5 research outputs found

    Produktivitas Ayam Buras Hasil Seleksi Berdasarkan Pengetahuan Lokal Peternak

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    Penggalian potensi ayam buras (kampung) menjadi semakin penting pada kondisikrisis ekonomi seperti sekarang. Hal tersebut menyebabkan kita perlu menengokpotensi yang secara sosial diterima, secara ekonomi terjangkau dan secarateknologis mulai dikembangkan dan mudah diterapkan. Namun di pihak laintingkat produktivitasnya masih rendah karena sistem pemeliharaan danseleksinya yang kurang berkembang. Sistem pengetahuan lokal cara seleksi padamasyarakat pedesaan sebenarnya ada hanya kurang mendapat perhatian danminat para akademisi seperti pengetahuan Catur Rangga yang belum banyakdielaborasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: a) Untuk menganalisis produktivitasayam buras hasil seleksi; b) Untuk menganalisis pengetahuan lokal peternakmengenai ayam buras; c) Untuk menganalisis hubungan antara produktivitasayam buras hasil seleksi dengan pengetahuan lokal peternak. Metode yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini studi kasus dengan teknik PRA (Praticipation RuralAppraisal) partisipasi anggota kelompok melalui pola FGD (Focus GroupDiscussion). Data yang diambil untuk pengembangan sistem pengetahuan lokalberdasarkan variabel-variabel: (1) Sistem pengetahuan lokal, dengan parameter:a) Tulang; b) Bulu; c) Jengger; d) Kaki; e) Mata; f) Kloaka; g) Tulang dubur; h)Jari kaki; i) Kepala; Punggung. (2) Produktivitas, dengan parameter data produksitelur per bulan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Uji Rank Spearman(Siegel, 1997) dan interprestasi dengan Guilford (Rakhmat, 1986). Kesimpulandari hasil penelitian ini adalah: a) Produktivitas ayam buras hasil seleksiditunjukkan oleh nilai rata-rata produksi telur 20,45/butir/bulan; b) Pengetahuanlokal peternak mengenai ayam buras sebagian besar searah dengan ilmupengetahuan modern, yang pada mulanya dikonsepsikan dengan Catur Ranggauntuk ayam adu kemudian juga digunakan untuk ayam produksi; c) Hubunganantara produktivitas ayam buras dengan pengetahuan lokal: untuk produksi ratarataproduksi telur/bulan menunjukkan hubungan yang sangat tinggi. Saran yangdiajukan bahwa parameter dari pengetahuan lokal dapat dijadikan salah satumetode untuk mengetahui produktivitas ayam buras di tingkat peternak; perludilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang lebih mendalam mengenai pengetahuan lokaluntuk variabel lain


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    Cattle and beef commodities have become a political commodity because the increase in beef prices has been responded significantly by both legislative and executive institutions. West Java became one of the provinces categorized as the area of beef consumption because the needs of cattle and beef cannot be supplied by local cattle in West Java. Lack of beef cattle is supplied from outside the province or abroad. This study aims to see the amount of cattle and beef cattle production to West Java, the number of cattle and beef cattle needs in West Java, as well as the balance between supply and demand of beef and beef cattle in West Java. This research used quantitative method with secondary data as its base of analysis. The results showed that the number of cattle production calculated from the number of cattle population, the production of calf, and the amount of imported cattle from outside the province or abroad. In 2015, the number of West Java cattle population amounted to 425,486 heads, 60,990 calves, and 219,226 heads of imported cattle. The amount of beef cattle production can reach 75,477,941 kg. The total requirement of cattle and beef cattle in West Java was 408,881 heads and 84,733,150 kg. Based on data of supply and requirement of beef cattle could be calculated balance of cattle beef in West Java. The balance of beef cattle in West Java had a deficit meat during 2011-2015. Keywords: Production, Supply, Consumption, Balance, Beef Cattl


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    Cattle and beef commodities have become a political commodity because the increase in beef prices has been responded significantly by both legislative and executive institutions. West Java became one of the provinces categorized as the area of beef consumption because the needs of cattle and beef cannot be supplied by local cattle in West Java. Lack of beef cattle is supplied from outside the province or abroad. This study aims to see the amount of cattle and beef cattle production to West Java, the number of cattle and beef cattle needs in West Java, as well as the balance between supply and demand of beef and beef cattle in West Java. This research used quantitative method with secondary data as its base of analysis. The results showed that the number of cattle production calculated from the number of cattle population, the production of calf, and the amount of imported cattle from outside the province or abroad. In 2015, the number of West Java cattle population amounted to 425,486 heads, 60,990 calves, and 219,226 heads of imported cattle. The amount of beef cattle production can reach 75,477,941 kg. The total requirement of cattle and beef cattle in West Java was 408,881 heads and 84,733,150 kg. Based on data of supply and requirement of beef cattle could be calculated balance of cattle beef in West Java. The balance of beef cattle in West Java had a deficit meat during 2011-2015. Keywords: Production, Supply, Consumption, Balance, Beef Cattl


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    The research was aimed to investigate business of development of livestock product based on animal population and institutional business. The research was conducted using Mix method namely quantitave and qualitative method. Quantitative method was used to determine the basic commodity based on population and institutional variables, then qualitative method was used to analyze the potential development of livestock products. The result showed there were seven regencies that have  potential to develop beef cattle commodity businesses, namely  Indramayu Regency, Kuningan Regency, Pangandaran Regency, Subang Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, Sumedang Regency, and Majalengka Regency. Meanwhile, dairy cattle have the potential to be developed in six regencies, namely West Bandung regency, Cimahi Regency, Bandung Regency, Bogor Regency, Kuningan Regency, and Subang Regency. Toward, It is hoped that  the business development of beef cattle and dairy cattle can be developed in these areas by empowering livestock groups and utilizing local resources