87 research outputs found

    Health Policy Reform through Strengthening Indonesia's Health Resilience System

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    The National Health System in Indonesia is developing and being discussed more seriously after entering the COVID-19 pandemic. With a national health system and several existing tools, Indonesia needed more time to be ready to face the challenges of that time. Upstream health policies should be optimized to mobilize resources and increase the nation's efforts to build a national resilience system. This paper was built using selected policy documents up-to-date and reliable literature. By reviewing empirical evidence, the author believes and shows the role of strengthening health policies in building a robust national health resilience system. Indonesia has several policies that have the potential to become a sub-system for national health resilience. The health resilience system is formed from the health system and health resilience components, which impact creating a Healthy Indonesia. Health system resilience can be seen from stable funding, good governance, flowing and integrated information systems, risk adaptation, adequate health workforce capacity, logistics, and robust health efforts. The interaction between the health system, health resilience, and the health resilience system formed is within the umbrella of health policy, the completeness of resilience policy, and the highest public health institutions. Strengthening the role of health policy in the formation of a health resilience system in a country is one proof of health policy reform. Health policy is no longer seen as the upstream side of health programs or efforts but as an essential side in functioning a system to create a healthy country. Reforming the national health system should followed by institutional reform of The Ministry of Health to become the Ministry of Public Health, and health policy reform by strengthening health resilience


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    Background: In Marketing analysis, patient is a important stalkeholer of hospital. And VIP patient can be valuable to increased demand. Caring for very important persons (VIPs), including celebrities and royalty, presents medical, organizational, and administrative challenges, often referred to collectively as the “VIP syndrome. The situation often pressures the health care team to bend the rules by which they usually practice medicine. Caring for VIP patients requires innovative solutions so that their VIP status does not adversely affect the care they receive.Objective: Caring for very important persons (VIPs), including celebrities and royalty, presents medical, organizational, and administrative challenges, often referred to collectively as the “VIP syndrome”.Methods: Literature Review method from relevant database such as Google Scholar search engine until 2018. Total document selected by full text is 6 articles as literature review and total 12 article as references. Result: Nine guiding principles in caring VIP patients is Don’t bend the rules, work as a team, communicate, Carefully manage communication with media, resist chairpersons syndrome, care should occur where it is most appropriate, protect the patients security, be carefull about accepting or declining gifts and working with the patients personal physicians. Particularly when dealing with a VIP, the hospital’s communications or public relations (PR) officer becomes an integral member of the rehabilitation team. Although staff members will always be tempted to treat VIPs in special ways, the temptation should be avoided. The needs and problems of our patients, not their status or influence, should drive our response to them in the ED.Conclusion: VIP patient need treat more respectfully, see them more quickly, and pay more attention to them.Keywords: Very Important Person (VIP), Patient, Healthcare, VIP syndrom


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    Abstrak. Sebagai rumah sakit pemerintah, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) memiliki basis pasien yang banyak. salah satu cara untuk menilai kinerja dari pelayanan yang diberikan adalah dengan menggunakan metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) yang dimana penilaian ini tidak hanya melihat perspektif keuangan namun aspek lainnya dalam pemberian layanan kesehatan pada pasien di RSUD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hasil dari penerapan penggunaan Balanced Scorecard (BSC) pada analisis kinerja RSUD di Indonesia. Studi ini dibangun dari kajian literatur dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Berdasarkan telaah yang dilakukan dengan melihat 3 jurnal yang dilihat, bahwa ditemukan beberapa target yang belum tercapai pada penilaian beberapa perspektif yang ada. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa kurangnya efisiensi anggaran di RSUD yang ada, tidak terealisasikannya anggaran yang sudah direncanakan, akuisisi pelanggan yang tidak meningkat menyebabkan pelanggan baru tidak terjadi peningkatan secara signifikan, tidak tercapainya beberapa indicator rumah sakit dan kurangnya produktivitas karyawan RSUD.  Penerapan BSC sangat penting bagi pelayanan kesehatan untuk menilai dan melihat aspek mana yang perlu untuk ditingkatkan oleh RSUD sebagai pemberi layanan kesehatan kepada pasien yang mendapatkan layanan, BSC tidak melihat hanya pada sisi profitabilitas rumah sakit namun kepuasan pelanggan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang ada

    The Effectiveness of COVID-19 Countermeasure Policy Implementation in Seven ASEAN Countries

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    Abstract. COVID-19, which has spread to almost all countries in the world, force country's leaders to issue COVID-19 countermeasures policy that is the most effective and suitable for their country. The various ways to implement the policy depend on the COVID-19 impact that arises in the country. This study describes the implications of national policies related to COVID-19 case fatality rates up to 29 April 2020 in 7 ASEAN countries. We use analytical descriptive method on COVID-19 data that has been published in online media. The achievement on the implementation of national policy in overcoming COVID-19 in some countries provide new perspectives for all other countries in maintaining and improving relations between the government and its citizens to implement the most effective way in reducing mortality (Case Fatality Rate)

    The Impact of Medical Tourism Industry for the Hospital Services and Marketing Activities: A Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT The relationship between the health industry and tourism has produced what is called medical tourism which is one of the largest and fastest growing service industries in the world and is a profitable business for the destination country. To capture the many medical tourists it is necessary to recognize the vital factors that influence the decision of medical tourists to choose the destination country by implementing marketing strategies and good health services. Using Systematic Review with PRISMA method retrieved from online database such as PubMed, and Google Scholar using a keyword “Medical tourism” AND “hospital services” AND “marketing”. The end of this search got 7 journals. India, Singapore and Thailand are the three main medical tourist destinations worldwide with the advantages of each offered. Medical tourism is strongly influenced by patient satisfaction with the quality of health and quality of services. A good marketing strategy plays a very important role in introducing medical tourism to medical tourists. With interesting websites and social media, you can capture patients without considering other factors. Not to forget also patient satisfaction is very influential on the return or absence of patients to do medical tours to the country

    Pemasaran Berbasis Spiritual dalam Prespektif Rumah Sakit Syariah

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    Pemasaran level spiritual menjadi pemasaran tingkat tertinggi yang menjadi jiwa dari suatu bisnis yang salah satunya adalah bisnis rumah sakit. Rumah sakit syariah adalah rumah sakit yang dalam proses bisnisnya berlandaskan pada syariah Islam. Adanya integrasi antara pemasaran berbasis syariah dan model bisnis rumah sakit  syariah tidak hanya penting sebagai usaha pemasaran tetapi juga sebagai sarana syiar agama Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis konseptual bersumber dari basis data nasional dan internasional. Hasil penelitian memberikan kontribusi pada penelitian pemasaran berbasis spiritual di rumah sakit yang telah dikembangkan dengan mengambil sudut  pandang rumah sakit  syariah serta mengembangkan  theoritical framework pemasaran berbasis spiritual di rumah saki

    Studi Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) pada Bauran Pemasaran Produk Klinik Eksekutif Rumah Sakit Gigi Mulut pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    This study aims to analyze segmentation, target market and market position in the product marketing mix of the executive clinic of the Oral Dental Hospital (RSGM) X Jakarta City. The method used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that in the segmentation analysis, most visits to the clinic were women of productive age, predominantly from outside the DKI Jakarta area, dominant payments were out of pocket and insurance, and the dominant type of service used was executive service. Targeting analysis shows that the best market determination strategy for RSGM X is multi-targeting. Strengthening positioning at RSGM X can be done by prioritizing superior products, brand attributes and the quality of services provided. In conclusion, RSGM X prioritizes services with adjustments to health protocols through marketing strategies with segmentation, target and position concepts and is supported by the right marketing mix. Keywords: Market Position, Segmentation, Target Marke
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