1,008 research outputs found

    The Disagreement between Avicenna and al-Ghazali on the Issue of the Pre-eternity of the Universe, how their Arguments Originated from Greek Philosophers and their Effect on Muslim Philosophers

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore one of the three condemnations by al-Ghazali of Avicenna in his widely publicised book ‘Incoherence of the Philosophers’. The paper will focus on one of these three specific issues because it was these topics that were used by al-Ghazali to insinuate that Avicenna had transgressed the boundaries of valid traditional Islamic belief (kufr). The refutation of al-Ghazali are found in three parochial topics: (I) pre-eternity of matter and temporal nature of the world (II) God’s knowledge of particulars and universals, (III) the relationship between the resurrection of the body and the soul. The focus of this thesis will be on the issue of presenting the opinions of both the proponents of pre-eternity of matter as well as advocates of the universe being created out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo). It will explore the opinion of Greek philosophers leading up to Avicenna, then will navigate through the opinion of Muslim philosophers and theologians and then finally moving onto the opinions of contemporary philosophers and scientists. The thesis will first explore the opinion of Avicenna regarding the pre-eternity of the universe and whether his positon traversed the boundaries of Islam and into heresy. The thesis will then move onto looking into the opinions and positons of Greek and Muslim philosophers, to enquire into the accuracy of the perception that the position of Avicenna was a ‘rogue’ position that was rejected by Muslim philosophers. The contention of al-Ghazali and the opinions of latter Muslim theologians will be explored in order to give the reader a holistic understanding of these issues so that one can determine whether it was philosophically sound for latter scholars to anathematise Avicenna. Finally the thesis will explore the relevance of the Avicenna amongst philosophers and scientists in current times

    Determinants of decision making process for Iraqi students studying in Malaysian Research Universities

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    Internationalization of education has become a big phenomenon in recent decades especially with the entry of many Asian countries like Malaysia, that have surpassed many developed countries such as United States, England, Europe etc. Lot of studies has been conducted on .student’s choice to study abroad in developed countries, but very few have been done in the context of developing countries like Malaysia. Malaysia being a developing country has started attracting a lot of international students mainly because of quality of education as well as low tuition and living costs. The studies regarding international students in Malaysian context have focused on the undergraduate level and not on the perspectives of adult learners. The present study is an attempt to investigate the factors that help the international students especially Iraqi students in making decisions to pursue their tertiary education at post graduate level in Malaysian university specifically in Malaysian research universities. The study utilizes case study approach with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as a study context. The theoretical underpinning of the study relies on the theory of adult learning and selfdetermination theory for model building. The sample consisted of postgraduate Iraqi students pursuing their masters or PhD in various faculties of UTM. Secondly, focus group discussion was also carried out with international post graduate students of various nationalities for triangulation of results. Semi structured interviews were conducted from the respondents chosen using theoretical sampling technique. The results indicate that the decision making process of Iraqi students is influenced more by external factors as compared to internal factors. The study provides useful insights into the phenomenon of study abroad. The findings of the study have several implications for both higher education institutions and policy makers

    Problems of English Language Acquisition in Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory-cum-remedial Study

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    ‘An international language belongs to its users, not to the countries whose national languages have become internationalized’ (Edge 1992). With an ever increasing number of L2 users it is time we rewrote the description of the place of English among world languages. All types of interactions, more particularly between nations, are through English, for a reason no other than the fact that it is the only language in which non native users can possibly communicate.  It is the language of science, technology and business apart from being significant in political or diplomatic dialogues. English Language has come to be owned by all people in the world of work. Saudi Arabia is no exception. Almost a hundred years on Saudi schools, colleges and universities teach English with primary and genuine concern. Still, just like non- native learners in other non-English speaking countries, Saudi learners also confront many problems in their English Language acquisition. This study is a humble effort to bring out the major barriers and problems that Saudi students face while learning English; it proposes remedial measures for the said barriers and problems.  In this study, the researcher has tried to focus on the teaching methodologies and learning atmosphere prevalent in Saudi English classrooms

    Determining internal leakages of high pressure and temperature steam valves

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    Internal leakages of high pressure and temperature steam valves have been identified as a potential contributor to a loss in power generating plant efficiency. These losses are often neglected due to it being difficult to detect problematic valves and quantify the internal leakages through them. A non-intrusive NOT technique that detects and quantifies internal leakages through valves will be a very favourable tool to any power generating plant as it will allow for the early detection of internal leakages and could possibly provide considerable financial savings. This research evaluates different monitoring techniques suitable for detecting and quantifying internal leakages through valves and selects a technique that is most suitable for application in a power generating plant environment. The proposed technique utilises infra-red thermography to calculate pipe surface temperatures on a length of un-insulated pipe located downstream of a valve that is leaking internally. As the leakage steam flows through the length of un-insulated pipe, it will lose a portion of its heat energy through the pipe wall to the surrounding environment. This will result in a drop in temperature of the steam from the upstream to downstream points of the un-insulated length of pipe. By calculating the heat loss and the drop in temperature of the leakage steam, a mass flow rate of the leakage steam can be determined. A mathematical model was derived which with inputs of upstream and downstream pipe surface temperatures of the un-insulated pipe, pipe properties and ambient air conditions, calculates the heat loss, the temperature drop and the resulting mass flow rate of the leakage flow through the valve. A detailed experimental study was conducted to validate the proposed technique in determining internal leakages thought steam valves. Steam generated from a mini steam generating plant was allowed to flow through an experimental test rig, which contained a length of un-insulated pipe, at different flow rates. Pipe surface temperature measurements of the un-insulated pipe were made using an infrared thermal camera and a mass flow rate of the steam was calculated using the derived mathematical model. In all experiments, the mass flow rate calculated using the mathematical model was compared to a mass flow rate acquired from a flow measuring device installed in-line with the experimental test rig. The results indicate that an increase in mass flow rate causes an increase in pipe surface temperatures of the un-insulated pipe which translates to an increase in heat loss of the leakage steam through the length of un-insulated pipe. The mass flow rate calculated using the proposed technique closely approximates the mass flow rate acquired from the flow measuring device. This indicates that the proposed technique, using infrared thermography, is capable of detecting and quantifying possible internal valve leakages encountered in online operation. Onsite tests were performed using the proposed technique on two different boiler drain valves at Majuba Power Station. It was found that one of the valves was internally leaking steam to the atmosphere at a rate of 0.039 kg/s whilst the other valve was sealing correctly. A comprehensive financial impact study was conducted, and it was found that this leakage steam will result in a total loss of R 730 108 per annum if the leak is left unattended. This is the loss for a single valve that has a relatively small leak. The financial loss for a combination of all valves that are internally leaking in a power plant could be substantial and can clearly justify plant personnel in utilising the proposed technique to identify problematic valves. With its portability, non-intrusiveness and ease of use the proposed technique provides a cost-effective means to determine internal leakages through power plant valves

    Casing Failure Analysis for API N-80 Grade in Sudanese Thermal Oil Recovery Production Wells: Case Study

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    Implementation of the Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) and Steam Flooding as thermally Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods increase the commercial value of the existence Field through increasing oil recovery and field extension. When the steam is generated, processed and injected with high peak temperature into shallow wells (total depth of 700m) for oil recovery, it may result in high thermally induced stresses, which might exceed its design limit of the material and lead directly to the plastic deformation in the casing and thread connection. The objective of this paper is to premineraly investigate and analyze the reasons behind the casing failure in some well candidates at Fula North East (FNE) thermal oilfield based on the analytical analysis targeting the related structural and operational aspects of these applications. There are several casing failures have been reported; but so far no enough evident to correlate these failures to the mentioned stresses. Therefore, Ensuring adequate structural integrity and seal ability of the connections over the full service life of a thermal recovery well is a significant challenge. In this work, the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) on premineraly manner has been used through correlation of the problem to casing’s grade and materials, cement formulation, sand production and steam injection parameters and thermal insulation process, by using step by step methodology. The results show that some supporting measures are recommended in order to minimize the casing damage and extend the life time of the thermal wells in FNE oil field. The above mentioned methodology has been used as the first time in Sudan to analyze casing failure in thermal oilfield

    An institutional development policy framework for growth in the non-hydrocarbon sectors of Oman : a systems approach

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    Collective action involving public and private actors (e.g. public institutions, foreign and domestic investors) faces difficulties even in developed economies, let alone in economies that are still developing their institutions. Especially for the latter this lack of collective action in bringing public and private actors together in order to enhance policy making processes for viable and better policymaking performance is paramount. Oman is one such economy which, like many other economies endowed with natural resources, is trying to grow its non-hydrocarbon (non-oil-gas) sectors. Although there is a growing literature concerning the use of systems approaches in enhancing public and private sector governance there is a gap concerning the availability of such approaches in their simultaneous policymaking process; especially in developing economies and Oman in particular.Accordingly, the aim and objectives for this thesis were laid down to develop a methodological framework, based on a systems approach (viz. the viable system model-VSM) that could aid policymaking processes in Oman, respective institutional developments (ID), and ultimately growth in the non-hydrocarbon sectors. Developing in particular the kind of institutions required to foster collective action between the relevant public institution representatives (PIRs), foreign, and domestic investors.To investigate the above empirically 30 face-to-face interviews were held with foreign and domestic investors; whereas two focus groups were held with a 14 government institutional representatives. Their results are used to demonstrate the operation of the aforementioned methodological framework.This thesis is thus making an original and substantial contribution to the body of knowledge concerned with ID, collective public-private action, through the successful use of VSM. Filling thus the aforementioned gap identified in the literature, within the Omani context

    Levels of Heavy Metals in Soil, Water and Vegetables around Industrial area in Bauchi, Northeastern Nigeria

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    This study examined the levels of heavy metals in soil, water, and vegetables (amaranthus, hibiscussabdariffa, and allium cepa leaves) around the industrial area Bauchi, Northeastern Nigeria. The composite samples of soil, water, and vegetables were collected and determine the level of heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, and As) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The level of the heavy metals decreased in the order of Mn > Zn > Pb > Cd, Pb > Zn > Mn > Cd, and Mn > Zn > Mn > Cd in the soil, water, and vegetables respectively. Among the vegetables, amaranthus had the highest heavy metals level followed by allium cepa leaves and hibiscus sabdariffa. The levels of heavy metals obtained were below the tolerance level recommended by the world health organization (WHO). The bio-concentration factors of the heavy metals for the studied samples were below one except Zn in amaranthus. The daily intake of metals for Mn was found to be the highest in amaranthus for children and estimated to be 1.149 mg/person/day. Health risk index of Zn for amaranthus and allium cepa leaves for children and Pb for amaranthus, hibiscus sabdariffa and allium cepa leaves for both children and adults were above 1, except in hibiscus sabdariffa for adults, signifying provable of health risks for the consumption of the vegetables in the study area. Therefore, the consumption of these vegetables as food could pose a health hazard, and regular monitoring is recommended to prevent metal accumulation with their associated health implications in the consuming public

    Measurement of Total Plasma Homocysteine, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 Levels among Osteoporotic Women in Duhok City

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    الخلفية والاهداف: الدراسات الحديثة تشير الى انه المستويات العالية للحامض الاميني هوموسيستين له علاقة مباشرة بزيادة نسبة خطر الاصابة بتنخر العظام التي تؤدي الی الکسور لدى المسنين خاصة النساء (بعد سن اليأس). و تشير ايضا ان مستوى هذا الحمض الاميني مرتبط بشكل اساسي بمستويات كل من فيتامين بي 12, فيتامين دي 3 و حامض الفوليك. زيادة نسبة الهوموسيستين في بلازما الدم وكذلك انخفاض ملحوظ في مستويات كل من حامض الفوليك, فيتامين بي 12 و فيتامين دي 3 يشير الى زيادة احتمالية حدوث هشاشة وفقدان قوام العظام. لذلك, تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تحديد مستوى الهوموسيستين في الدم, ففي حالة زيادة نسبة الهوموسيستين عن الحد الطبيعي (أکثر من 15 ????mol/L) وانخفاض مستوى كل من حامض الفوليك, فيتامين بي 12 و فيتامين دي3 تتنبأ بسوء تشخيص حالة العظام و هشاشته وبالتالي الکسور. طريقة العمل: اجريت دراسة مقطعية على (90) امرأة تتراوح أعمارهن بين (45 – 85) سنة في عامي 2017 – 2018. تم استخدام جهاز (ديكسا) للحصول على المعلومات حول قيمة (تي – سكور) المسجلة من حاسبة الجهاز الموجود في مركز دهوك للامراض الروماتيزمية واعادة التأهيل الطبي.في هذه الدراسة تم استخدام برنامج (اس بي اس اس ) الاصدار رقم (23) لغرض الحصول على أنه هل هناك علاقة أحصائية بين اجمالي الهوموسيستين في بلازما الدم و معاملات الدراسة الاخرى. النتائج: يرتبط فرط الهوموسيستين في الدم بتشوهات الهيكل العظمي وهشاشة في العظام. في هذه الدراسة اختبرنا ما إذا كانت مستويات الهوموسيستين والإنزيمات الحرجة في عملية أيضه مثل فيتامين بي 12 و فيتامين دي 3 و حامض الفوليك التي لهم علاقة بكثافة المعادن في العظام التي تقاس بجهاز ديكسا للمرضى (بعد انقطاع الطمث) المشاركين في هذا البحث. تم الوصول الى النتائج على انه الهمومسيستين على علاقة ( p اقل من 0.001) وثيقة مع كل من العمر, قياس الخصر, حامض الفوليك, فيتامين بي 12, وفيتامين دي 3 و كذلك مع مجاميع (تي – سكور) و أيظا له علاقة مع كل من ( p اقل من 0.005) مع كل من كالسيوم الدم, مؤشر كتلة الجسم و اجمالي الدهون في الجسم. الاستنتاجات: يبدو أن الحمض الاميني الهوموسيستين هو مؤشّر على تطور مرض هشاشة العظام بين مجتمع الدراسة (النساء المسنات في مدينة دهوك). البيانات الحالية تشير إلى وجود علاقة كبيرة بين فيتامين بي 12, فيتامين دي 3 و حامض الفوليك وتمعدن العظام. توثق بياناتنا الفرضية القائلة بأن الحمض الاميني الهوموسيستين قد يلعب دورًا في التسبب في تطور حالة هشاشة العظام وكسورها.Background and objectives: Recent studies suggest that high homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of fractures. Homocysteine levels are known to be influenced by vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and folic acid status. Elevated plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) and deficiencies of folate and vitamin B12 are associated with risk of osteoporosis and bone loss. Therefore, this study aims to examine whether high plasma levels of homocysteine and low plasma levels of folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 predicted a bad prognosis of bone health or not. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on (90) women whose ages were between (45–85 years old) in 2017–2018. Recorded information on T – score values were obtained from computerized DEXA machine at the Duhok Rheumatic disease and Rehabilitation center. Independent t – test by (SPSS version 23) program was used to estimate relationship and risk assessment among study parameters comparing to levels of plasma total homocysteine (tHcy). Results: Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with skeletal abnormalities and osteoporosis. We tested whether levels of homocysteine and critical co-enzymes of homocysteine metabolism, such as vitamin B12, D3 and folate which are related to bone mineral density (BMD) measured by DEXA. The current data demonstrates that homocysteine is highly significant (P value < 0.01) with each of age, waist circumferences (C. W.), vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D3 and T- score quartiles, also significant (P value < 0.05) with Body Mass Index (BMI), calcium (Ca+) and Total Body Fat percent (TBF %). Conclusions: Homocysteine seems to be a predictor for development of osteoporosis among study population (elderly menopaused women in Duhok city). The present data suggest a major association between folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and bone mineralization. Our data documented the hypothesis that homocysteine may play a role in the pathogenesis of osteoporotic fractures

    Bibliometric Analysis of Research Publications of Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia during the Year 2006-2017

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    The study investigates the research contributions of Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia in terms of its publication output during 2006-2017 as reflected through Scopus database. The study, using Microsoft Excel, analyses the year-wise research productivity, its citation impact, national and international collaborations, top collaborating institutions, subject-wise distribution of papers, journals used for communication, most preferred journals for publication, most prolific authors, number of citations received, and top cited papers of the University during the period under study. The paper concluded that Al-Jouf University is growing and improving in terms of research publication output


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    This paper presents the results of an ongoing experimental investigation examining the effect of fiber orientation and stacking sequence on the behavior of FRP-confined concrete. As part of the experimental study, 100 mm x 200 mm concrete cylinders were jacketed with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and tested under pure axial compressive loading. The specimens were confined using various CFRP stacking sequences, with fibers oriented at 0⁰, 90⁰, and ±45⁰. Furthermore, within each stacking sequence, the numbers of layers was varied from 4 to 8 to examine the effect of number of plies on the behavior of the FRP-confined concrete cylinders. In addition, the research program included a companion set of CFRP coupons made from CFRP laminates having the same properties as the CFRP jackets used in the cylinder series. The preliminary results show that parameters such as fiber orientation, stacking sequence, and number of confinement layers have a direct impact on the strength, ductility and stress-strain behavior of CFRP confined concrete