6 research outputs found

    Hukum Melakukan Penimbunan Harta/monopoli (Ihtikâr) Dalam Perspektif Hadis

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    The Legal Position of Monopoly (ihtikâr ) in Hadîts Perspectives. One of the functions of prophetic traditions (hadîts) is to provide explanation for the Qur'anic injunctions. In line with this function, no single verse did the Qur'an deal with the issue of monopoly. Monopoly is a kind of social dealing or trading that causes the society suffer at the most. The merchant hoards certain goods and monopolizes the market when the supply decreases while the demand raises, and when social demand reaches its peak, the merchat releases the goods and sells them in very high prices. Through close reading of the prophetic tradition, the author argues that there can be found some tenets which expressedly prohibit such practice. This essay attempts to examine the validity of monopoly related prophetic traditions and concludes that their validity can be achieved

    The Practice of Hibah as a Substitute Heir Among the Javanese Family

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    This paper is an attempt to discuss the tradition of bequest or hibah as an inheritance, in which the wealth is distributed before the parents passed away among Javanese Family in Selesai Langkat. Data collection used qualitative method and phenomenology approach. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. The data from the field was collected, processed, reduced and then concluded. It is concluded that there are three patterns of giving hibah: the first, the treasure is granted entirely to the heirs before the heirs passed away. The surviving heir is usually set aside for living expenses and needs. The heir is usually living with the youngest child called, the ‘ragil.' When he dies, the child who tookcare will inherit the wealth. Second, inheritance is distributed after the heir dies. Third, families who are prosperous in terms of economics usually give grants to all children in the form of fields and houses

    Analisis Penyelesaian Kepailitan Perbankan Syariah Di Pengadilan Niaga Dalam Putusan No.01/Pdt-Suspkpu/2015/Pn Niaga Medan Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    This study aims to explain the legal basis for bankruptcy settlement on musyarakah and murabahah financing in the Commercial Court in the decision No.01 / Pdt-Sus-PKPU / 2015 / PN Niaga Mdn, this study aims to explain whether in the decision No.01 / Pdt-Sus-PKPU / 2015 / PN Niaga Mdn is in accordance with sharia principles based on Islamic economic theory. The research method that will be used in this research is qualitative research methods that arefield research, namely detailed research on one particular subject, and one document. This research is a qualitative research obtained by compilers based on data in the field, namely in the Medan District Court, North Sumatra. The research approach used by the compiler is a normative approach, the normative approach is to approach the problem by seeing and seeing a discussion of a problem with emphasis on legal aspects Islam in this study is based on Islamic law which has been interpreted through the fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN), KHES, KHAES, andbooks Fiqh. The collection technique used by the author to collect research data is by using the interview method with Mr. Jamaluddin , SH, MH (Public Relations & Judges of the Medan District Court) and using the compiling documentation method to collect documents regarding sharia banking decision letters which were decided at the Medan District Court and other supporting documents


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    Penelitian ini akan menganalisis pertimbangan hakim dalam menetapkan sanksi kepada pelaku penganiayaan berdasarkan perspektif hukum pidana Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kasus (case approach). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pertimbangan hakim mengurangi hukuman dari dua belas tahun menjadi enam bulan dikarenakan pelaku bersikap sopan di depan persidangan. Mereka juga mengakui dan menyesali pebuatannya serta berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi. Selanjutnya yang menjadi pertimbangan hakim adalah anak tersebut belum pernah dihukum dan mereka memiliki masa depan yang panjang. Keputusan hakim dalam perkara ini dianggap tidak sesuai dengan tindak pidana yang dilakukan. Putusan yang diberikan oleh hakim terlalu ringan, mengingat perbuatan yang dilakukan pelaku tergolong penganiayaan berat dan menyebabkan korban kehilangan nyawa. Dari perspektif hukum pidana Islam, apa yang menjadi pertimbangan hakim belum memenuhi kriteria penjatuhan sanksi, hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada para pelaku penganiayaan seharusnya adalah hukuman qisash. Hal itu dikarenakan mereka melakukan pembunuhan secara bersama-sama dan syarat penetapan qisash terpenuhi pada para pelaku dan korban