7 research outputs found


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    This research aims at describing how face expresses in communication interaction in wayang sukuraga show. The show which presents the theme of human conflict internally, namely the conflicts part of body between figure and figure such as eyes, mouth, ears, nose, hand, and foot will have a certain offering of face whether positive face or negative face. Positive face expresses in: (1) regretting to what happen; (2) want to be liked; (3) confessing on profession; and (4) want to be known by other. Meanwhile negative face expresses in: (1) freedom to choose by his/herself; (2) freedom to see; (3) freedom to take; and (4) order to find out. The Research applied qualitative descriptive method with pragmatics approach. The data was obtained from video of wayang sukuraga show. Data collection applied simak method. The technique applied sadap and catat. Qualitative data analysis applied with the step of reduction data, display data, and drawing conclusion.

    Structural Presupposition in Wayang Golek

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    Presupposition is a pragmatics study. A pragmatic aspect in wayang golek has become a study recently. It is because pragmatics is more focus to study an external factor of language. It means how a lingual use in a real communication. In wayang golek, mechanism a lingual meaning involves the factor of language external (Suganda, 2003). This research paper tries to describe structural presupposition and factor that determine occurrence of presupposition in wayang golek show. Data were obtained from the story of wayang golek of pakem and sempalan. The technique of data preparation was conducted through the process of sadap, rekam, and catat technique. The findings are the use variety of wh-question forms in Sundanese in structural presupposition and factors that determine occurrence of presupposition are addresser, addressee, content of an utterance, and goal of an utterance

    Metafora Konseptual Dalam Bahasa Sunda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis metafora dalam kerangka teori konseptual metafora yang melibatkan tiga komponen konseptual, yaitu ranah sumber, sasaran, dan persesuaian referensial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan semantik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak. Adapun untuk tekniknya dilakukan teknik sadap, rekam, dan catat. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan metafora yang mengandung sifat atau kebiasaan buruk seseorang yang sudah melekat dalam diri manusia dan susah untuk dihilangkan, karakter manusia yang selalu merasa diri lebih unggul daripada orang lain, berhasil tidaknya hidup tidak ditentukan oleh keturunan ningrat atau rakyat biasa, keadaan yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan untuk melawan orang yang kuat, seorang yang lain di mulut lain pula di hati, tidak ada keburukan dengan yang namanya saudara, dan perilaku manusia yang merasa malu karena telah berbuat dosa.&nbsp


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    Makalah ini bertujuan memdeskripsikan kekeliruan bicara yang dilakukan mahasiswa dan dosen. Kekeliruan bicara yang dideskripsikan di antaranya kekeliruan bicara pada seleksi semantik dan kekeliruan asembling pada bentuk transposisi, antisipasi, dan perseverasi. Data yang digunakan adalah tuturan kekeliruan bicara mahasiswa dan dosen di Kampus Universitas Padjadjaran dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode simak yaitu dengan cara menyimak kekeliruan bicara pada mahasiswa dan dosen. Adapun untuk tekniknya dilakukan teknik sadap dan teknik catat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan psikolinguistik yang menelaah proses-proses mental yang dilalui oleh manusia dalam berbahasa


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    This research is entitled “Analisis Teknik Terjemahan Pengurangan dan Penambahan dalam Buku Menu Restoran di Situs Traveloka”. It is a research which focus on the analysis of translation techniques in restaurant menu. This research aim is to identify and classification restaurant menu in Traveloka website which use omission and addition technique in translation English to Indonesia. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data was obtained on the Traveloka website and researchers found 5 restaurant that use English and Indonesia on the menu. The research found 54 data that could be analyzed but become 68 data after analyzed because were data have action omission-addition, omission-omission or addition-addition. Based on the result of data, these is a omission in noun (9), noun phase (3) adjective (9) and adverb (3) while the addition in noun (11), noun phrase (6) adjective (18) and conjunction (9) of 54 data that the occurrence of omission and addition. There several menus that experience omission and addition techniques


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    ABSTRAKJudul penelitian ini adalah “Aspek Makna Dalam Lagu Samsmith Dalam Album In The Lonely Hourâ€. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aspek-aspek makna dan jenis-jenis makna pada sepuluh lagu Sam Smith. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan Semantik. Teori relevan yang peneliti gunakan yaitu teori Aspek makna Shipley (1962), Palmer (In fatimah 2013) dan Pateda (2010), serta teori jenis-jenis makna Leech (1981). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan aspek makna pengertian, aspek makna perasaan yang menunjukkan rasa sedih, gelisah dan kesa. Aspek makna nada Tinggi dan nada rendah, serta aspek makna tujuan di antaranya memohon, memerintah dan membuktikan. Kemudian ditemukan lima jenis makna yaitu makna konotatif. stilistik, afektif, reflektif dan tematik

    Analisis Plot Berdasarkan Prasangka Julianna Baker Terhadap Realita Dalam Novel Flipped Karya Wendelin Van Draanen

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    The title of this research is “Analisis Plot Berdasarkan Prasangka Julianna Baker Terhadap Realita dalam Novel Flipped Karya Wendelin van Draanenâ€. The objectives of this research are: To describe the prejudiespossesed by Julianna Baker that occurs through Bryce Loski’s point of view, and To describe the impact of the prejudices on the plot seen from the plot stages and plot differentiator based on time sequence criteria. The research method is descriptive qualitave method. The approach applied is objective approach. Data collection technique used in this research is read-note, whereas data analysis technique that used there are three steps: 1) Data reduction, 2) Data presentation, and 3) Verification and conclusion. The relevant theories that applied by researcher are components of prejudice that are affective or emotional component, cognitive component, and behavioral component (Widyarini 2012) and plot stages there are the beginning, the middle, and the end (Abrams 1999) and plot differentiator based on time sequence criteria (Nurgiyantoro 2012). The result of this research show there are 43 prejudices data found in the novel “Flipped†where the prejudice then affect the plot stages and the plot differentiator based on time sequence criteria is straight or progressive plot