126 research outputs found

    Технічні переваги системи седиментаційного відновлення стічних вод міста

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    The work designs a system of production components of urban infrastructure to create an energy efficient city. Hydraulic, hydrological, heat exchange processes of interaction of water structure and elements of treatment structures for centrifugal deposition of suspended matter have been investigated. Depending on the degree of contamination, devices for resource recovery are calculated. The duration of recovery operations was investigated. The technological cycle of re-water recovery and the number of cycles of cavitation generator for controlled conditioning of conditionally clean and dirty waters have been determined. Reverse osmosis devices for the recovery of conditionally pure water have been investigated. Categorized potential effluents of industrial waters as appropriate for restoration. Samples of experimental sediments for the needs of the construction industry at operating and supercritical modes of operation of the technological stream were obtained. A mathematical model of the productivity of irrigation of agro-centers in drought conditions with drip irrigation by repeated water has been developed.Робота проектує систему виробничих компонентів міської інфраструктури для створення енергоефективного міста. Досліджено гідравлічні, гідрологічні, теплообмінні процесі взаємодії водної структури та елементів очисних конструкцій для відцентрового осадження завислих речовин. Розраховано залежно від ступеня забруднення апарати для відновлення ресурсу. Досліджено тривалість операцій відновлення. Визначено технологічний цикл відновлення повторної води та кількість циклів кавітаційного генератора для керованого кондиціювання умовно чистих та брудних вод. Досліджено апарати зворотного осмосу для відновлення умовно чистих вод. Категоризовані потенційні стоки промислових вод за доцільністю відновлення. Отримано зразки експериментальних осадів для потреб будівельного господарства при робочих та надкритичних режимах роботи технологічної цівки. Розроблена математична модель продуктивності зрошення агроцентрів в умовах засухи крапельним зрошенням повторною водою

    EU Agro Biogas Project

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    EU-AGRO-BIOGAS is a European Biogas initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants in Europe, to optimise biogas technology and processes and to improve the efficiency in all parts of the production chain from feedstock to biogas utilisation. Leading European research institutions and universities are cooperating with key industry partners in order to work towards a sustainable Europe. Fourteen partners from eight European countries are involved. EU-AGRO-BIOGAS aims at the development and optimisation of the entire value chain – to range from the production of raw materials, the production and refining of biogas to the utilisation of heat and electricity

    Thermophotovoltaic Cells on Zinc Diffused Polycrystalline GaSb

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    For the first time, it has been demonstrated that thermophotovoltaic cells made of polycrystalline GaSb with small grain sizes (down to 100 x 100 {micro}m) have similar characteristics to the best Zinc diffused single crystal GaSb cells with identified device parameters. The grain boundaries in polycrystalline GaSb do not degrade TPV cell parameters, indicating that such material can be used for high-efficiency thermophotovoltaic cells

    Hybrid de novo whole-genome assembly and annotation of the model tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta

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    Despite the use of Hymenolepis diminuta as a model organism in experimental parasitology, a full genome description has not yet been published. Here we present a hybrid de novo genome assembly based on complementary sequencing technologies and methods. The combination of Illumina pairedend, Illumina mate-pair and Oxford Nanopore Technology reads greatly improved the assembly of the H. diminuta genome. Our results indicate that the hybrid sequencing approach is the method of choice for obtaining high-quality data. The fnal genome assembly is 177Mbp with contig N50 size of 75kbp and a scafold N50 size of 2.3Mbp. We obtained one of the most complete cestode genome assemblies and annotated 15,169 potential protein-coding genes. The obtained data may help explain cestode gene function and better clarify the evolution of its gene families, and thus the adaptive features evolved during millennia of co-evolution with their hosts

    Mechanism of eIF6 release from the nascent 60S ribosomal subunit.

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    SBDS protein (deficient in the inherited leukemia-predisposition disorder Shwachman-Diamond syndrome) and the GTPase EFL1 (an EF-G homolog) activate nascent 60S ribosomal subunits for translation by catalyzing eviction of the antiassociation factor eIF6 from nascent 60S ribosomal subunits. However, the mechanism is completely unknown. Here, we present cryo-EM structures of human SBDS and SBDS-EFL1 bound to Dictyostelium discoideum 60S ribosomal subunits with and without endogenous eIF6. SBDS assesses the integrity of the peptidyl (P) site, bridging uL16 (mutated in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia) with uL11 at the P-stalk base and the sarcin-ricin loop. Upon EFL1 binding, SBDS is repositioned around helix 69, thus facilitating a conformational switch in EFL1 that displaces eIF6 by competing for an overlapping binding site on the 60S ribosomal subunit. Our data reveal the conserved mechanism of eIF6 release, which is corrupted in both inherited and sporadic leukemias.Supported by a Federation of European Biochemical Societies Long term Fellowship (to FW), Specialist Programme from Bloodwise [12048] (AJW), the Medical Research Council [MC_U105161083] (AJW) and [U105115237] (RRK), Wellcome Trust strategic award to the Cambridge Institute for Medal Research [100140], Tesni Parry Trust (AJW), Ted’s Gang (AJW) and the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.311