32 research outputs found

    Identification of immunogenic proteins of the cysticercoid of Hymenolepis diminuta

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    Background: A wide range of molecules are used by tapeworm metacestodes to establish successful infection in the hostile environment of the host. Reports indicating the proteins in the cestode-host interactions are limited predominantly to taeniids, with no previous data available for non-taeniid species. A non-taeniid, Hymenolepis diminuta, represents one of the most important model species in cestode biology and exhibits an exceptional developmental plasticity in its life-cycle, which involves two phylogenetically distant hosts, arthropod and vertebrate. Results: We identified H. diminuta cysticercoid proteins that were recognized by sera of H. diminuta-infected rats using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE), 2D-immunoblotting, and LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry. Proteomic analysis of 42 antigenic spots revealed 70 proteins. The largest number belonged to structural proteins and to the heat-shock protein (HSP) family. These results show a number of the antigenic proteins of the cysticercoid stage, which were present already in the insect host prior to contact with the mammal host. These are the first parasite antigens that the mammal host encounters after the infection, therefore they may represent some of the molecules important in host-parasite interactions at the early stage of infection. Conclusions: These results could help in understanding how H. diminuta and other cestodes adapt to their diverse and complex parasitic life-cycles and show universal molecules used among diverse groups of cestodes to escape the host response to infection.Peer reviewe

    Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Hymenolepis diminuta Cysticercoid and Adult Stages

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    Cestodiases are common parasitic diseases of animals and humans. As cestodes have complex lifecycles, hexacanth larvae, metacestodes (including cysticercoids), and adults produce proteins allowing them to establish invasion and to survive in the hostile environment of the host. Hymenolepis diminuta is the most commonly used model cestode in experimental parasitology. The aims of the present study were to perform a comparative proteomic analysis of two consecutive developmental stages of H. diminuta (cysticercoid and adult) and to distinguish proteins which might be characteristic for each of the stages from those shared by both stages. Somatic proteins of H. diminuta were isolated from 6-week-old cysticercoids and adult tapeworms. Cysticercoids were obtained from experimentally infected beetles, Tenebrio molitor, whereas adult worms were collected from experimentally infected rats. Proteins were separated by GeLC-MS/MS (one dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry). Additionally protein samples were digested in-liquid and identified by LC-MS/MS. The identified proteins were classified according to molecular function, cellular components and biological processes. Our study showed a number of differences and similarities in the protein profiles of cysticercoids and adults; 233 cysticercoid and 182 adult proteins were identified. From these proteins, 131 were present only in the cysticercoid and 80 only in the adult stage samples. Both developmental stages shared 102 proteins; among which six represented immunomodulators and one is a potential drug target. In-liquid digestion and LC-MS/MS complemented and confirmed some of the GeLC-MS/MS identifications. Possible roles and functions of proteins identified with both proteomic approaches are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Immunoproteomics and surfaceomics of the adult tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta

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    In cestodiasis, mechanical and molecular contact between the parasite and the host activates the immune response of the host and may result in inflammatory processes, leading to ulceration and intestinal dysfunctions. The aim of the present study was to identify antigenic proteins of the adult cestode Hymenolepis diminuta by subjecting the total protein extracts from adult tapeworms to 2DE immunoblotting (two-dimensional electrophoresis combined with immunoblotting) using sera collected from experimentally infected rats. A total of 36 protein spots cross-reacting with the rat sera were identified using LC-MS/MS. As a result, 68 proteins, including certain structural muscle proteins (actin, myosin, and paramyosin) and moonlighters (heat shock proteins, kinases, phosphatases, and glycolytic enzymes) were identified; most of these were predicted to possess binding and/or catalytic activity required in various metabolic and cellular processes, and reported here as potential antigens of the adult cestode for the first time. As several of these antigens can also be found at the cell surface, the surface-associated proteins were extracted and subjected to in-solution digestion for LC-MS/MS identification (surfaceomics). As a result, a total of 76 proteins were identified, from which 31 proteins, based on 2DE immunoblotting, were predicted to be immunogenic. These included structural proteins actin, myosin and tubulin as well as certain moonlighting proteins (heat-shock chaperones) while enzymes with diverse catalytic activities were found as the most dominating group of proteins. In conclusion, the present study shed new light into the complexity of the enteric cestodiasis by showing that the H. diminuta somatic proteins exposed to the host possess immunomodulatory functions, and that the immune response of the host could be stimulated by diverse mechanisms, involving also those triggering protein export via yet unknown pathways.Peer reviewe

    Somatyczne i pozasomatyczne problemy związane z łuszczycą w ciąży

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    Zmiany hormonalne, metaboliczne oraz immunologiczne występujące w okresie ciąży w istotny sposób wpływają na funkcjonowanie skóry. Łuszczyca należy do najczęstszych schorzeń dermatologicznych i zaliczana jest do nieswoistych dermatoz okresu ciąży. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia wsparcia w przebiegu łuszczycy u kobiet ciężarnych. Ciąża w różny sposób wpływa na przebieg łuszczycy. Łuszczyca może powodować wystąpienie nawracających poronień, przewlekłego nadciśnienia tętniczego, cukrzycy, otyłości prowadząc do wystąpienia powikłań okołoporodowych i porodu przedwczesnego. W sytuacji stwierdzenia współistnienia łuszczycy w ciąży konieczne jest wdrożenie profilaktyki w sferze emocjonalnej i objęcie ciężarnych wsparciem i opieką psychoterapeutyczną. Wspieranie ciężarnej z łuszczycą wymaga od personelu medycznego umiejętności oceny stanu psychicznego kobiety oraz wiedzy w zakresie chorób skóry.Hormonal, metabolic and immunological changes occurring during pregnancy have significant effects on the function of the skin. Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological diseases and it is known as a nonspecific dermatosis in pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present the importance of support in the course of psoriasis in pregnant women. Psoriasis may cause recurrent miscarriages, chronic hypertension, diabetes or obesity, leading to perinatal complications and premature birth. The coexistence of psoriasis and pregnancy requires emotional prophylaxis, as well as support and psychotherapeutic care. Medical staff requires knowledge of skin diseases and skills to assess a patient’s mental state

    Somatyczne i pozasomatyczne problemy związane z łuszczycą w ciąży

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    Hormonal, metabolic and immunological changes occurring during pregnancy have significant effects on the function of the skin. Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological diseases and it is known as a nonspecific dermatosis in pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present the importance of support in the course of psoriasis in pregnant women. Psoriasis may cause recurrent miscarriages, chronic hypertension, diabetes or obesity, leading to perinatal complications and premature birth. The coexistence of psoriasis and pregnancy requires emotional prophylaxis, as well as support and psychotherapeutic care. Medical staff requires knowledge of skin diseases and skills to assess a patient’s mental state.Zmiany hormonalne, metaboliczne oraz immunologiczne występujące w okresie ciąży w istotny sposób wpływają na funkcjonowanie skóry. Łuszczyca należy do najczęstszych schorzeń dermatologicznych i zaliczana jest do nieswoistych dermatoz okresu ciąży. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia wsparcia w przebiegu łuszczycy u kobiet ciężarnych. Ciąża w różny sposób wpływa na przebieg łuszczycy. Łuszczyca może powodować wystąpienie nawracających poronień, przewlekłego nadciśnienia tętniczego, cukrzycy, otyłości prowadząc do wystąpienia powikłań okołoporodowych i porodu przedwczesnego. W sytuacji stwierdzenia współistnienia łuszczycy w ciąży konieczne jest wdrożenie profilaktyki w sferze emocjonalnej i objęcie ciężarnych wsparciem i opieką psychoterapeutyczną. Wspieranie ciężarnej z łuszczycą wymaga od personelu medycznego umiejętności oceny stanu psychicznego kobiety oraz wiedzy w zakresie chorób skóry

    Epidemiology of acute kidney injury, prevention and different treatment options for travelers in tropics and subtropics — what polish nephrologist ought to know

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    W ciągu ostatnich lat w Polsce wzrosła liczba osób wyjeżdżających w rejony tropikalne i subtropikalne. Wśród podróżujących znajdują się osoby z rozpoznaną przewlekła chorobą nerek (PCHN). U części z nich w trakcie wyjazdu może dojść do zaostrzenia choroby. Autorzy podkreślają konieczność specjalistycznego poradnictwa przed planowanym wyjazdem w celu poznania zagrożeń z nim związanych, a przede wszystkim wdrożenia odpowiedniej profilaktyki. W publikacji przedstawiono epidemiologię chorób nerek występujących na terenach tropikalnych i subtropikalnych oraz z krótką charakterystykę wybranych chorób zakaźnych i pasożytniczych związanych z występowaniem ostrego uszkodzenia nerek.The number of people visiting tropics and subtropics has been increasing recently in Poland. Among travelers there are persons with diagnosed chronic kidney disease (CKD), some of them are at risk for developing kidney problems during exotic trip. Authors emphasize the necessity of professional advice before departure, to generate awareness of potential danger and implement appropriate prevention. This paper presents epidemiology of acute and chronic kidney diseases in tropics and subtropics with a brief description of the most important infectious and parasitic diseases associated with the acute kidney injury (AKI)

    Predictors of the quality of life of women in peri-menopausal period

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    Introduction The peri-menopausal period is the time of many biological, psychological and social changes. The quality of life of women in this period may be conditioned by many factors, and analysis of these factors may indicate the optimum directions of prophylactic and educational actions. Objective Analysis of selected predictive factors of the quality of life of women in the peri-menopausal period. Material and Methods The study covered 268 peri-menopausal women. The qualification criteria were: age 45–55, lack of mental disorders and diseases requiring hospitalization during the period of study. The study was conducted using standardized instruments: Women’s Health Questionnaire – WHQ, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and an author-constructed questionnaire. Results The presented study of the quality of life showed that the women examined felt physically unattractive, lacking the full joy of life, and frequently experienced somatic complaints. Nevertheless, the respondents enjoyed life, had no constant feeling of anxiety and concern. Multi-factor analysis showed that the quality of life in the group of women in the study was affected by the following factors: level of depression, self-reported state of health, occurrence of menopausal symptoms, education level, and marital status. Conclusions The quality of life of the peri-menopausal women examined was the highest with respect to depressive mood (DEP) and anxiety/depressed mood (ANX), while it was the lowest with respect to the sense of attractiveness (ATT), and somatic symptoms (SOM). In addition, in the group of women in peri-menopausal period the quality of life was conditioned: level of depression, self-reported state of health, occurrence of menopausal symptoms, education level, and marital status

    Acute renal failure in the course of malaria in a returning traveler from Gambia and Senegal

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    Malaria jest jedną z trzech najgroźniejszych chorób zakaźnych na świecie, powodującą rocznie 220 milionów zachorowań. Polska od 1963 roku uznawana jest za kraj wolny od malarii, a notowane przypadki choroby są importowane z rejonów dla niej endemicznych. W przebiegu malarii u części pacjentów dochodzi do zajęcia nerek pod postacią ostrego uszkodzenia, kłębuszkowego zapalenia i przewlekłej choroby nerek. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta po powrocie z Gambii i Senegalu, u którego w przebiegu malarii tropikalnej wystąpiło ostre uszkodzenie nerek wymagające dializoterapii z całkowitym powrotem prawidłowej funkcji nerek.Malaria is one of the three most dangerous diseases in the world which annually affects 200 million people. Poland has been declared malaria-free since 1963 and all registered cases are imported from areas endemic for the disease. Some of the patients develop acute renal injury, glomerulonephritis and chronic kidney disease in the course of malaria. We present a case of patient returning from Gambia and Senegal who developed acute renal injury requiring dialysis therapy during the disease of malaria, with subsequent total recovery of the kidney function

    Immunoproteomics and Surfaceomics of the Adult Tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta

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    In cestodiasis, mechanical and molecular contact between the parasite and the host activates the immune response of the host and may result in inflammatory processes, leading to ulceration and intestinal dysfunctions. The aim of the present study was to identify antigenic proteins of the adult cestode Hymenolepis diminuta by subjecting the total protein extracts from adult tapeworms to 2DE immunoblotting (two-dimensional electrophoresis combined with immunoblotting) using sera collected from experimentally infected rats. A total of 36 protein spots cross-reacting with the rat sera were identified using LC-MS/MS. As a result, 68 proteins, including certain structural muscle proteins (actin, myosin, and paramyosin) and moonlighters (heat shock proteins, kinases, phosphatases, and glycolytic enzymes) were identified; most of these were predicted to possess binding and/or catalytic activity required in various metabolic and cellular processes, and reported here as potential antigens of the adult cestode for the first time. As several of these antigens can also be found at the cell surface, the surface-associated proteins were extracted and subjected to in-solution digestion for LC-MS/MS identification (surfaceomics). As a result, a total of 76 proteins were identified, from which 31 proteins, based on 2DE immunoblotting, were predicted to be immunogenic. These included structural proteins actin, myosin and tubulin as well as certain moonlighting proteins (heat-shock chaperones) while enzymes with diverse catalytic activities were found as the most dominating group of proteins. In conclusion, the present study shed new light into the complexity of the enteric cestodiasis by showing that the H. diminuta somatic proteins exposed to the host possess immunomodulatory functions, and that the immune response of the host could be stimulated by diverse mechanisms, involving also those triggering protein export via yet unknown pathways