepracticum course. Qualitative analyses of weekly journals indicated that trainees discussed challenges related to becoming psychotherapists (e.g., being self-critical, having troubling reactions to clients, learning to use helping skills), gains made during the semester related to becoming psychotherapists (e.g., using helping skills more effectively, becoming less self-critical, being able to connect with clients), as well as experiences in supervision and activities that helped them cope with their anxieties. Results are discussed in 5 broad areas: feelings about self in role of psychotherapist, awareness of reactions to clients, learning and using helping skills, reactions to supervision, and experiences that fostered growth. Implications for training and research are provided

    Quantifying differences in pill swallow patterns in adults

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    Difficulty swallowing pills has become an increasing complaint among patients visiting swallow evaluation centers across the globe. Deficits are reported in healthy individuals as well as in clinical populations. In the USA, 40% of 679 persons responding to a survey reported difficulty swallowing pills (Business Wire, 2009). In an effort to facilitate pill intake, several modifications have been reported: use of liquid formulations, crushing tablet, opening capsule, whole pill mixed with food or via feeding tube (Cornish, 2005). A survey of 40 nurses revealed the most common modification was to use apple sauce (Riquelme et al., 2009). Current literature on swallowing pills focuses mostly on esophageal transit of pills in adults and on how to feed pills to children. However, little attention has been given to the physiology responsible for pill swallowing. The purpose of this prospective study was to identify patterns employed by adults during self-administration of pills and determine differences by medium used (thin liquid water, semi-solid applesauce). Participants included 42 adults, 28 female, referred for videofluoroscopy (VFSS). Age range was 86-27; mean of 66 years. Fluoroscopy data were captured on the Kay Pentax DSW. The contrast material employed was a barium-filled capsule. Participants completed two trials with water and two with applesauce. A total of 129 swallows were analyzed: 71 pill + water and 58 pill + apple sauce. Results revealed 13 patterns for swallowing pills, with cohesive swallow (38.85%), lingual pumping (16.56%), and lingual hesitation (15.92%) among the most prevalent. Additionally, it was found that 63% of the sample utilized different patterns based on medium employed to transport the pill (water vs apple sauce), and 18.2% utilized different patterns across all trials. This study supports the need to further understand changes to the swallow mechanism inherent in transporting a pill, so as to improve management and compliance and reduce unnecessary changes in formulations