12 research outputs found

    Prediction of Density and Viscosity of Biodiesel Fuel from Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Composition

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    Viscosity and density are important properties that qualify biodiesel fuel to serve as an alternative fuel because all other properties directly or indirectly depend on them. The processes involved in determining the viscosity and density of biodiesel are relatively simple and costly and there are discrepancies in the results obtained due to the differences in the oil composition of the feed-stocks used as against the reported cause of experimental errors. This work aimed at theoretically determining and developing relationship between the density and viscosity of different feed-stocks and the fatty acid methyl ester composition at different temperatures.In the study, density and viscosity data of biodiesel fuels and the composition of FAME were collected from literatures.  A linear regression analysis was carried out for density and viscosity on the average values of viscosity and density data obtained at different temperatures range (10°C-40°C) of FAME composition. Equations relating density and viscosity with the percentage composition by weight of FAME of biodiesel fuel were developed. Predicted mean values for kinematic viscosity and density were respectively between 4.31 - 5.64 mm2/s and 861.67 – 885.66 kg/m3. The developed equations were able to predict with up to 97.1% accuracy for viscosity and 98.5% accuracy for density. The developed equations could effectively predict the quality of biodiesel (viscosity and density) from various feedstocks based on FAME compositions

    Effects of Telfairia occidentalis leaf extract on plasma lactate and liver glycogen in rats

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    Summary: Telfairia occidentalis is a green vegetable popularly consumed among the native of Africa and it is generally believed to be of medicinal and nutritional value. Studies have reported its hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic effects in rats. In addition to these conflicting reports, the mechanisms for its effects on blood glucose remain inconclusive. The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanism involved in the increased blood glucose following treatment with T. occidentalis. Twenty five (25) male albino rats (200-250g) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=5/group). Rats in the control group received normal saline while rats in other groups were orally treated with 100 or 200 mg/kg body weight of the extract for either 1 or 2 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the rats were anaesthetized and blood samples were collected for the estimation of some biochemical parameters. The results showed significant decreases in plasma glucose after 1 week of treatment with 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg. However, after 2 weeks of treatment with both doses, plasma glucose levels increased significantly and were higher than those of the control and the rats treated for 1 week with both doses. There were also dose- and duration-dependent decreases in glycogen concentration in the treated rats, especially those treated for two weeks. Glucose-6-phosphatase activity and liver glycogen concentration were lower in rats treated for 2 weeks when compared with those treated for 1 week with both doses. Moreover, plasma lactate concentration was lower in the treated groups when compared with control. The results suggest that Telfairia occidentalis-induced lowering of plasma glucose after one week of treatment probably favoured lactate oxidation/gluconeogenesis and elicited breakdown of liver glycogen which resulted in increased plasma glucose after two weeks of treatment.Keywords: Blood glucose, Lactate, Liver glycogen, Glucose-6-phosphatase, Telfairia occidentalisNiger. J. Physiol. Sci. 33(December 2018) 169-17

    An Empirical Analysis of Price Stability Effect of Nigerian Monetary Policy (1981- 2012)

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    The study examines the price stability effect of Nigerian monetary policy from I98I to 2012. The Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) model was employed after conducting a number of diagnosis test and ensured that the data were stable. The results of the analysis showed that monetary policy implementation has not yielded the expected outcome to ensure price stability. Also, Inflation, Monetary Policy Rate and Interest Rate are significant determinants of price instability while Money Supply and Exchange Rate cause price instability, though not significantly. The findings revealed that general price level increases as the exogenous variables increase. Therefore, restricted monetary policies should be put in place so as to reduce inflation rate to the barest minimum and the interest rate policies should be implemented in a way that will strengthen the purchasing power of the Naira

    Total anti-oxidant status and C-reactive protein values in Nigerians with symptomatic primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint – an initial report

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    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative as well as an inflammatory disorder of joints. The joint inflammation in this disease (as with inflammation in other organs of the body) leads to the production of acute phase proteins like C-reactive protein (CRP) along with the release of cytokines and neutrophils. The lysosomes released from the activated neutrophils result in the production of large amounts of free radicals which are harmful to the human body. Antioxidants on the other hand are substances that when present even in low concentrations avidly react with and annihilate free radicals before oxidative damage is inflicted on vital components of the cells. This case-control study was aimed at investigating the influence of age; body mass index, total antioxidant status (an indirect measure of total free radicals) and c-reactive protein (an acute phase reactant) on symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee. Thirty five subjects with clinical and radiological features of osteoarthritis of the knee were recruited from the Orthopaedic clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Twenty healthy age-matched controls were recruited from the Surgical Outpatient Clinic of the same hospital. Informed consent, biodata and body mass indices were obtained after which venous blood samples were obtained from each subject. Total plasma antioxidant status (TAS) was estimated spectrophotometrically by the Koracevic method while the CRP concentration was measured using Humatex CRP kit® (Human GmbH, Germany). The mean ages of the test and control groups were 58.8±12.0 and 52.3±7.9 years respectively. Osteoarthritic patients demonstrated significantly higher (p <0.05) BMI (32.2±6.9 kg/m2) compared to controls (26.1±3.4 kg/m2). The mean TAS was significantly lower (p <0.05) in the test (1.09±0.38 mmol/l) compared to the controls (1.61±0.09 mmol/l). CRP was positive in 19 (54.3%) of the test subjects but negative in all the control. There was an inverse correlation between the BMI and TAS (p <0.05) as well as between age and TAS (p <0.05). This study shows that Nigerian patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee tend to be obese and have a lower total antioxidant status. Antioxidant supplementation of the diet as a means of minimizing the severity of osteoarthritis and other free radical-mediated diseases in older Nigerian adults is advocated

    Molecular dynamics and combined docking studies for the identification of Zaire ebola virus inhibitors

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    Ebola virus (EBOV) is a lethal human pathogen with a risk of global spread of its zoonotic infections, and Ebolavirus Zaire specifically has the highest fatality rate amongst other species. There is a need for continuous effort towards having therapies, as a single licensed treatment to neutralize the EBOV is yet to come into reality. This present study virtually screened the MCULE database containing almost 36 million compounds against the structure of a Zaire Ebola viral protein (VP) 35 and a consensus scoring of both MCULE and CLCDDW docking programs remarked five compounds as potential hits. These compounds, with binding energies ranging from –7.9 to –8.9 kcal/mol, were assessed for predictions of their physicochemical and bioactivity properties, as well as absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) criteria. The results of the 50 ns molecular dynamics simulations showed the presence of dynamic stability between ligand and protein complexes, and the structures remained significantly unchanged at the ligand-binding site throughout the simulation period. Both docking analysis and molecular dynamics simulation studies suggested strong binding affinity towards the receptor cavity and these selected compounds as potential inhibitors against the Zaire Ebola VP 35. With respect to inhibition constant values, bioavailability radar and other physicochemical properties, compound A (MCULE-1018045960-0-1) appeared to be the most promising hit compound. However, the ligand efficiency and ligand efficiency scale need improvement during optimization, and also validation via in vitro and in vivo studies are necessary to finally make a lead compound in treating Ebola virus diseases.M.A.I. appreciates National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa for Innovation Post-Doctoral Fellowship. M.A.I. is thankful to the CHPC (www.chpc.ac.za) for providing computational resources.Scopu

    Oral Exposure to Silver/Gold Nanoparticles: Status of RatLipid Profile, Serum Metabolites and Tissue Morphology

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    Study investigated the effect of oral administration of gold-silver nanoparticleson rat biochemical parameters and tissue morphology. Wistar rats weighingapproximately 180±7 g were randomly assigned into four groups. Animals in thecontrol group received distilled water once daily for 30 days while, those in thetreatment groups were administered 10, 50 and 100 mg kgG1 b.wt. gold-silvernanoparticles. The rats were sacrificed under slight anesthesia, 24 h after the lasttreatments. Blood and vital organs including the heart, kidney and liver werecollected and prepared for biochemical and histopathological determinations.Exposure to Ag/Au nanoparticles altered the rat serum lipid profile; lowering theHDL-C while raising the atherogenic index. Exposure of Ag/Au nanoparticles inrats caused significant alteration to the levels of serum albumin, total protein,bilirubin, urea and creatinine. The activities of alanine transaminase, aspartatetransaminase and alkaline phosphatase in rat serum and tissues were alsosignificantly altered by Ag/Au nanoparticles exposure. The histopathologicalexamination revealed inflammation and cellular degeneration caused by exposureto the Ag/Au nanoparticles. We show evidence that Ag/Au nanoparticles elevatedatherogenic index, as well as caused biochemical and morphological alterations,reminiscent of cellular injur