5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi sumberdaya air yang ada dan kualitas air untuk irigasi pada area Teknologi Pertanian Sungai Lilin. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2017. Metode penelitian adalah metode survai detil. Analisis  sifat fisik tanah menunjukkan ruang pori total tanah berkisar antara 42-45%, dengan tekstur adalah lempung berpasir di bagian atas dan liat mulai kedalaman 50 cm. Pemanfaatan air tanah dilakukan dengan membuat sumur bor sampai kedalaman 50m.Hasil uji uperasi pompa menunjukan debit aliran  dimusim kemarau adalah 0,52 liter/detik dengan kapasitan pompa maksimal beroperasi adalah 3 jam. Artinya volume air terkumpul selama 3 jam adalah 5.616 liter, atau sama dengan 5,6 m3 air.  Kapasitas masih terlalu kecil. Untuk satu kali  pengisian kolam dengan ukuran 10 x 10 dengan kedalaman 4 m, memerlukan operasi pompa selama 8 hari. Kualitas air tanah memenuhi kriteria standar irigasi hanya saja nilai pH adalah 4,0 sehingga diperlukan peningkatan menjadi pH 5-6. Upaya pemurnian bisa dengan memberikan zat adatif seperti sekam padi atau kapur.Analisis keseimbangan air menunjukkan, pada posisi musim kemarau pengisian praktis hanya bisa bersumber dari sumur bor, sehingga diperlukan pemilihan tanaman yang bernilai ekonomis seperti cabai, semangka dan melon. Untuk kondisi iklim normal pengairan bisa dilakukan dari air kolam yang mendapat pengisian dari air pasang sungai

    Land Suitability and Agricultural Technology for Rice Cultivation on Tidal Lowland Reclamation in South Sumatra

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    Tidal lowland is one of the potential lands for agriculture that is found very widely in coastal areas of South Sumatra. There are about 400,000 hectares (ha) was reclaimed for agriculture purpose. However, in many parts, the rice production is still low (<3 ton/ha), mainly in the high part of hydrotopography class (Type C) that the tidewater could not possibly irrigate the land.  This study aimed to evaluate the level of actual and potential suitability of tidal swamps for rice plants. This research has been carried out in Bandar Jaya Village, Air Sugihan Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research used a survey level method with very detailed (intensive) with a scale of 1:6,000 covering a research area of 16 ha. The results showed that actual suitability for rice plants in the study site is N-n with an area of 5 ha and N-f, n with an area of 11 ha with limiting factors of soil pH and P nutrient. The potential land suitability class for rice plants in the study location is S3-n with an area of 5 ha and S3-f, n with an area of 11 ha. Land quality improvement was done by using the lime application and control water table at a depth of at least 10 cm from the soil surface during rice growth.  Rainwater should be retained in the tertiary block as much as possible to fulfill crop water requirements. Setting the planting time (November-January) and balanced fertilization will be able to increase the land suitability class to S1 (highly suitable)

    The Effect of Goat Biourin Liquid Fertilizer with Banana Hump Decomposer on Chemical Properties Ultisol

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    Ultisols include soils that have very low nutrients, these contents can quickly soil acidity is high, and poor macro nutrient content. Therefore, researchers are making efforts so that ultisols can increase the availability of soil nutrients. The effort is to fertilize using liquid organic fertilizer goat biourin with banana hump decomposer. Liquid organic fertilizer has many advantages, namely the ease of application to soil and plants, which is all you have to do is apply it. This research was conducted in the Greenhouse of the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of goat Biourin liquid fertilizer on pH, C/N ratio and N-total in Ultisol and to determine the effect of the best dose of goat Biourin liquid fertilizer on pH, C/N ratio and N-total in Ultisol.The raw material for liquid organic fertilizer from goat biourine is goat urine, while the composted material is banana hump. This study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment consisted of the ratio of biourine to water, namely: A (control), B (1:1), C (1:2), and D (1:3). Parameters observed and measured in the study were C/N Ratio, Total N, and soil pH. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the type and dosage of goat Biourin liquid fertilizer could increase soil pH, N-total and C/N ratio