
Structural Presupposition in Wayang Golek


Presupposition is a pragmatics study. A pragmatic aspect in wayang golek has become a study recently. It is because pragmatics is more focus to study an external factor of language. It means how a lingual use in a real communication. In wayang golek, mechanism a lingual meaning involves the factor of language external (Suganda, 2003). This research paper tries to describe structural presupposition and factor that determine occurrence of presupposition in wayang golek show. Data were obtained from the story of wayang golek of pakem and sempalan. The technique of data preparation was conducted through the process of sadap, rekam, and catat technique. The findings are the use variety of wh-question forms in Sundanese in structural presupposition and factors that determine occurrence of presupposition are addresser, addressee, content of an utterance, and goal of an utterance

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