32 research outputs found

    Iterative refinement and smoothing of cyclone tracks from mean sea level pressure data

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    Local nonlinear regression fits are applied to mean sea level pressure data from 2424 member ensemble forecasts of three recent tropical cyclones in the Australian region. Cyclone track estimates derived from the fits are subjected to verification calculations in the form of error-spread diagrams, demonstrating consistency with a recent global ensemble study, with attention also given to cross and along track error components. References R. E. Benestad and D. Chen, The use of a calculus-based cyclone identification method for generating storm statistics, Tellus A 58(4):473–486 (2006). doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2006.00191.x R. Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, Wiley (1987). T. M. Hamill, J. S. Whitaker, M. Fiorino and S. G. Benjamin, Global Ensemble Predictions of 2009's Tropical Cyclones Initialized with an Ensemble Kalman Filter, Mon. Wea. Rev. 139:668–688 (2011). doi:10.1175/2010MWR3456.1 G. J. Holland, An Analytic Model of the Wind and Pressure Profiles in Hurricanes, Mon. Wea. Rev. 108:1212–1218 (1980). doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1980)108<1212:AAMOTW>2.0.CO;2 J. D. Kepert, Objective Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Location and Motion from High-Density Observations, Mon. Wea. Rev. 133:2406–2421 (2005). doi:10.1175/MWR2980.1 R. J. Murray and I. Simmonds, A numerical scheme for tracking cyclone centres from digital data Part I: development and operation of the scheme, Australian Meteorological Magazine 39:155–166 (1991). http://www.bom.gov.au/amoj/docs/1991/murray1.pdf D. H. Smith, M. Naughton and A. Sulaiman, Multiscale verification calculations for regional ensemble forecasts, ANZIAM J. 52:C882–C898 (2011). http://journal.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/3936 M. R. Sinclair, Objective Identification of Cyclones and Their Circulation Intensity, and Climatology, Weather and Forecasting 12:595–612 (1997). doi:10.1175/1520-0434(1997)012<0595:OIOCAT>2.0.CO;2 J. Heming, Tropical cyclone forecast verification method, UK Met Office, (2012). http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/tropicalcyclone/method See also doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1998)126<1323:TPOTUK>2.0.CO;

    Remote Vehicle Monitoring System Starting and Tracking Using IoT System

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    Safety in the vehicle is one of the most important factors in the daily life of every vehicle user. This project is more focused on improving vehicle systems to increase vehicle safety systems. The main objective of this project is to study IoT (Internet of Things) safety systems in automotive applications. Next is to design engine start-stop and tracking for motorcycles. In addition, to analyze battery voltage, GPS location data, and engine start-stop system from the motorcycles with safety features. The vehicle used for this project is a Yamaha 135LC version 2 motorcycle, the Blynk app, and a two NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller with a Wi-Fi module, a relay, and a GPS module. As a result of the start-stop engine, PicoScope was used to analyze the voltage of the battery after the system had fully functioned when the signal was sent to the relay by Blynk apps. The experiment was carried out from five different locations for the engine start-stop system and seven different locations for the GPS, with the engine start-stop system obtaining motor battery voltage readings using PicoScope and the GPS obtaining vehicle coordinate results by reading the latitude and longitude from the smartphone. The GPS data was then compared between the location of the GPS module and the location of the smartphone's GPS to determine the accuracy of the location

    Development Eco Idle Kit System for Motorcycle

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    Eco idle system is a system to reduce exhaust emission, fuel consumption and number of engines spend during idling on the road by shutting off the engines automatically. The purpose of this project is to develop the simulation of an eco-idle system and install it on a motorcycle which is the system will turn off the motor after several seconds in idling mode. In this project, there are a few parts that have been used to develop this system kit for motorcycles. The circuit and coding of the system were created in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software. Data acquisition System (DAQ) was developed, which will lead to the analysis of acceleration and deceleration of motorcycles. In this simulation, the main component is Arduino UNO. In this project, the coding has been added 4 seconds for engine to stop according to driver’s behaviour in real road conditions. After simulating the eco idle kit system, this kit needs to install to motorcycle which is YAMAHA LC135 to analyse data acceleration and deceleration of motorcycles during development of eco-idle kit system. The test methodologies and results for development of eco idle kit system which were tested in different checkpoints. Five different checkpoints were selected to conduct tests of eco idle kit system. Parking lot student UTHM Campus Pagoh served as the site of each checkpoint, which was used to evaluate the eco idle kit system. In conclusion, the simulation of the eco idle system has been successfully run by the connection between required part and coding of the program

    Resistance status of Aedes aegypti towards different insecticides in selected dengue outbreak area in Petaling district (Diptera: Culicinae)

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    Four field strains of Aedes aegypti from dengue outbreak areas in Petaling, Selangor were evaluated using two groups of insecticide; pyrethroid class II (deltamethrin) and organophosphate (malathion and pirimiphos-methyl). This study was conducted according to the WHO adult mosquito bioassay procedure (WHO/ZIKV/VC/16.1). Results of two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a significant difference resistant levels in type of insecticides used against different localities which were TUDM, Brunsfield, Gugusan Semarak and Apartment Sri Indah (F=57.985, df 6, 48, p0.05). Resistance ratio for all the Ae. aegypti from localities selected ranged from 20 fold to 128 fold (moderate resistance and highly resistance categories). Results of this research showed that resistance presence in mosquito populations in the selected dengue outbreak areas in Petaling and that it could the reason controlling dengue is ineffective. We suggest to rotate insecticides with different mode of action and safer insecticides other than pyrethroids plus public awareness to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding places

    The Effect of Fused Deposition Modelling Process Parameters on The Quality Of Abs Product

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    Fused Deposition Modelling is one of the widely used Additive Manufacturing techniques that are used to create functional end use part of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic. The need to ensure that the parts have better dimensional accuracy, surface finish and better mechanical properties thus exist in order to create the good quality of functional end use of fabricated part. The aim of this research is to study the effect of process parameters on the quality of ABS product. In order to achieve the optimum performance of the part, Taguchi method have been implemented. In this project, orthogonal array of L9 (33) was used and 9 pieces of samples were determined for 3 parameters namely: layer thickness, infill density and build orientation with 3 levels each. The sample used in this project is tensile specimen as per ASTM D638 type IV. The specimen was designed using SolidWorks and printed using UP Mini 3D Printer. The specimen was observed for dimensional accuracy, surface roughness and tensile strength. From the finding, it is found that the two most significant control factors for all of the output parameters are object orientation and infill density. Object orientation is the most significant control factor followed by infill density. It affects dimensional accuracy, surface roughness and the tensile strength of the printed specimen test the most compared to the control factor of layer thickness

    Customer satisfaction and service quality of spa in Penang / Suria Sulaiman... [et al.]

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    Spa and wellness tourism are one of the famous and competitive industries compared to the other industries in Malaysia. Recently, spa and wellness tourism has been rapid growth in this country in and this kind of service has been advocated due to health tourism packages. Customer that consumes a product or services from the spa industry required product or services that meet their expectations. However, lack of skill of the staff and discomfort ambiance can lead to the unsatisfaction towards the service quality and decrease the level of customer satisfaction in the spa. The objective of this research is to find a relationship between the service quality of staff and ambiance towards customer satisfaction in the spa. This research used a questionnaire survey in order to gather the data. 300 respondents took part in the survey which is conducted in Penang focusing at Batu Ferringhi area. Findings show that there is a relationship between service quality of staff and also ambiance towards customer satisfaction in the spa

    Syarikat Megaqua Sdn. Bhd. / Muhamad Ismail Omar ... [et al.]

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    Ikan air tawar merupakan sumber protein yang terpenting di negara ini disamping sumber protein daripada ikan air masin. Rata-rata masyarakat di negara ini mula meminati mahupun menggemari akan ikan air tawar ini memandang mereka seiama ini disogokkan dengan kenikmatan ikan air masin sahaja. Di samping itu juga, pasaran untuk pengeluaran ikan air tawar ini menunjukan perkembangan yang agak memuaskan. Sebagai menyahut seruan kerajaan yakni mengurangkan pergantungan import terutamanya daripada sumber protein ikan, maka telah wujudnya pusat pembenihan serta penternakan ikan air tawar yang diusahakan sepenuhnya oleh Bumiputera yang diberi nama Syarikat Megaqua Sdn.Bhd. Dalam Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN), akuakultur telah dikenalpasti sebagai industri utama di dalam sektor pertanian. Pada tahun 2010, pengeluran akuakultur dijangka mencapai 350,000 metrik tan dimana sebanyak 115,721 tan metrik datangnya dari perusahaan ikan air tawar. Selebihnya adalah hasil pengeluaran daripada sumber laut dan udang air tawar. Maka dengan ini pengeluaran benih yang mencukupi adalah amat perlu supaya industri ini dapat berkembang sejajar dengan keperluan negara

    Current status of industrial accident learning in Malaysia

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    The accident rate in Malaysia is decreasing; however, statistically it is still high if compared with other developing nations. One of the reasons why accidents keep on happening is due to poor learning from accidents. This paper discusses the level of accident learning from accident reports submitted to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia and the Society Security Organization (SOCSO) Malaysia involving 1,291 accident cases. Based on the quality and completeness of accident reports, their levels of learning were classified into five accident causation levels which are no, limited, fair, good and excellent learning

    Occupational safety and health assessment in metal industry within small and medium enterprise

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    According to annual report from the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) between years 2009 and 2011, metal industry has the highest reported number of accidents compared to the other manufacturing industry in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the actual causes of problems that lead to the accidents involving metal industries within SMEs. In this study, checklist through site visits has been used to collect the data. The overall result reveals that the main causes of accident are due to organization failure, human factor, machine failure and surrounding environment

    Effect of tire pyrolysis oil, crude palm biodiesel and engine speed on engine performance

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    Diesel combustion engine which the air is compressed to a sufficiently high temperature used to ignite diesel fuel injected into cylinder, where ignition, burning combustion and expansion actuate a piston. Due to limited resources of fossil fuel, the new alternative fuel is rise and now biodiesel became attention in the automotive industries sector. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of tire pyrolysis oil, crude palm biodiesel and engine speed on engine performance. Two cylinders four strokes cycle, air cooled, compression ignition was used to conduct this experiment. Then, the data was collected by PC based software from the experiment to show its performance. This engine experiment done by using blended biodiesel from blended tire pyrolysis oi l (TPO) that is TPO20 and TPO25 and also standard diesel (STD). Next the experiment also had done run using blended biodiesel from blended crude palm oil (CPO) which was CPO10 and CPO15 and also standard diesel (STD). The engine were done run at different speed for 1200rpm, 1400rpm, 1600rpm, 1800rpm and 2000rpm. The results of the engine performance were compared in different calculations which were brake power, torque, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency and the exhaust gas temperature. The development of the biodiesel technology will give an alternative fuel for the diesel engine user in order for them to do their daily routin