22 research outputs found

    Identification of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Active Compound in Medicinal Forest Plants

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    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, hypercholesterolemia is one of the causes. Three medicinal forest plants are potential natural resources to be developed as cholesterol-reducing herbal product, but scientific informations on their mechanism is still limited. The objective of this research is to explore the potency of the leaf of Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia), Jabon (Antocephalus macrophyllus), and Mindi (Melia azedarach) as inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR), a key enzyme in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. Samples were macerated in ethanol 96% and the filtrate was partitioned using n-hexane and chloroform to obtain the ethanolic flavonoid extract. The effect of each extracts on the HMG-CoA reductase activity were analyzed using HMGR assay kit. At concentration of 10 ppm the G.ulmifolia ethanolic extract showed the highest inhibitory activity as well as pravastatin control inhibitor. The phenolic content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 11.00, 34.83, and 13.67 mg gallic acid AE/g dried leaves, respectively. The flavonoid content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 0.22, 0.64, and 0.78 mg QE/g dried leaves, respectively. Interestingly, G.ulmifolia extract the lowest concentration of phenolic and flavonoid content. HPLC analysis showed that all samples contain quercetin at similiar small concentrations (6.7%, 6.6%, and 7.0% for G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach, respectively). This indicating other active compounds may play some roles in this inhibitory action on HMG-CoA reductase activity. Further identification using LC-MS/MS showed that G.ulmifolia flavonoid extract contained an unidetified coumpound with molecural weight of 380.0723 Da

    Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif dari Tumbuhan Hutan Berkhasiat Obat sebagai Inhibitor HMG-CoA Reductase

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    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, hypercholesterolemia is one of the causes. Three medicinal forest plants are potential natural resources to be developed as cholesterol-reducing herbal product, but scientific informations on their mechanism is still limited. The objective of this research is to explore the potency of the leaf of Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia), Jabon (Antocephalus macrophyllus), and Mindi (Melia azedarach) as inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR), a key enzyme in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. Samples were macerated in ethanol 96% and the filtrate was partitioned using n-hexane and chloroform to obtain the ethanolic flavonoid extract. The effect of each extracts on the HMG-CoA reductase activity were analyzed using HMGR assay kit. At concentration of 10 ppm the G.ulmifolia ethanolic extract showed the highest inhibitory activity as well as pravastatin control inhibitor. The phenolic content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 11.00, 34.83, and 13.67 mg gallic acid AE/g dried leaves, respectively. The flavonoid content of the ethanolic extracts of G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach were: 0.22, 0.64, and 0.78 mg QE/g dried leaves, respectively. Interestingly, G.ulmifolia extract the lowest concentration of phenolic and flavonoid content. HPLC analysis showed that all samples contain quercetin at similiar small concentrations (6.7%, 6.6%, and 7.0% for G.ulmifolia, A.macrophyllus, and M.azedarach, respectively). This indicating other active compounds may play some roles in this inhibitory action on HMG-CoA reductase activity. Further identification using LC-MS/MS showed that G.ulmifolia flavonoid extract contained an unidetified coumpound with molecural weight of 380.0723 Da

    Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Konstruktivistik pada Materi Ekonomi Kelas XI Semester 2 SMA N 1 Bandar Sribhawono Lampung Timur

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    The objectives of this research are to analyze: (1) the validity of constructivist-based module on Economics learning material for Grade XI of Social Science Program in Semester 2, and (2) the effectiveness of constructivist-based module on Economics learning material for Grade XI of Social Science Program in Semester 2.This research used the research and development (R&D) method to develop and expand the existing product in an attempt to generate a new accountable product. i.e. constructivist-based module on Economics learning material for Grade XI of Social Science Program in Semester 2 so as to improve the students\u27 learning result in Economics. The research used the procedural development model claimed by Borg and Gall. Its population was all of the students as many as 165 in Grade XI of Social Science Program of State Senior Secondary School 1 of Bandar Sribhawono, Lampung Timur, in Academic Year 2014/2015. The samples of research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. They consisted of 60 students: 30 in control class and 30 in experimental class.The developed constructivist-based module on Economics learning material for Grade XI of Social Science Program in Semester 2 is feasible to be used as it has fulfilled the required criteria in accordance with the guidelines for textbook assessment of the National Education Standard Agency (BSNP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia 2014. The developed constructivist-based module on Economics learning material for Grade XI of Social Science Program in Semester 2 is effective to improve the learning result of the students as indicated by the average score of the learning result of the control class and the experimental class, namely: 78.57 and 83.47 respectively. This indicates that the learning result of the experimental class is more excellent than that of the class control. The significance value of 2-tailed t test is 0.003, which is less than 0.050. Thus, the proposed H1 is rejected, meaning that there is a difference of score average in the learning result between the students of the control class and those of the experimental class, and the improvement of the learning result of the experimental class is better than that of the control class

    Problema dan Kebijakan Perumahan di Perkotaan

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    Providing an adequate housing facilities for the evergrowing urban population is a serious problem. Such problem is easily understood, but has not been succesfully dealth by Indonesian government, as it is purely as a housing problem. Since the root of the problem is urbanization, housing policy should be part of urban management scheme, taking into account all of urban related issues: population density, demographic growth, squatters on slum areas and public facilities In supporting the macro scheme of urban management, there are micro scheme to be implemente

    Perbedaan Perilaku Penjamah Makanan Sebelum dan Sesudah Mendapatkan Penyuluhan Higiene Sanitasi Makanan pada Warung Makan di Terminal Terboyo Semarang

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    Behaviour improvement was required by food handlers to overcome failure hygiene and food sanitation that produce eligible quality of food consumed by the public. Improved knowledge, attitude and practice is required by food handlers to improve hygiene and sanitation of food. Based on preliminary studies of laboratory test results obtained from six samples of food, there are 4 positive food samples E. coli, so that shows the quality of food at the food stalls in Terminal Teboyo not eligible. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the behavior of food handlers before and after getting counseling hygiene and sanitation of food at the food stalls at Terminal Terboyo Semarang. The method of this research was a Quasi Experiment, with pretest and posttest research design. Sampling was done by total sampling as 35 peoples. The research data were taken using a questionnaire and observation sheet. The statistical test used is non parametric test - McNemar, at the 95% confidence level and borderline significance p <0,05. The results showed that the food handler knowledge's before counseling were unfavorable 20 (57%) and after counseling were favorable 29 (82,9%), where as food handler attitude's before counseling were unfavorable 19 (54,3%) and after counseling were favorable 28 (80,0%), then practice before counseling were unfavorable 21 (60.0%) and after counseling were favorable 19 (54,3%). A total of 35 food samples are 23 (65.7%) positive E. coli. There is a difference of knowledge (p = 0.001) and attitude (p = 0.004) before and after counseling, there is no difference before and after the practice of education (p = 0.500). There is no correlation between knowledge (p = 0.151) and attitude (p = 0.670) with the presence of E. coli, there is a connection with the practice of the presence of E. coli (p = 0.03). There is no difference in behavior (practice) before and after counseling. The need for ongoing counseling and oversight of all food vendors in Terminal Terboyo

    Health Status and Occupational Health Hazards Among Home-based Garment Workers in Semarang, Indonesia

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    Occupational health and safety are important issues as technology develops and work principles shift. Home-based workers in the garment industrial sector are similar to other home-based workers who work without health protection, work safety, or social insurance. The assessment and management of working environmentalhazards are further challenges in worker management, especially for home-based workers. This study is aimed at assessing the health and safety status of home-based workers in the garment industrial sector in Semarang City and to suggest safety measures for workers. Assessments were conducted using the direct survey method.The survey results from 58 home-based workers in the garment industrial sector selected through purposive sampling show that they are exposed to physical factors such as heat stress and noise (58.62%), dust and chemicals (41.38%), and ergonomic hazards (100%). The health problems experienced included dizziness and headaches (51.72%), vision problems (34.48%), ringing ears (6.9%), cough and breathlessness (8.62%), tingling (63.78%), and muscle and bone pain (67.24%). The types of injuries that occurred were joint pain (75.9%), stiffness (53.4%), and muscle pain (15.5%). This study shows that home-based workers in the garment industrial sector exposed to dust and chemical hazards are 9.4 times more likely to suffer health problems than workers with no exposure to dust and chemical hazards. Keywords: Garment, garment industrial sector, home-based worker

    Working Environmental Hazard at Home-based Workers in the Charcoal Industrial Sector in Semarang

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    Home-based workers are workers who work at home for a certain wage without health and safety protection. For them, house is their workplace, so the hazards of the workplace and work activities are health risk for the workers and their family members. This research was conducted to identify the dangers of workingenvironment to the home-based workers in charcoal industrial sector in Semarang City. It also described the relationship of the working environment hazard to the experienced health problems. This observational research was done using crosssectional design with samples of 146 home-based workers collected using purposive sampling. The working environment conditions include the housing environment and work activities. The housing conditions of home-based workers who were not eligible include ceiling 91.1 percent; floor 57.5 percent; ventilation 42.5 percent and waste disposal facilities 97.3 percent. The working environment conditions were exposed with chemical hazard (dust) 39.7 percent and ergonomic hazard (non-ergonomic position) 59.6 percent. The types of experienced injury were 80 percent joint pain and 13.7 percent out of breath, whereas the more often work complaints were 41.1 percent muscle pain; 19.2 percent stiffness; 13 percent cough and 11.6 percent tingling. The dangers of working environment to the home-based workers in the charcoal industrial sector including the condition of the floor which was a risk factor for the occurrence of dizziness and headache (increased risk for 1.84 times greater), as well as twisting and repetitive movements risking to a dizziness and headache (increased risk for 1.48 times greater) and tingling (increased risk for 1.36 times greater). Keywords: charcoal industrial sector, home-based workers, working environment hazar

    Analisis Risiko Kandungan Zinc (Zn) dalam Kepiting Bakau di Sungai Tapak Kota Semarang

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    Tapak River is one of the rivers in Semarang city that used for the provision of fresh water and agricultural irrigation channels. Tapak river contain many heavy metals, one of them is Zn which come from domestic waste and industrial wase. The purpose of this research is to analyze the risk of Zn content in who consuming mangrove crab in Tapak River, Semarang City. The type of this research is observational with Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) approach. The population of the subject is 98 residents who consumed the crab and a population of objects is the levels of Zn in the mangrove crab. The sample of the subjects are 50 residents who consume mangrove crab and the sample of the object is the levels of Zn in mangrove crabs from Tapak River. The Data analysis use EHRA stages. The results of this research show the concentration Zn in the mangrove crabs is 21,43 mg/kg. The average weight of respondents is 59.96 kg, with an average frequency of exposure per year is 107,12 days per year, the average duration of exposure was 18,88 years, the average realtime intake is 0,0154 mg/kg/days and lifetime intake is 0,0224 mg/kg/days and the average of realtime risk quotient is 0,515 and lifetime is 0,0746 on ingested pathways. The conclusion is the concentration of Zn in the mud crabs at Tapak River is above the quality standard of Minister of Environment Decree Number 51 of 2004 which is 0.05 mg/kg, but it does not cause chronic effects nor acute, and the average realtime and lifetime exposure on respondents is <1 and declared safe to consume until 30 years to go

    Land Suitability and Agricultural Technology for Rice Cultivation on Tidal Lowland Reclamation in South Sumatra

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    Tidal lowland is one of the potential lands for agriculture that is found very widely in coastal areas of South Sumatra. There are about 400,000 hectares (ha) was reclaimed for agriculture purpose. However, in many parts, the rice production is still low (<3 ton/ha), mainly in the high part of hydrotopography class (Type C) that the tidewater could not possibly irrigate the land.  This study aimed to evaluate the level of actual and potential suitability of tidal swamps for rice plants. This research has been carried out in Bandar Jaya Village, Air Sugihan Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research used a survey level method with very detailed (intensive) with a scale of 1:6,000 covering a research area of 16 ha. The results showed that actual suitability for rice plants in the study site is N-n with an area of 5 ha and N-f, n with an area of 11 ha with limiting factors of soil pH and P nutrient. The potential land suitability class for rice plants in the study location is S3-n with an area of 5 ha and S3-f, n with an area of 11 ha. Land quality improvement was done by using the lime application and control water table at a depth of at least 10 cm from the soil surface during rice growth.  Rainwater should be retained in the tertiary block as much as possible to fulfill crop water requirements. Setting the planting time (November-January) and balanced fertilization will be able to increase the land suitability class to S1 (highly suitable)