44 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) Menganalisis faktor - faktor internal dan eksternal bagi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria di Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas, (2) Merumuskan model strategi Koperasi Nira Satria dalam mendukung agroindustri  gula kristal skala rumah tangga di Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam dengan informan kunci yang dianggap mengetahui secara detail tentang faktor internal dan eksternal bagi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria, selain itu guna mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dilakukan FGD (Focus Discusion Group). Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara sengaja (Purposive Sampling) di Kecamatan Cilongok. Sampel penelitian  mencakup responden pengrajin gula kristal sekaligus anggota koperasi sejumlah 20 pengrajin dan informan kunci meliputi Manager, Ketua dan Pengurus Koperasi Nira Satria ditambah PPL. Jenis data berupa data primer dan sekunder.  Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif sederhana.     Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil evaluasi faktor – faktor  internal menunjukkan nilai skor untuk kekuatan (Strengths) sebesar 1,925 dan skor kelemahan (Weaknesses) sebesar 0,805.  Dengan demikian  nilai skor pada sumbu horisontal (sumbu X) adalah : 1,925 – 0,805 = 1,120.  Sementara faktor eksternal skor untuk peluang (Opportunities) sebesar 1,620 dan jumlah skor untuk ancaman (Threaths) sebesar 0,533. Nilai skor  sumbu vertikal (sumbu Y) adalah sebesar 1,620 – 0,533 = 1,087. Dengan demikian strategi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria pengajin gula kristal di Kecamatan Cilongok berada pada posisi kuadran I, sebagai Strategi Agresif yaitu strategi pengembangan kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria pengrajin gula kristal dilakukan dengan cara memaksimalkan potensi atau kekuatan yang dimiliki guna meraih peluang secara optimal yang dilakukan  dengan menciptakan hubungan yang kondusif, demokratis dan kekeluargaan antara pengrajin, manager beserta  pengurus koperasi guna mendukung  peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produk gula kristal sehingga dapat memenuhi permintaan  pasar nasional dan internasional secara kontinue (S3,4 ; O1,2,3). Memaksimalkan semua unit usaha yang dikelola Koperasi Nira Satria supaya dapat berkembang pesat  dengan memanfaatkan teknologi SIM (S5 ; O6

    Competitive Advantages and Strategies of the Brown Sugar Industry in Purbalingga

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    The objectives of this study were a) to determine the competitive advantage of the brown sugar industry based in the sub-district Mrebet, Purbalingga; b) to identify internal factors of the environment (strengths-weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities– threats) that affect the industry’s empowerment and competitive advantage; and c) to find the best strategy for its empowerment and competitive advantage. This research was conducted in the sub-district of Mrebet, which was chosen using purposive sampling because of its potency of local resources and the presence of the brown sugar industry within it. This was descriptive quantitative and qualitative research. The research sample was determined purposively, and consisted of 20 households who were considered to be representative. The formulation of strategies for empowerment and competitive advantage of the brown sugar industry were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results showed that the average unit cost of competitiveness measured by the indicator of domestic price was 0.46. This means, to produce 1 kg of brown sugar, the farmer spends 46% of its selling price. The strategy to be applied for the brown sugar industry in the sub-district is the Aggressive Strategy. Keywords: advantage, brown sugar, competitive, strateg

    Pola Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Petani Pengrajin Gula Kelapa Kristal

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    Research aim to: 1) Analyzing factors causing farmer of worker of coconut sugar will alter the product of coconut sugar print to become the product of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok 2) Analyzing condition entrepreneur of farmer of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok 3) Compiling pattern of development entrepreneur farmer of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside of Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok. Research method conducted by survey. Research location in Countryside Rancamaya specified in intend the (purposive sampling. Result of analysis show some factor of cause of worker farmer ready the produce of crystal sugar 1) willingness of Farmer of entrepreneur of crystal sugar 2) Owning specialty 3) Effort crystal sugar more beneficial 4) Price sell the higher crystal sugar product 5) System of product marketing easy crystal sugar 6) price of product of crystal sugar relative stabilize, and 7) There are of awareness of worker farmer follow the training. condition of entrepreneur of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya that is 1) Sum up the ownership of coconut tree pertained to by lower horizontally the ownership of 29 tree of farmer 2) Capital stem from person and borrow the wholesaler 3) Workers of most responder formally lower 4) Inclusive of productive age faction horizontally flatten the responder experience 2-3 year 5) Flatten to the production of crystal sugar reach 4,69 per day and product packaging still modestly and 6) Price sell the higher crystal sugar product. Pattern of Development of entrepreneurship of worker of crystal sugar conducted by maximizing potency or strength owned to utilize to reach for the opportunity in an optimal fashion that is the existence of experience and spirit of entrepreneur of worker farmer supported by local potency resources as strength in realizing product diversification of crystal sugar. Make-up of organizational group of farmer of worker of crystal sugar so that to be can run the better management function again of construction continue from government, related institution and LSM. Make-up of quality of resources of human being utilize to improve the management produce in an optimal fashion and continue utilize to fulfill the domestic market request and abroad. Make-up of quality of raw material of modern nira adjusment of technology and utilize to reach the quality of good crystal sugar product as one of effort product. Key words: farmer of coconut sugar, crystal suga

    Potensi dan Ketersediaan Bahan Pangan Lokal Sumber Karbohidrat Non Beras di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi bahan pangan sumber karbohidrat non beras dan mengetahui ketersediaan bahan pangan sumber karbohidrat non beras yang ada di Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui riset deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari dinas atau instansi yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti, yaitu BPS Kabupaten Banyumas, dan Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa di Kabupaten Banyumas terdapat potensi sumber pangan sumber karbohidrat non beras, yaitu jagung, ubi kayu dan ubi jalar. Kesesuaian kondisi lahan dan iklim menjadi pertimbangan utama bagi petani untuk bertanam jagung, ubi kayu dan ubi jalar. Lahan kering atau marginal yang terdapat di Kabupaten Banyumas dapat ditanami oleh salah satu atau bahkan ketiga tanaman tersebut. Pada tahun 2012 luas panen jagung mengalami penurunan sebesar 18,28%, ubi kayu menurun 11,64%, tetapi produktivitasnya mengalami peningkatan menjadi 24,80 ton/ha. Produksi ubi jalar menurun dari 1.622 ton, menjadi 1.118 ton yang disebabkan oleh penurunan luas panen dan penurunan produktivitas per hekta

    Analisis Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Salak Pondoh (Studi Kasus di Desa Sigaluh Kecamatan Sigaluh Banjarnegara)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi margin pemasaran salak pondoh, mengetahui elastisitas transmisi harga salak pondoh, mengetahui distribusi margin pemasaran dari setiap pola saluran pemasaran, serta farmer share dari setiap pola saluran pemasaran salak pondoh di Desa Sigaluh Kecamatan Sigaluh. Metode dasar penelitian berupa deskriptif analisis dengan pengumpulan data dilakukan secara survei. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling di Desa Sigaluh dengan pertimbangan bahwa desa ini merupakan salah satu sentra produksi salak pondoh dengan memiliki varietas sama serta terdapat pola saluran pemasaran salak pondoh yang bervariasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 (dua) pola saluran pemasaran salak pondoh di Desa Sigaluh Kecamatan Sigaluh Kabupaten Banjarnegara yaitu : Petani Salak Pondoh → Pedagang Pengumpul Desa → Pengecer → Konsumen dan Petani Salak Pondoh → Pengecer→ Konsumen. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi margin pemasaran salak pondoh meliputi : harga jual salak pondoh (X1) dan sistem penjualan salak pondoh (D1). Nilai elastisitas transmisi harga salak pondoh sebesar 0,172. Distribusi margin pemasaran dari kedua pola saluran pemasaran menunjukkan hasil yang tidak merata. Dari kedua pola saluran pemasaran salak pondoh ternyata pola saluran pemasaran 2 (kedua) memiliki margin pemasaran terendah yaitu (Rp.1175,78/kg) dan farmer share tertinggi (67,86%) sehingga pola saluran pemasaran 2 (kedua) merupakan pola saluran pemasaran yang efisien


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    Research aim to: 1) Analyzing factors causing farmer of worker of coconut sugar will alter the product of coconut sugar print to become the product of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok 2) Analyzing condition entrepreneur of farmer of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok 3) Compiling pattern of development entrepreneur farmer of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside of Rancamaya of Subdistrict Cilongok. Research method conducted by survey. Research location in Countryside Rancamaya specified in intend the (purposive sampling. Result of analysis show some factor of cause of worker farmer ready the produce of crystal sugar 1) willingness of Farmer of entrepreneur of crystal sugar 2) Owning specialty 3) Effort crystal sugar more beneficial 4) Price sell the higher crystal sugar product 5) System of product marketing easy crystal sugar 6) price of product of crystal sugar relative stabilize, and 7) There are of awareness of worker farmer follow the training. condition of entrepreneur of worker of crystal sugar in Countryside Rancamaya that is 1) Sum up the ownership of coconut tree pertained to by lower horizontally the ownership of 29 tree of farmer 2) Capital stem from person and borrow the wholesaler 3) Workers of most responder formally lower 4) Inclusive of productive age faction horizontally flatten the responder experience 2-3 year 5) Flatten to the production of crystal sugar reach 4,69 per day and product packaging still modestly and 6) Price sell the higher crystal sugar product. Pattern of Development of entrepreneurship of worker of crystal sugar conducted by maximizing potency or strength owned to utilize to reach for the opportunity in an optimal fashion that is the existence of experience and spirit of entrepreneur of worker farmer supported by local potency resources as strength in realizing product diversification of crystal sugar. Make-up of organizational group of farmer of worker of crystal sugar so that to be can run the better management function again of construction continue from government, related institution and LSM. Make-up of quality of resources of human being utilize to improve the management produce in an optimal fashion and continue utilize to fulfill the domestic market request and abroad. Make-up of quality of raw material of modern nira adjusment of technology and utilize to reach the quality of good crystal sugar product as one of effort product. Key words: farmer of coconut sugar, crystal suga

    KEMISKINAN DI KAWASAN PINGGIRAN HUTAN : Studi Kasus di Kawasan Pinggiran Hutan Pakuncen Banyumas

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    This research was to knowing at poverty rate of farmer’s household in marginal community of forestry region. That was performanced at the marginal forestry in Pekuncen Sub District, Banyumas Regency by descriptive method. Data was taken by simple random sampling amount of 10 percent from population on two villages in marginal forestry. It was continued by Foster – Greer – Thorbecke (FGT). The result showed that poverty rate for Head Count Index of 0.6054, Poverty Gap Index of 0.3011, and Distributionally Sensitive Index of 0.1889