265 research outputs found

    Kedudukan Wakil Menteri dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Nomor 79/puu-ix/2011

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pertimbangan dilaksanakannya pengangkatan wakil menteri dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kedudukan wakil menteri pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Nomor 79/PUU-IX/2011, dan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kedudukan wakil menteri pada masa yang akan datang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder sebagai landasan pemikiran yang bersifat teoritis, kemudian data itu dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan kedudukan Wakil Menteri pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 79/PUU-IX/2011 apabila dilihat dari segi kewenangannya, kedudukan Wakil Menteri di bawah Presiden dan di bawah Menteri, karena Wakil Menteri bertanggungjawab kepada Menteri dan bertugas sebagai pembantu Menteri. Dari segipengangkatannya, kedudukan Wakil Menteri di bawah Presiden, sedangkan Menteri dan Wakil Menteri kedudukannya adalah sama, dikarenakan sama-sama diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Presiden melalui tata cara dan prosedur yang sama, sedangkan Wakil Menteri kedudukannya di atas Sekretariat Jenderal/Sekretariat Kementerian. Kedudukan wakil menteri di masa yang akan datang sebaiknya ditiadakan saja, karena peraturan Perundang-undangan yang mengatur wakil menteri telah diubah pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, namun belum mampu memberikan ketegasan mengenai pengaturan Wakil Menter

    Error Analysis of Phonetic Fossilization Uttered by English Department Students University of PGRI Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tipe dan latar belakang fosilisasi fonetik yang diucapkan oleh mahasiswa semester 5 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas PGRI Semarang tahun 2014/2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan data kualitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah para mahasiswa semester 5 yang mengambil mata kuliah English Phonology dengan jumlahmahasiswa 200. Sampel penelitian adalah kelas 5E, kelas yang paling aktif dan dominan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 15% kata di dalam kuesioner penelitian yang berhasil dilafalkan dengan baik oleh para responden. Itu artinya bahwa fosilisasi fonetik dilakukan lebih dari 75% responden. Tipe kesalahan yang dibuat adalah tipe fosilisasi fonetik baik dalam kategori perseorangan maupun kelompok, sementara itu alasan-alasan mereka melakukan kesalahan adalah; 1)Simbol fonetik yang masih tidak familier bagi mahasiswa semester. 2) Terdapat habituasi dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang merujuk pada dua faktor: internal dan eksternal. Faktor internalnya adalah mahasiswa itu sendiri, yang berarti motivasi untuk belajar dan hasrat untuk lebih dalam mempelajari simbol -simbol fonetik. Faktor eksternalnya merujuk pada proses pembelajaran dan sudut pandang dosen. 3) Metode yang digunakan oleh para dosen pengampu mata kuliah English Phonology and Pronounciation. Masalah ini harus diturunkan karena 90% dari mahasiswa menyatakan di dalam wawancara bahwa mereka sangat tertarik dengan subjek ini danjuga menyatakan bahwa para dosen tidak memberikan tekanan, namun faktanya persentase kesalahan dalam pelafalan di atas rata-rata.Berdasarkan pada hasil-haasil ini, peneliti memberika saran sebagai berikut; 1) Permasalahan ini menjadi tugas bagi seluruh dosen bahasa Inggris, tidak hanya dosen yang mengajar mata kuliah English Phonology and Pronunciation. 2) Simbolsimbol fonetik harus diterapkan secara intensif dan integral sehingga para mahasiswa dapat familier dengan simbol-simbol tersebut. 3) Kebutuhan akan penelitian lebih lanjut yang terkait dengan metode-metode yang digunakan oleh para dosen

    Developing Materials for Active Learning of Guided Inquiry-integrated Bowling Campus on the Topic of Sense of Hearing and Sonar System of Living Organism

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    This study is categorized as developmental research since it puts to its core the developing materials process for active learning of guided inquiry-integrated bowling campus. This research aims to construct adequate learning materials that are based on the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The developed learning materials are lesson plan, teaching material, student worksheet, and posttest which were validated by experts to perceive information on materials' validity and were tested to 25 eight graders of Junior High School on even semester of academic year 2015/2016 by using One-Group Pretest and Posttest Design. Data analysis was undertaken in quantitavely-qualitatively descriptive way resulting: 1) Valid categorized material validity (score 3.39); 2) Student worksheet legibility shows 100% for its interesting and understandable contents, 96% for its interesting appearance and its readable and adequate student book legibility for Junior High School students displaying the average sum of sentences the researcher took from sample text which was 5.69 sentences within 100 words under average sum of 145.8 syllables; 3) Very good execution rate (average score of 3.53); 4) Students responded very positively (98.58%); 5) Student centered learning activity; 6) Increase of students' learning outcome (N-gain 0.88 and t = 23.04 > t0.05;24 = 1.711 ). This research concludes that materials for active learning of guided inquiry-integrated bowling campus which were developed have been proved valid, practical, and effective to enhance learning outcome of Junior High School students


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the communication strategy of the PromosindoWangsa in promoting the culture of Palembang City. This research method is qualitative with adescriptive approach to interviews, observation, documentation, literature study. conducted byinterviewing all informants, and the results of this study indicate that: 1.The marketingcommunication strategy of the Wangsa Promosindo event organizer at the planning stage is jointlydrafting the concept with customers, and always taking a personal approach to customers orprospective customers, 2. The marketing communication strategy for the Wangsa Promosindo eventorganizer at the implementation stage is an action that is often taken by all companies beforecarrying out their duties, such as a rehearsal which aims to reduce errors that can occur, 3 Themarketing communication strategy of Wangsa Promosido event organizer in the last stage, namelyevaluation, is to properly accept all complaints and complaints given by customers, and try tocorrect mistakes that occur during the event. Keywords: communication strategy, customer trust,marketing communicatio

    Is Social Media Impactful for University's Brand Image?

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    This research aims to verify many opinions and previous studies that stated how powerful of social media in building the image of a brand, also applies for university's brand image enhancement. Using explanatory survey research, data were collected by giving out questionnaires to samples that were taken randomly from Facebook's friend list of a private university that located in South Jakarta. The results showed that the most powerful influence occurs on the role of 'community' towards the brand identity and the role of 'connectivity' towards the brand benefits. Another interesting finding of this research is, it turns out 'openness' and 'conversation' has no significant effect on all components that make up the brand image. Thus, it can be said that the positive image on the mind of consumer audience regarding the brand identity, personality, association, attitude or behavior and the benefit offered by a university's brand not necessarily be formed by the openness and willingness to dialogue or make conversations.Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, UB, Brand Image, University's Brand Imag

    Is Social Media Impactful for University's Brand Image?

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    This research aims to verify many opinions and previous studies that stated how powerful of social media in building the image of a brand, also applies for university's brand image enhancement. Using explanatory survey research, data were collected by giving out questionnaires to samples that were taken randomly from Facebook's friend list of a private university that located in South Jakarta. The results showed that the most powerful influence occurs on the role of 'community' towards the brand identity and the role of 'connectivity' towards the brand benefits. Another interesting finding of this research is, it turns out 'openness' and 'conversation' has no significant effect on all components that make up the brand image. Thus, it can be said that the positive image on the mind of consumer audience regarding the brand identity, personality, association, attitude or behavior and the benefit offered by a university's brand not necessarily be formed by the openness and willingness to dialogue or make conversations.Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, UB, Brand Image, University's Brand Imag

    Pеran Dinas Kеbudayaan dan Pariwisata Banyuwangi pada Pеnyеlеnggaraan Fеstival Gandrung Sеwu Sеbagai Daya Tarik Wisata

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    Fеstival gandrung sеwu is an annual fеstival which is classifiеd as a big еvеnt in Banyuwangi bеcausе it involvеs 1000 participants morе as gandrung dancеrs. Fеstival gandrung sеwu is a mеdium to attract tourists to visit Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi Culturе and Tourism Officе is thе organizеr of thееvеnt.Thе purposе of this rеsеarch to dеtеrminе thе rolе of Banyuwangi Culturе and Tourism Officеin organizing and promoting gandrung sеwu fеstival and know thе tourist attraction gеnеratеd from thеgandrung sеwu fеstival.Thе rеsеarch mеthod usеd is qualitativе dеscriptivе with data collеction tеchniquе through intеrviеw, obsеrvation and documеntation.Thе rеsults of this rеsеarch arе Banyuwangi Culturе and Tourism Officе acts as a motivator, facilitator, and dynamicator, in which thе thrее rolеs havе bееn wеll implеmеntеd. Banyuwangi Culturе and Tourism Officе in promoting thе fеstival of gandrung sеwu implеmеnts a promotion mix consisting of advеrtising, dirеct sеlling, public rеlations, and pеrsonal sеlling. Thе tourist attraction includеs good thеmеs, packaging and chorеography, contains еducational еlеmеnts, locatеd on thе Bеach, and only еxist in Banyuwangi. Kеywords: Gandrung Sеwu Fеstival, Rolе of Banyuwangi Culturе and Tourism Officе, Promotion, Tourism Attraction

    Pengaruh Pemberian Air Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrijolia L) terhadap Performans dan Berat Organ dalam Ayam Broiler

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi per formans (konsumsi ransum, berat hidup dan konversi ransum) dan organ dalam (persentase berat gizzard, persentase berat usus halus, persentase panjang usus halus dan persentase berat hati) ayam broiler dengan pemberian air buah mengkudu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kandang Jurusan Peternakan, Universitas Bengkulu. Sejumlah 64 ekor ayam dibagi dalam 4 perlakuan. Perlakuan tersebut adalah P0 (sebagai kontrol tanpa pemberian air mengkudu ke dalam 1 liter air minum), P1 (25 ml air mengkudu dalam l liter air minum), P2 (50 ml air mengkudu dalam 1 liter air minum) dan P3 (75 ml air mengkudu dalam 1 liter air minum). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Uji DMRT dilakukan untuk menguji perbedaan anter perlakuan. Terdapat perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05) pemberian air buah mengkudu dalam air minum ayam broiler terhadap konsumsi ransum, berat hidup dan konversi ransum, persentase beret gizzard,persentase berat usus halus, persentase panjang usus halus dan persentase berat hati ayam broiler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air buah mengkudu hingga 75 ml dalam air minum tidak memberikanperformans yang baik pada ayam broiler


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    The research aims to know the mathematical connections of students of class VII on the material triangle. The method used is descriptive with the metacognitive approach. The subject of this research is class VII MTs DAARUL MA'ARIF. The result of data analysis shows students of class VII MTs on material triangle still low. This can be know at the time students do the questions, or practice in everyday life. From the results of the percentage of 5 students only 45% knowledge about the material triangle