11 research outputs found

    Gangguan Faal Paru Pada Pekerja Penggorengan Home Industri Kripik Tempe

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    Penggunaan minyak goreng di Indonesia tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga melainkan juga ke sektor industri dan terdeteksi meningkat sebesar 7,44% selama tahun 2012 – 2017. Pemanasan minyak goreng dalam suhu tinggi akan menimbulkan uap dan partikel yang sifatnya karsinogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis gangguan faal paru yang terjadi pada pekerja penggorengan keripik tempe di home industri Kelurahan Sanan Kota Malang. Responden penelitian sejumlah 48 orang dan dipilih menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Suhu rata-rata lingkungan kerja disekitar wajan penggorengan sebesar 193,5 0C,  kadar PM2,5 sebesar 190 µg/m3 dan ventilasi  < 10% luas lantai. Keluhan subjektif responden berupa sesak nafas, batuk dan kepala pusing sebesar 79,2% dan gangguan faal paru restriksi obstruksi sebesar 87,5%. Seluruh faktor determinan berupa umur (p=0,000), masa kerja (p=0,000), lama kerja (p=0,000), indeks masa tubuh (p=0,000)dan penggunaan masker (p=0,000) secara signifikan berhubungan dengan gangguan faal paru. Pemilik usaha disarankan merenovasi kondisi ventilasi serta mewajibkan seluruh pekerja penggorengan untuk menggunakan masker

    Analisis Ketercapaian Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Industri di PT X

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    Environmental health and industry have a relationship that will have an impact on worker health, work productivity, and other things that support the effectiveness and efficiency of the industry, some components such as soil, water, food, facilities, buildings, as well as vector and disease-carrying animals are aspects and requirements of industrial environmental health. This study aims to analyze the achievement of industrial environmental health requirements at PT X, referring to the Minister of Health Regulation No. 70 of 2016. This research was conducted from January to February 2020, using a descriptive qualitative design. Researchers explore information through interviews with informants and complete them with observation. The selected informants are employees in the K3LH Division, employees in the maintenance division, employees in the catering section, K3LH division managers, and catering section managers. The analysis technique used qualitative analysis on the assessment results according to the instruments used. This study found that the efforts for environmental health requirements at PT X had reached 89% of the total instruments analyzed. This happens because there are still some components that do not meet the requirements, such as WWTP, water-saving facilities, lactation facilities, smoking facilities, facilities for the disabled, and buildings that are densely packed with insects. The recommendation given is to improve and add several facilities related to environmental health requirements that are not yet available and then periodically reassess

    Pembiasaan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat di Pondok Pesantren di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

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    Pondok pesantren merupakan tempat berisiko terjadinya penularan Covid-19 karena santri tinggal dan melakukan kegiatan bersama-sama setiap hari. Kondisi seperti ini perlu adanya komitmen pimpinan, pengelola, santri dan seluruh masyarakat pesantren agar aktif melakukan pengendalian dan pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Beberapa permasalahan pesantren terkait PHBS salah satunya berasal dari para santri yang saling meminjam alat makan, alat ibadah bahkan pakaian masih belum 100% hilang. Santri masih belum terbiasa mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir, belum menggunakan masker dengan baik atau bahkan tidak menggunakan masker sama sekali, sulit mejaga jarak, kurangnya aktifitas fisik, dan konsumsi makanan yang kurang bergizi. Program pemberdayaan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode Community Based Research (CBR) yang memperhatikan identifikasi permasalahan serta upaya preventif bagi masyarakat dan proritas dukungan, pengembangan sistem serta pembangunan sosial yang fokus pada masyarakat, dan menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Adapun tahapan CBR adalah: laying the foundation, research planning, information gathering and analysis, dan acting on findings. Luaran yang diharapkan yaitu tersusunnya kebijakan pencegahan dan pengendalian Covid-19 di pesantren, terlaksanakannya analisis situasi pondok pesantren, terbentuknya organisasi pencegahan dan pengendalian Covid-19, pesantren bisa bermitra dengan mitra potensial, terbentuknya duta PHBS santri, pengelola pesantren dapat membuat media KIE, dan 75% santri mempunyai PHBS yang lebih baik dibanding sebelum adanya program

    Faktor Personal Hygiene dengan Keberadaan Escherichia coli pada Makanan di Jasaboga Asrama Haji Surabaya

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    Hygiene and sanitation are important in determining food quality, where Escherichia coli is an indicator of food pollution that can cause foodborne illness. The purpose of this study is to analyze the personal hygiene factors of food handlers by contamination of Escherichia coli in the food provided in Surabaya haj boarding services. The method used was observational with a cross-sectional approach. The research subjects were 57 food handlers and 57 food samples in Surabaya hajj boarding services. The statistical test used is the chi-square test. There was a personal hygiene relationship between food handlers and the presence of Escherichia coli in food at Jasaboga Hajj Dormitory Surabaya (p = 0.001;

    Increased Thyroid Hormone Levels in Pesticide Sprayer at Agricultural Area

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    Pesticides used massively in the agricultural sector would cause many poisoning and serious health problems. Organophosphate pesticides have been identified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. This study aimed to compare thyroid hormone levels between the sprayers chronically exposed to pesticides and the control respondents who had never been exposed to pesticides. This study was an analytical observational with a cross-sectional design. The total number of respondents was 150, 50 as sprayers and 100 as control respondents. The venous blood samples were examined using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The findings significantly showed that the sprayer had a higher level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (4.776 ± 1.1166), lower triiodothyronine (T3) (108.822 ± 18.810), and lower thyroxine (T4) (7.808 ± 1.067). Determinant factors among sprayers that significantly correlated to TSH levels was age (p-value = 0.006); work duration (p-value = 0.000); personal protection equipment (PPE) (p-value = 0.045); body position (p-value = 0.014); type of pesticides (p-value = 0.004), correlated with T3 levels was age (p-value = 0.037); body position (p-value = 0.045), correlated with T4 levels was age (p-value = 0.000); PPE (p-value = 0.045). It could be concluded that chronic organophosphate exposure would increase TSH and decrease T3 and T4

    Determinants of COVID-19 prevention equipment readiness in families during pandemic in Indonesia

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    Indonesia was the country with the second-highest case of COVID-19 in the South East Asia Region (SEAR) of the World Health Organization (WHO) data until August 1, 2021. As an infectious disease, the high level of COVID-19 rate transmission requires everyone always to prepare a prevention tools kit to minimize the risk of coronavirus exposure. This study aimed to analyze the determinant factors of readiness of the COVID-19 prevention tools kit. This study used a cross-sectional design with a mix-method technique because data collection and analysis combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in several phases of the research process. Data collected from 18 representative provinces in Indonesia with a total of respondents involved were 2,196 people. The Binary Logistic Regression tests were used to analyze the variable correlation. The multivariable analytic showed that the determinant factors with a significant correlation which affected the readiness of COVID-19 prevention tools kit in each family during pandemic in Indonesia were age 37-46 years old (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.039), female gender (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.653), self-employed jobs (p=0.028; odds ratio=2.239), income > 5 million per month (p=0.000; odds ratio=7.267), good knowledge (p=0.000; odds ratio=3.311), and good perception (p=0.001; odds ratio=2.015). The supply of tools and medicines to prevent COVID-19 is indispensable during the pandemic to protect against COVID-19 infection. Masks and hand sanitizers become the main kits most individuals have, especially when doing outside home activities. At the same time, the oximeter becomes the least kit in the family. This preparation also teaches citizens to practice a healthy lifestyle. Cross-sector coordination is needed to improve public awareness of COVID-19 prevention equipment

    Analisis Hygiene Sanitasi Kapal Di Wilayah Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya

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    Sanitation checks are carried out to assess all sanitary conditions related to the presence of environmental risk factors on the ship. This study aims to analyze ship sanitation hygiene in the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya City in August 2019. This research was an observational study with a cross-sectional approach. Data collection qualitatively by observation following the ship sanitation inspection and interview forms. A sample of 10 ships consisting of 9 cargo ships and 1 passenger ship in which the sample category is a ship that docked or berthed in the Tanjung Perak Port area of  Surabaya City and has expired the sanitation certificate of the ship. Data analysis using descriptive methods. The results of ship sanitation hygiene checks with Permenkes Number 40 of 2015 concerning Ship Sanitation Certificate. Nine out of ten vessels inspected (90%) had sanitary hygiene that met the requirements, while 1 ship (10%) did not meet the sanitation hygiene requirements, namely passenger ships. Passenger ship parts that do not meet the requirements are kitchen, pantry, warehouse, and sleeping room. There is a vector of cockroaches and flies, as well as signs of rodent life (rats). Vessels resting at the port of Tanjung Perak have fulfilled hygiene and sanitation requirements based on Permenkes Number 40 of 2015 concerning Ship Sanitation Certificate

    Determinants of COVID-19 Prevention Equipment Readiness in Families during Pandemic in Indonesia

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    Indonesia was the country with the second-highest case of COVID-19 in the South East Asia Region (SEAR) of the World Health Organization (WHO) data until August 1, 2021. As an infectious disease, the high level of COVID-19 rate transmission requires everyone always to prepare a prevention tools kit to minimize the risk of coronavirus exposure. This study aimed to analyze the determinant factors of readiness of the COVID-19 prevention tools kit. This study used a cross-sectional design with a mix-method technique because data collection and analysis combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in several phases of the research process. Data collected from 18 representative provinces in Indonesia with a total of respondents involved were 2,196 people. The Binary Logistic Regression tests were used to analyze the variable correlation. The multivariable analytic showed that the determinant factors with a significant correlation which affected the readiness of COVID-19 prevention tools kit in each family during pandemic in Indonesia were age 37-46 years old (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.039), female gender (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.653), self-employed jobs (p=0.028; odds ratio=2.239), income > 5 million per month (p=0.000; odds ratio=7.267), good knowledge (p=0.000; odds ratio=3.311), and good perception (p=0.001; odds ratio=2.015). The supply of tools and medicines to prevent COVID-19 is indispensable during the pandemic to protect against COVID-19 infection. Masks and hand sanitizers become the main kits most individuals have, especially when doing outside home activities. At the same time, the oximeter becomes the least kit in the family. This preparation also teaches citizens to practice a healthy lifestyle. Cross-sector coordination is needed to improve public awareness of COVID-19 prevention equipment

    Literature Review: Impact of Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure on Cholinesterase Enzyme Activity and Associated Risk Factors for Poisoning, 2017-2020

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    Introduction: Organophosphate pesticides, which are used to control pests of crops, affect the nervous system by inhibiting the activity of cholinesterase enzymes in the body. This can be achieved by inhaling, eating, or applying it to the skin. This study research aims to determine the level of pesticide exposure that can inhibit the activity of the Cholinesterase enzyme in the blood. This study employed a systematic literature review with library sources used through Google Scholar and Science Direct, resulting in 16 research articles discussing cholinesterase enzyme activity due to exposure to organophosphates discussed in 2017-2020. Discussion: The results of a previous study found that exposure to organophosphates significantly reduced cholinesterase enzyme activity by 50-80%. Testing for cholinesterase as a biomarker of exposure to Organophospate (OP) through acetylcholinesterase activity in red blood cells (AChE). This study explored the relationship between gender, age, knowledge of farmers, personal protective equipment, farmers’ smoking behavior, and duration of spraying. Conclusion: Poisoning alters the activity of cholinesterase enzymes in the blood of farmers, resulting in acute and chronic health problems. Several factors have been found to correlate with organophosphate poisoning, including age, level of knowledge among farmers, use of personal protective equipment, smoking behavior, and duration of spraying activities