191 research outputs found

    Cutaneous innervation of the hand

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    The Need for Adolescent Mental Health Intervention in Primary Health Care

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    Mental health problems in adolescents became a global concern. About 10–20% of children and adolescents worldwide experience mental health problems, but only about 10% get medical attention. This study aims to perform an initial screening of adolescent mental health in Bandung, especially adolescents at school age, to get the magnitude of the problem of mental health in adolescents. This research was a cross-sectional study conducted in Bandung. Data collected in December 2018. The study used consecutive sampling to recruit 140 students from junior and senior high schools. The instrument used was the strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) YR1 version, which was filled independently by respondents. Data were analyzed using STATA 13. The results of this study were that the prevalence of mental health problems in adolescents was 21%. The highest aspect was emotional (28%) and conducted problems (21%). There was a significant different male versus female in emotional and conduction problems. In conclusion, the magnitude of the adolescent's mental health problems in Bandung was enormous; thus, interventions at the primary care level and partnership with another sector needed.   PERLU INTERVENSI KESEHATAN MENTAL REMAJA DI PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PRIMER Masalah kesehatan mental pada remaja telah menjadi perhatian dunia. Sekitar 10–20% anak dan remaja di seluruh dunia mengalami masalah kesehatan mental, tetapi hanya 10% yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini melakukan penapisan awal besaran masalah kesehatan mental pada remaja usia sekolah di Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Bandung. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan Desember 2018 menggunakan consecutive sampling dengan melibatkan 140 siswa SMP dan SMA. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah strength and difficulties questionaire (SDQ) YR1 version yang diisi oleh responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan STATA 13. Hasil penelitian didapatkan prevalensi masalah kesehatan mental pada remaja adalah 21%. Aspek penilaian tertinggi berada pada masalah emosional (28%) dan conducting problem (21%). Terdapat perbedaan nilai yang siginifikan untuk aspek emosinal dan conduct problem antara kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan. Simpulan, masalah kesehatan mental remaja di Kabupaten Bandung sangat besar sehingga dibutuhkan penanganan kesehatan mental remaja di tingkat pelayanan kesehatan primer dan kerja sama dengan sektor lain

    Langer's axillary arch: a rare variant, and prevalence among Caucasians.

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    During the dissection of a 79-year-old Caucasian female cadaver, a variant of Langer's axillary arch was found unilaterally in the left axilla. While Langer's axillary arches are not uncommon, this particular variant, attaching to the biceps brachii, is much rarer with a reported prevalence of only 0.25%. The case reported here, however, is only the third example of a Langer's axillary arch that has been found in the last 14 years in the Dissecting Room at St. George's, University of London, giving it an overall prevalence of approximately 1.0% amongst a population of around 280 Caucasian cadavers, much lower than the reported frequency of 7%. Langer's axillary arches can be completely asymptomatic in life, but may also cause a variety of issues both clinically and surgically

    Analysis on the parameters of selected mapping without side information on PAPR performances

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    Nowadays, the OFDM support the growing request of higher data rate transportation in both wired and wireless communication. The SLM technique is recognized as one of the most capable methods which are applied in OFDM system in order to reduce the problem of high PAPR. However the major drawback of SLM is transmission of side information which has negative result on data rate and bandwidth efficiency. Accordingly the SLM method without sending side information has been proposed. Therefore this paper investigates how the parameters in SLM techniques without Side Information (SI), could have effects on the PAPR performances of the method

    Resettlement experiences and resilience in refugee youth in Perth, Western Australia

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    Background: In Australia, the two major pathways of refugee entry are the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees resettlement programme and irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs) seeking asylum. The Australian Government’s policies towards IMAs since July 2013 are controversial, uncompromising and consistently harsh, with asylum seekers held in detention centres for prolonged periods. Refugees and asylum seekers have distinct and unique stressors that make resettlement difficult. Methods: This exploratory study examines resettlement experiences for refugee youth in Western Australia using the psychosocial conceptual framework and qualitative methods. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were undertaken with verbatim transcripts analysed using thematic analysis to identify themes. Results: Themes documented that language and its impact, and experience with education, health, and social activities, support structures provided to youth and supporting future aspirations as critical to successful resettlement. This exploratory study contributes to developing a broader understanding of the resettlement experiences of refugee youth, drawing on their current and past experiences, cultural differences and mechanisms for coping. Conclusion: Fluency in English language, especially spoken, was a facilitator of successful resettlement. Our results align with previous studies documenting that support programs are vital for successful resettlement. Although faced with immense difficulties refugee youth are resilient, want to succeed and have aspirations for the future. Strategies and recommendations suggested by refugee youth themselves could be used for developing interventions to assist successful resettlement

    An evaluation of the colors in primary school English textbook through students` perception

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    The Malaysian education system has transformed from the traditional to the modern, albeit keeping to textbooks as the main teaching material. Among the factors determining the quality of textbooks, color is an important one, especially in primary school textbooks. Suitably applied, it will enrich classroom instruction and aid the learning process. This research was designed to run in two phases, and the data collected were analyzed by SPSS software. In the first phase, the colors used in the pictures of Year-4 English textbook were evaluated. Next, the color preferences of 384 students in the fourth grade of national primary schools were collected. Data from the first phase show that out of 901 textbook pictures, 792, 733, and 412 respectively use primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Data from the second phase show the students highly interested in tertiary colors. The results of this study reveal important points for textbook quality improvement. Knowing what colors students like allows illustrators to consider age levels, not only when illustrating textbooks but also when creating pictures for other materials

    Exploring QU Health Students' Experiences of Burnout, Anxiety, and Empathy during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Method Study

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    Background Students' mental health is a growing concern. COVID-19 pandemic resulted in academic and non-academic challenges which caused students' burnout, anxiety, and reduced empathy. Objectives The study objectives were to assess burnout amongst QU Health students, determine the relationship between burnout and anxiety, and burnout and empathy, and to determine the students coping strategies. Methods A convergent mixed-methods design was used: (1) a cross-sectional survey using validated instruments. Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Students Survey (MBI-GS(S)) to measure burnout, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale (GAD-7) to measure anxiety, and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) to measure empathy; (2) focus groups to get a deeper insight of the students' experiences and coping strategies. Descriptive and multivariate statistical analyses were used for the survey while the focus groups were analysed using deductive thematic analysis following the coping reserve model. Results 21.45% of students responded to the survey. Burnout was reported according to the subscales. MBI-Exhaustion (MBI-EX) subscale (mean= 4.07, SD= 1.56), MBI-Cynicism (MBI-CY) subscale (mean= 2.63, SD= 1.53), and MBI-Professional Efficacy (MBI-PE) subscale (mean= 3.97, SD= 1.22). MBI-EX and MBI-CY were associated with GAD-7 scores. MBI-EX and MBI-CY were associated with IRI-Empathic Concern (IRI-EC) and IRI-Personal Distress (IRI-PD) while MBI-PE was associated with IRI-Perspective Talking (IRI-PT) and IRI-EC. The students used many coping strategies to build resilience. Conclusion QU Health students experienced burnout during the spring 2020 semester. Many burnout causes and coping strategies were identified. It is suggested for QU to start mentorship programs and mental health initiatives to promote students' resilience

    Epidemiology and demographics of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Africa and Middle East

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    Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is a group of chronic heterogenous disorders that manifests as joint inflammation in patients aged <16 years. Globally, approximately 3 million children and young adults are suffering from JIA with prevalence rates consistently higher in girls. The region of Africa and Middle East constitute a diverse group of ethnicities, socioeconomic conditions, and climates which influence the prevalence of JIA. There are only a few studies published on epidemiology of JIA in the region. There is an evident paucity of adequate and latest data from the region. This review summarizes the available data on the prevalence of JIA and its subtypes in Africa and Middle East and discusses unmet needs for patients in this region. A total of 8 journal publications were identified concerning epidemiology and 42 articles describing JIA subtypes from Africa and Middle East were included. The prevalence of JIA in Africa and Middle East was observed to be towards the lower range of the global estimate. We observed that the most prevalent subtype in the region was oligoarticular arthritis. The incidence of uveitis and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) positivity were found to be lower as compared to the incidence from other regions. There is a huge unmet medical need in the region for reliable epidemiological data, disease awareness, having regional and local treatment guidelines and timely diagnosis. Paucity of the pediatric rheumatologists and economic disparities also contribute to the challenges regarding the management of JIA

    Body Appreciation Around the World: Measurement Invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) Across 65 Nations, 40 Languages, Gender Identities, and Age

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    The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations remains limited. Here, we utilised the Body Image in Nature (BINS) dataset – with data collected between 2020 and 2022 – to assess measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that full scalar invariance was upheld across all nations, languages, gender identities, and age groups, suggesting that the unidimensional BAS-2 model has widespread applicability. There were large differences across nations and languages in latent body appreciation, while differences across gender identities and age groups were negligible-to-small. Additionally, greater body appreciation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction, being single (versus being married or in a committed relationship), and greater rurality (versus urbanicity). Across a subset of nations where nation-level data were available, greater body appreciation was also significantly associated with greater cultural distance from the United States and greater relative income inequality. These findings suggest that the BAS-2 likely captures a near-universal conceptualisation of the body appreciation construct, which should facilitate further cross-cultural research