22 research outputs found

    Technical efficiency in transport manufacturing firms: evidence from Malaysia

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    This study aims to identify the level of technical efficiency and the determinants of technical inefficiency for transport manufacturing firms in Malaysia for 2010 using cross-sectional data of 130 firms acquired from the Department of Statistics (DOS). Based on the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) approach, the results of the study reveal that the average level of technical efficiency is moderate. The estimated result identifies the important determinants of technical inefficiency which are due to employee wage rates as well as the cost of information and communication technology. The fundamental implications of this study are that transport manufacturing firms need to boost motivation among employees and strengthen the network of the production market via wage increment and communication cost

    Modal sosial dalam mempertingkatkan daya saing firma perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

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    Past studies revealed that social capital is vital for the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). However, the empirics of social capital still suffer to prove how its relates to the firm’s success. The aim of this article is to analyse the relations of social capital and the level of firm competitiveness using networking and firm technical efficiency indicators. Based on data collected from the field works studies on Malay bumiputera entrepreneurs in Peninsular Malaysia, the finding shows the significant influence of social capital on the firm’s competitiveness level

    Impak globalisasi terhadap produktiviti buruh dalam sektor perkhidmatan

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    Globalisasi membawa pelbagai kesan yang menjadi cabaran utama kepada Malaysia dalam meningkatkan produktiviti yang menjadi pengukur bagi daya saing. Atas justifikasi tersebut, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji impak globalisasi ke atas tingkat produktiviti buruh sektor perkhidmatan bermula alaf baru pada tahun 2000. Data kajian meliputi tempoh 13 tahun dari 2000 hingga 2012. Menggunakan indikator globalisasi terdiri daripada pelaburan langsung asing (FDI), tahap keterbukaan ekonomi (OPN) dan buruh asing (FL), kesan globalisasi ke atas produktiviti buruh sektor perkhidmatan dianalisis menggunakan model kesan rawak dan model panel dinamik Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). Dapatan model kesan rawak menunjukkan pemboleh ubah FDI adalah positif dan signifikan dalam mempengaruhi tingkat produktiviti buruh. Dapatan ini selari dengan dapatan bagi model panel GMM. Sebaliknya, pemboleh ubah OPN secara konsisten menunjukkan hubungan negatif bagi kedua-dua model, sementara FL menunjukkan dapatan yang tidak konsisten. Implikasi dasar daripada dapatan kajian ini ialah negara perlu terus memberi galakan terhadap kemasukan pelabur asing, terutama bagi pelaburan berskala besar dengan kos relatif lebih murah disebabkan FDI mampu meningkatkan tingkat produktiviti buruh sektor perkhidmatan secara signifikan, khususnya dalam jangka panjang. Selanjutnya, pelaburan yang dapat menjana pekerjaan dengan upah tinggi perlu diberi galakan sepenuhnya, di samping usaha menyerap dan mengguna teknologi baru dalam kalangan pelabur tempatan. Ini perlu kerana sektor perkhidmatan perlu dipacu oleh pengetahuan dan asas teknologi yang tinggi supaya sektor ini kekal sebagai sektor yang kompetitif kepada ekonomi negara

    Status of Fish in Food Security in Malaysia

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    Food security has nowadays become a big challenge around the world. Therefore, this comprehensive review investigates the complex relationship between the status of fish resources and the escalating challenges posed by climate change and population expansion, focusing on Malaysia's food security. With the global population on the rise and the effects of climate change intensifying, it is of the utmost importance to ensure a consistent and reliable food supply. This review assesses the present status of Malaysia's fish resources as a crucial element of the nation's food security landscape by conducting a comprehensive literature review. By elucidating the intricate interplay between changing climate patterns, expanding population pressures, and the availability of fish fisheries, this study identifies future vulnerabilities and opportunities. The findings of this review demonstrate that increasing fish availability alone does not guarantee food security. Effective policies must instead take into account the complex interplay between various factors, including consumption behaviours and ecosystem resilience in order to promote sustainable food security in the face of changing challenges. The study highlights the need for a multidimensional approach that addresses not only sustainable production practises, but also habitat preservation, balanced utilisation, and adaptive management strategies. As the study concentrates on the Malaysian context, its implications extend to regions with comparable challenges, highlighting the urgency of adopting holistic governance models that integrate ecological health and food security objectives. This review provides valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in formulating resilient and effective measures to ensure enduring food security amidst the ever-changing dynamics of climate change and population growth by developing strategy to improve the contribution of fish in terms of sustainable food supply in Malaysia

    Data envelopment analysis and panel regression in analysing technical efficiency and its determinants of the palm oil products-based manufacturing subsector

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    This study measures the technical efficiency score of the manufacturing sector of the palm oil products-based subsector in Malaysia and investigates the major determinants that influence efficiency. Based on the Industrial Manufacturing Survey, this study explores the data from 2000 to 2015 over sixteen years, with a total of eleven subsectors of palm oil products-based. The first stage of the study is carried out with a data envelopment analysis (DEA) to calculate the technical efficiency score, which is considered a dependent variable. The second stage of the study uses a panel regression model to examine the determinants of efficiency comprise the variable capital-labour ratio, research and development, information communication technology, training, and skilled labour. The study findings show that most of the palm oil products-based subsectors are not operating efficiently. Skilled labour, technical and supervisory, and professional is one of the main determinants contributing to the efficiency level. The variable capital-labour ratio though significant, but harms the efficiency level. The moderating effects show that skilled technical and supervisory workers relatively affect the food industry’s efficiency larger than the non-food industry. Therefore, the industry still has room to improve efficiency by utilising input efficiently. Moreover, the efforts involve organisational management, equipped appropriate technology and related factors that will improve efficiency, increase productivity and competitiveness of palm oil products-based industries

    Pengasingan pekerjaan dan perbezaan upah jantina di Malaysia

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbezaan upah jantina di Malaysia berdasarkan data yang dikutip melalui kerja lapangan pada tahun 2012 di lima buah negeri, iaitu Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Kedah dan Terengganu. Sejumlah 1,274 ketua isi rumah telah dipilih bagi analisis artikel ini. Secara lebih spesifik, kajian ini memfokus kepada perbezaan upah jantina mengikut kategori pekerjaan, iaitu pekerja mahir, pekerja separa mahir dan pekerja tidak mahir. Kajian ini melibatkan dua model utama, iaitu model multinomial logit dan model upah. Di samping itu, persamaan pengasingan upah digunakan bagi menentukan peratusan sumbangan pemboleh ubah terhadap perbezaan upah jantina. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan peratus sumbangan pemboleh ubah yang terdapat dalam model upah atau dirujuk sebagai sumbangan faktor yang dapat dijelaskan adalah lebih rendah daripada sumbangan faktor yang tidak dapat dijelaskan yang dirujuk sebagai diskriminasi majikan. Di samping itu, sumbangan bias sampel yang dikaitkan dengan diskriminasi majikan dalam pengambilan pekerja yang bias terhadap wanita juga didapati penting dalam menentukan perbezaan upah jantina. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian ini, kerajaan perlu lebih tegas dalam melaksanakan undang-undang kesamaan upah yang terkandung dalam Akta Buruh negara. Bagi pihak majikan pula, mereka perlu lebih telus dalam mengambil pekerja berdasarkan merit dan bukan berdasarkan jantina

    Analisis hubungan kemahiran dengan kecekapan teknik firma perkhidmatan di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini menganalisis hubungan antara kemahiran dengan tahap kecekapan teknik firma dalam sektor perkhidmatan di Malaysia. Kemahiran dikategorikan kepada enam dimensi, iaitu kemahiran berkomunikasi secara efektif; kemahiran berfikir secara kritis dan menyelesaikan masalah; kemahiran bekerja secara berpasukan; kemahiran etika dan moral dalam profesion; kemahiran keusahawanan; dan kemahiran pengurusan. Kajian ini berasaskan 130 buah firma perkhidmatan yang diperoleh daripada kajian lapangan pada 2014. Objektif kajian ialah menganalisis hubungan antara kemahiran dengan tahap kecekapan firma. Kajian ini menggunakan analisis sempadan stokastik (SFA) dalam mengukur tahap kecekapan teknik firma, sementara model persamaan berstruktur (SEM) menggunakan perisian SmartPLS dalam menganalisis hubungan antara kemahiran dan kecekapan. Dapatan menunjukkan tahap kecekapan teknik firma perkhidmatan secara relatifnya adalah rendah. Selanjutnya, hanya kemahiran bekerja secara berpasukan sahaja yang secara positif mempengaruhi tingkat kecekapan firma, manakala kemahiran beretika dan moral dalam profesion dan kemahiran berkomunikasi secara efektif mempengaruhi tahap kecekapan secara negatif dalam sektor yang dikaji


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    Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of technical efficiency of Malaysia’s secondary education. Education efficiency has become an important issue since the education sector is the recipient of high priority budget allocation. An evaluation of whether the budget distribution for secondary education is technically efficient is necessary because secondary education represents almost 40% of the national education budget.    Methodology: The study applied the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in examining the level of technical efficiency for a sample of 626 secondary schools from four selected states, namely, Selangor, Melaka, Kedah, and Terengganu. The sample was further split into schools from developed and less developed states, and urban and rural areas.     Findings:  The results revealed that secondary schools in the four sample states were technically inefficient (almost 98%).  Most schools were at a moderate level of technical efficiency (score range between 0.5-0.79). Interestingly, schools in rural areas and less-developed states showed better technical efficiency than those in urban areas and developed states. Given the government's total expenditure, academic achievement could be increased by almost 30 percent with an improvement in inefficiency.   Contributions: The study's fundamental implications are that inefficient secondary schools need to increase their efficiency by ensuring effective budget spending and adequate expenditure distribution monitoring. More schools need to be constructed or repaired, and old schools/buildings upgraded. The sector also needs to expedite compliance with the 17:1 student-teacher ratio set by the Education Ministry to improve teaching delivery quality.   Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, government spending, secondary school, student and teacher ratio, technical efficiency.   Cite as: Baba, R., Abdul Karim, Z., Abdul-Majid, M., & Sulaiman, N. (2021). Technical efficiency of secondary schools in Malaysia.  Journal of Nusantara Studies, 6(1), 265-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol6iss1pp265-28

    Potensi eksport firma usahawan bumiputera perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) dalam sektor pembuatan

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    Purpose- This paper analyses Malay firms' involvement in the globaliasation edge, since globalisation can be measured by exports. The percentage of products that have been exported would determine the firms' capability to compete. Neverthelss,many firm in small and medium enterprise (SME) are actually less capable of generating export and usually unable to compete at the international level. Based on this, this paper investigates to what extent the Malay firms plan to export their products in the future. In addition to that, this paper also determines related factors that effect firms to export by taking into account new factors based on the current literature. The Methodology - This study employed logistic regression, whereby the logit model was used to estimate factors affecting firms in export. This model was used because it can explain the response of independent variables. Apart from that, this model can estimate the effect of independent variables on the categorical dependent variable. Finding - The age of firm is very significant in determining the probability of firm to export. Other factors are size of firm,value of output,and level of education. In terms of type of industry, a firm's probability to export are concentrated in the beverage and food industry; textiles, wearing apparel andleather industry; wood products, paper, publication and printing industries. Originality - The paper explores intensively the factors affecting export in Malay firms. The result from this study will benefit the Bumiputera, particularly Malay,firms. The implication of this study can be used by policy maker in functioning more effective programmes and strategies. Paper type: Research pape

    Modal Sosial dalam Mempertingkat Daya Saing Firma Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS)

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    Kajian lepas menunjukkan modal sosial penting terhadap pembangunan firma Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (PKS). Namun demikian, sejauh mana modal tersebut mempunyai hubungan dengan kejayaan firma masih tidak dibuktikan secara empirik. Berbeza dengan kajian-kajian lain, kajian ini menganalisis modal sosial dan hubungannya dengan tingkat daya saing firma menerusi indikator jaringan modal sosial dan tingkat kecekapan teknik firma. Menggunakan data kajian lapangan terhadap pengusaha bumiputera Melayu sektor pembuatan di Semenanjung Malaysia, hasil kajian menunjukkan modal sosial mempunyai pengaruh penting terhadap tingkat daya saing sesebuah firma.