30 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media video berbantuan Camtasia pada pelajaran IPA materi daur hidup hewan kelas IV SD. Media video tersebut untuk memudahkan siswa dalam memahami pembelajaran IPA materi daur hidup hewan. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian dan pengembangan R&D (research and development) dengan model ADDIE yaitu analisis, design, development, implemetation, evaluatation. Pengeumpulan data melalui observasi, desain produk menggunakan software dan aplikasi Camtasia. Penilaian produk video berbantuan Camtasia divalidasi oleh ahli media dan materi yaitu dua dosen Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-washliyah Medan dan hasil tes siswa. Hasil dari penilaian dari tahap validasi dijadikan bahan dalam melakukan revisi video. Pengembangan video yang telah di revisi di uji cobakan kepada siswa kelas IV SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi oleh validator ahli materi dan media video pembelajaran IPA materi daur hidup hewan termasuk dalam kategori “baik” dan layak digunakan. Setelah di lakukan revisi, video pembelajaran IPA materi daur hidup hewan diuji cobakan kepada peserta didik kelas IV SD termasuk dalam kategori “baik” dan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, pengembangan media video berbantuan Camtasia pada pelajaran IPA kelas IV SD layak digunakan oleh sekolah, guru, siswa. Keywords: video pembelajaran, Camtasia, IPA. ABSTRACT This study aims to develop Camtasia-assisted video media in science lessons on animal life cycle material for fourth grade elementary school. The video media is to make it easier for students to understand science learning about animal life cycle materials. This research belongs to the type of research and development R&D (research and development) with the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. Data collection through observation, product design using Camtasia software and applications. The Camtasia-assisted video product assessment was validated by media and material experts, namely two lecturers at the Muslim Nusantara University Al-Washliyah Medan and student test results. The results of the assessment from the validation stage are used as material for revising the video. The development of the revised video was tested on fourth grade elementary school students. The results showed that the results of the validation by material expert validators and video media for science learning animal life cycle materials were included in the "good" category and were suitable for use. After revisions were made, the science learning videos for animal life cycle materials were tested on fourth grade elementary school students, including in the "good" category and suitable for use as learning media. Thus, the development of Camtasia-assisted video media in science lessons for grade IV SD is appropriate for schools, teachers and students to use. Keywords: learning video, Camtasia, IPA


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    This research aims to (1) To find out how to develop contextually based worksheets on scale and comparison material in elementary school. (2) To find out how to develop contextually based worksheets on scale and comparison material in elementary school. (3) To determine the feasibility of contextually based LKS on scale and comparison material in elementary school. This research is a type of research and development with reference to the Research & Development (R&D) Model, one of the methods developed by Borg and Gall which has ten work steps, namely 1) Potential problems 2) Data collection 3) Product design 4 ) Design validation 5) Design revision 6) Product testing; 7) Product revision; 8) Test use; 9) Product Revision; and 10) mass production. Based on material expert validation data carried out on August 28 2023, it can be seen that the material expert\u27s assessment received a score of 100% from 17 statements. Based on media expert validation data carried out on August 28 2023, it can be seen that the media expert\u27s assessment received a score of 75% from 6 statements. Based on the validation of the teacher\u27s response, it can be seen that the assessment by the class V LKS teacher\u27s response did not contain any revisions, and obtained a percentage of 90%. The contextual-based worksheets on scale and comparison material that have been developed are very valid and can be applied as a medium for the teaching and learning process in schools

    Development of Smart Board Pakapin Media in Science Learning Class V Elementary School

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    This research is Research and Development (R&D) research using 3 stages of the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, and development. The subjects of this study were 25 students in class V SD Negeri 060924 Medan for the academic year 2022/2023. The final product of this development is the smart pocket board media. The development of Pakapin media was validated by 3 validators, namely media expert validation, material expert validation and learning expert validation. The results of this study prove that the validity level of smart pocket board media shows an average percentage of media experts 92.5%, material experts 86%, and learning experts 100%, which means that smart pocket board media is categorized as very valid. This shows that Pakapin media can improve student learning outcomes

    Development of Malay Culture Student Work Sheet to Improve Student Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Elementary School

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    This study aims to describe the process of developing mathematical LKPD and determine the quality of the LKPD developed on geometrical material with Malay cultural nuances to improve students' critical thinking skills in learning mathematics. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method which is used to produce a product, namely developing LKPD. The development model applied in this study is the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis (Analyze), design (Design), development (Development), implementation (Implementation), and evaluation (Evaluation). The subjects in this development research were two lecturers as validators consisting of material expert validators and media expert validators, teachers, and 29 students of class V-A as the target of using the product for a limited trial. The type of data used in this research is in the form of quantitative data and qualitative data. The instrument used in this study utilizes a questionnaire and a critical thinking ability test. Based on the results of the trials carried out, it was found that (1) The results of the average acquisition of the two validators namely material experts and media experts for the level of validity were 4.41 on the "Very Good" criteria. (2) The result of obtaining the average teacher response and student response to the LKPD for the practicality level is 4.65 on the "Very Good" criteria. (3) The level of effectiveness of the LKPD is obtained from the average score of the critical thinking ability test, which is 75.86 in the "Good" category and the proportion of students' completeness is 72.41 in the "Good" category. LKPD is good and LKPD is declared effective. The feasibility of LKPD can be seen in the average acquisition of the questionnaire instrument from validators, teachers, and students which is 4.53 with the "Very Eligible" category. It can be interpreted that the LKPD developed can improve students' critical thinking skills in mathematics, especially on geometry material and LKPD is suitable for use by teachers and students because LKPD is valid, practical, and effective


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    This research aims to (1) To find out how to develop contextually based worksheets on scale and comparison material in elementary school. (2) To find out how to develop contextually based worksheets on scale and comparison material in elementary school. (3) To determine the feasibility of contextually based LKS on scale and comparison material in elementary school. This research is a type of research and development with reference to the Research & Development (R&D) Model, one of the methods developed by Borg and Gall which has ten work steps, namely 1) Potential problems 2) Data collection 3) Product design 4 ) Design validation 5) Design revision 6) Product testing; 7) Product revision; 8) Test use; 9) Product Revision; and 10) mass production. Based on material expert validation data carried out on August 28 2023, it can be seen that the material expert's assessment received a score of 100% from 17 statements. Based on media expert validation data carried out on August 28 2023, it can be seen that the media expert's assessment received a score of 75% from 6 statements. Based on the validation of the teacher's response, it can be seen that the assessment by the class V LKS teacher's response did not contain any revisions, and obtained a percentage of 90%. The contextual-based worksheets on scale and comparison material that have been developed are very valid and can be applied as a medium for the teaching and learning process in schools