14 research outputs found

    Analysis of Mathematics Literation Capability in Cube and Beam Materials on Mts Students Reviewed from Dependent and Independent Field Kognitiffield Style

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    This research is a descriptive qualitative research which aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of the material of cubes and beams of class VIII A students at MTsN 2 Indramayu that it be seen in terms of cognitive styles of dependent ïŹelds and independent ïŹelds. Data will be whereas to describe the ability of mathematical literacy using observation; interview test; documentation. Data from this study were analyzed using Miles and Huberman (2007) data analysis which consisted of data reduction,datapresentation,andconclusiondrawing.Theresultsofthisstudyindicate that students in the Field Dependent cognitive style use the concept and the steps of the test work are still not appropriate. While students in Field Independent cognitive style use the right concepts and work steps. The advice given is that the teacher should provide balanced proportions in giving individual and group assignments to students (more conical).     Keywords: Mathematical literacy ability, Field Dependent, Field Independent

    Pre-service Teachers’ Statistical Reasoning based on Cognitive Style

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    The use of statistical concepts in real-life problems has become a challenge for students. This challenge is related to statistical reasoning (SR) ability which is influenced by several factors including cognitive style. Therefore, this research aims to understand the process of statistical reasoning from the perspective of cognitive style. A qualitative method was used and the subjects were students who are pre-service mathematics teachers. The instrument used were Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), statistical reasoning tests, as well as interview guidelines, and the data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive method. The results showed statistical reasoning of the field independent pre-service mathematics teacher is better than the field dependent. Also, those with the same cognitive style, which is field independent, but different genders showed different reasoning processes. It was concluded that males have better Statistical Reasoning processes than females, and cognitive style as well as gender affect the reasoning abilities

    Student’s Learning Independence Profiles in Solving HOTS Questions Related to Numeracy

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    Learning independence is one factor in learning outcomes. The ability to solve HOTS questions related to numeracy is also a learning outcome. This paper examines the profile of student learning independence in solving HOTS questions related to numeracy. Researchers conducted qualitative research. Researchers took data from student work, observations, and interviews. This study describes three learning independence profiles of students in solving HOTS questions related to numeracy. Low independence learning students tend not to use Polya’s theory in working on the given questions; meanwhile, moderate and high learning independence students tend to use Polya’s idea in solving the given problem

    The Mathematics Connection of Teacher Candidates to Solve Mathematics Problems of Primary School Teacher Candidates

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    Education encourages the teacher candidates to connect the taught concepts and to instill a more comprehensive understanding. The researchers comprehended the mathematics connections made by the moderate mathematics students in solving mathematics problems. The researchers applied a qualitative approach to identify the connections in the problem-solving process. The researchers collected the data from 35 students of primary school education enlisted at Universitas Negeri Semarang. The researchers collected the data with the mathematics connection evaluation, strategy, and interview. The researchers collected the data with the screened interview process, taken with purposive sampling. The researchers developed the questions based on the mathematics connection characteristics proposed by NCTM. The connection included inter-mathematics topic connection, interdisciplinary connection, and daily life connection. The researchers revealed three connection types established by the students while solving the problems. They were comprehension, reasoning, representation, and procedure

    Effect of Two-Dimensional Geometry Learning on Geometric Thinking of Undergraduate Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of two-dimensional geometry learning on the geometric thinking of undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This qualitative research involved students in the sixth semester. Data were collected using documentation, test descriptions, and interviews. The results showed there are some reasons why the students faced difficulty in mastering a higher level of geometric thinking: the lack of understanding of the concepts in geometry, the lack of knowledge of the definitions of terms and statements, and how to use them to prove. This study concludes that the variation in the geometric thinking level of undergraduate students shows that there are various students' abilities in two-dimensional geometry, starting from mastering concepts, definitions, and theorems to their use in proof. The suggestion is that several strategies are needed to serve these variations, starting from learning assistance and using diverse learning media. Stakeholders, teachers, and prospective teachers can use the results of this study to improve their understanding of geometry and how to teach it in schools

    Analysis of Students' Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Module-assisted Online Learning in terms of Self-efficacy

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    The research aims to describe the underlying cause of students' low Creative Thinking Ability (CTA), and examine the effectiveness of online learning assisted by module in improving CTA in terms of self-efficacy. The research applied a mixed-method. The subjects were 8-grade students. The qualitative research subjects were selected purposively, generating two students for each category of low, medium, and high self-efficacy. While quantitative research used cluster sampling to classify experimental and control classes. The independent variable of the study was self-efficacy, and the dependent variable was CTA. Data collection was conducted by observation, interviews, documents, questionnaire, and test. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis, statistical regression tests, and t-test. The results showed that the underlying cause of low CTA was in students' low and medium self-efficacy. Students with low and moderate self-efficacy highly depended on teacher help. For students with high self-efficacy, the CTA worked well. The results also revealed that the average CTA in the experimental class reached the minimum criteria of mastery learning; the average CTA of the experimental class was better than the CTA of the control class; and the effect of positive self-efficacy on CTA was 38.50% in the experimental category, showing that this learning was effective

    Development of General Arithmetic E-Module Based on APOS Theory to Improve Problem Solving Ability and Independence in Middle School and High School Students

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    To learn about other parts of math, like how to work with numbers, you need to know arithmetic. The characteristics and concepts in mathematics are interrelated, therefore students need to acquire an introductory or basic grasp to assist in developing math skills (even if operations are considered basic stuff). This comprehension lays the groundwork for the acquisition of other mathematical talents, including problem-solving skills, which are crucial to a kid's success in school. Students and teachers alike rely heavily on online resources, yet this resource is not fully utilized in today's educational systems. In addition, not all online e-modules meet the standards of good e-modules, which results in subpar learning and makes it harder to accomplish certain educational goals. The goal of this research is to create an expert-based, user-friendly, and practical e-module for teaching elementary school mathematics that incorporates APOS theory in order to improve students' ability to learn independently and solve problems. This type of research is Design Research with the type of development studies divided into three phases, namely Preliminary research, Development or prototyping phase, and Assessment phase. Students from SMP Negeri 1 Winong, and MA Darul Ma'la made up the research sample. The data was gathered through a combination of tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The study's findings demonstrate that the generated e-modules are of sufficient quality in terms of being valid, practical, and effective. validated by material experts and media experts, including lecturers and teachers, so that this e-module is considered valid by material experts and media experts, practical by lecturers, teachers, and students who use it through questionnaires, and effective based on problem-solving abilities and student learning independence after implementation


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    Resiliensi matematis berguna buat dipergunakan peserta didik pada soal literasi matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap literasi matematik peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini penelitian survei korelasional. Sampel pada penelitian ini merupakan peserta didik MA Nudia Semarang tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yang menggunakan jumlah responden 24 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data angket untuk mengukur resiliensi matematis dan tes uraian untuk mengukur literasi matematis siswa. Analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan uji normalitas serta uji linearitas terlebih dahulu baru dilakukan analisis inferensial. Pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikan 0,005 < 0,05 yang disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap literasi matematik peserta didik. Besar pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap literasi matematik peserta didik sebesar 30,4%.Mathematical resilience is useful for students to use in mathematical literacy problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mathematical resilience on students’ mathematical literacy. This type of research is a correlational survey research. The sample in this study were students of MA Nudia Semarang in the 2022/2023 academic year. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique that used the number of respondents 24 respondents. The technique of collecting data is a questionnaire to measure mathematical resilience and a description test to measure students’ mathematical literacy. Analysis of research results using normality test and linearity test first then inferential analysis is carried out. Testing the research hypothesis using simple regression analysis. The results showed that the significant value was 0,005 < 0,05 which concluded that there was an effect of mathematical resilience on the mathematical literacy of students. The effect of mathematical resilience on students’ mathematical literacy is 30,4

    Kualitas Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Implementasinya dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SMA

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    Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) merupakan deskripsi tertulis tentang rencana kegiatan pembelajaran yang seharusnya dapat diimplementasikan dalam praktik pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas RPP dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran matematika SMA. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualititatif. Subjek penelitian meliputi 32 orang guru  matematika SMA. Analisis data digunakan metode triangulasi (membandingkan data observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara terbatas). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kualitas RPP berada pada kategori cukup di semua indikator, sedangkan implementasinya berada pada kategori cukup hanya pada indikator perumusan materi ajar dan kegiatan pembelajaran, pada indikator yang lain berada pada kategori kurang. Dalam hal ini guru matematika SMA disarankan dapat mengembangkan RPP yang lebih berkualitas dan implementatif, yang mampu membiasakan siswa pada kegiatan pemecahan masalah, pengembangan HOTs dan kinerja metakognitif, serta melakukan kegiatan evaluasi yang komprehensif.Kata kunci: Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Implementasi RPP, Pembelajaran Matematika

    Model Expertise Management System di Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    Pemanfaatan sistem informasi sebagai penopang organisasi tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, dimana setiap bagian dari organisasi diharapkan mampu memberikan pelayanan yang cepat dan akurat kepada setiap end user. Salah satu bentuk layanan sistem informasi tersebut adalah Expertise Management System (EMS). EMS dikembangkan di Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) memiliki kemampuan untuk menyajikan data tentang pakar-pakar yang telah dimiliki UNNES kepada end user. Desain EMS melalui tahap prototype (analisis, perancangan, desain sistem, DFD, ERD, dan desain skema database), pemrograman, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Melalui EMS ini pula, UNNES dapat menawarkan pakar-pakarnya untuk berkolaborasi dalam penelitian maupun kegiatan lainnya, sehingga dengan sendirinya akan memperkuat posisi UNNES di dalam persaingan tingkat regional maupun global